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Phew, I finished a lot sooner than I thought I would lol. Which is of course great for you guys. If you like dark skinned women, foot fetish stuff, and anal sex. And let's be honest, how could you not like at least one of those things? Esmeralda has always been a favorite Disney lady of mine (right up there at the top with Megara actually) and I hope some of that fondness came across in the story!

“Stick her in here until Claud Frollo gets back. He wants to interrogate the gypsy woman himself!”

“Should we lock her in or stand guard?”

“I'll lock her in. You stay inside with her!”

“Why do I have to stay in here with her if you're gonna lock it?”

“Because I say so!”

Esmeralda smiled at her guard as the heavy wooden door slammed shut. He remained stock still by the entrance, his hand firmly gripping his spear and his eyes looking anywhere but her. With a coquettish little laugh she sat down at the small table in the center of the room, crossing her legs and continuing to stare at him with her large, emerald colored eyes. Her glossy black hair spilled over her bare shoulders and cascaded around her delicate face like an alluring shroud. Hidden by the soft curtain was the gleaming yellow hoop earring in her left ear and the headband sash that struggled to keep her mane in check. The golden bangle and matching armlet on her wrists jingled softly in the silence as she leaned over the wooden table. Similar adornments covered her ankles and drew attention to her bare feet, though not nearly as much as the ever fluttering hem of her silk teal dress. The upper most portions of the garment emerged just high enough from her bodice to hide her breasts while still pulling all but the strongest willed men's gaze to the prominent cleavage left visible. Added to that was the dusky beauty of her bare forearms and the overall tanned warmth of her skin and it was no wonder Claud Frollo desired her so greatly. Of course nobody was more aware of her beauty than her.

“What's your name” She asked after nearly a minute of tense, for him at least, silence.

“Why do you want to know?” He quickly asked.

Esmeralda shrugged and looked around the room she'd soon be escaping from, “If we're going to be here we should know one another's name.”

The man bristled slightly and uncomfortably adjusted his tunic. As far as guards went he was far more handsome than most men she'd run afoul of. His silvery blue eyes alone would have been enough to draw her attention. Even if he hadn't been taller than most of his companions by a head. Or bulky enough to have trouble fitting through all the doorways she'd been escorted through. His perfectly shaved, square jawed face and pale complexion was definitely a plus too. Even if he didn't tell her his name she'd still find a way to cozy up to him while she was 'trapped' inside Frollo's room. For no other reason than because she was always up for a little fun. Although his presence being crucial to her escape definitely added a nice level of justification to her plan.

“Hugo.” He finally said. “My name is Hugo . . .”

“Nice to meet you Hugo. It's a shame we couldn't have started off on a better foot . . .”

Hugo quietly scoffed at her words and returned his gaze to the wall, “I know how your kind likes to start with men.”

“Do you?”

“Of course. I've heard all about what you gypsy women are like.”

“Well it's all true of course.”

He opened his mouth, undoubtedly to reply with some predetermined and racist comment, but the words stopped dead at her blatant admission of guilt. “W-what?”

“The rumors,” Esmeralda laughed, “They're all true. Especially the ones going through your head right now . . .”

Hugo swallowed several times and finally looked directly at her, “H-how did you—”

“It's what all men think about when they see me. Why else would Claud Frollo command you to detain me.”

“I assumed you were a criminal.”

“I am. If my crime is beauty.”

He nodded at her words as a look of comprehension spread across his face, “We're guarding you for his—”

“Personal desires?” She interrupted again, “Of course.”

“You must be lying.” He said, his eyes narrowing suddenly, “Claud Frollo is not—”

“A man?”

“Of course but he is also—”

“Let me ask you this: if I was like any other criminal why would he have you detain me in his personal quarters? Why not throw me in prison like all the rest hmm?”

Esmeralda smiled as he mulled over her words, delighting in the very visible way he was won over by the completely obvious points she'd made, “I had no idea . . .”

“Nor should you. But still, it's the world we've found ourselves in all the same.”

Sighing with a look of disgust and weariness Hugo's posture relaxed considerably and he stared at Esmeralda for a moment. She smiled knowingly at him and asked, “You want to ask me about those rumors now don't you?”

“. . . Yes . . .”

“Have a seat,” She instructed, pushing a stool out with her foot, “I know just where to start!”

Hugo did as he was bidden and sat down across from her, his weapon clattering to the floor, “Where is that?”

“Well . . .” Esmeralda leaned in close, her foot trailing along his boot just softly enough for him to wonder if it was really happening, “We gypsies like to take our time . . . build up to it . . . it's always more enjoyable for everyone . . .”

“I-I see . . . that makes sense!”

Her toes continued to drift upwards, brushing against his muscular thighs and moving inexorably higher with every passing second. The closer she came to her goal the more overly she caressed his body through his breeches. To his credit Hugo did an admirable job pretending not to notice her intentions but he couldn't quite keep his body under control the entire time. Every so often a little shiver would work it's way up his spine and though she pretended not to notice Esmeralda's smile always widened a little. By the time her foot was tracing little lines across his inner thighs Hugo was barely able to string together a cohesive sentence. He was clearly far more pent up than she'd expected, which only made the thrill and her eventual plan even easier. And a lot more fun. She paused just a few centimeters from his groin, leaning back and yawning as though it were any other interaction and her delicate toes weren't a slight movement away from his undoubtedly throbbing cock. She locked eyes with him and he swallowed several times in quick succession.

“H-how long does the build up last?” He finally asked.

Esmeralda shrugged and looked away from him like she as losing interest, “As long as it can . . .”

Despite her feigned disinterest her foot did drift that last handful of centimeters to finally touch his swollen manhood. Just as she'd expected he was completely rigid beneath his legging and feel of her body against his manhood only made it swell more. Resting her heel on the seat for easier access she pressed the ball of her foot against the center of his dick just hard enough to make him involuntarily lean forward. A soft grunt emerged from his lips and he stared down at the table as though trying to see through the wood itself. Her soft laugh pulled his gaze back to her face and the knowing smile spread across her face kept it there. As she slowly started to rub his shaft she watched his hands curl into fists and an expression of supreme concentration overtake him. It was obvious he didn't want to waste the opportunity she was teasing him with by finishing too early. And that he was very likely going to do exactly that if she continued. So naturally Esmeralda started moving a little faster. She spread her first two toes as wide as they could go and straddled the shaft of his prick, gently stroking it with an impressive dexterity with the rest of her foot was still rubbing against the tip.

“Of course . . .” She started to say, “Sometimes we simply can't help ourselves . . . we all have our vices after all!”

“Yes we do!” Hugo groaned.

Seductively licking her lips and leaning towards him again Esmeralda allowed a small quiver of arousal to break her alluring facade for a moment. She was easily just as turned on as he was and the fluids dripping from her sensitive pussy were quickly beginning to stain her dress. But she couldn't jump straight into things without at least one last attempt to make her guard squirm. Her elbow came to rest on the table and her chin was cupped by the upturned palm of the same hand while the other idly drifted down her soft neck and towards her constricting bodice. Hugo noticed it's movements just as they coyly darted beneath the fabric above her cleavage. His cock pulsed wildly between her toes and pushed back against her foot so hard she wondered if it would actually manage to tear his pants. Sadly no such feat occurred, even after she giggled and pulled the top of her dress down several inches. The upper edge of her large, dark areola emerged from behind the none too modest garment and his eyes went as wide as dinner plates. She continued tugging at the cloth with small, purposefully useless movements that made her ample breasts jiggle and bounce with each pull. For a few seconds she maintained the careful balance of stimulating his cock with her foot and his eyes with her almost bare tits. Before long even her own body was starting to grow frustrated with all the teasing and her desires were quickly turning into full blown needs. With one final, lip biting smile she yanked her bodice down the last few inches needed for her large chest to finally breathe in the warm summer air.

“My God . . .” Hugo muttered, his jaw nearly hitting the table as he drank in the sight of her perfect mounds.

“You should be thanking him,” She teased, “For giving me these and for what I'm about to do with this!” Her last words were accompanied by one last stroke of his member with her toes.

She was about to order him to rise when he suddenly stood up, his chair skidding several feet back and his eyes alight with lust. Esmeralda rose to her feet as well, sauntering towards Frollo's lavish bed with purposefully swinging hips. Hugo followed closely behind and reached towards her body. He didn't get the chance to embrace her as he so clearly intended though. The moment his hands brushed against her wide hips she spun on her heel and shoved him onto the bed with both hands. He fell back without a word, merely staring up at her in disbelief and excitement. While she stepped onto the silken sheets and straddled his legs he clumsily unfastened his belt. She took over after a moment and effortlessly freed his wonderfully large cock and balls from their confinement. For good measure she gave his shaft a few strokes before grabbing her own dress and lifting it so he could see what was about to happen. Moving above his dick until she was perfectly positioned she revealed the last part of her body she knew he was dying to see. Her once smooth outer lips were completely soaked by her arousal and the glistening pink flesh between them was fully visible from his angle. Naturally the first thing he thought to talk about was only loosely connected to the appealing sight.

“Do you not wear undergarments?” He asked in a dazed voice, staring unblinkingly at her freshly revealed pussy and the mound of sticky hair that crested it.

“They just get in the way!” Esmeralda laughed. “Want to know something else about gypsies?” Hugo nodded as quickly as his neck would allow, “We don't see the value in limiting ourselves!”

Steadying his shaft with one hand she lowered herself onto his tip with an excited whimper. To his surprise the head of his cock didn't press against her slick pussy but rather against the even tighter hole hidden just behind it. He had enough time to gasp at the realization before his dick was sliding into her ass like it had always belonged there. Esmeralda squealed in unmitigated pleasure as the edges of her hole were pushed wide open and her walls at long last felt the warmth of a cock again. She didn't stop until her plump cheeks were resting against his thighs and every inch of his rod was firmly embedded inside her. With her hands suddenly free to use as she saw fit she immediately leaned forward and grabbed his broad shoulders for support. He found purchase on her curvy hips and held on for dear life while she started to rise. Hugo looked from her softly bouncing tits to her flushed expression as fast as his eyes would allow, drinking them both in while his member was squeezed harder than he'd ever experienced. That tightness only increased the higher up his shaft she went and the more hungrily her body latched onto what little was still inside. It reached the peak when naught but his tip was left within her ass and she was gripping him so snugly he thought he might pass out from the pleasure.

Luckily, or perhaps unluckily, she did slide back down again just a touch faster than before. Her wet ass cheeks smacked against his skin with an audible smack and they both moaned in pleasure. Esmeralda didn't pause for even a second after that initial burst, her hips rising once more while their gasps were still echoing in the room. Faster than he could process she was bouncing up and down on his cock with more enthusiasm than any prostitute in Paris. Thick, gooey strands of pussy juice splattered across their thighs and her already heaving breasts jiggled with complete abandon from the increased motions. She leaned back as the speed continued to build, pulling her knees off the bed so she could push with the very tips of her toes. Her hands latched onto his legs for support while he simply focused on not finishing too fast. Both of them wanted to prolong the pleasure as much as possible yet they both knew it wasn't going to last even a quarter as long as they wanted it to. Esmeralda herself was only just starting to draw close to her own climax and from the look on Hugo's face she knew she wasn't going to get there quite yet. Still, riding a nice fat dick was always enjoyable for her and any excuse to feel one inside her ass was even better yet. She closed her eyes and let herself fall into the waves of bliss cresting inside her after each messy smack of their gyrating bodies. It didn't take more than a minute for her to notice the mad throbbing of his shaft and the almost adorable way he gasped for air at the apex of every bounce. He managed another thirty seconds of wild, breathless sex with the most desirable gypsy woman in the city before finally giving in to his own limitations.

“Oh Lord!” Hugo groaned, “Please forgive me!”

Esmeralda laughed at his plea and slammed herself down on his cock one last time. She covered his trembling hands with her own and gasped as his shaft swelled inside her already stretched ass. A little shiver of anticipation danced down her spine while she squeezed him as hard as her quivering body could manage. After a few moments of wild throbbing he finally reached his peak. Hugo's entire body tensed at once when the first ropey jet of cum exploded into his gypsy lover's asshole. Deliciously warm jizz basted her inner walls and she let out a climactic moan of her own. His initial spurt had barely emerged before another quickly joined the flood filling her up. Esmeralda threw her head back and cupped her heaving breasts, partly to add a little stimulation to her oversexed body but mostly to give her partner a bit more incentive to let go of his waning self control. As spunk continued to flow into her ass in impressive quantities she couldn't help but feel like her plan worked. It didn't take long for her hole to fill up completely and the excess fluids to start trickling out. Both of them shivered at the undeniably delightful feeling of his cum steadily dribbling out of her ass. When coupled with the ever messy stream seeping out of her tight, pink slit the lower halves of their bodies were swiftly coated in a pungent and satisfying mixture. She remained perched on his turgid member well after he finished cumming, her own pleasure making it hard to properly register when he'd finished. Once his dick started to shrink and the walls of her asshole were left stretched around nothing she knew it was now or never.

Bending low to give Hugo one final kiss, one he barely noticed in his stupor, Esmeralda lifted herself off his shaft and quickly readjusted her dress. The cum dripping from her ass and the fluids leaking from her pussy couldn't be fixed as easily but that was an issue for another time. She rushed towards the nearest window and threw it open. After casting one final glance at her one time lover she climbed through the portal and onto the decorations outside. She wasn't as high up as she seemed and thanks to the decadence of French architecture she had more than enough handholds to climb down. The soft snap of the window closing again stirred Hugo from his post sex reverie. As soon as he realized what had just transpired he leapt from the bed and rushed towards the window, hastily tucking his cock back into his breeches as he went. Yet when looked out the stained glass and saw his former prisoner climbing down the building he couldn't help but hesitate. He'd never been a very spiteful person but Claud Frollo was something of a special case. Part of him couldn't help but take a small amount of selfish glee in knowing he'd been able to sleep with Esmeralda when the aging judge desired it so much. Deciding whatever punishment he'd receive was well worth the fun Hugo turned away from the door and collected his discarded weapon. He sat down in one of the stools and tried to look as dazed as possible until frollo returned. Eventually his severe, grey haired master arrived and threw open his door. Upon seeing the room devoid of the object of his desire he instantly flew into a rage.

“What's the meaning of this?!” Claud Frollo demanded. “Where is the gypsy woman?”

“S-she escaped sir!” Hugo stammered.

“How did she escape you fool?!”

“She m-must have put a spell on me sir!”

“And where did you go?” Frollo demanded, turning towards the other guard.

“T-there was a problem down on the streets. I-I thought Hugo could handle it!”

“Idiots! You both should know how sneaky gypsies can be! Especially Esmeralda!”

“I'm sorry sir!”

“I wasn't thinking sir!”

“Find her! Now! God help you if she's left the city!”

“Yes sir!” They both stammered.

As the guards ran off Frollo walked into his room and slammed the door. He sniffed the air several times, stepping closer to his bed with each inhale, and quietly asked, “What's that smell?”


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