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Once again we have another example of something I personally haven't experienced making it's way into my story index. I also don't write much NTR stuff so this is a bit of a double whammy. Any apparent mistakes regarding the characters or their personalities (excluding the entire premise lol) can be blamed on that. Enjoy the wild robo sex!

2B stepped over the sparking remains of her foes, the screech of her katana sliding back into its sheath forming forming a discordant note in the windswept ruins of the crumbling city she and 9S had found themselves in. A gentle breeze ruffled her grey hair and set the hem of her black skirt fluttering around her thighs.  Flecks of dirt and oil her thigh high black stockings and boots. What little of the white leotard she wore beneath her main attire was also dotted with evidence of her many recent battles though it still managed to stand apart from her remarkably soft looking alabaster skin all the same. The rest of her black ensemble bore similar marks but was no less the worse for wear otherwise.  She brushed some detritus from her puffy sleeves, adjusted her gloves so they sat more comfortably on her hands, and looked down at the shredded robots beneath her. 2B could feel her partner's gaze on her body, the sensation only increasing as she knelt down and the wind picked up. He had an unconscious but obvious tendency to admire her plump, shapely buttocks whenever they could be glimpsed beneath her skirt. Or the soft flesh of her thighs as it was squished up and out of her tight stockings.

“Keep an eye out 9S.” She commanded.

“Okay 2B!” He said with an enthusiastic nod.

As her partner turned away she was free to contemplate a new mystery unfolding around them. For quite some time 2B had following a strange discrepancy with the robots they'd been fighting. The vast majority looked, acted, and seemed no different compared to the others. But every so often, perhaps one in twenty, one among the others had a noticeable modification ot it's chassis. Modeled after a human phallus and about as big as her forearm the protrusions were impossible to miss and easily the most baffling addition to the robots she'd seen yet. Second only to their presence was the strange mystery of their behavior. Any robot without the mod didn't behave any differently and died just the same as all the others. The ones that did have them didn't appear to be hostile and upon death made a strangely melancholic whirring noise before falling silent. It had taken 2B some time to notice the trend amidst the chaos of battle but once it was discovered she couldn't keep herself from thinking about it. There was little to be gleaned from the disassembled remains however and try as she might the android woman simply couldn't find a single connecting element between the various models she'd seen. The inexplicable alteration was applied to every type of robot they had yet encountered with seemingly no rhyme or reason. It was as though they'd been purposefully produced and integrated into the regular units for some ineffable purpose.

“We're leaving now.” 2B finally announced, “We need to keep moving.”

“Great! Where should we head next?”

2B looked around the area for a moment and set off towards a seemingly empty alley between two half destroyed buildings. Despite her own interest the mission still took precedence and that was the fastest way to their objective. She moved at a brisk stroll with 9S following close behind. As they neared the edge of the brick and metal corridor the breeze began to die down and she could sense her companion's attention leave her body and return to their surroundings. As much as it ever did at least.  Allowing herself the smallest of relieved sighs 2B climbed onto a large piece of rubble blocking their path and hopped down the other side. In the split second of time she was in the air her black skirt fluttered high up her creamy thighs, nearly inverting completely from the sudden drop. Which proved more than enough distraction for 9S to pause half way up the debris and stare longingly at her body. Keeping her back to him and folding her arms 2B made her frustration in the situation as apparent as possible. It was entirely likely he'd misinterpret it, as he always did, but short of out and out calling him on his attraction there was little she could do. And such a discussion never ended well. When he was back on the ground and pretending not to admire her they resumed walking. A few uneventful twists and turns down the pathway eventually led them to a blind corner and a ninety degree turn. Almost certain she knew what would be waiting for them 2B leapt into the middle of the street in a battle ready crouch. A notably large group of robots were milling around as if waiting for something, just as she'd predicted.

As one the crowd turned towards them, seemingly just as taken aback as they were. In that moment 2B noticed something that both piqued her curiosity and made her want to turn on her heel and head back the other way. Every single one had the phallic addition and the group was bizarrely diverse. In the front were the smallest, bullet shaped bots, the units with the wheels standing in front of the ones with legs. Behind them stood the models nearly as tall as her or 9S with spindly arms while the largest and most heavily built towered over them all in the far back. Their perfectly circular white eyes stared directly at 2B without so much as a glance at her companion and the rusted outer shells of their metallic frames were thrown into sharp contrast with the gleaming length of their robotic penises. They made no menacing moves towards the pair, in fact no part of them moved at all save their perpetually twitching members and the occasional clenching of their hands. Where applicable. She slowly reached towards the hilt of her katana, readying herself for a fight. But as her fingers brushed against the cloth wrapped metal she hesitated. Capitalizing on her inaction the robots started lumbering, shuffling, and rolling towards her. Their strange gait was made even more awkward by the swinging shafts pointing straight at her.

“2B!” her ally needlessly shouted.

She looked at the concern on his face and felt her hand slip off her weapon, “Wait. I want to see what they're doing.”

“Are you crazy?! They're gonna hurt you!”

“Not if they're like the others.”

“What others! Wait, what are you doing?!”

She knew full well what they wanted from her. It was the same thing 9S wanted. What any male creature seemed to want. But perhaps she could use them to avoid a future problem. Thinking, as she often did, about 9S' unmistakable attraction to her 2B realized the opportunity being presented. As humiliating and degrading as it might be there was no way to send a more clear message or hopefully erase any romantic feelings he may have for her. The idea wouldn't have ever crossed her mind had all previous attempts fallen completely flat. It was for his own good, she reasoned. It was the only way to completely dissuade him. Returning her weapons to their sheath 2B allowed the robots to surround her while he continued to call out to her. He was surely going to try and stop them from doing anything. Even as she looked at him through the slowly closing gap in the metal wall around her he was sprinting forward as fast as his legs would carry him. But without her assistance 9S was quickly overwhelmed by the remaining enemies. Just as she'd predicted they didn't kill him. That wasn't part of their goal. Only she was. One of the larger expressionless robots kept him pinned to the ground by his head, providing just enough room for her companion to watch what was to follow. She'd be lying if she pretended she wasn't a little curious about the act as well . . .

“2B!” Her restrained companion cried out, “2B!”

With a speed and dexterity they hadn't shown before the robots set upon her like a pack of wild animals. Instead of raining down blows on her defenseless form they attacked her clothes as if the fabric had personally wronged each of them. First the hem of her skirt was torn away, leaving a long jagged scrap of cloth wafting forlornly around her thighs. Then one of the puffy shoulders of her top was unceremoniously yanked down to expose most of her pale arm. The front of her blouse was grabbed by several different hands and eviscerated so thoroughly everything from her collar to her navel was left out in the open. 2B gasped and recoiled slightly at their ferocity but otherwise offered no resistance. Her perky little tits bounced wildly in every direction as she was jostled and tugged every which way possible. At some point a metallic claw found the white leotard covering her plump ass and gave it a mighty pull. It resisted for a moment and then tore like all the rest of her attire. Suddenly she felt a noticeable breeze across her newly freed buttocks and perfectly hairless vagina. That sensation was almost immediately replaced by something equally surprising but no less expected.

A warm, rigid shaft slid between her unconsciously clenched thighs, rubbing against her bare pussy lips in the process and making 2B shiver uncontrollably. She was all at once taken aback and a little pleased by just how good it felt, in no small part because her enjoyment would break 9S' heart. The robot who owned the cock was substantially taller than her and used it's large 'hands' to hold in her place while it thrusted between her legs. For a few moments she did nothing but savor the unexpected feelings and bite her lower lip. Then her baser instincts started to take over and she squeezed his dick with her thighs. Before long that wasn't enough and she began grinding in earnest against the shaft.  It was the first vaginal stimulation she'd experienced in a very long time and the circumstances surrounding it only served to increase her pleasure. She didn't give a single thought to what effect that might have on her partner and was completely taken aback when an unyielding metal hand suddenly pressed against her shoulders. 2B was bent over as easily as one might bend a piece of twine and the robot pulled his cock from between her legs. It smoothly transitioned to her pussy, the tip pressing against her outer folds without missing a beat. A sharp intake of air was her only protestation before it started sliding into her just as smoothly.

She felt nothing but a wave of rising pleasure at having whatever passed for her virginity taken by an unfeeling, metallic lover. The walls of her slit opened wide to accept the intruder and little tremors of delight echoed through her body. The automaton pushed it's dick all the way up to the base inside her and immediately pulled back the moment her ass bounced against it's outer shell. 2B gasped and tried to straighten but was unable to move very far without being stopped by that same robot. She discovered why a split second later when one of the wheeled droids rolled up and pushed it's own prick towards her waiting mouth. Instinctively she tried to pull away from the second shaft to no avail. Her head was slowly but surely pushed towards the cock and whether she wanted it or not it pressed against her purse lips. 9S made a noise somewhere outside of her vision and 2B felt an uncharacteristic rush of anger. If he cared so much about her why did he simply watch as it all happened. Instead of calling out to her he should have fought. Should have done anything. Instead he simply let himself get pinned. No doubt so he could watch was about to happen under the guise of helplessness. The thoughts filled her mind until it was all she could focus on and the robotic shaft waiting to enter her mouth finally had it's chance. It glided into her throat almost as effortlessly as the one in her pussy and what little resistance her body offered was ignored. It was almost as if she'd been made for such a function.

The two machines instantly found the perfect give and take to make sure they were always thrusting forward at the same time. They gradually increased speed in tandem too, the only notable difference between their methods being which hole they'd chosen to bury their cocks in. 2B swiftly found herself being pressed between the two of them as if she was little more than a piece of machinery on a production line. The one steadily thrusting into her mouth started to vibrate. It's cock tangibly swelled between her lips and it's head tilted back as far as it could. Gooey fluids erupted out of the head with nearly the same amount of force as the other. But despite expecting 2B was still caught taken aback by the sudden flood of synthetic spunk rushing into her belly. She barely managed to swallow the first load and gagged at the second. Her throat contracted around his dick and she sputtered as loudly as she could. A shiver of strange but enjoyable arousal worked down her spine and thick globules of spit and cum sprayed out of her mouth. As it rushed back up she was afforded a momentary chance to taste the odd fluids, whether she wanted to or not. To her surprise not only did it taste quite good but the aftertaste left an almost sweet taste swirling around in her mouth. It was enough to make her let out the smallest of approving whimpers even while the rest of her body automatically tried to break free. The automaton using her face as a dumping ground didn't seem to mind, merely holding her head in place and draining whatever reserves he had inside him. When the robot unloading into her stomach finally finished and pulled back she was afforded a brief window to look at 9S before the next dick filled her throat. At some point the machine pinning him down had left, likely to join the fun, but he'd barely budged an inch from where he was laying. She had no idea what possessed her to say it but as she looked over at him 2B couldn't stop herself.

“You could never be with me.” Even with the blindfold across his eyes she could tell they'd started to water but she continued anyways, cum spilling down her chin and strands of spit swaying madly from the motions of her jaw, “Not like this. Not in any way.”

Almost as if her words had been encouragement the machines fucking her resumed their movements with what could only be described as passion. The automaton inside slamming her cunt even started to cum as she finished speaking. After dumping what very well could have been gallons of thick, warm spunk into her pussy the biggest robot finally pulled out. As if knowing what would happen he ripped his dick from her cunt so fast 2B didn't realize it was gone for several seconds. When her brain finally caught up with her body it was only thanks to the enormous amount of pressure inflating her stomach finally having a release. Even with the walls of her gaping pussy starting to contract the cum erupted out of in a powerful jet. The viscous mixture of pussy juice and synthetic jizz formed the perfect blend to send a stream spraying out of her like water from a broken, high pressure pipe. 2B squealed with unmitigated pleasure as her long suffering womb was finally relieved. Her tongue hung out of her mouth and every inch of her sweat drenched body trembled from the sensations. Luckily the robots holding her up remained steadfast in their commitment or her quivering limbs would have given out entirely. She could feel 9S' attentions glued to her perfect ass and ravished pussy and had no trouble picture how he was reacting to such a sight. But she simply didn't care. And she couldn't afford to with another dick rushing forward to make use of her open mouth. 

The cum still spraying out of her had barely slowed to a steady gush when yet another cock found lodging in the back of her throat. The robot it belonged to waited no time to start thrusting with steady precision. 2B gagged a little around the newest prick to use her mouth, her attention pulled away from the lurid, sticky mess that was her once pristine pussy. She didn't think about it again until all of a sudden more cum and pussy juice than usual was splashing across her thighs and over her pert buttocks. The mixture started pooling along her lower back and soaking into her ruined top before she realized what it really meant. Sure enough the flow was halted completely when another titanic shaft pushed into her pussy. After all the attention from the first one it entered her cavernous pussy with almost insulting ease. The gooey cocktail of juices still filling her up certainly didn't make it any harder either. It's member slid in all the way up to the base before the robot started fucking her in earnest. She was instantly forced deeper onto the dick inside her mouth and bounced between the two even more vigorously than before.

Up to that point 2B had been keeping a mental count of how many robots she'd already gone through in an effort to predict just how long she'd be getting fucked. As pleasurable as it was she couldn't very well lose an entire day purely to subdue 9s' feelings. But when she actually got a proper taste of the prick sliding in and out of her bulging throat she sampled something she'd never experienced before. In addition to the regular metallic and bitter flavor of their cum oozing members there was something distinctly sweet. It was subtle but with it's cock plunging in and out of her she was provided many opportunities to taste it. Between the constantly reverberating tremors from her overstuffed and overstimulated pussy and the perpetual stretching of her throat she had a considerably difficult time even coming up with a single solution to the sudden mystery. Her every hazy mind and uncooperative body made it more difficult by the second. It wasn't until she looked up at the robot between thrusts and saw a drying stain splattered across his waist that she knew what she was tasting. Herself. The first machine to use her pussy had come back around for seconds. And there was no telling how many times the rest would see fit to pump their loads into her holes until they were all satisfied. 

Slowly but surely their numbers did start to dwindle as whatever nebulous goals each robot had were fulfilled. They fucked every hole she had to offer in nearly equal amounts and every single one of them basted her insides in enough cum to practically drown her. All the loads pumped into her ass and pussy inevitably found their way back out when they switched up but the gooey mess swirling around inside her stomach always remained. It and the sensation of being so full she was about to burst served as a constant reminder of the lengths she'd been willing to go through to keep her companion at an emotional arms length. And how that goal had steadily slipped further and further down her list of priorities after learning how much fun sex could be. Through the gradually thinning crowd 2B was afforded better and better views of her distraught companion kneeling in the dirt some distance away. She looked at him any time her mouth wasn't full of metal dick though even when it was she still thought about his presence nearly every second. Despite his misery some part of him was clearly enjoying the show as evidenced by the small bulge straining against his shorts. From what she could see his dick didn't measure up to even the smallest of the machines that were using her. That realization coupled with the intense sensations that had been assaulting her the entire time only confirmed what she'd been thinking all along. She felt compelled to share her discovery with him, an odd mix of pity and contempt welling up inside her.

“You could—ahhhh!” 2B was momentarily interrupted by a particularly strong thrust into her ass, “Oh yes! Y-you could never satisfy me with such—mmmmmm—such a little thing!”

9S already open mouth widened even further and for a moment it looked like he might finally speak out. But then his lips closed tightly and he swallowed several times. 2B shook her head in disappointment and even a little disgust. If he really cared for her as much as he claimed he would have said something, anything, after all the abuse he'd witnessed. Let alone what she hurled at him. Yet he was completely silent. 2B might have berated him for had another lumbering automaton not ambled up and grabbed her head with it's unfeeling metal hands. Her gaze was wrenched away from her feeble, small dicked companion and towards the powerful, throbbing member of another robot. As the head disappeared between her lips she suddenly realized none of the big ones had ever used her mouth before. By then it was already too late and the walls of her throat were expanding out more than she could have ever imagined. Her entire mouth was filled with cock and her once slender neck bulged and contorted from the strain of taking in such a monster. Seemingly aware of this both machines slowed considerably in their efforts, the one in her ass almost stopping entirely while the one pushing forward doing so as gently as possible. Their caution was oddly reassuring even if it mattered little to her beleaguered gag reflex. 

There was no telling how long she'd be able to handle having her throat nearly split in half and to her credit 2B managed longer than she expected. All the way to the base of it's prick and about halfway back down it's length in fact. But her fully stomach, convulsing body, and general inexperience had to catch up with her eventually. In a flash everything hit her at once, her eyes welling up with tears and her breath stopping dead in her chest while violent tremors wracked her body.Her partner unhelpfully stopped with only an inch or so outside of her mouth as all the spunk sloshing around inside her came back up in one powerful wave. 2B retched and gagged in equal parts while a pungent concoction of robot cum and her own stomach acids erupted from the corners of her filled mouth. Just as strong as the many cumshots that had put it there and no less diminished by her already stuffed hole the swirling jet of mixed semen showered both her and the robot she'd been fellating in sticky mess. It all rushed out of her in one mighty, endless heave. Every drop that had been pumped into was now draining out as powerfully as her body could manage. Her hair was soaked in the lurid substance and her face was dripping with it in moments. Try as she might there was no stopping it from fountaining out of her so fast it felt like she was going to drown in robot jizz. 

But just as quickly as it had started it stopped and she was left to tremble and gasp for air around the cock unhelpfully lodged in her esophagus. Thick globs of spit, spunk, and stomach acids continued to pour out of her mouth but her body was wonderfully empty. It might have even felt good if she hadn't been so dizzy from lack of oxygen and continued sexual pleasure. And of course once she was finished vomiting up robot semen the two machines spitroasting her resumed without hesitation. After that experience 2B lost track of pretty much everything going on around her. She was aware of which cocks were stuffing her holes and for how long they did so. But anything beyond that realm was simply white noise. Her senses were simply too overloaded to do much of anything else. Even when all the other machines had left and only one remained slamming into her pussy she didn't give it a single thought. A new stream of cum exploded into her cunt and she offered little more than a whimper, her body dangling uselessly on the end of it's rod like a toy. It finished after soaking her overflowing womb in fresh jizz and released it's grip on her body a second later.

2B slid off the last robot cock with a silent moan, falling into the pool of synthetic jizz beneath her with a messy splash. She had just enough strength left in her body to lift her hips off the ground and get her trembling knees beneath her, unaware that she was putting her gaping asshole and cunt in full view of 9S and all the robots that had just ravaged her. Little twitches and spasms continued to reverberated through her sweaty form as the pleasure continued to echo long after her partners had all left the area. Some vaguely connected part of her mind was aware of her companion watching the shameful display, no doubt overcome by emotions. But she just couldn't bring herself to care. Spunk continued to seep out of her pussy and practically flowed like a river out of her ass. Most of her lower half, especially what had landed in the jizz puddle, was soaked in whatever fluid the robots had excreted into and on her. And the amount steadily pumping out of her quivering holes wasn't the least bit diminished even after several seconds. While her mental faculties slowly returned to her bit by bit 2B remained in that position well after she could have gotten up. She wanted the image of her cock addled, ecstasy wracked body burned into her ally's brain for the rest of his life.

“2-2B?” 9S whispered, “2B?”

Dragging her arm across the cum and beneath her stomach 2B used it to push herself onto her side and look at her companion, “What?”

“A-are you all right?”

“I've never been better,” She replied in a characteristically cold tone, “Do you have any injuries?”

“No . . . but what about—”

“I'm perfectly fine 9S. That was exactly what I needed.”

“It . . . it was?”

“Of course. Nothing could satisfy me like that ever again.”

“Oh . . .”

“I hope we encounter those robots again.”

“I see . . .” 9S looked down at his lap while she watched his erection slowly wilt.

“When we do,” 2B continued, “I trust you won't try to interfere again?”

“I won't.”

“Good. Then keep an eye out for anything that might mean us actual harm. I'll need time to recuperate.”

“Okay 2B.”

She watched him stand up and turn his back to her, a dejected and miserable look on his face, “Thank you 9S.”



Fuckin AMaaaaaazing. For someone who didnt play the game u wrote this story really well!!


That's good to hear, I was actually quite convinced when I posted it that you (as a fan and the person who suggested the idea) were gonna have some serious issues with it lol