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And now for the continuation of last month's saga! Unfortunately due to the content of the next few chapters I won't be posting them on Patreon. But when the entire story is finished (give or take three more months) it'll all go up on Hentai Foundry and Tumblr where you can read it for free! For now enjoy this latest segment!

“I've been looking forward to this meeting myself!” A gruff voice replied.

Veronica stepped back and a bearded man with graying hair dressed in a crisp three piece black suit stepped inside. He looked Veronica up and down with a wide grin while Veronica flashed him a lascivious wink. She stepped so close to him her massive tits were squished against his chest and pushed the door shut with one hand. The other slid around his shoulders at the same time her leg lifted to coil around his leg. He grabbed her waist with both hands and leaned in. His fingers lipped beneath her panties with a noticeable familiarity and their lips met in a frenzied and lustful kiss. Veronica gently grinded her barely clothed pussy against his groin as he groped and squeezed her ass like he'd just been released from prison.

As he watched his mother make out with a man that wasn't his father Jack had to fight the urge to swear. His friends were right and the proof was unfolding right before his eyes. He recognized the man she was tongue fucking as his dad's boss and that little bit of trivia only made his head spin faster. It was clear they'd done this sort of thing before, probably several times if their behavior was any indication. And when Veronica pulled back and grabbed his tie it was in a manner that seemed almost rehearsed. She led him in a manner one might lead a dog or other leashed animal out of the entryway and towards the living room. After waiting a moment Jack slowly followed them. He moved with a little less caution than before as his own morbid curiosity and slowly welling anger got the better of him. His mother and Mr. Hatcher seemed too wrapped up in each other to notice much of anything.

He remained in the small transitional room between the kitchen and living room while the cheating couple found their spot in the latter. Jack watched from around the lip of the wall as his mother flounced into the center of the room and made a little show of guiding him towards a seat. Pushing him into the reclining chair Henry always sat in Veronica sank to her knees and licked her lips. Her eyes never left his even as her hands unzipped his pants, dove into his underwear, and pulled out his thick cock. She wrapped her fingers around the base and held it steady as her tongue emerged from between her smiling lips to playfully lick the tip. Mr. Hatcher let out a small groan and Veronica giggled in a fashion Jack had never heard before. A few more passes had thoroughly coated his tip in saliva and she wasted no time sliding it into her mouth with another sultry laugh. She sounded more like one of the slutty girls at his high school than the mother he'd been raised by. Of course the sight of his mother licking and sucking a cock was already enough of a shock that he was starting to get numb.

With her hands resting on his knees Veronica bobbed up and down his cock with practiced ease. She moved a little lower with each pass until the entirety of his shaft had disappeared between her quivering lips. Pausing at the base of his cock and gurgling loud enough for the sound to echo throughout the house she pulled back with remarkable control. Her eyes were starting to water and the edges of her lipstick had begun to smear but she didn't increase her pace one iota the entire way up his prick. As her mouth neared the tip Veronica grabbed the base and held it steady. It emerged from her mouth with a pop and she took a sudden, ragged breath. Her inhalation was mixed with a lascivious laugh and she licked her spit soaked lips for added effect. Mr. Hatcher's cock twitched harder than ever while looked up at him. Jack watched with an incredulous stare, hoping she was going to come to her senses and end it right there. Of course that wasn't what happened and it further escalated instead.

After giving the tip of his dick one more kiss Veronica pulled back and slid her arms beneath her bountiful tits. She pushed them together with a smile and coyly tilted her head to the side. As both Mr. Hatcher and Jack watched her fingers slid beneath the edges of her bra and slowly tugged it down. Bit by bit more of her glorious breasts were revealed until finally the first hint of bright pink nipple appeared. Veronice whimpered in delight at looked at his prick, watching him stroke it for several seconds while more of her areolas were revealed. The tan fabric fell from her chest a moment later and she immediately rushed forward again. Lifting her breasts up over his cock and pushing them together Veronica lowered her tits onto his member as slowly as she'd taken him in her mouth. Mr. Hatcher's shaft was briefly hidden within her enveloping cleavage before finally poking through mere centimeters from her chin. She looked down and giggled at the sight, giving it a playful lick and flashing him an approving smile. 

Mr. Hatcher's smile turned into a groan as Veronica pressed her tits even more tightly together and started sliding them up and down his shaft. It was just long enough for her massive breasts to move several inches in either direction before stopping. Which of course meant she did so as fast and loud as possible. Whenever the tip was exposed her lips were wrapped around it and she was sucking with all her might. And when it vanished back into the tight crack between her breasts Veronica trembled and moaned up at him. A liberal coating of saliva and precum soaked her chest and each pass up and down his member only added to the flow. And the quicker she moved the harder his prick twitched. It only took a minute of skilled titfucking for Mr. Hatcher to start gasping and thrusting into her cleavage like a man possessed. Another minute of sloppy foreplay passed before he let out a penultimate gasp abruptly pushed himself off the chair. Veronica slid back, allowing him to rise while her hands traced little circles around his pulsing cock. He started stroking his dick while she watched with a wide, satisfied smile.

“Fuck yeah baby,” Veronica moaned, “Give it to me!”

Mr. Hatcher groaned and jerked off even faster, his eyes shutting tightly while the rest of his body went stiff. Veronica let out one final gasp before a thick spurt of cum erupted across her face. It arced over her waiting mouth to splash on her eyes and forehead. A thick glog even reached her hair and immediately started soaking in. The next spurt was angled a bit lower and she caught it square in on her cheeks and nose. If she was bothered by the sudden rush of jizz into her nostrils she didn't show, merely offering up a delighted whimper in response. Her mouth opened even wider as yet another jet sprayed out and coated her plump, quivering lips. She immediately licked it up with one expert pass of her tongue just in time for more. In just a few seconds Veronica's face was dripping with steaks of warm cum. The excess fluids dripped onto her tits and shoulders or dried in her thoroughly soaked hair. Mr Hatcher gave his cock a few more strokes after the last drops pf spunk dribbled out and smacked it against her smiling lips. She playfully slid it into her mouth and sucked him for several seconds. She could only see out of her left eye thanks to the healthy coating of jizz hiding her right but it was more than enough to give him the same sultry gaze as before.

“It looks like I made a bit of a mess,” He remarked.

“Mmmm only the best kind!” Veronica cooed.

He nodded in approval and returned his cock to his pants while Veronica loudly and messily cleaned off her face with her hands. In a manner not unlike a child with a unrestricted access to candy she pulled the cum into her open mouth with as big of scoops as she could manage. There was more than enough to fill her cheeks and leave a healthy coating still clinging to her face. Before she swallowed Veronica stared up at Mr. Hatcher and moaned as much as she could. His grin widened a little and she sucked down his cum in one gulp. She left the remaining spunk on her body and rose to her feet, sauntering past her partner and towards the front door with an exaggerated swaying of her hips. He quickly followed her while Jack slipped into the adjoining rooms and circle around to the foyer. Peeking around the corner he quickly spotted them locked in a tawdry embrace, his mother's back pressed against the banister and her legs almost lifted off the ground. Not quite realizing why Jack moved forward and ducked into the walk in closet beside the front door for a better view. For a moment he thought they were going to continue their illicit actions upstairs but when they broke apart both turned towards the door.

Veronica gave him one last kiss as she pulled it open and he started to leave, “It looks like you've earned Henry that promotion,” He said with a laugh.

“Thank you Mr. Hatcher! Don't hesitate to let me know if there's anything else I can do to help my husband.”

“Oh I won't. Have a lovely day Mrs. Sweet!”

“You too!”

The door shut with an echoing click and Veronica stood in the entryway for several seconds. Jack couldn't help but wonder what must be running through his mother's head at that moment. She'd never been one to show any sort of guilt or regret at her actions but there was no way she didn't feel some for cheating on her husband. He didn't care what the excuse was it was still wrong and he was left with a very conflicted view of his mother. The arousal he'd felt had only been enhanced by her slutty behavior and actions but now it was mixed with a  healthy dose of disgust, anger, and even a little jealousy. He might have emerged from his hiding spot to confront her then and there had her not still been at a loss for what he'd say. His mind was filled with more jumbled sentence fragments and ideas than he could count but none of them formed anything close to a coherent idea.

He didn't have a chance to think on it though as his mother suddenly turned on her heel and headed upstairs. Jack briefly toyed with the idea of following her but quickly decided against it. He'd already taken a gamble simply by being there and further risking his own neck just to see a little more was foolish to the extreme. Instead he listened to the familiar sounds of a running shower and her footsteps creaking across the ceiling while she got dressed. When he heard the telltale click of her bedroom door Jack quickly ducked into closet sitting in the foyer. He watched through the narrow crack as is mother walked down the stairs dressed in her favorite beige sweater dress with her brown hair tied into it's usual bun atop her head. She stopped at the bottom step with a contemplative look on her face. Then, after a moment, she looked at the spot Jack was hiding in for just a moment too long. His heart started pounding as he watched his mother step down and walk towards the closet with a strange look on her face. He sank against the far wall and held his breath.

“Oh fuck!” He thought.