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And here we have the finale to the 'Sweet Construction' series. This one also takes the premise from a (I believe) unfinished picture depicting Veronica giving Jack some fresh milk for his cereal. Amusingly enough this was the only one TheDirtyMonkey didn't have any real notes for and it ended up being the darkest of the lot. I guess I am capable of being 'dark' when the mood strikes me lol. 

Six months later life was back to some semblance of normality in the Sweet household, or at least as normal as could be considering the circumstances. Two more large scale construction jobs had been undertaken to accommodate the unexpected extra mouths and Henry had personally overseen both of them. Now their house had been expanded by three: Veronica had given birth to twin sons, both as black as the workers that had knocked her up, while Sarah had a bouncing baby girl just as pale as she was. After a few months of relative chaos as everyone figured out how to adjust to a sudden influx of children both Sarah and Veronica were handling themselves quite well. Even Jack had managed to adjust to the situation after being told several variations on the truth. The only one to have significantly changed was Henry and nobody could quite figure out if it was for the better. 

“Mom we're out of milk.” Jack complained. He was sitting in the dining room table staring morosely at his incomplete bowl of cereal while Veronica did the dishes.

“I know honey I'll—”

“Oh god fuck me daddy!” Sarah's muffled voice screamed, “Harder! Harder!”

Veronica scowled up at the ceiling where her husband was currently, and loudly, fucking their daughter, “You know what sweetie, I found some milk.”

“Where? I didn't see any in the . . .”

His voice trailed off and his eyes went wide as Veronica pulled one of her massive, lactating breasts free of her sweater dress and sauntered up to him. Slipping behind her son and practically resting her tit against his shoulder she squeezed her nipple until a pure white jet of milk squirted out and landed on Jack's cereal. After a few more squirts she quickly freed her other breast and started furiously milking herself for both her and her son's delight. The sounds of fucking continued to reverberate throughout the house but Veronica managed to drown it out with loud moans of her own. Thanks to the hormones running wild inside her voluptuous body she had milk to spare and in less than a minute Jack's bowl was filled to the brim with his mother's special brand. When she was satisfied everything was in order Veronica pulled back and smiled at her son, playfully offering him one of her still lactating breasts before he started eating. Jack considered her offer for a few seconds before leaning forward and wrapping his lips around her nipple.

“That's right baby. There's no sense letting your brothers have all the fun!” Veronica cooed. “Drink as much as you like!”

She was about to suggestion something a little more lewd to wash it down but her words were cut off by a piercing cry coming from the newly build nursery. Recognizing it immediately as one of her sons Veronica allowed Jack a few more good sucks on her tit before pulling back and sighing. She didn't even bother tucking her breasts back into her dress as she made her way upstairs. Thankfully the sounds of wild, passionate sex had subsided and all that was left was the strangely gratifying sound of her wailing son.

“It's okay sweetie,” She cooed, “Mommy's here! Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?”

Scooping up her ebony skinned child and bringing him to her breast Veronica smiled as he instantly latched on to her milky nipple. No matter how many children she had she could never quite get used to the wonder that was having them. Now she was a grandmother at forty and her own child was just starting to see that side of life. It would have been a lot to take in even if it hadn't been accompanied by so many other changes. As it was Veronica felt like she could barely keep up with her own life, everything seemed to happening all around and she was merely a passenger along for the ride. Though it wasn't the worst feeling in the world part of her couldn't stop pining for the days when things weren't quite so tumultuous. 

As she mused on all the craziness of the past few months Veronica didn't notice the nursery door open and Henry quietly slip inside behind her. She couldn't fail to notice when he suddenly and none to gently bent her over the crib and pulled her sweater dress up over her plump ass. A moment later her panties were somewhere around her knees and a thick piece of meat was pressing against her skin. His cock was still slick with Sarah's juices and it was harder than she'd felt it in a long time. Veronica clutched her baby to her chest and glanced over her shoulder with a mixture of fear and surprise. The look in Henry's eyes as he stared back at her was unlike anything she'd seen before. It was like she was staring at a different person dressed like her husband.

“Henry!” She gasped, “Wait, the baby!”

Her words fell on deaf ears as Henry grabbed her waist and shoved his dick balls deep into her ass. Her entire body tensed at the sudden penetration and a pained whimper escaped her lips. Pleasure immediately started to flood her body as the familiar sensation of her husband's prick returned but it was tempered by the baby still latched onto her breast and the wild eyed gleam in Henry's eyes. He done this sort of thing a handful of times since she'd given birth, every time he would silently shove her up against a wall, bend her over a table, or simply force her to the ground and have his way with her. It would have been wonderful had it not been for the almost mechanical nature with which he fucked Veronica. He pounded her hard and fast but not like he used to, there was almost none of his familiar love or tenderness. She never felt as though he was doing it for the both of them. It was like she was nothing more than a convenient hole to shove a cock into. And perhaps most telling of all was how he hadn't even once fucked her pussy, only ever her ass or throat.

“Henry . . .” She panted, “Henry!”

He continued to slam into her with increasing force, never allowing her a moment to adjust or find a rhythm. The only solace available was that her baby, still happily sucking away at her tit, didn't seem to mind her constant bouncing and jiggling. In short order she felt his dick swell inside her ass and her body reflexively tightened. Cum erupted into the deepest reached of her tight hole and a small but vocal part of her was grateful it was over. Somehow she still enjoyed the feel of her husband's cum sloshing around inside her but Veronica never realized how much she loved his particular style of lovemaking until it was denied to her. Henry pulled his cock out of her ass with an unceremonious pop and her legs instantly gave out beneath her. Clutching her baby against her naked tit and panting harder than ever she stared up at her husband while he calmly tucked his cock back into his pants and strolled from the room. Jizz bubbled out of her gaping hole as she swallowed several times and stared at the shut door, her eyes not even seeing the smooth wood.

Later that evening Veronica was just finishing putting her babies to bed and saying goodnight to Sarah and Jack. As she slipped out of her, now eldest, son's room she heard a familiar crying coming from her daughter's bedroom. Immensely grateful she wasn't responsible for Sarah's kid too Veronica tiptoed into the master bedroom and shut the door. Henry was still in the bathroom and she couldn't help but sigh like she did every night upon seeing the changes. Less than a week after revealing that she was pregnant with another man's children Henry had gotten rid of their spacious king sized bed and replaced it with with two doubles. He'd put them on opposite sides of the room almost immediately and any attempt Veronica had made to discuss it was immediately stonewalled. He'd known full well how much it would hurt her to sleep apart, even if she didn't show it, and the worst part was she couldn't even begin to pretend like it was deserved. Aside from the occasional fuck Henry barely looked at her anymore. It was like living with a roommate that barely tolerated her.

By the time he finished in the bathroom Veronica was already beneath the covers and trying her best to fall asleep. But no matter how many nights she spent sleeping alone she just couldn't get used to not having Henry within arms reach. She pretended to be asleep as he shut off the lights and climbed into bed, the petty and vindictive side of her not wanting him to realize how much separating the beds affected her. Veronica managed to keep up the charade for a few more minutes before finally breaking down and doing exactly what she'd told herself not to do when this first happened.

“Henry?” Veronica whispered, rolling onto her side to look at his bed, “Are you awake?”


Swallowing past the lump in her throat she sat up a little and softly asked, “Are we ever going to sleep in the same bed again?”


The immediacy of his response cut her like a knife, despite how clear he'd already made that answer over the last few months. “O-okay.” She murmured, “Goodnight baby. I love you.”

“Goodnight Veronica.”


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