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There's not much to say about this one, there's not even any futa this time around lol: it's just a fun little sapphic romp and I hope y'all enjoy!

“Is she in there?”


“And she's alone?”

“Totally alone!”


“What're you gonna do to her?”

Smiling at the rest of her Cheer squad as she pushed the door to the showers open Vicki didn't say a word. She just let the impish gleam in her eyes and that wicked little grin explain everything before she turned away from them and slipped inside. The door swung shut behind her as she sauntered towards the newest member of their team with a spring in her step and a whole flood of wild ideas flying through her mind.

Barely visible over the privacy wall separating the showers from the lockers and with her back already turned Xiu didn't know she wasn't alone. Between the patter of the water raining down on the tiles beneath her feet and her soft humming she couldn't hear Vicki's approach. Couldn't hear the soft rustle of her neatly folded clothes being taken away and replaced with something much less appropriate to wear on campus. Nor did she notice her towel slipping back over the wall as it was casually tossed into the trash with everything else. It wasn't until she'd finished rinsing her hair and humming her song that she finally turned around to see her Cheer Captain standing in the opening a few feet away.

Jumping just the tiniest bit but quickly recovering Xiu turned off the shower with one hand and wiped the water from her face with the other as she asked, “Did you need something Captain?”

Slowly folding her arms with the most insufferably smug look imaginable Vicki leaned against the wall and looked her petite teammate up and down for a couple seconds before saying, “I just wanted to check in... see how you're doing... make sure you're fitting in with everyone...”

“Yeah, everything's been going pretty great.” Xiu's brow furrowed just a tiny bit and her eyes narrowed ever so slightly as she approached Vicki and reached for her towel. Her fingers brushed against empty tiles and she glanced at the spot where her towel was supposed to be, “Why? Did I do something wrong at practice today?”

“Of course not! I'm just making sure you feel good. After all, it's my job to keep everyone happy!”

Xiu nodded at her Captain but didn't say anything as she approached the entrance she was so casually blocking. Vicki stepped out of the way and Xiu peered around the wall expecting to see her towel crumpled on the floor, “Where's my towel?” She wondered aloud, “And what happened to my clothes?” She asked upon seeing the new set that'd been laid out for her.

“We thought you could use a little upgrade.” Vicki replied, “The other outfit was so boring, the girls and I thought we'd do you a favor. Since you're part of the squad now!”

Stepping back into the shower and looking up at her Cheer Captain it only took Xiu a couple seconds to realize what was going on. Vicki certainly didn't try to hide her true intentions as she tossed her wavy blonde hair back and flashed a smugly gloating grin, “I see.”

“What's the matter? You don't like what we picked out for you?” She asked, reaching down and picking up the slutty stripper outfit they'd picked up from a nearby sex shop, “We made sure everything was in your size!”

“How thoughtful.” Xiu dryly replied. She took the costume and held it against her chest for a moment before pulling it away and looking at her Captain with a smile of her own.

Vicki's grin faltered just a bit but she managed to recover quickly enough to throw out another quip within a few heartbeats, “You'd better get dressed, we wouldn't want you missing class because you're messing around in the locker room! Coach Mayhew wouldn't be too happy...”

“No she wouldn't. But I think we've got a little time left.” Holding the costume up against her wet, naked body again Xiu glanced down at it before slowly looking up at Vicki with a dark, smoldering grin like something out of a romance novel, “More than enough time...” she whispered, her voice low and throaty as she stared into her Captain's soul.

Utterly caught off guard by whatever her teammate was doing Vicki tried to swallow past the lump in her throat and stay composed as she replied, “I-I don't—” Clearing her throat and trying again she spoke in a much more composed voice, “I don't think you have much time left.”

“Oh I think I've got plenty of time left.” Xiu laughed. Biting her lower lip and throwing aside her costume she stepped closer to Vicki and said, “And if you really wanted to see me all dressed up... you just had to ask...”

“I-I-I didn't want—th-that wasn't why w-we—what a-a-are you doing!”

Instantly throw off and put on the back foot Vicki didn't know how to react as Xiu approached her with that unmistakable glint in her dark eyes. Nobody had ever reacted to their hazing like she did and before Vicki knew her back was pressed against the lockers. But when she tried to slip away from both them and her teammate Xiu flattened a hand against the cold, unyielding metal. And she even had the audacity to trail her fingers across Vicki's hip as she did! Her unmistakably perverted smile only widened as all the color drained from her Cheer Captain's face and the moment her goosebump riddled companion tried to move the other way she blocked her off with her other hand. She might've been a foot shorted and a good thirty pounds lighter but Xiu had all the power and both of them knew it. There was no pretending otherwise even before she spoke.

“Let's call it a team building exercise.” She laughed, her hands moving to Vicki's hips and playfully lifting up the skirt of her cheer uniform, “I'm sure you won't mind a little more camaraderie...”

“I-I don't think th-that's—”

Cutting herself off with a startled little moan Vicki clapped both hands over her mouth as Xiu sank down like it was the most normal thing in the world. A moment later she was covering her face with both hands as her teammate pulled aside her uniform and panties in one quick movement, immediately revealing her soft, hairless pussy without an ounce of hesitation. But before Vicki could so much as squirm at the embarrassment Xiu's lips were kissing her clit and her tongue was gliding across the rest of her sex in a truly indescribable frenzy. A wave of pleasure crashed through her faster than anything she'd ever felt! It was enough to make her knees shake and her back arch! And Xiu hadn't even done anything yet!

But of course that changed rather quickly. After teasingly running her tongue across every inch of Vicki's sweet lips Xiu returned to her clit and started suckling with an ear to ear smile. Vicki squealed in surprise and grabbed hold of her lover's soaking wet hair, holding on for dear life as her legs just about buckled. She'd never felt anything so amazing in her entire life! God knows Brad never made her feel like that and they'd been together for almost two years! And it was hard not to wonder why as she looked down at the woman completely ruining her after two seconds!

Although she didn't get to wonder for very long. Now when Xiu gently slid a finger into her pussy and curled it back towards her palm while she was still sucking on her clit! The instant Vicki felt that all too familiar yet somehow infinitely better pleasure she knew she'd made a huge mistake. She knew she'd tried to haze the wrong woman.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Goooooooooooooooooooood!”

And she didn't care. She couldn't care. Another finger slipped into her sex after a few seconds and both started pressing against something deep inside her. Somewhere her boyfriend had only ever teased without even realizing what he was doing. But unlike Brad the woman utterly tormenting her seemed to know exactly what she was doing. And exactly how to utterly ruin Vicki with the tiniest movements. It almost seemed like second nature to her!

No matter how simple or tender or downright restrained her efforts might've been everything sent waves of pleasure tearing through Vicki's body. Sent ecstasy crashing through her senses and completely destroying and sense of time or place within a minute. Be it the soft strokes of her tongue, the supple suckling of her lips, or the endless curling of her fingers all of it would've ruined her entirely on it's own. But unlike Brad or every other man she'd been with Xiu didn't do things one at a time and she certainly didn't seem to worry about her own pleasure. Instead she completely overwhelmed her Cheer Captain in a nonstop barrage of abject delight.

The kind that sent her eyes rolling back in her head and her entire body shaking with uncontrollable spasms. The kind that sent her hips bucking and grinding against the woman responsible as often as she tried to shy away. The kind that soaked them both in torrents of arousal as she practically exploded all over both of them before she'd even finished! And best of all it was the kind of pleasure that erased every thought from her mind. Vicki couldn't think or breathe or do anything but cry out in pleasure until her lungs were empty as she clung to her lover. Before long she was on the verge of tears as sensations she'd never even dreamed of ravished her very soul. Years and years of wholly unimpressive and unsatisfying sex were melting away. Thousands of faked orgasms and half hearted attempts to take care of herself had come back to haunt her like she never thought possible.

But no matter how incredible it all felt or how desperately she wanted to succumb to her bliss Vicki couldn't quite get over that hump fast enough. Xiu was taking her time and teasing her almost as much as she ravished her and no matter how hard she might've tried to take control she was at the mercy of the woman between her thighs. Although that never stopped her from bucking and grinding and moving as frantically as humanly possible Xiu never failed to slow down or relent just a tiny bit every single time Vicki attempted to get herself off. And the very moment she relented she was rewarded with another surge of toe curling, mind shattering ecstasy as her companion leaned back in. Which inevitably pushed her so close to the edge she couldn't help but try and make herself cum. How could she possibly resist when the temptation of her first real orgasm was looming overhead? Even when her mind was completely blank that overwhelming desire was so strong she couldn't have held back no matter what happened.

“L-Let me-me-me c-c-cum!” She groaned, gritting her teeth and shaking like she was having a pleasure induced seizure, “P-Please! P-P-Please l-let m-m-m-me cuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmm!”

Launching into another desperate frenzy despite how many times her efforts had already failed Vicki was completely and utterly consumed by her lust. After all the strain of saying those few words she was so far gone she could barely stand. And if Xiu hadn't been pinning her against the lockers she would've collapsed into a shuddering heap of uncontrollable limbs and frantic, pent up angst. Especially when the ever smiling girl responsible pushed against her even harder and matched every mindless spasm for the very first time. Vicki didn't even have the wherewithal to understand what was happening, she could only feel the sudden swell of pleasure surging through her body and ravishing her senses in an unimaginable barrage. One so all encompassing and all consuming ot sent her tumbling over the edge into something truly indescribable after what could've been a few seconds or a few hours. There was no telling and it couldn't possibly have mattered one way or the other.

Not when every last inch of her body was awash in ecstasy. When an enormous title wave crashed down upon her and swept away everything she thought she'd known about pleasure. Xiu's fingers and lips and tongue completely ruined Vicki like her boyfriend never could've. Like no man she'd known could. Wave after crashing wave of pure bliss tore through her as she drenched them both in another, even more gooey flood of warmth. She didn't even have the strength to cry out as the pleasure of every waking moment swallowed her whole. Vicki just collapsed against and held on to her lover as spasmodic shivers and wholly uncontrollably tremors surged through her muscles. And all the while Xiu continued tormenting her without the slightest bit of hesitation.

Vicki wasn't even a functioning person after a few seconds. She didn't even have enough sense to qualify as animal! She was a barely connected pile of quivering limbs and toe curling ecstasy wrapped around the woman who'd opened her eyes. And the longer she was subjected to that sweet anguish the deeper she sank into it. There truly seemed to be no end in sight and her lover certainly didn't show any signs of stopping or even slowing down. Not that Vicki would've been able to tell regardless. Not in the state she'd been reduced to!

But unlike the rest of the Cheer Squad or the mewling wreck she'd been playing with Xiu was nothing if not merciful. She could've kept going and going until Vicki was completely ruined but she held those wicked instincts back and slowly tapered off her pleasure instead. Just enough to leave her breathlessly grunting plaything the tiniest shred of dignity when she finally withdrew.

Rising to her feet as Vicki collapsed to the ground Xiu smiled down at her and licked her glistening lips, idly rubbing her own pussy as she said, “Great work Captain... now it's your turn to build a little trust!”

Wholly incapable ot doing anything as Xiu grabbed her head Vicki just stared dimly at the plump, hairy pussy in front of her and whimpered, “Oh...” before her face was buried in that curly thicket.

Outside the locker room the rest of the Cheer Squad was eagerly awaiting Xiu's big entrance, though some were starting to get a little impatient, “Maybe she's refusing to wear it?”

“She can't refuse! She'd have to walk around naked!”

“Maybe Vicki's doing something else to her?”

“Like what?”

“I don't know! It doesn't usually take this long!”

“Let's take a peek inside and see what's going on!”

“Yeah I'm sure they won't notice!” The second Captain agreed, slowly cracking the door while the others peeked in all around her, “I wonder what—”

“Holy shit!”

“What the hell!”

“O-Oh my God!”


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