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Some of you may be familiar with my longtime smut partner and porn peddler TheDirtyMonkey and for those of you that are you've likely seen one of his more recent pictures depicting the lovely Sarah and Veronica Sweet knocked up (in case you haven't here's the link ).  Well this is the first of four installments detailing how that came to pass and what effect it has!

“What do you mean you have to go?!” Veronica shouted, “You're supposed to be supervising the construction!”

“I think they'll manage without me sweetie,” Henry replied, “I don't know much about what they're doing and it's best to leave that sort of thing to the professionals.”

“Until they overcharge the hell out of us!”

“They won't. I'm friends with the owner of the company and he's doing us a favor on this one.”

Veronica muttered darkly under her breath for a few seconds as she watched her husband pack. The news of Henry's departure had been appropriately last minute, so much so that she'd jumped straight out of the shower to try and stop him. Now she was standing naked save for a towel that barely fit around her massive breasts and stopped mere inches after her neatly trimmed pussy, growing increasinly annoyed by the circumstances that always seemed to send her husband away whenever it was most inconvenient. He hadn't gotten the call more than an hour ago and yet his clothes were already almost completely packed. If she didn't know better Veronica might have thought this business trip wasn't as impromptu as it seemed.

“Well how long will you be gone?”

“No more than a few days.”

“Good . . .” Sliding up behind Henry and pushing her tits against his back Veronica leaned forward and whispered in his ear, “As soon as you get back you're giving me another baby . . .”

Her hand squeezed his cock through his slacks and Henry grinned at her, “Oh yeah?”

“Yeah . . . I want this big fat dick inside me every night until I'm pregnant.”

“Wow, you really want a baby huh? I haven't heard you talk like this since we were in high school!”

“What can I say? The thought of your cum gets me excited!”

“That's good. When I get back I'm gonna fuck you until you can't stand.”

“Why wait?” Veroncia cooed, her hand slowly stroking his dick through his pants, “There's no reason you can't shove your cock inside me right now. Give me a few goodbye loads to savor while your gone?”

She could tell he was considering it from the way his prick throbbed against her fingers and his breathing quickened. In an effort to seal the deal she stepped back and let the towel fall to the floor just as Henry turned to look at her. With her glistening, naked body on full display she adopted her favorite seduction pose and smiled lasciviously at him. The outline of Henry's cock was perfectly visible through his slacks and the sight made her already damp pussy practically overflow. But then Henry's mouth opened and all her hopes were dashed. 

“I'm sorry darling. I really have to go. I can't be late for my flight!”

He extricated himself from her grip and gave her a quick kiss before collecting his bags and rushing out of the room. Veronica frowned at the open door for several seconds before heading to her closet and getting dressed. The construction crew would be arriving any minute to start working on the nursery stroke playroom and she had to make sure they did their jobs properly. Pulling on her favorite beige sweater dress and tying her hair in the usual elegant bun Veronica looked herself over in the mirror. It wouldn't do to look unkempt when they arrived! Her emerald green eyes sparkled with new life as she thought about having a new baby. She was in the prime of her life, her curvaceous body more than ready to bear another child, and it was high time they had another girl around the house. As soon as she was satisfied with her appearance she left the room and made her way downstairs to the kitchen. To her surprise the construction workers were already in the backyard looking over the plans. Every so often one of them would look back over their shoulder for a moment before returning to their work.

Normally the sight of several lumbering men in yellow hats standing awkwardly around a small patio table would have elicited nothing but derisive mirth but under the circumstances Veronica was thrilled to see them. She poured herself a cup of coffee and contemplatively sipped it while watching them discuss whatever it was they were discussing. When two of the men broke away and headed towards the side yard she spotted her daughter lounging on a deck chair in the morning sun in a powder blue, two piece bikini. As usual her large, pale tits were barely contained by the fabric and she'd somehow managed to find bottoms that hugged her hips so finely the outline of her slit was quite visible to even from the house. Her glasses sat on the table beside her and her auburn hair flowed freely around her face. Draining her cup with one massive gulp Veronica tossed the mug in the sink and made her way outside.

She was barely two steps onto the porch when one of the construction workers addressed her, “Excuse me ma'am? Could I have a word?”

“What do you need?” Veronica asked, stopping mid stride and folding her arms. 

The man addressing her was tall, taller than Henry, and considerably more in shape than most of the surrounding men. It was obvious he was in charge from the way the others seemed looked at him and how he carried himself. Like the rest of the workers he was built like a brick shithouse and his skin was tanned a golden brown from all the time spent in the sun.

“I just wanted to talk about the plans if you have a moment . . .”

Glaring at her daughter for a moment Veronica shrugged and sauntered towards the foreman, “Go ahead.”

“Well I've been looking them over and I just don't know how we could do all of this on the budget you've given us.”

“That didn't take long.” Veronica thought, “How much more is it going to cost?”

He flattened out the plans and looked at them for a moment, “If you're dead set on sticking to these—”

“I am.”

“Then it's probably gonna be another three or four grand on top of what you already pur down.”

Doing her best to stifle the initial surge of irritation that welled up inside her Veronica inhaled through her nose and asked, “Oh really?”

“Yeah. Materials alone are gonna take up most of that but we also have to get zoning permits and clear everything with the HOA.”

“I see.” Veronica glanced back at Sarah in time to see her daughter roll over and untie the back of her top. “Well that didn't take long.”


“For you to price gouge us.”

“I'm not price gouging you ma'am. The price we initially quoted to your husband includes the money I just mentioned.”

Pinching the bridge of her nose in barely contained frustration Veronica turned away from the foreman and took a deep breath. Unbeknownst to her as she did so she stepped right over a mirror that lay flat on the ground, giving the foreman and everyone else a perfect view up her sweater dress. The dark purple panties hiding her puffy, slightly aroused outer lips were on full display and the foreman made sure to enjoy the sight. The damp stain that had spread across her panties was undiminished by her frustration and quickly drew the attention of all the men in the vicinity. All she wanted was another baby and a place to raise it. But even that required a hassle! Best of all her husband was gone for at least three days, depriving her of seventy two hours with which to work on making a new child! Now she was forced to deal with the mess he'd left behind and she didn't even get a good fuck out of it. Her body was aching for attention and being surrounded by sweaty men certainly wasn't helping matters.

“Y'know ma'am, if the price is too high we could always work out an alternative form of payment . . .” The foreman offered.

“We have the money.”Veronica snapped. As she whirled around to face him she noticed his eyes dart from the ground to her face and an idea came to her. “But . . . I suppose it wouldn't hurt to talk ideas. Did you have anything in mind?”

Out in the yard Sarah had risen from her seat and was fast approaching the two of them, cheerfully oblivious to the stares that followed her every step, “What's goin on mom?”

Smiling at her daughter for a moment Veronica motioned for the foreman to sit down across from her, “We're just talking about the renovations. Why don't you join us honey?”

“Uhm . . . okay.” Sarah sat down beside her mother and Veronica nodded at the foreman.

“What do you propose?”