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It's been a while since I went a little overboard with a story (in terms of length at least). And I decided to go with a different sort of ending compared to my usual fare so all around this story is definitely a bit of a departure from what I've been writing recently. Hopefully y'all enjoy regardless but I certainly won't blame anyone for having an issue lol

“I can't believe I'm downloading this stupid app again . . . it's not like it's gonna be any better the fifth time!”

In spite of her words and the countless opportunities she had to stop herself Lola watched the little progress bar fill and the Tinder app light up as it was fully downloaded. A split second later it opened by itself and she heaved a dramatic sigh as her login info autofilled despite how long it'd been since she had the app on her phone. Out of pure muscle memory her thumb moved towards the 'accept' button beneath her information but she managed to hold herself back just long enough to think twice about her own stupidity. Even though she was really on her twentieth reconsideration after spending what must've been the whole afternoon laboring over the choice to download one stupid dating app again. Everyone else she knew was at Church or spending time with family and she was sprawled across her couch in her pajamas trying to decide if she wanted to waste even more of the only life she had trying to hook up with an nonstop parade of creeps and weirdos.

“Goddammit . . .” She sighed, hitting the 'accept' button and reactivating her account yet again, “Let's see who I get this time . . . there's gotta be one decent guy in the whole city—”

The door to her cozy little apartment opened and she lurched upright to see her son walking through the door with his gym bag slung over his shoulder. Behind him was his best friend and both of them were in the middle of a conversation as they dropped their things just beyond the entryway. Like pretty much every other man in her life neither of them paid Lola even a tiny bit of attention.

“I'm telling you man you could've sealed the deal!” Mateo insisted, walking into the kitchen and throwing open the fridge, “She was eyeing you up the whole time! I don't think she looked away once!”

“Yeah maybe,” Marques laughed, following him into the kitchen and posting up next to the counter as Mateo handed him a cold beer, “But I'm not looking for anything serious.”

“How do you know she wanted something serious?”

“She just had that look you know? That whole 'I'm ready to settle down' look.”

“Dude she couldn't have been more than a couple years older than us!” Mateo chuckled, “Who the hell wants to settle down in their twenties?!”

“I'm telling you man, that girl did. And I'm not interested.” Marques replied. “Maybe in a few more years—”

“After you've fucked every girl in the city.”

“—after I've had a little more fun.” He finished.

Both of them grinned at one another and took a sip of their brightly colored sports drinks as Lola watched them from the living room. She waited a few more seconds for them to notice her presence but they quickly started talking about their workouts and the workouts they were going to do later and her patience ran out.

“Good morning boys.” She said as she rose to her feet and walked towards them.

“Morning Mom.” Mateo replied, barely glancing at her as he turned towards the cabinets to make his usual post workout meal.

“Good morning Mrs. Oviedo!” Marques exclaimed. His already dark cheeks darkened even more upon realizing she was there and he turned to face her properly as she joined them in the kitchen, “Were we being too loud?”

Lola could only shake her head and smile at him, simultaneously annoyed and amused by his constant politeness. Even after seven years he still acted like it was the first time they'd met. The first time he was standing inside her home. She loved it when he was cleaning up after himself and her son or otherwise acting like the perfect guest. And she hated it when he was calling her 'Mrs. Oviedo' and making her feel old. Especially after she'd turned fifty earlier that year and her ex husband had married some pretty little airhead half her age and half her weight!

“Of course not mijo.” She replied. He immediately stepped out of the way as she moved towards the fridge and held the door open for her as she rummaged around for her own breakfast, handing off a few things to her son as she did. When she finally straightened and set everything she wanted on the island in the middle of the kitchen Marques shut the door for her and she couldn't help but chuckle, “How was your workout?”

“Same as always.” Mateo shrugged.

“It was pretty great.” Marques remarked, “I'm definitely on track to hit my target weight!”

Looking him up and down as she plucked an egg from the carton and took the bowl Mateo offered her Lola smirked a little wider and said, “How much bigger are you gonna get?”

Marques grinned back at her and looked down at himself as if embarrassed by his naturally massive frame and the admittedly impressive sculpt of the muscles he'd been working on for the last three years or so. At least since he and Mateo graduated highschool. She couldn't even remember what he used to look back when she first met him as a freshman. Only that he'd been taller than her as a fourteen year old boy. Now he was a grown man and he absolutely towered over her and her son. It was a wonder he could even fit through the doorway let alone stand in the kitchen without hunching down under the poorly vaulted ceiling!

“Not all that much!” He remarked, chuckling as he looked at her again, his eyes ever so slightly drifting beyond her face, “I've already done most of the bulking up. I just want to gain a few more pounds in the right places and really work on the last few problem areas.”

“He's gonna be the biggest guy at the gym soon.” Mateo added.

“Only if Anders actually moves back to Norway.”

“We both know that's never gonna happen! Trisha's never gonna move to Norway and he's never gonna leave her ass behind!”

Cracking the egg she was holding on the edge of the bowl and listening to them both Lola couldn't help but smile. She was always in a better mood when her son and his best friend were around, even if only one of them really acted like her child most of the time. At the very least they were a decent way to distract herself from the annoyance of dealing with Tinder and the endless cavalcade of lunatics always matching with her. She could already imagine the kind of perverts hitting her up in the minutes since she reactivated her account. Her husband had been enough of a freak all his own but after the last seven times she'd tried to hook up with someone it was hard not to wonder if she was putting out some kind of signal that attracted weirdos. But only the kind of creeps who knew how to hide their weirdness behind just enough normalcy to trick her into thinking they weren't just the absolute worst.

Sadly neither Mateo or Marques were much of a distraction for long. They stuck around long enough to make breakfast and have another bottle of whatever sports drink they were both buying lately before heading off to work like every other Sunday. And just like every other Sunday only one of them actually bothered to say goodbye to her of his own volition.

“Goodbye Mrs. Oviedo!” Marques exclaimed, “Thanks for breakfast!”

“Of course mijo.” She replied, waving to him from the table that was her 'dining room'. “Have a good day at work!”

“I will! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!”

“I'll do my best.” Lola replied. Mateo tried to follow his friend out the door but she called out to him before he could get away, “Goodbye mijo! I love you!”

“I love you too.” He called back in a flat, ever so slightly grumpy voice, “I'll be home late!”

“I'll make sure dinner's ready anyways!” She'd barely finished talking before the front door was shut and she was all alone with her thoughts once again. With the app she'd downloaded and was currently doing her best to avoid thinking about despite her lengthy dry spell and the mounting frustration that came with it. “I should run some errands.” Lola decided, “We definitely need more groceries!”

But in spite of her best efforts to stall as long as she could and put off diving back into the cesspool of online dating Lola was back home with nothing else to do after only a few hours. They didn't need anywhere near as many groceries as she'd hoped and thanks to a recent bout of unbelievable boredom paired with some light insomnia she'd cleaned the entire apartment within the last week. Cleaning everything again just to kill some time would've been a fantastic waste of the expensive, all natural products she insisted on buying so that was out of the question. And with her curiosity growing more and more out of control as the minutes passed and she milled around her home in an aimless, sex starved stupor Lola knew she'd have to give in eventually.

She didn't even realize when her willpower had finally given out. One moment she was standing in the kitchen trying to think of something to do, the next she was leaning over the island and staring at her phone as Tinder loaded up. A few seconds after that she was swiping through another embarrassing roster of men who either looked like carbon copies of each other or immediately threw up so many red flags she couldn't swipe left fast enough.

“Oh you're wearing a suit and looking away from the camera! How original!” She scoffed, flying through a group of guys who might as well have been clones. Even when they were different races altogether! “Self made man huh? I guess you made your way down to the bank to cash Daddy's trust fund!”

It was hard not to feel immediately and wholeheartedly discouraged as she sifted through what felt like hundreds of bios in the blink of an eye. Back when she'd first started online dating she'd read every single one and done her very best to give them a chance. Before she swiped and whenever a conversation started up. But after her wealth of shitty dates and terrible experiences she had a laundry list of warning signs to immediately avoid. On some level she knew she was being unfair with her snap judgments but when the alternative was getting saddled with a weirdo who couldn't even keep it together long enough for them to hook up she was about as justified as could be. Hotel rooms weren't cheap and she wasn't about to waste that money on anything less than a sure thing. Or as close to one as she could possibly find. Even if that meant widening her search parameters a little bit after near ten minutes of unsuccessfully looking for someone who could fuck her properly.

Once again wishing she was bisexual or even an outright lesbian Lola scrolled through the options with a faintly self deprecating smile, “I guess I could expand the radius . . . as long as I don't have to drive more than an hour or two . . .”

She made the appropriate changes and restarted the app out of little more than pointless superstition, all but crossing her fingers as it opened again and she hoped for a better lot. Unsurprisingly things weren't much of an improvement but at the very least they weren't out and out worse. At least not for the first couple of minutes. It didn't take long for her start seeing all the usual smug, arrogant, and obviously self obsessed men she seemed to match with. As soon as words like 'crypto' and 'business mogul' started popping up she knew it was pretty much a lost cause. But somehow Lola couldn't bring herself to throw in the towel just yet. She was too horny to give.

“Maybe it's an age thing . . .” She mused, “All these guys are in their thirties and forties . . . Maybe if I go a little younger I could find something better? They'll probably have better stamina too!”

As frustrating as the memories were it was hard not to laugh a little at the thought of her last few 'successful' encounters. If a few two pump chumps and a handful of guys who'd never even heard of a clit could be considered successful. Looking for younger guys probably wouldn't help all that much with the latter but it might solve the former. At the very least it might give her a chance to actually enjoy a good dick before everything was suddenly over.

“Let's go with . . . late twenties. That shouldn't be too bad.” But after a little more searching she quickly amended her preferences again, “Mid to late twenties. Sleeping with a guy half my age isn't that creepy . . . I hope.” She had a bit more success with that and even found herself swiping right a few times and quietly admiring the hunks she was getting matched with. Yet that still wasn't enough. She knew how easy it was to get ghosted and if she wanted some fun any time within the next week, before her needs drove her completely insane, she had to cast a wider net. “Early twenties and up.” Lola decided, “I won't go any lower than . . . than twenty one! They've gotta be able to drink! That's my limit!”

Feeling unbelievably scummy and yet oddly turned on by the thought of hooking up with some fresh faced, college stud Lola restarted her app for the last time. She opened it up again and slowly made her way through the options, finally taking her time to read through the new crop of hook ups. Even if she didn't find anything all that promising until a few minutes later.


Bolting upright as her cheeks turned a furious shade of red and her heart skipped a beat she looked down at the smiling face of her son's best friend staring up at her from her screen. Quite possibly the last person she ever expected to see, second only to Mateo himself, Lola never even considered coming across someone she knew. Much less someone like him! Outside of a few doctors or a couple other nurses from work she'd never stumbled across anyone familiar. It was oddly thrilling. Especially as the shock wore off and she slowly leaned back over the island with a smile. Almost like she was doing something she wasn't supposed to. Finding some big, private secret she wasn't supposed to know. Like the time she'd caught one of her childhood friend's dad having sex with another childhood friend's dad right outside a big Church fair. Only this time lives weren't going to be ruined and marriages weren't going to fall apart. Instead she'd have a funny new way to tease Marques as she idly scrolled down the little blurb he'd attached to his picture.

It might've been phrased a little differently but there wasn't anything there she didn't already know or expect. She even read the little quip he added in his voice without even thinking, “I may not be the man of your dreams but you'll definitely have dreams about me after we done.”

But when she scrolled back up to his face and looked at the picture he'd chosen that exhilarating feeling of wrongness returned. Lola had always known Marques was a handsome young man. That much was clear no matter her relationship to him. But somehow seeing him casually stretched across a rocky outcropping with the sun at his back and nothing but a pair of swim trunks and tank top really threw everything off in ways she couldn't have expected. Particularly when she realized he was actually a lot more slender in the image she was unintentionally admiring. He wasn't skinny or anything but compared to the titan he'd become the different was almost comical.

“I should swipe left.” She said after a while, “That would be the smart thing to do.” Of course if she was looking to make smart decisions she wouldn't be on Tinder in the first place. After barely five seconds of consideration she swiped right for reasons she had no intention of examining. And the very moment she could she typed out a message to him, grinning like a fool the entire time, “Hey Marques, fancy meeting you here!”

Lola sent the message before she could reconsider and went back to scrolling through her matches in a vain attempt to keep herself occupied. Though unsurprisingly her mind was elsewhere as she waited for Marques to respond. Hopefully he wouldn't say anything to Mateo about her messaging him but even if he did she hadn't said anything particularly untoward. Despite her immediate inclination to be overly flirty just to get a reaction out of him, one she wouldn't even be able to see, she'd resisted that particular urge and gone with something slightly more appropriate. If nothing else she'd get a good laugh out of embarrassing both of them in quite possibly the most bizarre way she could've imagined. Though some part of her was almost hoping for something else . . .

“Mrs. Oviedo!” Marques finally exclaimed a good half hour after she messaged him. He didn't type out his nervous stammer but she could picture it easily enough regardless, “I didn't know you were on Tinder!”

“I just got back on after a little hiatus.” She replied, adding a little smiley face to ease the tension. Or at least that would've been the reason she gave if asked, “Imagine my surprise when you suddenly showed up on my matches! Maybe I'll find Mateo on here next!”

“That would be hilarious! But he's not on here. I tried getting him to join but now I'm sort of glad he never did.”

“Why? So you can have me all to yourself?”

She really didn't know why she was being so flirty with him so quickly. Lola had never flirted with Marques before. Really until she happened across him on Tinder she'd always thought of him as another son. Those feelings hadn't really gone away but they were certainly turning into something else with the comfort of not being face to face. Something about not seeing him made it so much easier to act completely unlike her usual self. The usual self he was used to at least.

Marques took forever to actually respond and Lola watched that little speech bubble pop up and disappear for a good minute while she waited for him to figure out what he wanted to say. Without even trying she could picture the embarrassment and nervousness on his face as he tried to respond appropriately to her words. To the flirty little message his best friend's mother had sent him out of—

“Who wouldn't want you all to themselves?”

Her heart skipped a beat and her stomach did a little flip as her cheeks burned like the sun. Lola stared down at that simple message with wide eyed delight, almost unable to believe what she was reading and at the same time so unbelievably thrilled by his message. She never expected anything so bold from him and the excitement she felt as she straightened and wandered out of the kitchen was practically unbearable. Suddenly it was her turn to type out messages and delete them as she struggled to figure out what to say back to him. He started typing out something too and without even knowing what it was she could guess he was about to apologize. To take back what he said and act like the kindhearted, thoughtful young man he'd always been around her. But she was too tempted by this new side to let the old one shine through.

“You're already doing a better job than most of the losers I message.”

His little text bubble disappeared a second or two later only to pop up for a moment before he coolly replied, “Then it sounds like you finally found the right man.”

All at once delighted and impressed by his smoothness Lola plopped down onto the couch with a laugh and hurriedly typed back, “Oh really? You're awfully confident for someone who can't even call me by my first name!”

Picturing his smile as surely as she felt her own Lola bit her lower lip and sucked in a deep breath as she waited for him to reply yet again. And while she waited she wondered what the hell she was doing, what the hell she was even trying to accomplish. She tried to tell herself she didn't actually want to hook up with Marques but somehow she couldn't quite say those words. Or even think them. And when he finally finished typing that sentiment was pushed even further from her mind.

“You didn't swipe right on me so I could say your name.”

“Maybe not but you're talking an awfully big game either way. Maybe you're all talk.”

“Yeah but unlike the losers you're used to I can back it up.”

“Is that right? You might be doing better so far but that's not a very high bar to clear. Right now you're only a step above middle aged businessmen who think they're God's gift to women.”

“If that's the kind of man you're used to I'm not surprised you swiped right on me. After dealing with 'men' like that you must be dying for someone real.”

“Maybe . . .” Lola bit her lip and shivered a little as she took a deep breath, “But how do I know I'll find that with you? Tinder and the men on it are good at letting me down. In more ways than one . . .”

Lola almost didn't believe what she'd typed out or what she was hinting at. She reread her own message twice before Marques replied and when he did she actually let out a breath she'd been holding in without realizing, “How about you meet me at Bucco's and see how a real man treats you?”

“Tempting . . . but I'm not looking for a date.”

“How about a glass of wine and a room at the hotel down the street from Bucco's? I can get us a room tonight.”

It was almost hard to believe she was talking to the same person who'd been standing in her kitchen smiling and acting unflinchingly polite earlier that day. But somehow that made it even more thrilling to think about accepting his offer. As crazy as it might've been Lola kind of liked the idea of taking everything a little too far. On some level she was still convinced it was all a flirty little joke and things wouldn't go any further than they already had. And with that justification in mind saying yes seemed like the perfect way to end the excitement of matching and flirting with her son's best friend when she was just looking to get laid. It was almost like a game of chicken between the two of them. One she could so easily win it was almost silly to pour cold water on them now. They might have already crossed a certain sort of line but there was no harm in drifting a little closer to another. Especially when it meant doing something other than swiping through Tinder for the rest of the night and going to bed unsatisfied.

“You'd better make those reservations now.” She finally replied, “I'll see you at eight. Hopefully you're not all talk like the rest.”

What the hell am I doing here?”Marques wondered, sitting down in the lobby of Bucco's for the fifth time in ten minutes only to stand up again and straighten his tie as he paced back and forth in a nervous fit, “What the hell was I thinking? Why did I say all that shit? Why did I flirt with Mateo's mother?” He sat back down again and looked at the door for all of a second before looking away and quietly groaning, “What kind of friend does that?!”

As fun as it'd been to flirt with her he never imagined she'd actually agree to anything. Hell he still couldn't believe she'd so easily flirted back! The entire conversation had gotten away from him so fast it was all still a blur. In the heat of the moment it'd been kind of amazing. Probably one of the craziest things he'd ever done and definitely one of the most exciting. But now? Now he was left waiting for something that should never happen. For the woman he and the rest of Mateo's friends had admired for years to come through that door expecting . . . he couldn't even bring himself to think about what she might be expecting. Every time he tried it made his cheeks blush so badly his whole face was unbearably hot. He was in danger of sweating right though his shirt and maybe even the blazer he'd worn over it.

It has to be some kind of joke. She was messing me with. Like that time she had the server put onions in burger! Or when she swapped out my drink at that barbecue! There's no way she actually meant anything she said! And no way she's actually gonna show up!”

Marques checked his phone again, quietly hoping to find a message from Mrs. Oviedo explaining the whole thing off as a silly little thing neither of them ever had to think about. And yet when he didn't find anything yet again he was strangely happy about it. Happy enough to momentarily stop endlessly worrying about what the hell he was doing there. But before he could even slide his phone back into his pocket the door opened and a rush of cold air swept through the lobby. He instinctively humped to his feet and looked up only for his mouth to fall open and his legs nearly buckle upon seeing Mrs. Oviedo in person.

Not only had she shown up but she'd shown up dressed like she'd walked right out of his wildest, most over the top dream. Her unbelievably plump, beautifully curvaceous body was squeezed into a tight black dress that could barely contain her voluptuous figure. Her breasts were all but bursting out of the top and the fabric was stretched so tightly around her ample waist and round ass it was a miracle the whole thing hadn't torn yet. Everything from her remarkably chubby thighs all the way down to her feet and the elegant little heels covering them was completely bare, just like her shoulders and her amazingly soft arms. The hem of her dress barely seemed to cover anything despite reaching the middle of her thigh and it only seemed to drift higher with every step. Marques barely even noticed the gold bangles around her wrists or the hoop earrings she'd worn to match. The rest of her body looked so unbelievably good in her dress he couldn't possibly register little details like those. He barely even noticed the small purse she was holding or the slight wobble in her step as she sauntered towards him in her heels. She was too drop dead beautiful for anything else to register. Especially as he finally looked at her face.

Every bit as soft and warm as always her sultry expression didn't clash with the vision of tender affection he'd come to think of when he thought about her. If anything those two sides just enhanced one another. Just as her makeup enhanced the natural beauty of her face. Her crimson lipstick made her plump lips pop even more and the dusky eye shadow surrounding her downright smoldering green stare even more so! There might've been more to accentuate her soft, round face or her cute button nose but he honestly couldn't make it out. Not with her glittering black hair tied up in a bun and so much of her beauty on full display.

“Oh my God!” The words had left his mouth before he could stop himself and her smile only widened as she looked him up and down. But before she could say so much as a single syllable he pointlessly blurted out, “I didn't think you'd come!”

“I almost didn't.” Lola admitted.

Marques nodded and stared at her for a few seconds before swallowing past the lump in his throat and shyly remarking, “You look amazing Mrs. Oviedo . . .”

Lola smirked at him and almost rolled her eyes, resisting at the very last second and simply replying with, “Where's all that charm you had earlier? Don't tell me you can't get it up in person!”

His cheeks flushed at her words and he cracked a nervous grin before looking away. In truth he could think of about a thousand things to say to her but actually getting them out while she was standing right in front of him was another story. One he could barely even comprehend as he did his best to straighten and take what passed for a deep breath. All the while she watched him, slowly biting her lip and obviously savoring his complete humiliation. Or at least that's what he assumed as they both stood in silence for what seemed like an eternity.

“It's a little different in person.” He finally remarked, “On Tinder you weren't . . . you. And you definitely didn't look like this when I was imagining you.”

“Oh? And how did I look?” She teased, stepping even closer and smiling up at him with a look that made his knees tremble even harder, “Did I have more or less clothes?”

Watching his cheeks darken as his eyes widened was exactly the kind of treat Lola had wanted. The only reason she'd bothered getting all gussied up for what amounted to a joke date. And then one of the real reasons suddenly popped into her head as Marques looked at her with a sparkle in his dark eyes, a sparkle she'd never seen before. His smile widened as he took a long, deep breath and swallowed one more time. She could practically see the wheels turning in his head and all but see the change slowly creeping over him as he tried turning into the man he'd been earlier.

“Less.” He replied in a low tone only slightly fraught with nerves, “A lot less.”

Lola could still feel his nervousness even through his bravado but she was determined to coax out even more of his  suave side as she let out a giggle and moved in even closer, “Really? Maybe we can do something about that . . . there's a hotel right up the street . . .”

Reaching into his pocket as she spoke and producing a keycard Marques grinned at her and said, “And we've got a room.”

A shudder spread through her body as her cheeks darkened and her smile just about reached her ears. It was hard to say where the teasing ended and the seriousness began but that line was getting more and more blurry by the second. By the time she snatched the keycard from him with a soft giggle it was so blurry she couldn't even see it anymore. All she could see was the tall, undeniably handsome man standing in front of her. And when she looked down at the keycard in her trembling fingers she couldn't help but think about everything it promised. The excitement coursing through her veins was nothing short of unbearable. They couldn't have stood there for more than a few seconds and yet when she finally found the wherewithal to speak it felt like they'd been waiting an eternity.

“Well then what are we waiting for?”

What felt like a split second later they were hurrying through the door and rushing into the simple little hotel room he'd booked for them. Lola was practically skipping with every step and Marques felt like he was floating as they crossed the threshold. In the time it took the door to shut behind them she'd tumbled onto the single bed at the center of the room and he'd moved to the edge in a daze. She stretched out across the sheets with a quiet sigh and he just watched in amazement, staring at every inch of her gorgeous body like it was the first time he'd ever seen a woman before. There really were no words to describe his amazement, let alone the sheer insanity of what was happening as she pushed herself up with one hand and grinned at him.

“Don't tell me you're getting cold feet . . .” Lola teased, “I'm not sure I could handle being turned down now . . .”

Marques barely heard a word she said. He was too busy staring at her with open mouthed incredulity, his mind reeling and his body almost completely paralyzed. Somehow his eyes managed to drink in the sight of her laying there waiting for him but his brain couldn't begin to process such an absurdly gorgeous vision. And she didn't make things any better by rolling onto her stomach and pushing her fat ass up into the air with a soft giggle. Slowly arching back and folding her arms beneath her head she looked back at him with the kind of inviting smile he'd always fantasized about. The kind of smile any heterosexual man would've gone absolutely crazy for. If they hadn't already gone crazy over her amazingly plump cheeks peeking out from the hem of her dress as it slowly drifted higher and higher up her ass with every passing second.

Without her even touching them her clothes slid along her plump, softly jiggling cheeks with every teasing sway of her hips and giddy bounce. There was no telling how long Marques actually stood there watching her tease and tempt him. Watching the tiny little thong Lola had on peek out from between her cheeks as she waited for him to act. It could've been seconds or days for all he knew. But when finally acted it wasn't anything close to conscious. He couldn't have formed a coherent thought if his life depended on. He just lurched forward in a sudden burst of eagerness, instinct taking over.

She moaned as he pushed her dress up to her waist and gasped as he raised a calloused hand into the air and brought it down with an echoing smack. Lola's whole body trembled as he left a bright red welt across her quivering cheek and her back arched even more. But instead of flinching away from Marques she pushed her ass out even further. Offering herself up to him as breathless whimpers erupted from her lips she smiled up at him and slowly bit her lip. He spanked her other cheek even harder than the first and Lola all but squealed in delight. Her already soaking wet thong was drenched in another deluge of arousal and rivulets of warmth trickled down her thighs as her son's best friend smacked her ass again. Blurring the perfect hand print's he'd left and sending pleasure flooding through her body Marques was nothing short of relentless! Every time she offered herself up he gave her another, almost vicious smack. Perfectly walking the line between pleasure and pain he absolutely tormented her with jolts of ecstasy and flashes of discomfort while she wordlessly begged for more. And they filled the hotel room with the unmistakable sounds of their lewdness.

Hypnotized by the jiggle of her ass and so completely dumbfounded he still couldn't believe he was really spanking Mrs. Oviedo's fat cheeks Marques was completely lost in every moment. In the thrill of making her squeal and squirm with every blow and the heady exhilaration of seeing what an unapologetic pervert she really was. Deep down he'd always hoped she was the kind of lady who liked being spanked and fucked silly but he never expected to know for certain! Much less find out first hand as he turned beautifully tanned cheeks a brilliant shade of pink over the course of the single wildest minute of his entire life.

When he finally stopped spanking her Marques' hands were tingling and the rest of his body was wracked with shivers. Lola was panting and whimpering like no woman he'd ever seen, her legs spread as wide as they could be with her ass raised so high into the air. And because that wasn't enough of a jaw dropping sight every quiver made her enormous cheeks jiggle so wildly he could have watched for hours.

Or at least that's what he thought. In reality he couldn't have stood by for another second. His mind was still utterly lost in a sea of disbelief but somehow his hands jumped down to his slacks all the same, hastily unzipping them and diving into his boxers as fast as he could. But he only needed one to free his unbelievably hard cock and unimaginably pent up balls. The other could so easily jump back to her ass and pull aside the tiny thong covering up her deliciously chubby pussy he didn't even realize what he was doing until he was staring at her sex. Until he was watching her puffy lips glisten in the warm light of a lamp one of them must've turned on at some point. He even watched a few strands of arousal drip from her folds and fall onto the bed between her legs, some clinging to the neatly trimmed thicket of hair above and around her pussy. And he was so enamored with her beauty he didn't even notice her admiring him in the exact same way.

Audibly gasping as soon as she saw his cock Lola actually pushed herself up just to get a better look at his dick. All at once absolutely massive and yet strangely small compared to his enormous frame his length was everything an unabashed size queen like her could've wanted. She probably would've made anything short of a micropenis work but after seeing the utter monster he was packing she couldn't have been happier about her choice in lovers. Especially after seeing his massive balls tightening and quivering between his legs. She absolutely couldn't wait to feel those slapping against her! So much so her arms gave out almost immediately after she'd pushed herself up!

Seemingly every bit as eager as she was Marques stepped forward and laid his dick across and between her cheeks. Why he didn't just slam balls deep into her pussy right then and there was a question she didn't have the wherewithal to ask but feeling his precum running down her lower back and slowly seeping into her dress was a treat all on it's own. One she enjoyed almost as much as the warmth of his prick throbbing against her skin and the downright towering presence of him looming over her. Lola enjoyed it so much she didn't even think about what he might be doing until she saw him peering into his wallet, his expression suddenly changing. A look of surprise followed by dread and then embarrassment flashed across his face before he'd even met her eyes. And when he finally looked at her he could barely hold her gaze.

“I don't have a condom . . .” He murmured, “I thought I had one in here but I guess I forgot to replace it after—”

“I don't care!” Lola moaned. She looked back at him with a wild eyed smile and teasingly wiggled her hips, bouncing his cock between her cheeks and making her cheeks jiggle even more, “Just fuck me already!”

“W-What if you get pregnant?”

“I'll take a morning after pill!” She gasped, “Now stop stalling and give me that—”

The rest of her words were cut short but a strained, almost animalistic groan as Marques gave her exactly what she wanted. Slamming every last inch of his wonderfully turgid cock inside her so much harder than she expected he sent her whole body lurching forward and another ripple coursing through her plump buttocks. A wave of pleasure crashed through her body as his balls slapped against her clit and his hips collided with her freshly spanked cheeks. She was stretched open so deliciously by his cock she couldn't even take a breath with him inside of her. Lola just looked back at Marques in a trembling fit of disbelief and delight while he grabbed her waist and let out a long, shuddering moan too.

Every bit as overwhelmed as she was Marques had to pull out almost as soon as he'd slammed into her amazingly soft pussy. He couldn't believe how tightly she gripped his cock and he certainly couldn't bear for more than a second or two. His hips lurched backwards even faster than before and he almost withdrew entirely only to slam right back inside of her again with everything he had.

Both of them cried out in ecstasy as he plunged back into her sex, Lola clawing at the sheets while Marques held on to her for dear life. She bucked and grinded against his hips as feverishly as she could manage in the split second before he retreated again and was immediately rewarded with another, even more wild stroke. One that completely ravished her body as surely as her mind and sent her into another fit of convulsive shudders and uncontrollable whimpers. All the while his cock throbbed so hard inside her pussy that alone would've been enough to steal her breath away.

Whether by choice or pure, animalistic need Marques didn't waste any time absolutely pounding away like there was no tomorrow. Utterly amazed by what he was doing and thrilled by how much better she was than even his wildest fantasies he couldn't have done any less. Within seconds the entire hotel room and even the hallway just outside was filled with the wet smack of his hips slamming into her gorgeously fat ass. It even managed to drown out her frantic moans for a split second every single time he slammed balls deep inside her pussy. But as soon as he pulled out again Mrs. Oviedo's cries filled the emptiness until he could punctuate her ecstasy all over again. And every stroke was only getting messier as she soaked them both in little showers of warmth.

His balls smacked against her clit every time he plunged inside her and the convulsions that tore through Lola from each and every impact were nothing short of ruinous. Her eyes were already rolling into the back of her head after barely a minute and the toe curling jolts of abject pleasure only sent them disappearing even faster. Before long she couldn't even cry out as his already wild rhythm reached a crescendo and he started jackhammering her pussy like few men ever had.

Fucking the woman of his dreams like it was the key to immortality Marques never had a chance to come to his senses or regain his wits. He was completely and wholeheartedly consumed by the ecstasy of being with her. Of slamming into her impossibly tight pussy and watching her body shudder and shake as she recoiled from his strength. Between the jaw dropping jiggle of her ass and the look of pure delight spread across her beautiful face Marques was so completely lost in making her lose her mind it was the only coherent thing he could think about. The one and only bit of coherence left inside his pleasure addled brain. Especially when she reached back to lay a hand on his and some of his countless fantasies and lewd desires took over. His fingers closed around her wrist a moment later and by the time either of them understood what was happening he was holding both her wrists and roughly pulling her arms back in a burst of manic desire.

Lola was lifted right off the bed faster than she could react. For a moment her head hung down as another surge of pleasure crashed through her. But she managed to throw it back in a wild scream the instant he resumed his incredible frenzy. She hadn't even realized he'd stopped but she certainly felt him start again as he pulled her arms back and fucked her senseless in a whole new wave of bliss.

Mindlessly living out as much of his perversity as he could manage before he inevitably lost all control Marques bounced his best friend's mother back and forth on his cock like they were filming a porno together. He slammed into her with everything he had and the sheer ferocity of each stroke sent her lurching forward just as he was pulling out. And when she came flying back down his cock he plunged into her all over again, ramming his dick even faster into her pussy. Even harder than he could've managed on his own. The first few strokes were almost enough to completely ruin Lola but after what felt like hundreds more as he immediately returned to his frantic pace she was practically destroyed by his massive cock. It was throbbing so hard and gliding so fast in and out of her sex words couldn't describe the pleasure assailing her senses. Her mind had gone completely blank and her body was so consumed by the ecstasy of Marques' unrelenting movements she couldn't have kept up with him even if she'd tried. She wasn't much more than his quivering, ecstasy riddled toy after a minute or two. A realistic fleshlight gliding up and down his cock as he fucked her stupid. As he fucked her so hard her dress couldn't even contain her massive, heaving tits.

All but bursting out of her top in an avalanche of jiggling curves as the fabric finally gave way her breasts bounced and swayed and even smacked together in a whole new frenzy of sheer depravity as Marques kept pounding away. He barely even realized what'd happened, though he could see her Lola's gorgeous tits jiggling like craze even from above. Like her his mind was so far gone he just felt her pussy tighten a little more and saw her back arch as she cried out in pleasure. And somewhere deep in the depths of his ecstasy he might've noticed her dress slid down her soft body until it was little more than a belt.

But none of those details could possibly matter when she was flying up and down his cock so nicely, when he was fucking her so hard the entire floor could probably hear them! When she managed to look back at him with a delirious grin and he saw the woman who'd been like a second mother to him absolutely wracked with ecstasy as she trembled on his cock. The sheer lewdness of it all, the taboo of what they were doing, only weighed more and more heavily on him as the moments passed.

Particularly when his strength failed him after a truly unhinged onslaught and his pace slowed as he gasped for breath and shuddered like never before. It wasn't anywhere near enough of a reprieve to let him gather his thoughts or do much of anything beyond gasp for breath. But it certainly let the madness of what they were doing sink in a little more. Even if she hadn't been smiling at him as his pace slowed down immensely he still would've shivered at the lewdness of fucking her in the first place. Much less absolutely pounding away like he was trying his best to break them both. But being able to look into her eyes and see that same giddy pleasure shining back at him as she whimpered and shuddered on his dick was beyond his wildest dreams. And when her head eventually fell back down and a long, desperate squeal tumbled from her lips he couldn't help but match it. She was so impossibly, absurdly beautiful. Pretty much the only woman he'd ever wanted to be with and the only woman he'd ever fantasized about. Getting to have sex with her now was more than a dream come true. It was the best thing he'd ever done and somehow more than he could've hoped for! That alone was enough to send his hips moving again long before he thought he was ready.

Adrenaline flooded his body as he pulled out with a wild groan and when he slammed back inside of her again he couldn't stop himself from crying out, “Mrs. Oviedo!”

Even in the state she'd been reduced to Lola still laughed at Marques' formality. Or at least she started to laugh. It quickly turned into a moan as he picked up right where he'd left off and the ecstasy surging through her body soared even higher. It was hard to react with anything else as he furiously bounced her along his cock all over again, instantly and completely drowning any thoughts she might've had in a fresh tidal wave of arousal. Though her amusement remained just a little bit longer before disappearing into the rest of the haze. Before turning into those same lewd, borderline taboo excitement Marques was basking in too.

An excitement that only seemed to grow more and more unbearably exhilarating with every second she spent lurching back and forth on his cock. Every second he spent fucking her so hard and so fast she was already starting to get sore! There was no telling how much crazier it would get or how hard they'd both explode when they finally hit their limits. But both of them were so desperately eager to find out they were practically drooling at the thought!

But instead of fucking her in that same position until she was a screaming, pleasure broken wreck Marques had one last surprise in store for her. Just as she was starting to notice how hard his cock was throbbing and how much precum he was pumping into her he did the last thing she could've wanted: he pulled out entirely.

His dick emerged from her pussy in a messy little shower of warmth and jizz at the same moment he let go of her wrists. She collapsed onto the bed in a breathless heap, whimpering into the sheets and trying her best to push herself upright as he left her completely deprived of pleasure. Of course before she could do anything more than squirm Marques rolled her onto her back and pulled her onto his cock all over again. He was balls deep inside her before Lola had even realized she was looking up at her handsome lover. And he'd lifted her right off the bed a second after that, hoisting her up and wrapping her legs around his waist like she didn't weigh anything at all. Her arms slid across his broad shoulders an instant later as she grabbed onto him out of pure instinct and his hands cupped her sore, trembling buttocks. He squeezed hard enough to make her cry out and throw her head back while his cock twitched even more frantically in the depths of her pussy. She was halfway up his dick by the time she'd managed to look at him and when she opened her mouth to say something he slammed her right back down onto his shaft with enough force to completely stifle anything she might've said.

Although he couldn't possibly suppress her squeal as she drenched them in another messy torrent of arousal, soaking even more of their bodies while she bucked and grinded against him with what little strength she had. He immediately started fucking her with that same desperate ferocity and Lola basked in the feeling of being manhandled and used even more! If she'd felt like a human fleshlight before she felt like a cheap, knock off pocket pussy now! Like some toy being used and discarded as he moved and worked her so wildly keeping up was completely impossible.

She couldn't even find the strength to kiss him like she wanted. It was perhaps the only coherent though to pass through her devastated mind upon seeing his face so close and Lola didn't have enough control left to so much as try. The best she could manage was slumping forward and burying her face in his chest as her nails scraped against his back and she clung to him like he was the only life preserver in the middle of the ocean. Her movements were wild and reflexive and completely beyond her control as he reached that same ball slapping frenzy, his cock plunging even deeper as he held her close. She felt his dick pulsing in that wonderfully familiar way and shuddered as long strands of precum and her own arousal dripped out of her pussy. Or sometimes even erupted out of her as she was wracked with convulsions and pushed right up to her own edge faster than she could comprehend.

Lola hadn't even realized how close she was until he slammed back inside of her and started thrusting away with such a ferocious abandon. Now she was hurtling towards the edge of a cliff and desperately hoping Marques would tumble over the side with her. She wanted him to cum inside her while she was losing her mind. She wanted it more than she wanted her next breath and yet she had no idea if it would even happen. And the anticipation was amazing!

It might've been impossible to remember her own name, where she was, or much of anything beyond who was fucking her but she managed to cling to that desire no matter what! As surely as Lola clung to the thrill of being fucked so hard and so fast by her son's best friend, a man that might as well have been her son, she basked in the thrill of him cumming inside her while she squirted all over him. And while it might've felt like an eternity before she was finally given everything she could've asked for the truth was much more simple. Barely two minutes after he'd swept her off the bed and started fucking her like a plaything Marques slammed his cock into her pussy one last time. Reaching deeper than ever before he slammed into her cervix and sent a final shockwave reverberating throughout Lola's ecstasy riddled body.

Throwing her head back and staring at him in open mouthed amazement her shock melted into pure, incomprehensible bliss as his cum exploded into her depths. The very moment she felt his warmth explode against the entrance to her womb while she was still shaking from his final stroke she lost what little control she had left. A long, strained groan tumbled from her lips as she tightened against and around him in a frenzy of pleasure. Torrents of warmth exploded from her pussy and sprayed all over both of them in a messy shower while she bucked and trembled and convulsed harder than ever. All the while Marques pumped her full of load after load of his beautifully warm cum.

He slumped onto the bed with a throaty groan as his legs gave out. She barely even noticed the softness of the sheets against her back as his cum flooded her pussy. Neither of them could feel anything but one another and the pleasure they sent coursing through each other's bodies. Their entire worlds began and ended with the person in front of them. The ecstasy assailing their senses and completely destroying everything else as he just kept cumming inside her. As she just kept squirting all over them. Before long he even started to thrust inside of her, his hips lurching back and forth as surely as her own while their bliss continued to mount. Endlessly fueling one another in a constant ebb and flow of pure bliss they were so completely lost in one another they didn't even hear her phone ringing. They didn't hear much of anything beyond their pleasure cries and the wild pounding of their hearts. Not until he'd pumped her so full of cum it was bubbling out of her pussy before he'd even pulled out and she'd so completely soaked them both in her warmth they were practically drenched head to toe. Only when they were wholly spent and exhausted to the point of near unconsciousness did the rest of the word finally start to seep back in.

And even then their senses were still every bit as sluggish as their bodies. Marques might've pulled out after a few seconds of basking in the afterglow and Lola might've collapsed onto the bed right beside him but neither of them really understood anything. They just laid there panting and grinning up at the ceiling in a state of utter delirium.

Eventually the incessant buzzing of her phone pierced the haze of pleasure they were lost in and yet no mattering how annoying it might've been or how constant it seemed to be there was no moving from the bed. Lola was too busy basking in the pleasure of Marques' cum leaking from her pussy and pooling across the sheets in an ever widened mess. Marques was too busy replaying every moment he'd just spent with the woman of his dreams in a state of utter shock. They didn't even have the strength to lift their heads and look around for her purse as it lay discarded somewhere nearby. The most either could manage was looking at the person beside them after a good minute spent lost in the afterglow of their illicit affair.

Yet when they eyes locked in the messy aftermath of what they'd just done, with their hormones gradually settling down and the haze gradually clearing from their minds, the smile started to fade from their faces. It wasn't immediate nor was it even acknowledged. Marques and Lola just looked at one another as the enormity of what they'd just done finally dawned on them. Without the heat of the moment and their own lust clouding their thoughts it was so much easier to recognize the absurdity of what'd happened. All the lines they'd crossed and the borderline incestuous nature of them being together in the first place. They looked away from one another soon after but their thoughts continued to spiral further and further down as a wholly unwelcome clarity started to wash over them. Lola was the first to move as she sat up after a few more tense moments but Marques quickly mirrored her. Both of them blushed upon looking down at themselves and she quietly pulled her dress up over her breasts as if that would make things any better. He just meekly covered his cock with one hand in lieu of standing up and grabbing his pants.

At some point during their reflection her phone had stopped buzzing and their embarrassment only skyrocketed in the deafening silence that followed. Especially when Lola finally pushed herself off the bed and a messy little torrent of cum sputtered out of her pussy. The wet squelch of his cum drooling down her legs and all but erupting from her sex might've been the most humiliating thing she'd ever experienced as the guilt of sleeping with her son's best friend continued to weigh down on her. Not at all helped by how much she still enjoyed the warmth of fresh jizz rolling down her legs.

Thankfully Marques had the decency to not look at her, at least when she stole a little glance back at him, and she could quietly pull her dress back down without the shame of him watching. She made sure to give him the same courtesy when he finally stood up and slipped back into his pants. Looking anywhere else she searched for her phone instead and quickly found her purse near the door.

And because things weren't embarrassing enough already when she actually checked her phone she saw three missed calls from the last person she wanted to speak to in that moment. She tried to put it away and not acknowledge that it'd ever rung in the first place but a split second after she closed the screen it lit right back up and in her surprise she let slip who was calling, “It's Mateo!” Lola whispered, looking back at Marques with a mixture of embarrassment and dread, “It's Mateo!”

Instantly freezing up like a deer caught in the headlights Marques just stared back at her for several uninterrupted seconds before she finally answered, “Where are you?” Her son asked, his voice ringing out before she'd even lifted the phone all the way to her ear, “You left a bunch of food out on the counter.”

Lola glanced at Marques again and turned away, “I-I'm not home. But I'll be back soon!”

“All right. Do you want me to start cooking . . . whatever you were gonna make?”

“No it's fine mijo! I'll pick something up on the way home! H-How about Chinese?”

“That sounds good.”

“Great! I'll see you s-soon!”

“Yeah . . .” His voice was filled with suspicion but he didn't press the issue any further as he said, “See you soon.”

The call ended a second or two later and she hurriedly put her phone away before taking a deep breath and looking at Marques, “I-I-I should go.”

“Yeah . . .”

“I—uhm—I—w-we can talk about this later. O-Or not!” She added upon seeing the color drain from his face as he looked positively terrified by the prospect, “We'll—I'll—uhm—”

She stared at him in the festering awkwardness that'd completely taken over and he just stared right back. After a few seconds she silently turned away and walked towards the door. Though she paused for a second or two and even looked back at him everything was too embarrassing to even acknowledge let alone continue. She just gave him a vaguely apologetic look before opening the door and stepping out into the hallway.

It shut behind her with an echoing click and Lola hurried down the hall as quickly as her trembling legs could take her. Even in the face of what they'd done and how mortified she was with herself the aftershocks of Marques fucking her so hard still reverberated through her body. His cum still rolled down her legs and even dripped onto the carpet as she rushed towards the elevator. It slowly formed a messy little pool between her heels as she stood there alone with her thoughts waiting for it to arrive and wondering just what the hell she was going to do now. When the doors finally opened she stepped on and looked back one last time as they closed, quietly saying the only thing that summed up the insanity of what'd just happened.

“Holy shit . . .”



Loved it.


Well I'm always glad to hear that! Especially with a story I wasn't all that happy with after it was finished. Not to mention one that ended on a deliberately sour note!