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UPDATE: It looks like EA have been forced to clarify their stance on Early Access due to an uproar from the community. It's allowed again! So going forward, things will be as they usually have been. Thank you all again for supporting me ❤ I hope you like what I make for you this year.

Hi lovelies. Well, EA have gone and done it. They’ve somehow made their TOU even more vague when it comes to Patreon, early access, and adult content, so congrats to them.

In case you’ve been left out of the loop, here’s Missme’s post about the change.

Now, EA have stated that all CC must be free in full and that mod developers can only recoup costs of time and effort via passive advertisements and donations.

No early access paywalls and especially no perma paywalls.

So, what does that mean? Well unless EA clarifies further regarding early access in the next couple of weeks (which they might do if they are bombarded with TOU breaking reports), it means that anything anyone makes for TS4 is free. Immediately. Forever. No paywalls, no early access. Creators can only monetarily gain via passive advertisements (which, let’s face it, are only a thing on TSR) and donations.

SOOOOO, where does that leave me? Well, I sure as hell don’t wanna be sued. The fact that EA have suddenly sprung this on us all makes me wonder if they are preparing to start a community-wide take down of anyone violating their TOU. For the perma-paywallers, this is well deserved. But for the early access peeps, this kinda sucks.

So, guys, that means that I’m going to have to shake things up. I hope EA will be nice enough to give everyone a month or so leeway so we can unlock and prep files for release without getting into hot water.

Here are the changes coming to this Patreon:

  • No early access. Everything I upload will be available to download as soon as it’s uploaded.
  • All NSFW items still need to be locked on Patreon to abide by their TOU, but they will also be uploaded to LL immediately where they can be downloaded for free.
  • The tiers will remain, but they will be donation options spliced with extras (more consistent WIPS, etc)
  • I will be adding additional commission tier spots so if you really want to see something in game, you can request me to make it for you. More info on that to come.

We will see how this goes. For all I know, EA might come out next week saying early access is allowed again. Who knows? But for now, this is how it will be.

I want to thank you all for supporting me and my work. I like to think that a lot of you support me because you think I'm worthy of the support, not just because you can't be bothered to wait for my slow-ass to release content freely. Anyway, I love you all. ❤❤



I am a patron of many Sims 4 creators and I have been getting similar messages for most of the day about this new TOU with EA. I for one plan to still be a PAYING patron for creations I download simply because I know that creators spend their TIME making this broken game playable and great. And I want to show my appreciation for their hard work.


It makes me sad the sims 4 team is choosing to take this direction. The modding community is what keeps their game relevant and the modders should be compensated for their time. I don’t mod for Sims 4, but I do mod for Skyrim, and I can’t imagine how frustrating it is for a game to expect you to produce extra content for free. It’s their copyright and license, I know, but they would be nothing without the modding community. Artists deserve to be paid for their work, modders are no different. Honestly the Sims 4 should be offering modders compensation for their time because they’ve been fixing their newest packs and providing endless clothing options. Regardless of everything happening I’ll keep my current tier. You deserve to be paid for your work. ☺️💖


Well, I'm absolutely not going anywhere. You're easily my favorite creator, and you deserve to be compensated for your time and effort. I understand why they're doing this, although it really sucks for the creators like you, especially when you make the game worth playing. Thanks for all your work <3


NGL as a modder myself this is very very funny watching the perma-paywallers throw fits online rn. Anyway, I'm hardly replete with ca$h but I'm keeping my sub to you for the same reason I subbed in the first place: you're one of the only people making primo slutty (affectionate) gear for men and so help me god I will throw you money for that on principle, ad infinitum.


I love your work and will continue to support you here