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My Hero parody : Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Power of Attraction

Katsuki woke up, did his morning routine before heading down stairs for breakfast. “Well, well Katsuki you planning to confess to Izuku today?” The blonde blushed.

“Not this again...no you old hag!” She did this every day.

Mitsuki groaned. “I can’t believe you’re my son, you have no spine at all!” He twitched. “When I was your age I went after what I wanted. I chased after your dad with gusto and made him mine!” Good times!

Masaru blushed. He remembered well Mitsuki was very intense and passionate. She was a proud young woman, not wanting to live a life of regrets. The few girls who were interested in him were no match for Mitsuki. “Now dear...things are different from when we were younger.”

“Don’t be soft on him!” She snapped. “Things can’t stay the same forever, soon they’ll be graduating high school, and what then, once Izuku goes to UA he’ll have all manner of suitors wanting to be in his orbit.”

Katsuki grumbled. ‘I know that already.’ He wasn’t happy about it either. None of the extras in class had a shot with Izuku, but UA would be different. ‘He’s so cute, he’ll have all manner of extras buzzing around...I’ll just blast them to death.’

Mitsuki pointed at him. “If you do that Izu-chan will end up hating you.”

He tensed. “How do you do that, damn hag!”

She crossed her arms. “I’m your mother!” Plus he was pretty easy to read.

Katsuki hated it when she was right. ‘It’d be just like that last time.’ Many years ago before Izuku got his quirk, they had been playing at the park.

Midoriya had waited for his turn on the swings and got on, but some brat pushed his way to the front. He wasn’t gonna wait for some quirkless runt. Izuku started to cry.

Everything went red for Bakugou and he attacked the jerk for what he did. He may have gone too far, Izuku tried to stop him. ‘What the hell I’m doing this for you Deku...stupid Deku...stupid stupid stupid!’ Not good with his emotions he lashed out at Izuku as well.

It was a mistake but too his shock Izuku forgave him. Katsuki was all about beating his opponent, crushing them completely so they never try to do the bad thing again. Too many times on TV heroes showed mercy to a villain only for them to get back up and get someone hurt or worse. He just took things too far, because of youth and inexperience. It was thanks to his connection with Izuku he worked and tried to be better.

‘I just want him to be happy...besides he wouldn’t want me that way anyway…’ Mitsuki could see the look on her son’s face.

‘You idiot.’ She had a feeling her brat would work it out sooner or later. Izuku wasn’t the kind of boy who let those precious to him drift away. ‘If only he wasn’t such a stubborn tsundere idiot, I’d have sweet Izu-chan as a son in law!’

She looked at her son and let out a sigh. “Don’t sigh at me you old hag!”

Masaru patted his son’s shoulder. “Want me to help you make lunch for Izuku again?”

Bakugou blushed. “I...I can do it!” The man smiled.

He made his lunch, a lunch for Izuku, and a back up lunch just in case Midoriya needed it. Mitsuki smirked at him. “I’m not in love with him damn it!”

Cooking was definitely the Masaru in him. ‘Brat, you better wise up, because I’ve never seen you happier then when you’re with Izuku.’


The talk of the sludge villain incident hadn’t died down, the locals who saw it new immediately the boys involved. The class couldn’t help but buzz about it. “Wow Midoriya, I didn’t know you were so tough!”

“Yeah well…” Izuku blushed.

“That’s because Deku, trains himself, both his body and his quirk!”

“Kacchan!” Izuku smiled at the praise.

‘Stop looking so damn cute!’ He bristled.

It was no surprise at Lunch Izuku burned through his meal, and Katsuki had the lunch he made for him. “Kacchan’s lunch just for me...amazing!” The blonde blushed.

‘Don’t praise me dummy!’ Izuku scarfed down his food. “Oi, don’t eat so fast, are you even tasting my food!”

“I am, it’s so good!” He licked his lips.

Gulp! His heart fluttered. ‘Damn it!’

-x-After Gym Class-x-

“Ohhh man, I think I went too hard today!” Izuku pulled off his gym shirt showing off his muscles. Bakugou blushed, seeing his glistening chiseled form. They both had amazing bodies, but Izuku often wore baggier clothing so he didn’t show it off. So it was a rare treat.

Izuku stretched, raising his arms above his head. His pecs and abs stood out and Katsuki’s face went beet red. “Go shower you damn nerd, you stink!” He didn’t, Izuku took very good care of his body, so when he sweats he produces a nice manly aroma, a soothing musk.

“Don’t be mean Kacchan, we can’t all smell as sweet as you.” Izuku sniffed him. “Mmm caramel!”

Katsuki’s jaw dropped. Yes because of the blend of his quirks, if Katsuki worked out all day he’d smell like a candy factory. “Don’t sniff me you damn nerd!” He pushed Izuku’s face away.

“Oh come on, you smell really good!”

“Fuck off!”

“I’ll let you smell me to!” Katsuki froze at the offer, his lower brain throbbing at the idea.

“Shut up!”

‘Are they fucking or what?!’ Was the shared thought among the guys in the locker room.

-x-After school-x-

Izuku’s stomach growled. “Hnnn hungry!” He leaned back rubbing his belly.

A lunch box plops on Izuku’s face. “Eat it nerd!”

“Wow!” Izuku smiled brightly. “Thanks Kacchan!” It looked so good.

Katsuki watched Midoriya eat, a feeling of pride as the greenette enjoyed his food. “You take such good care of me!” He patted his stomach happily.

“Yeah whatever…” He huffed.

When Katsuki got home his mother was on him in a second. “Did you confess to Izuku yet?”

“No!” He snapped.

She sighed, a mother’s sigh of disappointment. “Katsuki, what would you do if it was Izuku who confessed to you.”

He froze, his heart racing at the thought. “It’ll never happen.”

‘How can my son be so smart but so stupid?’

It would be 10 months before graduation, and the boys would be applying to UA. They had to not only keep their grades up to graduate, but also prepare for the UA entrance exam.


Katsuki didn’t care much for Valentine’s day, he thought it was a joke of a holiday that got girls all in a tizzy. Guys were all excited hoping to get chocolates from that special lady. Girls were flooding the Home Ec room making chocolates for that “special guy”. It made all the extras extra noisy.

He closed his eyes, not wanting to see any girls offering their chocolates to Izuku, or worse seeing the greenette accept any.

“Kacchan…” Katsuki cracked an eye open.

“Ehh, what nerd…” His eyes widened.

Izuku was holding a chocolate heart with some pink frosting that had his name spelled out on it. “For you!”

Katsuki’s face burned. He took the chocolate. “What the hell nerd...I...I...I don’t have anything for you…”

“That’s okay!”

“No it’s not okay!” He snapped.

“It’s fine I’m not a big chocolate person anyway.” Izuku rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

“What kind of sweets do you like then, I’ll get you that.”

Izuku blushed. “Well...I’ve always had a soft spot for…” He leaned in close. “Caramel!”

Katsuki’s heart fluttered. ‘Stop don’t even think it Katsuki, these are just thank you chocolates for all the lunches you make him that’s all.’

-x-Later that day-x-

The boys had a free period and the blonde was stunned as Izuku pulled him away to a secluded part of the school. “Oi Deku what the hell!?”

“I’d like my caramel!”

“You idiot I haven’t bought you any yet.”

“Nope it’s here, I just gotta unwrap it.” Izuku began to undo Katsuki’s pants.

“Hey…” His brain sizzled.

Izuku had his pants undone, and them along his boxers yanked down to his knees. His six inch cock twitched and began to rise. “Deku…” He shook.

“Kacchan...if you don’t want this...stop me now...because I’ve spent all week saving up my courage for this!” He kissed along his length, giving a teasing lick.

The blonde moaned, and did nothing to stop the greenette from this...whatever this was. He got fully erect under Midoriya’s ministrations.

Izuku breathed in his thick musk. “Mmm~ Caramel!” It made his mouth water, and he began to slurp and suck on his cock.

“Deku!” His whole body trembled. ‘This has to be a dream, there is no way this is happening...ohh fuck!’

Izuku had reached around and began knocking on Katsuki’s back door. “Oi!” He shivered as a finger slipped in. “Dek~uuuuu!” The finger wiggled around, brushing something that made his legs feel like jelly.

His penis pulsed in Midoriya’s mouth and his hole tightened around that digit. ‘Found it!’ Izuku curled and rubbed his sweet spot, sucking harder on the front.

“Ahhh ahhh fuck Deku...fuck!” He ground his teeth as his orgasm exploded through him.

Izuku was ready, catching the blonde’s seed in his mouth. “Fuck!” Midoriya rubbed his sweet spot through his release, milking him of a few more spurts. ‘Where did he learn that?’

He pulled back and licked his lips. “Even your cum is sweet.”

Katsuki crumbled. “What the hell nerd!?” He panted.

Izuku pulled him close and embraced him. “I...I wanted my feelings to be clear.”

“Feelings?” Katsuki gulped.

“I like you Bakugou Katsuki, not as a friend, not as a pal, well those things to but more than that. I love you!” Tears began to fall. “Kacchan?”

He needed a minute, his brain racing a mile a second. “Deku...is it really okay to tell you how I really feel?”

Izuku cupped the back of his head. “Yes...even if you don’t love me back, nothing will change…”

Katsuki pulled back, looking Midoriya in the eye. “Deku...I love you!”

The greenette’s eyes widened and he began to cry to. His tears floating up in a pseudo milky way.


Mitsuki heard the door open and shut. “Oi brat, you tell Izuku you love him?” No response. “Katsuki?” She came out of the kitchen to see the boys standing there blushing, what caught her eye was that they were holding hands.

“We...we are dating…”

Izuku smiled and waved at her. “Hi auntie Mitsuki!”

Mitsuki was overjoyed, pulling him into her breast and whipping him around. “Oi hag let go of Deku!”

“Thanks for taking care of Katsuki, I know he’s a pain in the ass, but bare with him.”


The two hashed things out quite a bit.

To be continued...Graduation


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