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Mobuseka Parody : Patreon Reward

AN 1: Wild card reward for dragon/fame

AN: Went back and forth on if it should be Colin or Angelica Julius talks to, but decided on Colin as his and her relationship isn't mended enough for her to give him advice. Colin was also very observant in the manga

Chapter 8 

Chapter 9 Jealousy of a Prince

Marie was expecting a relaxing summer break, but instead she was stuck with the four high nobles, trying to make money. Jumping into dungeons was not how she wished to spend her time. ‘Damn that stupid mob, who does he think he is, getting in my way!’

She was caught in her own personal hell that she designed herself, having to keep up the “nice girl” act with no profit or gains. ‘I can’t believe these four idiots lost, they’ve ended their engagements but who cares if they are just some broke pretty boys!’ Also since they weren’t paying for her servant his pay was now coming out of her checkbook.

The sad truth was, she wasn’t doing this out of love. It wasn’t that in her old life she was jealous of Olivia in the game, and wished with all her heart to be in love with the prince or one of the other guys, or all of them. She wanted the status, the money, and the power, using the game’s bond mechanics to her own selfish ends.

‘This isn’t over, I’ll find a way back to the good life, you’ll see!’


Julius was in the maid outfit again, the glamour charm hiding his identity from Angelica. This allowed to help clean Leon’s estate while keeping his female attire on the down low. While he didn’t admit it out loud he was getting rather used to the women’s clothing Leon was picking out for him. The princely attire he wore at meals was feeling odd to him, he was preferring either being naked or dressed in this attire.

His cock was still caged, but his ass was absent of any toys or plugs, he was feeling the lack of anal attention. He squirmed now and then.

“Will you go and fetch Livia and Angie for lunch, I believe they are in the garden.” Leon asked him.

“Yes master!” Julius said happily.

He ventured out into the garden and found the two in the gazebo. Before he could talk to them, he overheard a perplexing conversation.

The girls were talking about Leon, his accomplishments, how cool he was, pondering about his love life. It was simple girl talk, but the last part had Julius feeling weird.

At Lunch he was able to meet with them as himself. When the girls talked to Leon he was feeling that feeling again. ‘What is this strange sensation?’ It felt familiar yet almost foreign at the same time. He knew they had feelings for him, so their interactions made him feel weird.

Seeing them chat and talk, he couldn’t help but imagine Leon crossing that line and getting romantically involved with either of them. The thought greatly upset him. Which was odd as, when he thought about Leon doing naughty things with his friends, it excited him. So it was a bit confusing. ‘Could I be...no that’s not possible...unless…’

Leon was acting as a fine host, taking care of the girl’s every need. His attention was mostly on them and it bothered Julius.

As the Summer Break was drawing to an end Leon brought everyone back to his family’s island for a bit of down time. Bartfort was helping in the fields with his father and brothers.

“Your majesty you shouldn’t be doing that!” His father panicked as Julius agreed to help with the work. He was given proper work clothes from the house, though he was still wearing the thong underneath it all.

“It’s fine sir, and Julius is fine, I no longer have my rank as crown prince.” The man didn’t seem comfortable with that. Partly for who he was, and partly because it was technically his son’s fault he lost his title.

“Big brother was so cool, I heard you beat up five guys all on your own in a duel! That’s so awesome!!”

“No Collin it’s not awesome, he beat up people he shouldn’t have been fighting!” His father face palmed. “The whole family could be in hot water including you Colin!”

The boy didn’t seem phased at all. “You’re one of the guys big bro beat up right?” He ran up to Julius.


“Yes, your big brother defeated me and my friends, and gave us quite the thorough tongue lashing to boot.”

“You aren’t mad at my brother right?”

“I was at first, but I’m passed that now.” Colin eyed Julius carefully, as the disowned prince looked towards Leon hard at work a mix of adoration and desire swirling in his eyes. “Your brother was indeed very strong and very cool!”

“Hm…” He looked over at the girls.

Angie and Livia had also agreed to help, getting some work clothes from the maids, they helped by pulling weeds.

“Hey big brother!” Collin went over to him. “Which one are you gonna marry?”

Leon blushed.

Julius’s face heated up. ‘Me!’ The thought crashed through his mind so hard. ‘I want to marry Leon?’ He gulped. Since he was working in the fields Leon hadn’t caged him, so his loins stirred and he got hard in his thong and work pants. The thought of the two getting married made his heart flutter, a beautiful scene and possibly a passionate wedding night.

He got a nosebleed. “Are you alright?” Leon raced over and wiped his nose with a cloth.

“I...I’m fine…” Julius’s cheeks burned hot.

“If this is too much for you, you should grab a drink and rest.” Julius shook his head, claiming to be fine. He wanted to hear Leon’s answer.

“Listen Colin, it’s impossible those two are out of my strike zone.”

“Strike Zone?”

“Olivia is special and Angelica is the Duke’s daughter. Our statuses are too different.” Colin’s eyes drifted toward’s Julius.

“I don’t get it, isn’t it fine if you like each other?”

“Maybe in another world little brother.” He ruffled his brother’s hair. “Hahaha! Let’s get back to work now!”

Julius at first was a bit relieved that Leon wasn’t interested in Angelica or Olivia, but mentioning their station as the reason bothered him. He was the crown prince, would it also be seen as weird to marry Leon, more so two men marrying at all would cause quite the stir. ‘Wait a minute I no longer have my title, that means that I…’ He shook his head. ‘What am I thinking?’

If he had his position he could save Leon from any trouble his arrogance and stupidity fell on him. There hasn’t been any word from the Duke yet. ‘What if Leon gets executed, no I can’t let that happen, I’ll appeal to mother and father!’

Jenna was whining and complaining about having to work and get dirty. “You know I’m letting you off easy, you should be grateful.”

“Waaah! I don’t wanna wooork!” She cried.


“It’s your fault, if you hadn’t caused problems I wouldn’t have had to plant the bomb to begin with!”

‘That makes no fucking sense!’ He took out his frustrations on the yard work. It was better this way. “I don’t hear Livia or Angie complaining.”

This was true, outside of Angelica freaking out over the sight of a worm, but Olivia helped calm her down. Julius took note, getting impressed at Angelica’s drive and spirit. The prince was very wrong about her.

“I can’t believe you got the prince doing hard labor, have you no shame!” Jenna snapped. She had hoped to show off for the prince since he was back on the market but he was focused on working and Leon.

“He volunteered! Least he isn’t whining like some people!”

Julius was also working hard, though doing the chores with a hard on was a bit difficult. He was actually missing his cage.

They all got to sit down to a meal at the Bartfort household. The table was filled with a warm atmosphere of family. They received word that an envoy was coming so they decided to stay the night.

Julius couldn’t sleep so sat outside and looked at the stars. “Hey Mr. Prince guy…”

“Oh it’s you Colin, you can just call me Julius.” The boy came out and sat next to him.

“Do you like my brother?” The honesty of youth.

“I um what?!”

“My brother, you like him don’t you?” Julius blushed.

“What makes you ask that?” He looked all shifty, clearly he was a bad liar, or an idiot.”

“Because you look at him the way those girls look at him.” There was that funny feeling again. “I think my brother cares about you a lot.”

“You think?” Colin was quite observant.

“Yeah, he’s normally so on edge but he’s been relaxed since he brought you all here. I figured he found himself a girl or something. So you don’t have to be so jealous.”

“Jealous?!” Julius gasped. “I’m not jealous!”

“Yeah you are.” Colin pointed out. “You think those girls will take my big brother away from you.”

“How would you know anything about that, you’re a kid.”

“True, but I felt the same way when big brother left for school. I thought he’d meet some awful girl like Zora, and I’d never see him again. If he married you, I don’t think that would happen.”

“You don’t think it’s weird that your brother might get married to another guy?”

“I just want my brother to be happy. If you two like each other I don’t see the problem.” He sighed. “But you’re the prince right? So there’s probably lots of complicated stuff I don’t understand.”

“I was...yes it’s complicated.”

“If you became king could you make things less complicated?” An interesting question. He didn’t know...

There was many things he’d been made aware of since joining Leon on this little vacation. Julius never thought about the kingdom like that, what rules would he establish, how would he build the kingdom up and make it better?

For so long he was running from the throne thinking the palace as more of a cage, he had so many opportunities and he turned up his nose at them. ‘I’ve been a fool.’ He wondered if things would have been different had he had a friend like Bartfort early on, someone to give him perspective.

Tears began to shed. “I do...I do love Leon...but I’m an awful person...I’ve made so many mistakes and I don’t have a clue how to fix them or where to start.”

Colin gave him a there there pat. “Have faith in my brother, he might seem weird, but he’s very dependable!”

Julius laughed. “You’re right, he is, thank you Colin.”

‘So I was jealous...it makes sense now. Olivia and Angelica can give Leon things I can’t, if I pursue my feelings for him the road we take won’t be easy. Even still...I want to face those challenges with him.’ He wanted to support Leon, and be better.

Julius got Colin back to bed, before going to his guestroom. ‘No matter what I’ll protect you!’ He was already missing Leon, wishing to be by his side.

Leon was a bit on edge, this envoy was bringing news of his salvation or his execution. He had Luxion on standby, fully intending on making a run for it if things went south. Bartfort figured the best option was him losing his title, then he’d be kicked out of school.

The messenger was a man of great importance. “Your little duel has caused quite the ruckus, engagements broken, some of the top heirs in the kingdom humiliated in combat, the crown prince being disowned. Such a mess.”

Leon and Julius stood before the messenger. Julius looked ready to say something, but held off. “There was even talk of having the whole house of Bartfort take responsibility for this, but that idea was quashed thanks to the Dukedom.”

‘Thanks Angie’s dad!’ Their family wouldn’t be held responsible.

“In fact Sir Leon has been officially acknowledge as an independent knight!”

“Is that so...wait what?!”

Julius smiled.

“After all, he disciplined his highness and his friends for their foolish actions. It served as a good example for the other students. We can’t have elites behaving in such a manner and get away unchecked.”

“Wait a minute what about my punishment? Like...getting stripped of my land and title?”

“No such actions will be taken, in fact this leads me to a more important topic.” Leon was officially raised above the sixth rank in the royal court. “Congratulations! Here’s your promotion!”

His father’s jaw dropped.

“Ack!” Leon began to sweat. ‘No one ever told me about a promotion!!!’ He’d be considered his own family household now.

“Isn’t this great Leon, this means you’ll be safe and returning to the academy!” Julius was certainly pleased by this result.

“Great…” He didn’t want to go back to that hell full of demons...though...things would be different now.

Julius took hold of his hand. “Don’t worry Leon I’ll be there for you!”


To be continued...Last Day of Summer

It was the last day of summer break and Leon couldn’t really enjoy it, he has to go to this big promotion party, plus he was going back to school it was all a mess. Julius believes he knows a way to help him relax and blow off some steam. Seeing Julius like this Leon decides to ask the question about his friends.



I really like your Mobuseka fanfics- looking forward to reading more of them.