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Black Clover parody: Tier 1

Monkey God's Blessing
Asta learned of many gods and deities in the church. While most worship the Divine King, others worship or favor different gods. One of the gods of mischief over hears a prayer, finding Asta to be interesting a boy with no magic how crazy was that. He always wanted a disciple, so he bestows Asta a blessing. When it comes time for Asta's grimoire to manifest it does appear but unlike any other grimoire in the clover kingdom Asta's has a sun on it. In his book there's transformation magic, multiplication magic, weapon manifestation, even beast magic. This god doesn't give Asta this for free of course, he requires an offering. Asta/Harem

Chapter 1

Sister Lily told the kids the story of the first wizard king often, how he battled a terrible demon that threatened to destroy the world. She also told them tales of the gods.

“Most Churches and Temples worship the Celestial King, he who both governs and is the key stone of the universe. There are smaller temples and some churches that give worship to the other gods.”

“What are some of the other gods sister?” Asta asked.

“Well there are four gods said to have blessed the Kingdom of Clover, the God of Faith, the God of Love, Goddess of Hope, and the God of Luck. It is said these gods blessed the kingdom and it is why those born in this kingdom when they receive their grimoires have a clover on the cover.” Lily explained there were Gods of Different Elements. “It is said that when each child is born, if they have an elemental affinity they have been smiled upon by one of these gods.”

“So that means I was smiled upon by the God of Wind!” Yuno exclaimed happily.

“That’s right!” She said happily.

“What God smiled on me sister?” The question Asta posed gave her pause. Asta didn’t seem to have any magic at all, let alone an elemental affinity.

“Well anyway, let’s continue, there are the beast gods, the nature gods, and even the gods of mischief!”

“They sound scary!” Yuno hid behind Asta.

“Well maybe, but these gods play a role in the universe. It is said they are the ones who craft the dungeons, great challenges for mankind to face.”

“So they aren’t bad at all!” Asta said getting excited. “Sister! If I pray to these gods do you think one of them will give me magic?”

“Well umm…” She didn’t know, but didn’t want Asta to have false hope. “Why don’t you give it a try, honoring the gods is a good thing after all.”

So Asta prayed, in the morning, evening, even late into the night. Between chores, meals, and baths he prayed. He even prayed to the gods of mischief, hoping any of them would be willing to listen.

His prayers did reach a god, one of mischief. Wukong! One of the 12 Mischief Gods! He was quite powerful, but hardly anyone prayed to the mischief gods out of fear of getting cursed or bring trouble. So imagine his suprise when his ears start ringing. “What is that?”

He went to his viewing pool and finds Asta, a boy with no magic power. “Please oh mighty gods, if you can hear me, please grant me magic power. I want to become the wizard king, and do great things for the world!”

“Well, well, well, what have we here?” His eyes sparkled. “A mortal with no magic power, hahaha I didn’t think that was possible! Oh man he’s lucky to even be alive, poor kid, sooner or later this world is gonna chew him up and spit him out.”

Wukong kept his eye on the boy, watching him train, eat, work, pray, sleep. He was bored and had no disciple to speak of, so why not. Asta was amusing, if not a little loud.

Even without magic Asta found ways to do things to help and do things for himself. He even fought hard and got his little friend’s pendant back. “Nice job kid!” The world seemed to be against him, looking down on him, dragging him through the mud, but he never gave up. “The boy’s got moxie.”

If Wukong had one complaint it was the repeated requests to marry the nun. She had already taken her vows, the kid was barking up the wrong tree. “Kid’s looking for love in all the wrong places.”

The years passed and Asta continued to pray, never once catching another god’s ear or received a blessing. The Celestial King had decreed that the gods limit their blessings, as those favored by the gods tended to go a little crazy. They could bless family lines, the elemental gods did their thing, there were occasions where gods got disciples and received a larger blessing in exchange for different offerings or tributes.

‘I’ve never had a disciple before…’ Watch out he was getting an idea.

On the day Asta and Yuno went to get their grimoires, everyone called out! It is said the grimoires choose the master, and this was true. The books tended to resonate with the soul of the wizard, as they were made of mana, they could enhance a wizard’s capabilities. It was typically why only the chosen could use the grimoire and some vanished upon the user’s death. There was a cosmic reason for this.

It was intended to help keep the balance among mortals, but humans gonna human. Those of the Clover Kingdom tended to have a clover on the cover, but others had an elemental symbol based on their affinity, and a very select few had unique emblems on them.

Yuno was chosen by the Four Leaf Grimoire, on it he swore to become the Wizard King!

Asta was on his knees waiting for a grimoire. “Umm hello…”

Wukong chuckled. “I’m on it kid!” With a snap of his fingers, a golden bell was heard.

In the mortal world a bright light appeared, it shocked everyone as a gold and crimson book appeared, floating through the air towards Asta. The boy began to cry as his deepest wish was finally coming true.

Yuno couldn’t help but smile, happy for his friend and rival to be chosen by a grimoire. The book was rather beautiful, a satin red, with gold clasps on the edges, there was some fine embroidery of peaches on it, along the spine, and a leather strap with a golden clasp as if the book could be locked. The last striking feature is where the symbol was supposed to be was the emblem of the sun on it, gold and vibrant.

“My grimoire!” Asta cried hugging the book to him. “It’s real it’s really real!” He twirled around with it, shedding tears of joy. “I’m gonna become the Wizard King!”

Not able to contain his joy Asta goes running off to get to know his new grimoire. Yuno was left behind with a bit of trouble approaching.


Out in the woods Asta was trying to open his grimoire, but found it locked. “What’s with this thing?” He tugged and tugged. “Aren’t these supposed to open?”

“Relax kid!” The book pulsed.

Asta’s eyes flashed gold. “Huh?” His vision changed as if he was gazing into another world. There he finally saw Wukong.

“Sup kid!”

“Gah who are you?” Asta fell back.

“Is that any way to talk to the guy who gave you your grimoire.” Asta looked down at his book to see it was radiating the same heavenly aura Wukong was.

“You gave me this?!” Asta bowed. “Thank you so much sir!”

“Hehe, easy kid relax. The name is Wukong!”

“You are one of the twelve mischief gods!” Asta shouted. “The monkey king!”

“Yep that’s me the one and only Monkey King, Wukong!”

“Wukong-sama thank you for the grimoire, but could you tell me how to open it?” He looked up at him pleadingly. “How am I talking to you anyway?”

“That’s easy, because you have my book, it’s giving you sight beyond sight, or else I wouldn’t be able to talk to you like this.” Wukong was still in the divine realm, but they were able to connect through the grimoire. “Typically we gods can’t visit the mortal realm, and if we do we can’t be seen.”

“This is so cool!”

“Thing is kid, I’ve heard your prayers, and I happen to be looking for a disciple, so I answered them!” This is a high honor.

“Thank you again!” Asta bowed. “What does that mean disciple?”

“Now here is the deal, you become my disciple which means forming a divine pact with me. You’ll be my follower, and honor my doctrine, and should you do this, the grimoire will open for you and all my spells will be at your disposal.”

Asta was getting excited.

“Now I’ve never blessed a human before and since you’re an empty vessel, so I can grant you a pretty sizable blessing. Once you have access to the book and be able to use the spells inside, but since you pretty new to this whole magic thing we’ll start things off at 10%.”

“Sounds good, what do I have to do!?” Asta was so ready.

“First as my disciple, you’ll need to make an alter to me, it’ll be your conduit to pray to me and where you’ll bring my tributes.” While they could keep in touch through the book, Wukong wanted a proper alter. “Don’t go praying to the other gods, you’re my disciple, not theirs!”

“Got it!”

“Second, I’m gonna need you to have sex, lots of sex!” Asta blushed.

“What?!” He began to stutter. “What’ll I do, Sister Lily won’t marry me, I’ll lose my grimoire!”

“I’m not talking about her, she’s a woman of the cloth, she can neither marry or mate.”

“But I don’t want another girl besides her.”

“There’s other people you can have sex with besides girls.”

“You can!” Asta gasped legit surprised.

Wukong face palmed. They didn’t have much time, so he gave Asta a crash course in man on man mating, through the Archive Spell. The information was pumped into his brain!

“Wow!” Asta fell backwards his cock tenting his pants. “That was...oh wow…”

He was enlightened. “Does Yuno know about this stuff?”

‘I’m sure he does.’ Wukong thought, he believed a lot of the wind user’s animosity towards Asta came from the boy’s constant declarations of love and marriage for the nun. It was jealousy pure and simple.

“See, that’s what I want, to honor this commitment you may jerk off or sleep with a man. It’ll be easier for you if you build a harem.”

“A HAREM!?” Asta gasped.

“Yes a harem, surely a little harem is no problem for the Wizard King?” Wukong smirked.

“I can do it!” Asta shouted.

“As a god of mischief I don’t have a ton of rules, but know that I’ll be watching over you my little Asta. The harder you work, the more you train, the more you practice, the stronger you’ll become.” Wukong snapped his fingers, sealing their deal, and the clasp on the grimoire popped open.

Even at 10% Asta had access to quite a few spells. “I can’t wait to show Yuno.” A strange pulse was felt. “Yuno…”

The wind user was in trouble. “Flying Nimbus!” Asta conjured a cloud, one he could ride and soon was zipping off towards where he sensed danger.

‘This is gonna be very interesting!’ Wukong thought happily.

To be continued


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