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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 17 

Chapter 18 Just Stuff

Brock didn’t want to miss Ash’s gym battle but he had something important he had to do. Having run into Nurse Joy, he went into “Lover Boy Mode”, a name his brother Forrest had come up with after seeing him with Pewter City’s Nurse Joy and other female trainers.

It wasn’t something he often thought about since it was just something he did. The Nurse Joy in Pewter City took a different approach to Brock, taking his “lover boy mode” with a grain of salt. She didn’t take his love declarations seriously since they were something he’d say to any pretty girl that crossed his path.

He, however, had done it in front of Ash. It was...different…

After seeing Ash and Toren his whole world on “breeding” was flipped upside down. Seeing them have sex, had stirred his libido, making him think things and try things he hadn’t before. Ash had made him feel things he hadn’t felt before.

He had only traveled with Ash a short time so far, but it was so easy to go with his whims. Seeing Ash catch new Pokemon, nudged him to catch as well. They battled together and Brock enjoyed how easy it was to sync up. He danced naked under the moon with him. Ash jerked him off and it just felt so right to be with him.

To his surprise he was even connecting with Toren. Ketchum trusted him enough to share some of his secrets with him. He knew Toren and Ash had a thing going on, but Ash openly touched him. Maybe there was more to this stuff then he knew.

Having went lover boy mode for Nurse Joy, it was embarrassing. He wanted to be with Ash, but went gaga over Nurse Joy. It felt...wrong?

Brock knew Ash and Toren were together, having stumbled across their mating. Yet...Ash openly touched him in a very intimate way. What was different?

He didn’t have an exact answer, but in the wise words of Arceus. Brock’s flirting was hollow. He was chasing after something he thought he wanted. Both his father and mother abandoned them, leaving Brock to hold the reigns and take on many roles with his family. His diligence persevered, he read books on how to cook, how to care for Pokemon, how to sew, how to be a home maker, even reading medical journals in case his siblings got sick or hurt. He wore many hats, and through experience he grew and improved, like a Pokemon slowly evolving once they reached a certain level.

So when he went through the change and had all these new feelings and desires he turned to books once again, but what he had at is disposal was his father’s porn and his mothers trashy/cheesy romance novels. These old school romance books featured women just waiting for a charming, handsome, exotic man to whisk them off their feet, both figuratively and literally, falling deeply “in love” with them after knowing them only a little, to charm them with pretty words, to see them as the only thing that matters to them. So that’s what Brock did, he treated every woman as “the one” except in his mind there were so many “perfect girls” for him.

So be it Nurse Joy, Officer Jenny, or any other female trainer that crossed his path, Brock used the same lines, the same charm, but it was hollow as he could easily say it to another girl. The compliments may be different and he’d appreciate a woman based on her individuality and personality not just her looks, but it was their beauty that sent him into lover boy mode, spouting off lines and bold declarations of love.

Weirdly enough the idea of a harem never crossed his mind, but he just kept shooting his shot. Without realizing it, this had become a bad habit of his, and had he actually found a girl to love him back, he’d have scared her off or pissed her off.

Then there was Ash and Toren, opening Brock’s eyes to possibilities he never considered. Doing things that made his dad’s porn seem tame. He made a real connection with Ash and Toren, even sharing in an intimate moment with them, and a passionate encounter as well.

Ash’s actions weren’t hollow, they were backed up with conviction, confidence, and even love. Brock just wasn’t aware of where this came from so it looked easy for Ash. He didn’t understand he was entering a harem situation with monsters and humans.

His disconnect lied in the fact that Ash had feelings for him so he was embraced, Brock had feelings for Ash, and yet went gaga mode for someone he truly didn’t have feelings for, outside of “instant attraction” and arousal, which felt like a betrayal.

All this stuff with Ash felt so new and wonderful but there was so much he didn’t know, and bad habits were hard to break. As much as Brock wanted to be there for Ash, he also knew who the gym leaders were, three beauties that would have in lover boy mode and possibly even rooting against Ash. He couldn’t do that to him.

So with faced with the unknown Brock turned to guidebooks. In his official Kanto League Guidebook there was information about most if not all cities and towns in Kanto, the bigger the city the more info there was about it. In Cerulean City there were a lot of big ticket places to visit, the Cerulean Canal, which led to Cerulean Port and Cerulean Beach. The Cerulean Market Place known for it’s fantastic Bike Shop, the Chansey Supply Store; where one got medical supplies, the Paras Supply Store; where one could get vitamins, berry powders, and herbs, and the Voltorb Depo; where one could buy monster balls of all kinds. One could also find move tutors that did pop up shops there where they taught people’s Pokemon moves, for a price.

While the guidebook was mostly for trainers there were selections for a select clientele. Including a guide to where the “Toy Shop” or “Red Light Shop” of Cerulean was.

Brock went hoping to find what he needed there. Vaporeon’s Secret. ‘This is the place.’ He gulped.

He entered the shop entering a glass rotating door, as he moved through it, he couldn’t help but notice the utter silence, that is until he got to the other side.

“Ahhh~Ohhh~” The sounds of moans hit his ears making him blush. It was like stepping into another world.

“Greetings sir!” A blue haired male greeted Brock, he had short hair. “Welcome to Vaporeon’s Secret.”

“Ohh hello!” The moans seemed to fade into the background, but lingered like a ghost pokemon. “Umm those moans?”

The room had a wonderful aroma, being scented by fine quality incense.

“Pay them no mind, someone is just using the testing room. We offer special rooms where patrons can test out toys.” The rooms are mic’d to avoid any nefarious activities. Also the lustful moans seemed perfect atmosphere music for such a place. “Are you looking for something specific?”

“Well I…” He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “I’m kinda new to this.”

The bluenette chuckled. “I’m Marcel, please feel free to be open with me, if you’d like to browse feel free. If you are looking for something specific I can point you in the right direction.”

“You wouldn’t happen to have guidebooks or anything of that nature?”

“Indeed we do, the literature section is that way.” Brock followed the directions and he was surprised at what he found. There were books for all sorts, from beginners and more experienced persons.

The Pidgeot and the Butterfree, was this world’s equivalent to the basics of birds and the bees. There was also a more yaoi guide called the Fearow and the Beedrill. Weirdly enough the yuri one was the Lapras and the Cloyster.

Brock picked up the Fearow and the Beedrill one, before scanning the other ones. A book on bondage caught his eye, Tangela: Wrap and Constrict! It weirdly spoke to him. He also grabbed another one, Marowak: Bones and Masks, it was a guidebook on sex toys.

He looked a few times but couldn’t find anything on Human and Pokemon matings. The books simply used Pokemon lingo to explain naughty things. ‘Is it to make things relatable?’ But one thing caught his eye, Exeggcute: Together and United, it was a book on harems and their different dynamics.

His last pick up was Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan’s Manly Duel, a guidebook on male relationships. Each of the books had stories where the names were changed. Stories plus helpful context a fantastic educational guide. There were also comic book illustrations. ‘They really cover their bases who makes these?’

Each of them were produced by Ninetales Press. He thought he was finished when he heard. “Ohhh Ash!”

“Ehh?” Brock froze.

“Yes Ash!”

Hearing this had Brock’s ears burning, he was sure he heard this voice before. ‘Ash can’t possibly be here, he’s at the gym.’

“Ash fuck me...fuck me...fuck me!”

‘Someone is using a toy in the testing room and is thinking of Ash.’ Curiosity welled up inside him. ‘It’s none of my business, but I swear I’ve heard that voice before.’

“Ahhhh~!” The sound of orgasmic cries rang out.

He couldn’t help but wanna see, curiosity killed the Meowth be damned. He had some reading material while he waited. ‘Is that?’ It was Ash’s rival from Pallet Town. ‘Gary Oak!?’ His jaw hit the floor.

“Did you enjoy your test sir?” Marcel asked.

“Yes, I’ll take it!” He paid with a credit card. The brunette was a little flushed. He was fixing his hair and his clothes as his purchases were rung up.

‘Yep that’s him.’ He remembered Gary, boy rolled up with a whole cheer squad, it was rather distracting. Not that it mattered Gary’s Squirtle was a fierce battler and very well trained. ‘I didn’t know he liked Ash, does Ash know?’

“Very good, please take care, and know you can still order from us anywhere in the region.” Gary just smirked and walked off, with a bag of Brock could only imagine what. Arceus: I know

Once Gary left Brock brought his guidebooks to the counter. “Find everything you needed?” Brock nodded. “Here, you can have these as a bonus.” It was a set of training vibrators.

“Thanks…” He shuddered. Given Ash’s unique assets maybe training his hole with more than just fingers wasn’t a bad idea.

He took his haul back to the center where they’d be staying and walked in on a rather intense scene.

To be continued…Evolution Reward


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