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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

AN: Wild Card for Steven, thanks so much to Steven for the Wild Card I hope you enjoy. 

Chapter 4 

Chapter 5 Sinnoh Starter Scramble

Bite “Ah!” Bite “Ohh!” Bite! “Agh!”

Forrest was being tormented by his own libido. He was a virile young man with his family’s libido. His dad didn’t have  kids in the double digits for nothing.

The boy had been caged for just a day and a half and his balls were positively itching wishing to shed the potent seed. Each bite of the cage reminded him of Ash, and everything he’s learned up till now.

His hand came down and fondled his balls, trying to ease the growing itch in his heavy orbs. ‘Damn it…’

This was quite conflicting.

Forrest looked up to his brother, and when he talked about Ash he looked up to the aspiring Pokemon Master, the fact he’d become a frontier brain was awesome. With what’s come to light whatever feelings he had for Ash were stomped on as it clashed with his respect/pride in his brother.

Their relationship seemed so strange to him, not that they were together, but just HOW they were together. His brother always seemed like a stud, and now he was caged. It didn’t make sense, so he challenged Ash, probably a bit too soon for him.

Now he’s lost to Ash and been caged by him for a week, those old feelings seemed to settle and find new life in the back of his mind. The more Forrest tried not to think about lewd things the more they flooded his mind. Everything he’s seen with Ash seemed to play on loop. If he wasn’t caged he’d probably get hard at least six times a day.

With his lust unable to make his cock erect, and his balls not getting released. His lust spread out through the rest of his body fueling areas that may blossom into erogenous zones in the future. There was more to lust that just one’s privates, and masturbation was more than just polishing the rod, Forrest was learning that in an unconventional way.

The repeated bites of the cave drove Forrest wild, causing his feelings to become a storm. Things weren’t so clear to him anymore. The worst part is, even the bite of the cage was starting to excite him.

He ate with the guys, so seeing Ash, his brother, and Tracey in the buff at meal times was just adding fuel to the fire. Tracey was more his type, the greenette stirred his loins. ‘I’d love to pound his ass!’ Forrest thought, the images formed in his mind. Bite! ‘Ugh!’ He blushed.

Forrest looked to Ash, wanting to glare but also checked him out. Ketchum had a nice ass, the younger Takeshi wanted to tap that ass. It thrilled his lust and his pride, the idea of “taking him down a peg”. The fact Ash was hung was icing on the cake. ‘I’m gonna cage that big dick of yours and fuck you stupid!’ Bite! Bite! Bite!

His focus lingered on Ash’s penis, he squirmed. ‘He’s really big.’ His thoughts shifted ever so slightly and he quickly shook his head. ‘Damn it...this stupid cage is making me think weird thoughts…’

“Mmm this is so good!” Ash moaned, enjoying Brock’s food.

‘Stupid Ash, and his stupid smile, and his stupid face, and his stupid big cock...ugh…’ He grumbled. ‘If I could just get off once it’ll take the edge off.’

“Please!” He approached Brock after a meal.

“You want to cum?” Forrest nodded. “You’ll have to ask Ash, not me.” Takeshi shrugged and Forrest’s jaw dropped.

“Come on help a brother out!” He pleaded, trying to give the puppy dog eyes, but it clearly wasn’t working.

“You lost to Ash, that cage stays on for a week unless Ash says so.” Forrest folds his arms in defiance. “Come on Ash is a good guy, I’m sure if you ask him he’ll even milk ya...it feels great!”

He blushed. “I’m not asking him for anything. I’ll beat him, you’ll see!”

“Well, good luck little brother, you’re gonna need it.” He didn’t believe Ash was unbeatable or anything but Ash had more experience than Forrest, he should be trying to learn from him. ‘Well he’ll learn, I have a feeling Ash has his number. Forrest is gonna be a great gym leader one day, a little rivalry can go a long way.’ He knew from experience.


The crew arrived in Sinnoh where a new adventure awaited them. A new trainer was seeking to get her first Pokemon at Professor Rowan’s lab. She wanted to be a Pokemon Coordinator, but she had a tough time choosing between Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup, the Sinnoh Starters.

She got on her bike and headed towards Sandgem Town where Rowan’s lab was, but she got lost trying to find it.

Meanwhile the Cruise Facility switched from sea mode to land, and they made it to Sandgem Town. The facility was parked and everyone got dressed. “I’ll go let Nurse Joy know we’ve arrived.”

“I’ll let Professor Oak and Scott know.” Ash said, he headed off to find a phone. Brock and Forrest followed him.


Team Rocket had followed them to Sinnoh, traveling by balloon. “So the twerp thinks he’s hot stuff now that he’s a frontier brain!” Jessie huffed.

“It is rather impressive.” James said and got smacked with Jessie’s hair.

“He’s got all his Pokemon on that ship, if we steal it we can take the whole lot!” James didn’t think this was a good idea, but he was out voted.

The trio came down and snuck onto the ship. “This is like taking candy from a baby!” Meowth said with a chuckle.

“Dour!” Angry barks and growling was heard.

They tensed and turned to see the pack of Houndour. “Uh oh!” A barrage of flamethrowers were launched and the trio were sent flying.

“Team Rocket blasting off again!” Twinkle!


Dawn was positively lost, she ended up bumping into Professor Rowan and he helped her to the lab.

At the lab there was other trouble, Rowan’s assistants were feeding the starter Pokemon, when another brought out some flying Pokemon. They were studying the Starly line, so they had Starly, Staravia, and Staraptor.

A Chimchar stole Piplup’s food, causing it to get angry. The two started fighting, Piplup unleashing bubbles and Chimchar unleashing Ember. The attacks go back and forth, until they hit the flying types causing them to freak out.

Wind is kicked up causing the lab to be trashed and Chimchar and Piplup to escape along with the Starly line.

Ash was on the phone with Scott when he heard the commotion. “Looks like trouble, sorry Scott I’ll call you later!” Ketchum activated his Pokedex summoning two Tauros to ride. Ash and Brock climbed on, but Forrest was having some trouble.

Walking around with a cage on his dick was new for him, so he wasn’t exactly jumping at the chance to climb onto a bull monster’s back. “I’ll walk thanks.”

Ash shrugged. “Suit yourself…” He sent the other ride Pokemon back, and the three were off.

Meanwhile Professor Rowan showed up with Dawn to find his lab a mess and two of the starter Pokemon on the run. Dawn agreed to go help find them, taking her bike she rode off.

Ash and Brock were further ahead chasing after the flying types.

Dawn found Chimchar and Piplup and the two were still fighting. “Knock it off you two!” The two ignored her.

Forrest bumped into Dawn. “Are those your Pokemon?”

“Not yet…” She sighed.

Forrest got caught up on what happened as the two mons continued to fight back and forth. “One of them could be my starter Pokemon.”

The two ended up splitting up. “No come back!”

“Go after one, I’ll get the other!” She nodded and by her choice she went after Chimchar.

Forrest chased after Piplup.


Chimchar was quite the wild Pokemon, he was playful if not a little naughty. Dawn kept calling for him to come to hear, but he stayed out of reach jumping from tree to tree.

When he came across other Pokemon he started to rumble with them, either over food or just for fun. He took some food from a Burmy which got him a string shot to the face. She couldn’t help but laugh. Chimchar continued his mischief, scaring off some Starly in a tree, he also fought with a Kricketot but it just ran away.

Dawn tried to warn him that he’s gonna get into trouble. Chimchar didn’t listen to him as he attacked a Spinarak that was napping in a tree. “Chim!”

Not pleased with having it’s nap interrupted, it called for help, and they just so happened to be a near a nest of Ariados. “Dos dos!”

“Oh crap!” The swarm attacked, and Chimchar jumped at Dawn, hugging her in fear. “Now you come to me!”

Dawn ran for her life and they seemingly got away. “You see, you can cause trouble.”

“Chim char…” The fire type hung his head.

“You really like showing off and causing trouble huh?”

“Chim chim!” He jumped out of her arms and did a dance, throwing punches in the air.

Dawn laughed and clapped. “You are quite the performer, maybe you just need an outlet for your mischief. Have you ever considered Pokemon Contests?”

“Char?” The fire type cocked his head to the side in confusion.

“It’s great, you get to take the stage in a performance round, showing off your moves. Then there’s the battle round where you use combinations to shine and outperform your opponent.” Chimchar’s eyes sparkled, it sounded great.

His stomach growled and Dawn gave him some Pokemon food. “Dos!”

“Oh no they found us!” The two tried to run only for the swarm to create a cage of webs with String Shot. “Chimchar use Ember!” Dawn called.

While he attacked, she distracted the swarm with the Pokemon food. Chimchar burned up the cage. “Nice work!”

Dawn tried to escape only for an Ariados to grab her ankle. “Chim!”

“I’ll be fine Chimchar, run away while you can, hurry!” His hands balled into fists, fighting energy surging up in them.

“Chimchar!” He rushed in and punched the one who had her bound. The move landed hard doing some good damage and boosted his attack power.

“That was Power-Up Punch!”

The fire type used Taunt, and the bug types fall for it, turning their attention on him. They launch a barrage of Poison Sting and he just barely manages to dodge. “Chim!” Punch! “Char!” Punch! “Chim!” Punch!

Each punch left him stronger and stronger. Eventually the Ariados backed off. The fire type was left panting before falling back. Dawn caught him. “You were great Chimchar.”

“Chim!” The two walked around trying to get back to the lab ending up near Lake Verity where they saw a strange Pokemon shadow.


Forrest followed after Piplup, the Pokemon was quite proud. He was still hungry and his pride was hurt, so he wasn’t in the mood to listen to Forrest.

Piplup ended up running into an Ariados nest. There was an outbreak of Ariados in the area. “Piplup!” He struggled and tried to escape the webbing but no luck.

“Rhyhorn!” Forrest called out the Rock/Ground type, and managed to break the web. Piplup was free but breaking the web disturbed the nest causing the Ariados to attack.

Piplup looked ready to run. “I’m not running, I’m gonna be the Pewter City Gym Leader one day, it’s gonna be the best gym in Kanto! You wanna battle then come at me!” Forrest stood his ground, thinking of his brother and Ash, finding the courage to take on the pack.


He was up against five Ariados. Piplup was amazed at his show of confidence and spirit. Rhyhorn used Rock Polish to build up speed, before using Rock Blast to hit the bug types hard. The Ariados pelted him with Poison Sting, but it wasn’t very effective.

“I may have lost to Ash, but that battle helped my Rhyhorn grow, use Bulldoze!” This move was perfect for a swarm battle as the ground shock waves slammed into all five of the Ariados, dropping their speed in the process. “Now Take Down!” He slammed into the spider mons and sent them flying back.

Piplup was amazed.

Forrest did defeat them, but he didn’t catch them. When the mons came to they were pissed. Each of them called for help, calling another four each. Forrest gulped. This was worse than a pack battle, this was a full on swarm. “Ohhh crap!”

“ARIADOS!” There were times when a man had to stand up and fight, and other times when it was smarter to withdraw, this was one of those times...

They had to run! “Hop on!” Forrest got on the back of Rhyhorn with Piplup. He shivered as his cage met with the rock hide. Rhyhorn used Rock Polish and took off as fast as he could.

With the boost in speed they were able to outrun the Ariados, who gave up and worked to rebuild their nest. “That was close!”

Piplup’s stomach growled. “Ah I see so you were hungry.” He went for his bag and brought out some Pokemon Food. Piplup ate it up.

“Ya know, I think I get you. It sucks when someone messes with something your proud of. I hate it when people mess with me or my family.” He thought Ash was just messing with Brock, but he wasn’t.

Seeing how pride got Piplup in a whole mess of trouble, it helped him reflect a bit. Had he not come along he’d be an Ariados dinner. When one’s pride is challenged one can be quick to anger. Piplup had chased Chimchar out of the safety of the lab, and Forrest he challenged Ash before he was ready, even his reasons for the challenge had no foundation. “Ugh I’m an idiot!”

Piplup gave him a there-there pat. “Thanks…”

‘I really do deserve this cage, I lashed out and made a mess, as a man I gotta accept the consequences.’ That didn’t mean he was giving up on taking Ash on. “A man’s gotta do, what a man’s gotta do, right Piplup?”

“Pip? Lup!” He didn’t quite get it but agreed.

“Let’s get you back to the lab, you got a new trainer to meet.” They made their way back on Rhyhorn’s back.

-x-Ash and Brock-x-

The two were searching for the flying types. Things got tricky as there were other wild Starly in the area. Ash tried to have Aipom give them aerial support by taking to the trees but crashed into a wild Starly.

They battled and Ash caught him, unaware of the trainer watching from a distance. ‘If it was that easy to catch then it’s probably worthless.’

“My first catch in Sinnoh!” Ash said happily.

“Pika!” Pikachu cheered.

“Pom!” Aipom cheered, doing a little dance to celebrate.

With Starly’s help Ash was able to locate the lost lab Pokemon and convince them to return to the lab, with Starly’s help and a bit of Brock’s special Flying Type food.

Everyone arrived around the same time. Rowan was quite pleased to have the Pokemon back. “Dawn you can now choose your starter.”

She looked at the three, the Turtwig seemed to mellow for her, and Piplup seemed distracted. “I’m gonna pick Chimchar!” The fire type had looked eager to join her, as soon as she said it he jumped into her arms.

“Thank you boys for helping bring back the Pokemon.”

“No problem!” Ash said.

“Happy to help.” Brock added.

Before Forrest could speak Piplup came over to him. “Piplup!”

“Pip pip!” He reached out to Forrest.

“I believe Piplup is saying he wants to go with you.”

“Me?” Forrest was surprised. “But I’m not a...I mean...I’m not…”

“Is something wrong?” Rowan asked.

“Is it really okay?” The professor nodded, he was quite good at his job he had given out plenty of starter Pokemon already.

“Here you can have this as well.” He gave Forrest his own Pokedex and Piplup’s ball. With the starter situation sorted out the group introduced themselves to each other.

“Oh you’re Ash the new Frontier Brain I heard about.”

“That’s me, a pleasure to meet you!” Ash bowed politely.

“You’re a Frontier Brain?” Ash, Brock, and Forrest turned to see a purple haired young man.

“Who are you?” Rowan asked.

“My name is Paul, and I want to challenge him.” He pointed at Ash.


To be continued...Ash vs Paul



Was kinda hoping that Forrest would get chimchar, oh well. Wonder if Barry will show up at all. Or Kenny or Buck