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Mobuseka parody: Patreon Reward

AN: The last wild card for otome game is tough for mobs went over so well wanted to do another one. Special thanks to Tomonex for the wild card

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Greg Fou Seberg

Marie was indeed a reincarnation, putting on the nice girl act to steal the protagonist’s role from Olivia. Though her game knowledge was actually sorely lacking, she knew how to max out affection levels through the capture events, but she sucked at anything involving battle mechanics, she couldn’t even make it through 60% of the game, only learning of the Saint Items and not the importance of them.

She was enjoying this life, the only she worked hard for was to learn healing magic so she could fake being the saint. With her game knowledge she had the guys wrapped around her fingers. It was so easy, these guys were like dogs eager to bark, walk, and beg at her command. Did she love any of them?


Sure they were hot, and fooling around with hot guys was a treat in itself, but what Marie cared about was their money and status. Her family had debt issues so she lacked a pampered life she felt she deserved, but with the guys loving her they bought her things, got her rich food, took her to parties and fancy rich/expensive tea parties. She was living like a queen.

In fact she ranked the guys by annoyance levels. The prince was naive and kinda stupid, but he was a top priority in her little scheme. Jilk was a tough nut to crack his devotion to the prince rivaling his devotion to her. Brad was horny and a narcissist, but she could at least have some fun with him. Chris was needy, very needy, it was annoying to constantly have to keep him in good spirits to do the romantic events...and then there was Greg…

Greg was her least favorite. At least in the games she could accelerate the text, but having to deal with Greg in person got on her nerves. The guy was a meat head, but also didn’t care for the noble life. He wanted to do things like training, go on adventures, even fight monsters with her all of which either sounded dangerous or gross. So yeah maybe she slacked off on doing his events, she did just enough to keep him attached to her. Even if she found him the most annoying she didn’t want him slipping off and getting with Olivia or Angelica, yes she was that petty. ‘So I don’t max out his affection for me, what’s the worst that could happen?’


Greg was the son of a count, which in terms of power and position he was an Upper/Lower Rank 4. In the kingdom’s pecking order his family was the seventh, which didn’t seem like much but he truly did have high standing. There were lots of girls at the academy who wanted Greg purely on status/rank alone. The fact he was hot was just a bonus.

He wasn’t like his other friends though, he hated the stuffy life of the palace. He preferred to train, fight monsters, he wanted to go on adventures and in earn his own place in the world. His friends started calling him a meat head because of his obsession with training. Chris also liked to train but was more balanced and educated then Greg.

Greg always admired adventurers strong and proud men who ventured out and explored the unknown, that’s what he wanted. Even if his friends thought he was weird and a meat head. It sucked as he wanted someone who could/would understand him.

His training had honed his physique, and he was quite proud in his fighting capabilities. No matter how hard he worked, he at times found himself struggling to compete with his friends. These frustrations caused him to gain a nasty habit of looking down on the spoiled or soft nobles.

Then he met Marie…

She seemed to understand him, even coming to his tea party and not turning her nose up at what he offered. Instead of sweets Greg offered some prime steak and instead of tea he offered some high quality coffee. It was a weird combo, but Marie seemed to get him.

He wasn’t stupid, he knew Marie was fooling around with his friends, a part of him was upset about it. ‘No it’s fine...Marie is a special girl...I just gotta work harder so she’ll notice me!’ He didn’t want to lose her, so he showed off and tried to earn her favor.

Despite his best efforts he couldn’t help but feel she was closer to the others than him. ‘What do they have that I don’t?’

During the Dungeon Exam, he thought he could show off for Marie. When gathering ore his muscles allowed him to excavate more ore faster than the others, they got tired out so quickly. “That’s just sad guys.” He teased.

“Shut up, just because we aren’t a meat head like you!” Brad said. They got a ton of ore and gave it all to Marie, with the ore checked off they just needed to kill five monsters and they could return.

Even though Greg got her the most, she thanked them all equally. ‘Fine, I can show off in this next part of this exam.’ They got jumped by ant monsters, five in total. The others sucked at combat, but managed to hold up with their specialty. Greg was the first to bring his target down. Julius took on the ant monster but got hurt. Marie was all over him, tending to his wounds.

He couldn’t stand to see them so lovey dovey, so he looked away seeing something glistening in the wall. ‘Marie would like that!’ It should be safe, what could go wrong in getting a magic stone, that’s what they were down here for, so he went for it.

“Hey Marie, I found something for you!” He ran over to the crystal.

“Greg no!” He heard someone shout.

‘Who’s that?’ Greg touched the crystal and in a flash he was gone.

“Shit!” Leon cursed.

“Huh where did Greg go?” Julius noticed.

‘He touched the warp crystal…’

“He was just here?” Jilk said and looked around.

“He didn’t go back without us did he?” Brad asked.

‘No he’s in trouble you morons, you need to go save him or he’s gonna die!’ Leon was getting more annoyed by the second. It’s possible they didn’t see the magical flash. According to Luxion reincarnations like him can see the world differently, new humans would need a special skill to see the flow of magic. ‘Even if they didn’t see it, your friend suddenly vanished, panic a little!’

Chris adjusted his glasses. “Did you see what happened to him Marie?”

‘You definitely saw it, go save him already!’

“Nope!’ Leon ground his teeth.

‘You lying bitch you totally saw it, he’s gonna die!’

“Your highness, let’s go, I’m sure Greg will turn up, we need to turn in our ore to get a good grade.”

‘Are you fucking serious!?’

“Of course Marie!” The four said, happy to obey her whims.

‘You morons...die!’

She was after the bonus, the first team to come back after collecting both ore and five kills got additional points and would get double the loot. In the game it was near impossible to get the bonus unless you were going for the harem ending and had all five on your side. It was only worth it with Greg’s affection level as well as Greg had the best ore collecting drop rate in the game. It was the best money grinding strategy.

‘You greedy bitch, do you really not know what happened, Greg’s gonna die if you don’t go help him!’ Leon was twitching in anger. ‘And you morons, your friend is gone, go look for him, care damn it!’

Leon watched them go, his hand balling into a fist. ‘Damn you all!’

“Leon-san?” Olivia spoke up, pulling him out of his rage. “Shouldn’t we go look for Greg?”

‘Did she sense the magic?’ He smiled. ‘Olivia’s so sweet.’

“I’ll find him, head back up to the entrance, tell Miauler I need back up.”

“Okay!” She rushed off and Leon went to go save a hot guy.


Greg groaned as he sat up. “Ugh, my head, where am I?” He sat up.


A shiver of fear raced down his spine. Giant Ants began to swarm, not only soldier ants like the ones they fought, large red ones and even bigger yellow ones with large pincers. ‘Ohh crap!’

Greg got on his feet, gripping his weapon tightly. “Bring it on! Come at me!” He fought hard, but there were just too many of them. As soon as he cut down one two more took it’s place.

‘Is anyone coming for me?’ He slashed an ant. ‘Can I survive this?’ Greg looked around for a way to escape. “There!” He stabbed an ant and pol vaulted.

Before he could get too far a red ant blasted him with a fire ball. ‘Fuck!’ The soldier ants swarmed him, biting his arms and legs. “AHH!” He swung his weapon.


One of the big yellow ones bit his weapon in two.

Punch! Kick! “Get off me!” He wasn’t going down without a fight. Greg through punches and kicks, even using his broken weapon to jab one of the ants in the eye, but he was losing both steam and blood.

The ants cut off his escape, he was fully surrounded. ‘Am I gonna die here?’ One of the big yellow ones screeched as it moved in for the kill. “I hope you choke you bastard!”

Chain Lightning!” A bolt of lightning shot and struck the big yellow one before chaining through and striking two of the red ants making them explode. They took out surrounding ants.

‘Lightning magic?’

“Is this a private party or can anyone join in?” Leon showed up wielding a shot gun and a sword. The ants let out an angry cry.

‘It’s that guy again…’ The sword Luxion made for him cut through the ants like butter. ‘He’s cutting down so many all on his own.’ Doki~Doki~

Enhancement Magic: Acceleration!” Magic surged around Leon’s body and he began to move at high speed, cutting through the army ants, swiftly and effectively, when the red ants tried to shoot fire at him he shot them with his gun, again causing a small explosion that took out surrounding ants.

‘Wow...he’s tough…’ Doki~Doki~ ‘What’s he doing here?’

The ants pounced on him. “Crap!”


‘He came for me?!’ Doki~Doki~

Thunder Wave!”He cast a spell, sending an electric burst that blasted the ants off Greg. They were still alive, just paralyzed. “Hold on!”

The ants were getting in Leon’s way, one of the big yellow ones charged and went for Greg. Wham! Miauler came in and pulled a dynamic entry and stomped on the ant. “Miauler!”

“At your service sir!” He bowed politely.

“Protect Greg, I’ll deal with these ants!” He said, stabbing an ant in the head and shooting another.

“Yes sir!” The beast man picked Greg up and proceeded to kick some ant ass.

Greg watched as Leon went wild. “Wow! He’s amazing!” Doki~Doki!

“Yes master trains very hard every day.”

One of the big yellow ants attacked him, and he used Enhancement magic to boost his strength dealing a heavy punch. ‘Damn!’ Leon took it out in one punch.

With the threat identified the ants focused on Leon, three of the red ants breathed fire on him. “Fortify!”He used a defensive enhancement spell, allowing him to tank the flames. Bang Bang Bang! He shot them with electric bullets.


Greg watched as Leon fought like a demon, he took hits and dished them out in kind. The few ants that came after them were kicked away by Miauler. ‘In the game this fight is hell because it’s a game over if Greg dies, but in this otome game world I don’t have to hold back with Miauler guarding him. Die stupid ants!’

Leon took a bit of his gamer frustrations out on these monsters. He was perfectly prepared; he had Enhancement magic for speed, attack, and defense, his fancy sword which helped him carve through the ant’s natural armor like butter, and his shotgun and lightning magic to deal with the pesky long range attackers. While he took some hits and got cut up, he had suffered worse just trying to get Luxion.

It almost felt like the game developers made this fight ten times harder by adding the Greg must survive feature on it. Because in the game Greg proudly stayed in the fight, and if he attacked it drew the ants attention, it was a royal pain. Even if you had the full party!!!

With Miauler keeping Greg out of the fight it was easier.

The last big yellow one went to call for support but Leon shot it in the head. ‘Mission complete!’ He breathed a sigh of relief.

Leon approached the two and Greg tried to stand on his own two feet, but because of the lack of adrenaline he was really feeling his wounds. He stumbled and fell into Leon. “Whoa easy!” Doki~Doki! “Can you stand?”

Greg blushed. “I...think so…” He tried only to hiss.

In the games Olivia had Greg lean on her and the two walked out together. ‘Maybe if I…’ He scooped Greg up and carried him bridal style.

“Hey!” Doki~Doki~


“Aren’t I heavy?”

“Nah, I got you, let’s get out of here before more of those things show up.” Leon had Mialuer collect the monster parts they could salvage.

‘He came to save me...he could have died...for me…’ Doki~Doki~ ‘What is this feeling? My heart is racing, I...I...didn’t know one could feel like this for another guy...’

Leon got them to the medical tent, Greg’s affection for Leon shot up. After the two patched up he went to check on his “friends”.

“Greg!” Julius called. The guys rushed over.

“What happened to you?” Jilk asked.

“I ended up touching a trap crystal.”

“Talk about bad luck!” Brad said.

“All those wounds are you okay?” Chris asked and he nodded.

Marie put on a fake smile. “See, I told you he’d be fine!”

“You are so wise Marie!” Greg’s affection for Marie plummeted. His friends would have come to help him but she convinced them otherwise.

“I was in a pinch but he helped me out.” He gestured over to where Leon was, with Olivia and Miauler.

“Isn’t that the guy they said captured a dungeon and discovered a whole island!” Chris said.

“Leon Fou Bartfort.” Jilk said. He had investigated him to see if he’d a benefit to his majesty.

Greg’s eyes widened. “That’s him!?” He had wanted to meet this adventurer. It felt like destiny.

Marie glared at Oliva. ‘Who’s that guy with that woman?’ She masked her annoyance. “Oh Greg, allow me to treat your wounds for you.” She approached him but he raised a hand.

“No thanks, I’ll heal on my own.”

“Huh?” He walked off. Even the guys were surprised.

Just like that Marie’s little harem was falling apart.

To be continued


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