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Bleach parody: Tier 1

AN: Mix For Mix Fic supporters and beyond

The Power We Share
Ichigo wants to gain his powers back to rescue Rukia, in order to go down this path he needs to know the truth. Kisuke tells him and makes him aware of the powers he holds. As full bringers they have the ability to share their powers with each other. Mix

Chapter 1

Ichigo wasn’t exactly a normal guy when Rukia came into his life and gave him Soul Reaper powers. He could see and speak to ghosts, even his sisters had some form of sixth sense. With her powers he was dragged into this mess of hollows, quincies, and soul reapers.

What Rukia did was considered a crime by Soul Society so they came to retrieve her. Renji and Byakuya found her, and cut down Uryu and Ichigo for trying to stop them. The orangette had surprised Renji as he had more power than he was expecting.

Byakuya seemingly put an end to the battle, severing Ichigo’s spirit connection. This destroyed the powers Rukia gave him, which would allow her to recover her powers. He was left for dead, but Ichigo was unique, as was Uryu.

Kisuke Urahara patched him up, and said Ichigo could if not should return to having a normal life, but he refused. He couldn’t sit back and forget, or even live with himself knowing he just let Rukia die. “If you do this, know there won’t be any going back.” He had to choose for himself.

“I understand.” So it begins.

“Your powers were not destroyed.” Ichigo touched his chest.

“But I don’t feel them at all…” He said. Kurosaki wasn’t exactly the best at sensing spirit energy to begin with, but he could/did sense Rukia’s power in him before.

Kisuke shook his head. “Not Rukia’s powers, your powers.” When Rukia gave her powers to Ichigo, she woke up something that was already there. “When Byakuya Kuchiki tried to sever your spirit, he managed to remove Rukia’s powers but something inside you protected your true power.” It was also this power that saved his life, mending his wounds long enough for Kisuke to provide healing. “The same is true for your little quincy friend.”

“Are you saying I’m a quincy?”

“Not exactly, but your mother was!”

“WHAT?!” Urahara told him most of the story, what he knew about anyway. His mother was a quincy, his father was a shinigami. Isshin had given up his powers to save his mother’s life after she was infected by a hollow.

“Your parents wanted you to have a normal life, but since you are choosing to cross that line I can tell you what I know.” It was Ichigo’s quincy powers that kept his true powers safe.

The hollow power was passed to him as a human, which made him a fullbringer with both shinigami and quincy powers. Ichigo was quite unique. Kisuke had done plenty of research into hollow techniques, quincy techniques, and fullbringer techniques, there were some parallels between them.

Through training Ichigo was able to manifest his powers once more, but had a better connection to them. When he was awake Urahara trained him personally, when he was asleep Tessai worked some magic so Ichigo could commune with his spirits.

The one he called Old Man Zangetsu taught Ichigo quincy things, Blut. His mother was apparently a master of Blut, this knowledge was passed onto him. Active Blood Dress and Calm Blood Dress, offense and defense!

His embodiment of his shinigami powers was Muramasa, a tall, thin male with pale skin and shaggy brown hair, he had turquoise eyes which were circled by purple spiked ovals. He wears a robe-like coat, the collar was black, his boots were black, and he had a black sash around his waist with a purple stripe, he had a purple ascot. He taught Ichigo spells akin to shinigami kido.

The one Ichigo called Shiro looked like him but was bleached with, he had yellow and black eyes, and his robes were that of a shinigami but pure white. Shiro was able to teach him hollow stuff, willing to provide him regeneration. Ichigo could freely use the hollow powers when he dawns the mask.

The three were unique Old Man Zangetsu was wearing all black, Shiro was in all white, Muramasa was in a mix of white and black, with splashes of color.

While Ichigo was training, his friends were also training. Sado and Orihime were fullbringers. His was Right Arm of the Giant, and hers was the Shun Shun Rikka! Uryu was meddling with some serious quincy tech that was risky for him. Ishida was in for a shock when Ichigo reveals that he had quincy power, he almost didn’t believe it, but when he checked Ichigo’s spirit ribbon, he found them in different shades, blue, red, and green. The blue was the quincy, red the shinigami, and the green was the hollow.

They invade Soul Society with a cat named Yoruichi, and a thug named Ganju. Things did not go well as they got separated, and in the middle of trying to rescue Rukia another scheme was happening behind the scenes.

Ichigo learned shikai in Soul Society, his one zanpakuto turning into two. This caught many Soul Reapers he fought off guard as having two zanpakuto was quite rare. Byakuya was his believed to be final opponent, but in order to match Kuchiki’s bankai Ichigo had to hollowfy.

As it turned out a Shinigami named Aizen had caused this all to happen in order to get something Kisuke had hidden inside Rukia’s gigai. He even faked his death to move more effectively behind the scenes. Sosuke had even turned two other captains to his side, along with his lieutenant.

They defected with the hogyoku and escaped to the world of hollows. In light of this new evidence and the murder of Central 46, the Head Captain Yammamoto decided to pardon the ryoka and Rukia, along with the other shinigami who Ichigo had turned to his side in the mess. Given the threat Aizen posed he was willing to ask for the help of Ichigo, even giving him a combat pass, making him an official substitute shinigami.

Sado and Orihime were feeling down as, Chad hadn’t been able to match a captain’s strength, and Orihime hadn’t been able to do much in the fighting. Uryu had defeated a captain but at the cost of his powers.

Aizen’s betrayal was a problem, and with the hogyoku he would be able to freely cross the bridge of hollow and shinigami, turning hollows into something called Arrancar. There wasn’t much data on these beings, as experiments and the creation of arrancar was deemed forbidden. They believed Aizen would attack in winter, little did they know Aizen has been preparing for war for a long time.


Kisuke was making his own preparations. “Since Ichigo is a fullbringer like you two, there is a technique that could help the three of you.” Urahara had called Ichigo, Orihime, Chad, and Uryu to his shop. “Fullbringers can share their powers with each other, in theory it can help mature the fullbring and enhance it’s powers.”

Sado and Orihime got excited.

Uryu crossed his arms. “What does that have to do with me?”

“You lost your powers in Soul Society, do you want them back?” Kisuke asked with a knowing smirk.

“What?!” Urahara nodded.

“You still have quincy blood in you, if Ichigo performs this technique he can pass on a part of his quincy powers to you and that will be enough to jump start you.” He explained, using an analogy of Uryu being a dead car battery. “Your powers could return and then some.”

Uryu narrowed his eyes. “What do you mean, and then some?”

Kisuke held up a fan. “Well, because Ichigo is unique, it is possible he can share other parts of his powers. So Uryu if Ichigo shares his power with you, you might get shinigami power mixed in.”

Uryu stood up angrily. “Absolutely not!”

“Hey, don’t say it like that!” Ichigo snapped.

“Why would I want shinigami powers, I’m a quincy!”

Kisuke closed his fan. “That’s exactly why you should do this.” He points his fan at Uryu. “The quincy were wiped out because they threaten the natural balance of souls. With shinigami power mixed in, your arrows wouldn’t destroy souls they could purify them.”

Ichigo spoke up. “Quincy and hollow power reject each other, destroying each other. If you were ever bitten by a hollow, your soul would decay and die quickly without shinigami power to counter it.” Using what Urahara told him about his mom to make a point.

Uryu turned around, his body trembling.

“Ishida...don’t let your pride, turn you away from a good thing.” Sado told him.

The quincy sat down, but still looked unhappy. “So what’s this stupid technique!” He huffed.

“It is called the Pactio!” By forming a pact, a fullbringer can share his powers with another. “The pact just needs to be sealed with a kiss!”

“WHAT?!” Uryu snapped.


Orihime and Ichigo were first. “Are you sure about this Orihime, this being your first kiss and all?” Ichigo asked, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

“Oh it’s fine!” Orihime blushed. “I’m actually happy that my first kiss can be with you!”

Ichigo blushed. “Oh yeah?”

“Yeah…” The atmosphere suddenly got a lot more lovey dovey.

“Would you two get a room!” Uryu hissed.

Ichigo glared at him before smirking. “Are you jealous Uryu? Of me or Orihime?”

Uryu’s face got all red. “I am not jealous!”

Orihime poked Ichigo. “Uryu likes Rukia!”

“What?!” Uryu gasped. “No!”

Inoue got confused. “But you made such special clothes for her, I thought you liked her. Then who do you like?”

Ishida face palmed. “Sado...please help me…”

“I like Ichigo!” He confessed. That wasn’t what Uryu meant at all.

“Okay gang let’s get this started, its Pactio time.”

Ichigo and Orihime kissed, a literal spark surging between them. Orihime’s fairies were manifested, Tsubaki, Ayame, Shuno, Lily, Hinagiku, and Baigon.

Tsubaki incorporated all of Shun Shun Rikka’s offensive ability. Thanks to Ichigo’s power up, he gained the benefit of his shinigami power and he could transform into a zanpakuto.

Baigon and Hinagiku were a part of the defensive power with Lily, but thanks to the power evolution they could hold the shield themselves. Baigon’s mask became more hollow-like, as did Hinagiku’s eye patch-horn, it was now white with a red core.

Lily served as Orihime’s personal defense now, gaining an upgrade from the quincy powers.

Ayame and Shuno were the foundation of Orihime’s healing ability which had evolved from the boost.

As for Ichigo, since Orihime shared her power with him, Muramasa got an upgrade and his three spirits were able to manifest in tiny spirit form. “Whoa!”

When Uryu saw Old Man Zangetsu he got the weirdest feeling he’d seen him before.

The two were still kissing, despite the pactio being completed. “Ahem!” The two pulled apart, faces red.

Next was Sado, Uryu watched as the two men embraced each other. “Are you ready for this Ichigo?”

He nodded. Ishida looked to Orihime wondering if she was gonna be jealous especially after the kiss they just shared. Inoue was starring, her eyes burning with moe heat!

The two kissed and a spark surged between them. Ichigo’s hollow power flowed into Sado allowing his Fullbring to mature. His right arm evolved and his left arm manifested. Not only that but Sado got a jolt from Ichigo’s shinigami powers, with his precious medallion he could form a zanpakuto.

Shiro shivered as he got the brunt of Sado’s power, when they hollowfied they had an upgrade.

Like before Ichigo and Sado made out even after the Pactio was finished. Orihime wished she had popcorn for this.

Uryu was surprised to see Sado dominating the kiss like he was and Ichigo melting into it like hot chocolate. The kiss finally broke for air. Ichigo caressed Chad’s cheek, and Sado was giving him a passionate look. Oh yes, he did more than like Ichigo.

It was Uryu’s turn and he was feeling even more nervous, especially since he was pitching a tent something fierce. “Let’s do this Uryu!” Ichigo said after recovering from his heavy make out session with Sado.

“I’m not ready!” He squeaked. “I mean maybe there is another way…” Ishida looked to Urahara.

“There is, you two could have sex, that’d seal the pact real good!” Both of their faces burned. “Ahh to be young and innocent!” He teased.

From stories Yoruichi told Ichigo during their training Kisuke was VERY NOT A VIRGIN.

Ichigo kissed Uryu, and to the quincy’s surprise he dominated the kiss. A spark was felt between them, and Ichigo poured his power into Uryu. The quincy shuddered and bucked, he was an empty vessel and was being filled so tenderly.

Ishida had no power to give currently, so what Old Man Zangetsu got was knowledge.

Muramasa added his power into the mix, mixing the red and blue reishi ribbons and making them a lovely purple color.

Uryu felt his powers return newer and better than ever. He felt something else to, as the kiss ended and he came into his pants.

To be continued


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