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One Piece parody: Patreon Reward

Rubber Hunter

Luffy decides to become a bounty hunter. He has the freedom of being a pirate and can follow his own justice. He doesn't hunt alone, Zoro, Grount, Koby, Johnny, Yosaku are the group he's gathered just in the East Blue the big bounties are in the Grand Line.

Chapter 1

There was a lot the world could offer. One could find a future on an island, in a small town or in a grand kingdom. Explorers sailed the seas discovering new lands, new plants, new animals, cultivating the knowledge and bringing it back to their king or employer. As fun as it sounded to explore, having to answer to someone felt like a pain.

Marines served the world government, they were in charge of protecting the islands they were based at, patrolling the seas and keeping the peace. While a noble goal, marines had to answer to their superiors, and when the Celestial Dragons are involved their hands were tied. It was unwise to view all marines as just, with any mortal there were good and bad, the devout and the corrupt.

Pirates were the other side of this coin, they seemed to answer to no one, holding all the freedom and power at the cost of others. Though this was on the surface, there were many “pirates” in the world that had actually done nothing to earn the title. Pirates seemed to be the most free, but those with bounties are said to never know peace, and are hunted by the marines, the world government, and bounty hunters.

Bounty Hunters claim there are two kinds of Pirates Peace Mains, the people who seek adventure and treasure but don’t go around attacking people for the hell of it. Morganeers, the people who are greedy, love to fight, break the laws, enjoy causing pain and misery to people. A Bounty Hunter decides how they handle these types on a case by case basis.

In Luffy’s eyes Bounty Hunters were the most free, they could go on adventures, see the world, and live by their own sense of justice and beat up bad guys, getting paid for it if they had a bounty.

There were also the Revolutionaries, proud people seeking to bring freedom to others, if it meant going against the status quo of the world. Nobles and Kings varied some cared about their people, while others were consumed by their status twisted and rotten. This rot could be found the higher you went up the food chain with the Celestial Dragons being the greatest gathering of greedy, gluttonous, vile, and altogether warped individuals in the world.

Luffy’s Grandpa was a Marine, his father was a Revolutionary, and his brother was a Pirate. He took a very different path becoming a Bounty Hunter.


In the East Blue there were Three Big Names as far as Bounty Hunters were concerned.

Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro, a green haired swordsman with three identical gold earrings on his left ear. He’s noted to carry a black bandana, a green haramaki, and three swords.

All Hunt Grount, a young man with black hair and a red mohawk. He’s noted for a prominent scar on his face and disheveled clothing. He had eaten a devil fruit, the Saru Saru no Mi Model: Red Kong! His devil fruit was a bit weird as far as zoans were concerned.

A zoan devil fruit normally had a three stage transformation, the original form, the beast form, and the hybrid form. Grount for some reason couldn’t or didn’t have a beast form. When he tried to transform into a beast all he could do was partially transform part(s) of his body.

There was another problem, if he stayed in his hybrid form for too long he went berserk. He took out bad guys yes, but the sheer amount of property damage he caused always kept him in the red. Grount got the epitaph of All-Hunt, as he hunted bandits, cut throats, pirates, traders. Essentially if Grount was in town best not commit a single crime, or he’d tear through walls, buildings, trees, chasing you.

The third big name was Bubblegum Luffy, the Rubber Hunter. He was known for his straw hat, scar under his eye, and his devil fruit powers.

Garp would have preferred Luffy become a marine, but since he wasn’t trying to become a pirate he got him a little something to help with his bounty hunting. He trained the boy hard and taught him the basics of the six powers.

Shave, Moon Step, Paper Art, Iron Body, Tempest Kick, and Finger Pistol. Luffy was able to tap into bio-feedback. His specialty was Paper Art, using it and the bio feedback, he was able to enhance himself with the use of his devil fruit powers to the capabilities of a squash and stretch cartoon.

His devil fruit turned his body to rubber, at a young age he had difficulty controlling his powers, and getting his body to do as he liked. Garp taught him the six powers as a way to make up for his weaknesses. As a Rubber Man, blunt attacks couldn’t hurt him, but he was weak to slashing/piercing attacks. With Iron Body he could equalize that weakness.

Moon Step was critical as the weakness of all devil fruit eaters was the sea. If he was knocked towards the water he could avoid being submerged.

Garp didn’t raise Luffy, the boy was actually raised by mountain bandits. A quirky band of thieves that lived by their own code. It made Luffy want his own troop one day.

Luffy’s first big bounty was Bluejam, a terrifying pirate with a bounty of 14 million, 300 thousand Berri. Other members of his crew were captured and brought in, he was giving 10 thousand a head.

“Hmm, slim pickings here in the East…” Luffy flipped through a stack of wanted posters, there were both pirate and bandit posters. He booked passage on a liner and was enjoying the accommodations when the ship was attacked by pirates. “That mark...I know I saw it somewhere...”

People began to panic as pirates raided the ship. Luffy sat calmly flipping through the posters. While it looked like he wasn’t paying attention he was counting all the pirate heads he’d be collecting in a bit.

Iron Mace Alvida, she was a small time pirate, who thought she was big time. There were bandits with bigger bounties than her. She ruled her crew under her iron club, using them to feed her ego and make her rich.

“Move it!” Some of her men approached Luffy. “Get up and join the rest or die!”

A sword was pointed at him. The captain was freaking out. “Please help us Bubblegum Luffy-sama!”

“Shut up!” Alvida snapped. The large woman glared at him. “You can’t be Bubblegum Luffy, while not the youngest bounty hunter I hear you took out a big name to show off.”

“He had it coming.” Luffy said, still relaxed in his chair.

“I said move it…” One of Alvida’s men went at Luffy with a blade only for the rubber man to vanish.

In a flash he got a kick to the face and was sent flying. “Wow!” Koby gasped.

“You might have some skills, but you are up against the most powerful pirate in all the seas.” Alvida said, and Luffy couldn’t help it he cracked up laughing. “Kill him!”

Some of her men fired their guns at him, but the bullets just sank into his body. “Gum Gum Rebound!” Thanks to his Paper Art he was able to control the bounce back, shooting their guns out of their hands with their own bullets.

“He’s got devil fruit powers!” Alvida cursed. “So the legends were true.” She squeezed her club tightly. They had recently found a devil fruit in a recent score. She had thought it was a fake but decided to sell it to some sucker when they went to town for supplies.

Her men went at him with swords. “Iron Body!” Clang! Their blades broke over his form. “You won’t be able to cut me like that.”

Luffy began to tear through her men, stretching about and punching and kicking the fools. “Koby...fetch me the devil fruit!” Alvida demanded.

Monkey eyed the pink haired boy, he didn’t have the same aura as the rest of her men. “I...I...I...don’t…”

She glared at him. “Are you talking back to me you little brat?” Her club was swung at him, but didn’t connect. Luffy stretched his arm around and grabbed the boy.

“You saved me?” Koby gasped. “Why?”

Monkey shrugged. “Felt like it.” He looked to Alvida. “So this is how you treat your crew?”

Alvida laughed. “You think that little weakling is a part of my crew?” She wiped a tear from her eye. “He’s my slave, my property. The little fool got on the wrong boat and now he belongs to me.” She stroked one of her chins. “How many years has it been Koby?”

“Two years…” He said glumly.

“Really?” Luffy was surprised. “Why didn’t you try to run away or escape?”

“I’m not strong enough.” His hands balled into fists. “Even if I managed to slip away, Alvida would catch me and drag me back.”

“Hear that bounty hunter, you are wasting your time protecting that little coward.” She waved her hand. “Hand him over to me, and we can part ways. If you don’t I’ll have to get serious.”

Luffy shook his head. “I don’t think so.”

Suddenly guns were pulled out and the passengers were taken hostage. “Guns don’t work on you, but it’ll work on them.”

Her men laughed as they seemed to have Luffy beat. “Koby tie the freak up, and all will be forgiven.” Alvida threw him some rope.

Koby shook. “But I don’t…”

“You gotta be your own man Koby, if you don’t want to do something you shouldn’t be forced to do it. Do you want to be a pirate?”


Alvida got annoyed. “Koby you better watch it boy. If you listen to this freak it won’t go well for you or them.” Koby looked at the hostages, eyes full of fear. He knew this fear, he’s had this fear every day for the last two years.

His hands tightened on the rope. “It’s okay to be afraid…” Koby looked up at Luffy. “Fear is instinct, it warns you of danger, but you can’t let it consume you. Grow stronger and move past it and a world of possibilities will be before you!”

“Shut up!” Alvida snapped. “Men if this fool says one more word kill a hostage!”

Luffy grinned. “Shave!” In a flash he was gone.

Pow! Bam! Wham! Boing! Pow Pow Pow Pow!

It all happened so fast, Luffy reappeared back where he was standing dropping their guns on the ground as the men were knocked out. “There now, let’s let Koby decide for himself what he wants.”

“Koby!” Alvida snapped. “Tell this fool who he’s messing with.”

He began to shake.

“Who’s the most beautiful in all the world?”

He’s heard that so many times, if he didn’t feed her ego he got the club. Her men were quick to respond “You Lady Alvida!”

“Who owns you?”

“You…” Alvida smirked. “ARE THE BIGGEST, UGLIEST, WEAKEST, STUPID COW IN THE WORLD!” Her jaw dropped and Luffy started laughing. ‘I told her off no regrets!’

“YOU ARE DEAD!!!” She swung her club with all her might but was intercepted by Luffy.

“Well said Koby, good man!” He bounced her club back and gave her a swift punch to the gut. The wind was knocked out of her and she was knocked back to her ship.

‘The devil fruit...then I’ll teach him…’ She tried to get the devil fruit but as soon as she reached it. Pop!

Luffy was too fast, he picked up the fruit. “No!”

“A devil fruit huh? I’ll be taking this.” He pocketed the strange fruit.

“You can’t! I’m Iron Mace Alvida I’m…” Chop! She got knocked out.

“Now she’ll be quiet.” Luffy captured her and her men.

Koby was free. “Is there a marine base nearby?”

“Oh yes, there is one in Shell Town, it’s about a week away.”

“Wanna tag along, I can help you get stronger?” His eyes sparkled and he nodded.

They were off.


Zoro was having a meal when he was approached by a man with a seven tattoo. This was a field agent for Baroque Works. “Our boss would like to recruit a man like you into our ranks.”

“I’m not interested, if your boss is so interested he should come to speak to me personally.” Mr. 7 twitched and tried to remain calm.

“No one sees the boss so easily. Please know we only approach the best, with your skills I’m sure if we work together we could even kill Mr. 1 and take his place.” Bad move, Roronoa was a man of honor. People may call him a demon but he had his own rules he followed. If the organization was power hungry and cut throat, he wouldn’t be at peace with a group like that.

“If this is how your boss runs things I’m not interested.”

Mr. 7 didn’t take kindly to this, and swore to take Zoro by force if he had to. This did not go well for him. He to was a wanted man, 7 Million Dead or Alive.

Zoro took him dead…he was about a day’s trip from Shell Town so he planned to turn in his bounty and collect his money.

Two of the big name bounty hunters were about to cross paths. As for Grount, he was currently sniffing out the trail of the Black Cat Pirates. Kuro may have been executed a few years ago, but the crew had remained active and were still as violent as ever.

To be continued...Strength and Bonds

Luffy helps train Koby, unlocking Bio Feedback, the two can make the most of their short time together. Zoro gets caught in a marine trap and gets trussed up. Grount gets a little too close to the Black Cat Pirates and faces the sinister powers of their new captain Jango.


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