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Akame Ga Kill parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 6 

Chapter 7 Seduction Strategy

Night Raid didn’t take on jobs needlessly. They fully vet their clients and investigate all claims made. The sad truth is what they discover is often worse then what the client knew about. It had to be done, even when they were approached by the desperate and down trodden, they couldn’t do their job if they didn’t do their diligence. Going against a corrupt system, they had to be careful not to become corrupt themselves or be used by dark elements.

Because of their reputation being twisted by rumors they were approached by seedy people at times, a few of them being on Night Raid’s target list. So it helped draw targets out, sometimes small fish led them to bigger catches.

Leone was tasked with handling their newest client. She was perfect for the job with her keen senses. They met in a secure location, she was able to sense if anyone else was around, making sure their were no soldiers, spies, or shadows.

Their newest client was a woman who’s husband had been murdered. An oil merchant named Gamal was committing crimes and using his connections with a man named Ogre to frame innocent people to take the fall.

Gamal was small time, but Ogre was a big fish. He was a Captain in the Imperial Army, a proud man but not too proud to accept bribes from criminals. So many innocent people took the fall for the crimes of others. Not only did they suffer before being executed, but the families suffered being dragged through the mud.

Leone did some digging, and Ogre was true scum, not only did he frame innocent people and lock them up, he made extra money on their suffering by pimping them out. He used this dirty money to play nice guy to his cadets, treating them to drinks, good food, women or men. To his men he was an angel but in truth he was a demon. He bought their loyalty, making it so they would die for him or get revenge for him, making his strict training seem bearable.

His methods with the carrot and stick go to the extreme and have either broken or brainwashed soldiers. People could almost tell who had been trained by Ogre as something was just a bit off with those that did.

Gamal had no shame in his dirty dealings since he thought he had the Imperial Army in his pocket.

Their client’s fiancee had been framed for one of said crimes, he was used and broken before his execution. He overheard their misdeeds and got a letter to her telling her everything. There wasn’t much she could do on her own so she’s turned to Night Raid. ‘This woman…’

“Please, help me clear this regret from my heart…”

“Understood...we shall send them both screaming to hell!” The woman had collected the money, by selling herself. She had lost her job when they learned her fiancee was a criminal. There was no way to prove his innocence, even the letter would be seen as the mad ramblings of a convicted man. His death broke her heart and spirit, all she had left was this.

Leone investigated her story, and both men were guilty as sin.  Najenda ordered the divine punishment. “We shall punish these monsters and send them off to hell where they belong.”

There was just one problem. Damal was easy, even with his security they could break in and end him. Many of his guards knew and assisted with his dark deals.

The trouble was Ogre, when he’s working he spends his time with his subordinates. When he’s not on patrol he’s at the garrison HQ. The man found time to get his kicks. Raiding that for such a man would be like going to war over a single life.

On his days off he leaves the HQ, and goes out drinking, never straying too far from the palace. It was more doable, but here were issues. No one on the kingdom’s most wanted list could go, and the teams that were away wouldn’t be back for some time.

Akame would be perfect for killing Ogre, but she’d never get close enough. All those with the combat power to kill him wouldn’t be able to get close enough to do it.

“Let us do it!” Tatsumi exclaimed. Having wished to join the imperial army, he couldn’t stand the thought of corruption in it.

“We can get close to him!” Ieyasu said. “We can pretend to be new recruits.”

“That might work, but it won’t be enough. If you push too hard he’ll just get suspicious and you’ll never get near him, plus we can’t risk losing you if you get sucked into the HQ.” Those that go in have limited access to the outside world until they complete basic training.

“I think the best way to do it is the Seduction Plan!” Leone said.

“S-Seduction!?” Tatsumi gasped.

“It is a well documented tool of assassination.” Najenda said.

“And we are in luck, Ogre likes messing around with guys. Dude’s a real perv will even get his rocks off having his cadets do it in front of him.” Leone said.

She had contacts in the pleasure circles that gave her the info. “The two of you could pull this off.”

Tatsumi and Ieyasu blushed. ‘Maybe we could…’

“I object!” Akame spoke up.

“Huh why?” Tatsumi asked.

“While Tatsumi might be able to pull through with his teigu, sending Ieyasu in will only cause trouble. I’m not sure you are ready to be in the field, let alone be partners with Tatsumi.”

Ieyasu glared at her. “I’ll have you know we were partners in our village.”

“Yes, as a trio, and now that Tatsumi has Venom, he’s on a whole other level than you, you’ll slow him down and likely get him killed, even if you’re lucky it’ll be you who dies and you’ll leave Tatsumi all alone.” Her words cut deep.

“Now hold on, Ieyasu is not dead weight, we can do this together!” She narrowed her eyes at Tatsumi.

“Are you sure, don’t get cocky, you haven’t had a successful mission until you’ve given your first report!” She pointed at the two of them.

“At the very least you can watch each other’s backs if things get dicey.” Najenda approved them for the mission.

Ieyasu glared at Akame. ‘I’m not dead weight, I’ll survive, and I’ll protect Tatsumi, because I…’

Tatsumi looked at his friend. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine!” He smiled. “Let’s do this!” Neither one of them wanted to let Ogre get away with what he was doing.


Leone and Akame would kill Gamal, and Tatsumi and Ieyasu would kill Ogre. For the girls it was easy, once night fell they snuck into Gamal’s compound and killed him.

The boys got into position and Ogre was making his rounds. He was strutting about like he was king of the streets, with all the confidence of he could get away with murder. ‘I can do whatever I want, as much as I want!’

Leone had told them what to do, they needed to lure Ogre away, take him to a secluded spot where they could take him out. Given what the fiancee had done to get them this job, the boys were willing to do whatever it takes to end him.

The two were cloaked as they approached him. “Uhmm...Ogre-sama…”

“What?” His cheeks were slightly red from all the booze he had.

“We...we really wanted to speak to you...can we talk in private?” Ieyasu asked.

“Huh?” He turned to glare at them with his good eye. “What spit it out then?”

“It’s not something we can talk about in the open.” The two looked at each other.

“Please, we don’t have to go far, and we won’t take much of your time.” Ieyasu added, the two gave him a pleading look.

‘Fuck these two are cute.’ He had a drunken feeling he knew what this was about. “Fine, I know a place.” There was a secluded spot, that was often used for hookups.

It was pretty quiet this time of night, so it’d serve his purposes well. They followed Ogre to the spot, it was lit by lamp light. ‘These two move quite well, they have some skill.’ As they followed him it felt like he was being tailed by monsters.

We are alone, I sense no other life forms in radius.’ Venom whispered to Tatsumi’s mind.

‘Good, let’s do this.’ Tatsumi gave the signal by taking a deep breath.

“This place is fine, right?”

‘Sayo give us strength!’ The two shared the same thought.

Suddenly the two dropped to their hands and knees, bowing their heads low. “Please we beg of you!!” The two said in unison. “Allow us to enter the Imperial Army!”

Ogre stared at them.

“We are both from a small village in the country sir!”

“We’ve traveled a long way and need to earn money fast.”

“We are strong and willing to work hard!”

Ogre couldn’t help but laugh. “Hahaahahaha!” He rubbed the back of his head. “As I thought it would be something like this.” This wasn’t the first time he heard this story, the villages and provinces changed but it was the same old song and dance...it weirdly got his dick hard.

He’s had a lot of fun turning innocent country bumpkins into proud and sturdy sluts for his amusement. Tatsumi had turned on the water works, while Ieyasu sniffled. ‘Something isn’t right here.’

“Then apply through the normal process idiots!” He waved the two off.

“Please sir, we heard that we could get in on recommendation.”

“Please, we’ll do anything!” Ieyasu mimicked his desperate tone.

The corrupt captain had heard many sob stories, hard times, bad match up, pissed off the examiner, he didn’t care for any of that, he had no use for weaklings, but the desperate...now those men he could use.

Ogre smirked. “Anything huh?” He palmed himself through his pants. “Do you mean that?” The boys nodded. “Are you two a couple or something?”

“No sir, we are just friends from the same village.” Tatsumi answered.

“Good, good, kiss each other.”

“What?!” The two blush.

“I didn’t stutter, I wanna see you two make out. If you put on a good show, maybe I’ll be willing to make a deal with you.” He sat on a bench, crossing his arms. “Consider it a test, I wanna see how devoted you truly are in serving our army.”

Tatsumi hesitated, he had planned to do the seducing and let Ieyasu kill him. He didn’t want things to be awkward with his friend. ‘Just kiss him already!’ Venom hissed.

“Please sir, if that’s what you are interested in I’d gladly offer myself to you.” He said boldly.

“You think you are worth a damn, if you can’t kiss a man how do you expect to properly serve superior cock. I won’t ask again, start making out or get your virgin bitch asses out of my sight!” He threatened drawing his blade.

Tatsumi flinched, but to his surprise it was Ieyasu who made the first move, he kissed Tatsumi hard, maybe a little too hard. “Oww!”

“Sorry!” They said against each other’s lips.

Ieyasu relax and began to mesh his lips against Tatsumi, letting years of pent up feelings flow. He felt the brunette respond in kind, kissing back. “Now that’s what I’m talking about.”

The two clung to each other. ‘I won’t be a burden, Tatsumi...this is real...this is how much I want you…” He clung to his friend, pushing off the cloak.

‘I never knew he was such a good kisser.’ Ignoring the initial rough kiss. Tatsumi let himself forget they were being watched for a moment, having Venom keep guard. ‘Is he doing this for the mission...Ieyasu...why does this feel so good?’

Their tongues met and began to duel, Ogre could barely control his desire. ‘Quick learners these two, are they really just country bumpkins?’ He still had a bit of his guard up.

Ieyasu kicked things up a notch, having pulled off Tatsumi’s jacket, he broke the kiss to remove his vest and undershirt. Tatsumi made a surprised noise.

Ogre licked his lips. There was something about Tatsumi, his face, his build, the noises he made. The urge to fuck rose as his guard slipped. From what he could see the brunette had no weapons on him.

Ieyasu’s hands roamed over Tatsumi’s form as he kissed him again, they moved in a teasing, tracing manner, drawing Ogre’s good eye over every inch of him. ‘Oh yeah he’s a country boy.’ He’d seen some physiques like that, he couldn’t help but see so much potential.

Even as Tatsumi began to dominate the kiss and the two dueled in a lip lock. ‘He’s a fighter, that’s good!’ He was hard as a rock now. He saw Ieyasu’s hands drift towards Tatsumi’s cock and a weird surge of possessiveness hit him. “Alright that’s enough.”

The two broke the kiss, panting and trying to catch their breath. “Did we do good?” Tatsumi asked smiling.

‘What the hell?’ Ogre felt warmed by his smile, it was like pure sunshine washing through his dark world. He got up and walked over to him. “Yeah you both did great, you got me all hard, you two will have to take care of that.”

The two shared a look. “Come now, you are both men, you must know what to do, it’s your fault I’m like this, so you have to take responsibility.” He went for the sword in his pants. “I’ll teach you, consider it your first lesson in the army!”

As he grabbed himself and moved to pull his dick out, their innocent faces fell becoming cold. Venom spread over Tatsumi so quickly, forging a long tentacle and sharpening it like a blade. Tatsumi didn’t need to have a weapon, Venom was his weapon.

Ieyasu went for his blade, since he was on Ogre’s good eye side, the man noticed. ‘What the hell?’ He went to grab his weapon only…


Tatsumi and Venom sliced off his arm, giving Ieyasu the opening to slice at the man. Ogre fell down, his blood spraying out. “We did it!”

The two celebrated a bit too soon. Ogre really was a demon, as even after losing an arm, he came back to fight. Tatsumi pushed Ieyasu out of the way and took a hit getting knocked back. “Was my cut not deep enough!”

“Tatsumi!” He called out.

Ogre moved fast, even with only one arm he was still fighting using his leg to kick Tatsumi hard. “Ieyasu run!” He coughed. The wind had gotten knocked out of him.

“Did you really think, a couple of little virgin shits like you could bring down the mighty Ogre the Demon!” His black eye was in a fury, you could see his rage and his desire to kill washed over them. “You weren’t half bad you even knew my tastes, you must be from Night Raid, you can’t be some regular punks, who sent you, was it that wench of the man I executed the other day.”

Tatsumi glared at him. “It was wasn’t it!” He swung at Tatsumi, Venom forming claws so he could fight back and hold him off. Adrenaline was making this guy a monster, even with only one arm he was pushing Tatsumi back. “I should have had her killed to, but there’s time for that, first I’ll just have to find her, then the rest of her family, they’ll be arrested and charged as criminals, I’ll save her for last so she can watch as I kill every single one of them first before I make her death as slow as possible.”

The way Ogre swung at him as clear he was trying to take an arm. “As for you, I won’t kill you, I’m gonna chop off your arms and legs and keep you as a sex doll. You’ll be my personal cum dump forever. Your friend though? He’s so dead, after we torture him to get all the details about Night Raid.”

Tatsumi was seeing red. ‘Calm down...if we go wild this guy will kill us for sure, he’s no amateur!’

‘I know...I know…’ He hated this, this guy was like everyone else, drunk on his own power, abusing his authority, doing whatever he wants, with no remorse or regret!

Ogre raised an arm to try and cut Tatsumi down. He was focused on the boy with the teigu, but that was his mistake. His pride got in the way, he should have gotten away, called for help, surrounded the two. Ogre had their faces and other details. His words angered Ieyasu, just as much. Sching!

His last arm was gone. “You are trash!” Ieyasu howled and stabbed the man in his throat. He didn't wanna hear another word from his garbage mouth. For good measure he twisted the blade causing blood to gush and splatter his coat. 

This gave Tatsumi the opening, he summoned the venom tentacles and sliced Ogre into pieces. They had done it, they completed the mission. They left his head with a message, Lies, Bribes, Murder, Corruption; a full list of his sins. The two felt the world had a right to know. Ogre's body was disposed of. When morning patrol came they were in for quite a shock. 


When they made it back to the base to give their report Ieyasu and Tatsumi were stripped naked. “EHH!?” They were examined carefully, wanting to make sure they had no poison laced wounds.

Akame was a true pro, she was hard on them because she had lost friends in the past. Mistakes could be made they had to always be on their toes. “Well done you two, hit the showers and get some rest.”

Leone collected their clothes. “I’ll wash them for you, isn’t big sis the sweetest!”

The two walked towards the showers, a heavy silence between them. It wasn’t about the man they killed, that weight rolled off their backs on their way back to the Night Raid base. No this was about before the killing, the kiss. That was no fake out make out, there was passion behind there.

They needed to talk.

To be continued...Shower Talk


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