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American Dragon/Kingdom Hearts parody

Dark Dragon's Keyhole Adventure
The Dark Dragon was known as the first dragon to go dark, turn to the side of evil. He believed magical people should rule, but despite his best efforts he couldn't build his army. He makes a deal with the darkness and gets an army of Heartless. For his efforts he must honor his debt, defeating heroes for the darkness. With his new powers he's able to corrupt Jake and use him as an agent to break other heroes. Mind Break Dark/Jake/Harem

Chapter 1

Jake Long had managed to best him once, uniting both the magic and non magical worlds to stand against him. His shades lacked power, and he wasn’t able to sway the magic world to his ideals. He couldn’t trust the other dark forces, it was in their nature to betray and covet power. His trust issues were steeped in his past.

While he was called the Dark Dragon he never believed himself to be evil, despite the dragon laws.

Even if they united in one cause for a time, they would eventually try to overthrow him. He wanted loyalty.

His one loyal follower was captured. Many powers feared him, but fear wasn’t enough. Fear could be unpredictable. ‘I need someone loyal to me, Jake Long is powerful, and his will is strong but I sense great potential for the dark in him. He thinks he is a hero, a champion of good, but he is young unaware of the world.’

He admired Jake Long’s loyalty, his desire to help his fellow dragons, his desire to protect his friends. It reminded him of himself when he was young and naive. He was betrayed by those he trusted labeled a villain.

Dark Dragon cast away his old name, the name of a fool who trusted. He wouldn’t give in, his path through the dark had made him stronger. “If I must I shall bathe this world in darkness if I have to.”

“My my, that’s what I like to hear.” The Dark Dragon whipped around and was met with a figure dressed in black. “People can be so cruel, thinking that those in the dark are pure evil, never knowing those in the light can be just as evil as those in the dark.”

“Who are you? How did you get here?” The Dark Dragon growled at the figure.

“Who I am isn’t important, how I got here is!” The figure vanished from sight and appeared behind the dragon. He whipped around to slash at the figure only for them to vanish once more. It was like trying to grab smoke with your bare hands. “I wonder though who are you?”

“What is this? What do you want?” The figure formed and conjured up a chair.

“Not bad questions, but you haven’t answered mine.” They folded their hands. “Who are you?”

“I am the Dark Dragon!” He roared. “Now answer me!”

“That’s what they call you, a name you’ve chosen to take. You who walk in the darkness, but you don’t know the true power of the dark...do you?”

Dark Dragon had enough and he unleashed his flames. A giggle was heard as the figure blew a purple cloud from their lips, and the dragon fire was dispersed. His eyes widened. ‘How is that possible, just who is this person?’

“Names are quite powerful, casting away your name you’ve lost a part of yourself. You’ll never find real power without one.” The figure sing songed.

“You are clearly powerful, no one can disperse dragon fire so easily. Let alone my dragon fire!” He took a seat.

“Pretty much. I’m here to offer you a deal.”

“I don’t make deals.” He folded his arms.

“How has that been working out?” The Dark Dragon frowned.

“What are you offering?”

“Everything!” He narrowed his eyes.

“Quite the mad offer, can you really promise that?”

“I work for the darkness, one of its factions.” A brow was raised. “Since the dawn of creation there was light and darkness, two mighty forces set against one another. As each world was born there were those chosen by the light as heroes, and others chosen by the dark as villains. So began the battle of good and evil.”

“I didn’t ask for a history lesson.” Suddenly his maw was zipped closed.

“Shh, this is the good part!” The table became like a pop up book, showing different worlds. “There was a balance of good and evil, should the villain win a new hero would rise up, and should the villain fall a new villain will fill the void. The darkness gathered its strongest villains as champions for its side, granting them command over the Heartless.”

The pop up showed the heartless creatures, wild and hungry but under the command of villains they made perfect soldiers. Gathering hearts they were able to mass produce heartless ones more powerful and better suited to crushing the heroes and forces of light.

“The heartless were indestructible, even the greatest of magic could only disperse their physical form, then came the keyblade wielders the keyblade was the only weapon with the power to destroy them. The keyblades have power over hearts.”

It was the next level of their little game, like going from checkers to chess.

“Then something began to happen, villains began getting redeemed, having a change of hearts, and being turned to the side of good.” Dark Dragon’s mouth became unzipped. “This is upsetting the balance, but light feels it’s fair game. So turn about is fair play.”

“What’s the game?” He rubbed his throat. “What does this have to do with me?”

“We’d like to offer assistance to you. An army of heartless you can craft to your needs, they’ll be stronger than your little shades.” A crystal ball appeared.

“What do you want in exchange, my life, my soul?”

The figure laughed. “We want your help.”

“Excuse me?”

The ball was rolled over to him. “As I said, turn about is fair play in this game.” The ball glowed a purple energy. “Consider that a down payment, you may use that power to corrupt the heroes of this world and build your kingdom.”

“Such magic never lasts.”

“Your world is small, this blend is mightier than anything anyone this world has seen before. Those you dominate will serve you completely, never betray you, they’ll love you with all their heart!” Dark Dragon’s eyes widened.

“I’m no fool, all magic comes with a price. What is the price?” He banged his claw on the table.

“That’s the price, we want you to help us. Claim this world, get your revenge, build your kingdom, unlock the keyhole of this world and allow the darkness to claim it. You’ll be able to take your kingdom to other worlds, and use this power to break other heroes.” A scroll appeared, it was pitch black with purple lettering, giving off a dark aura. “Read it over.”

Having a big strong dragon on their side would be a benefit.

The Dark Dragon read it over, and everything seemed clear as crystal. “You were seen as a magical threat and a danger to all mortals. For that you were banished, you tried to show them the truth and you were labeled evil. The number one threat!”

“They were fools!”

“Let the darkness in, it will give you more power. Your kingdom will be protected and the hearts you surrender to us will fuel the army of darkness.”

He tried to sign Dark Dragon to the contract, only for him to be blasted away. “What the hell?!”

“This is a binding magical contract, even if you wish to cast off your old name you need a proper one, one that speaks for your soul!” He took some deep breaths. “You still haven’t fully accepted who you are, so speak the name crying out from the depths of your soul!”

He took the quill, seeing the words flow from the depths of his soul. “My name is…”


The contract accepted the name and the deal was struck. “I am Yami the Dark Dragon, my enemies shall fear me, those that submit and serve me will know my love and favor.” He picked up the crystal and felt it’s power surge and flow through him. “Ohhhh!”

Knowledge of the multiverse flowed into his mind, his world truly was so small. Magic and tricks he never considered filled his mind. Power filled his body, a magical link forming from his heart, his body, and his soul.

This link would allow him to command the heartless. The little creatures began to rise. He buried his claws in his palm and drew blood. “Take of my blood and take new form!”

Bathed in dragon’s blood, a few drops was all it took, allowed the birth of a new heartless. They were dragonoid, with four eyes, the heartless crest on their forehead. Pitch black as heartless were, they had claws, scales, tails, and could produce dragon wings. “YES!” They were larger than his shades, and he could tell they were more powerful.

The dragonoids bowed their heads to their king. A thrill surged through the Dark Dragon.

‘They wanted a monster, they made him a monster, to justify their laws and rules. The dragon council is quite twisted.’ The cloaked figure snapped their fingers opening a door. “Have fun, if you need help don’t hesitate to call.”

“Oh I won’t need help, I know just how to break that little stallion.” Jake Long would fall, the American Dragon would be his.

To be continued...Dragon Vows


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