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One Piece Parody: Patreon Reward

Rubber Domain

Luffy was training with Rayleigh in haki, the man taught him the basics in a year and six months, leaving Luffy to his own devices for the remaining six. He had shown Rayleigh his Gear 4 where he combined his haki with his rubber power. So with leaving Luffy to his devices he figures out how to extend his devil fruit power out like he does with haki, he has a domain his power can reach but its enough for the rubber boy for now. It prepares him for the powers that were to come.

Chapter 1 His Power, His Domain

Luffy had lost Ace in the Paramount War, he just wasn’t strong enough. The great loss made him appreciate what he still had, his crew.

So Monkey sent them a message in secret, they would reunite in 2 years instead of 3 days. They had to get stronger to face the challenges of the new world.

Rayleigh agreed to train Luffy in that time, teaching him the three arts of haki; Armament, Observation, and Conquerors. He demonstrated what he knew, being capable of even extending his aura. Rayleigh also told Luffy about haki users he had met, like Observation users who could see into the future, read minds/thoughts/emotions. He wasn’t capable of that but felt Luffy should be prepared for it in case it happened.

Silvers was able to teach Luffy the basics in a year, observing what Luffy could do with it for six months. He served as Luffy’s sparring partner with haki, as haki grew stronger by challenging other haki users. He witnessed Luffy’s Gear 4 Bound Man!

An...interesting idea, but Luffy had managed to combine haki and his devil fruit power which was impressive. ‘This boy still has more to learn!’ He laid a smack down on Gear 4, to show Monkey he had more to learn. “You should hone your haki, but don’t forget your other abilities as well. Since you managed to combine your haki and devil fruit powers, I think there is more routes you can take with it.”

Was the last piece of advice he left Luffy with. ‘I look forward to see how much you’ve grown my student.’ There were 6 months left until the straw hats were to meet up once again.

Luffy knew of the haki method, extending one’s aura for a more offensive attack. Rayleigh had shown it to him, but it was a bit hard for him to grasp. So, using his noodle, he applied the haki training to training his devil fruit power.

This worked like a charm, bit by bit, Luffy began strengthening his devil fruit abilities. The Gum Gum fruit made him stretchy turning his body to rubber.

Luffy thought about his past fights, and the wild things he had done with his devil fruit, some tricks working better than others. Thinking on it, he figured if he used haki or even the haki method to these tricks they’d be even more fun and cool.

Haki was an energy formed of one’s spiritual power, manifested by their will. Luffy wondered if he could manifest his devil fruit power the same way. If Haki could be extended out, maybe his devil fruit power could do the same?

It reminded Luffy of the days he worked on his Gum Gum Pistol, he had a specific idea in his head at the time of what he wanted and worked to make it a reality. Now his imagination was brimming, stimulated by all his experiences so far. He had six months to experiment and boy did he.

Though it was painful, he thought of Impel Down and Marineford, imagining what he could have done different or better. What techniques would have helped in that situation. If any of his crew were in danger like Ace what could he do to stop it this time. He thought back to Sabaody when his crew was “wiped out” he thought about what could he have done differently, what techniques would change that fate.

His aura flared, the past brought out a lot of emotion. Through that emotion Luffy tapped into another level of his devil fruit. Some might mistake it as his Awakening, but it was merely a stepping stone for his true awakening that would manifest one day.


The Straw Hats had begun to converge on Sabaody. Funny enough Luffy was the last to arrive, while Zoro was the first.

Monkey was in disguise and did his best to avoid trouble but there were things beyond his control. Some fake Straw Hats were causing a stir on the island, drawing the Marine’s attention. They were a joke, just using their infamy to hold influence over other “stronger” pirates.

Buggy the Clown they were not.

Sentomaru attacked with two Pacifistas. With one scan the fake Luffy was a man named Demaro Black, a man with a bounty of 26 Million, a far cry from Luffy who has a 400 Million Bounty. The man was scum, boasting about his lineage as if the real Luffy would do such a thing. Sentomaru put a stop to that with a quick smack from the side of his axe. “Straw Hat isn’t scum like you!”

One of the Pacifistas detected Luffy, and the fight was on. A barrage of lasers were fired and Monkey saw them coming and dodged them smoothly. Sentomaru’s eyes widened. ‘Haki...he used Observation Haki!’ He grits his teeth. “Get him PX-5!”

The pacifista charged at Luffy. “Gear...Two!” With one pump Luffy’s skin turned red, some steam emanating from his body. “Jet Pistol!”

One hit and PX-5 was destroyed. “That wasn’t just a normal hit, he used some haki in that punch.” He knocked that living weapon into a crater. “PX-7!”

“Luffy!” Before Sentomaru could give a command, Sanji and Zoro showed up.

“Zoro!” Luffy’s face lit up. “Sanji!”

“Pirate Hunter Zoro, and Black Leg Sanji?” Sentomaru panicked. “Get them, PX-7!”

It charged at the two and was met with violence, Zoro cut him down, while Sanji broke his neck. Together the pacifista fell and was destroyed. “No way...just how strong have they become?” Sentomaru sweats.

Two years ago it took the whole crew just to bring down one of the pacifistas, and they managed to win just barely. “I have to cut them down here and now, before they reach the New World!” Sentomaru charged at Luffy. “Straw Hat!”

“Sorry, as much as I’d love to fight you and settle the score from last time, I wanna see my crew.”

“What?” He didn’t understand but continued to charge. “Last time I wasn’t a ranked marine so I couldn’t arrest you before. Now you are mine!”

Luffy smirked. “Careful…” Sentomaru slammed into an invisible wall.

“What the heck?!” He sank into the mass.

“Gum Gum: Rubber Air!”

‘Has he awakened his devil fruit?’ Sproing! Sentomaru went flying back, he was so shocked he didn’t have time to land properly. “Damn!”

“Gum Gum: Trap Gum!” Luffy pitched a pink ball, it exploded all over Sentomaru, creating a bubblegum sticky trap, holding the large man down.

“What the hell?!” He struggled, but the more he moved the stickier the situation became.

“We’ll see each other again...in the New World!” Luffy raced off to meet up with his crew. “Zoro!”

The green haired swordsman was closer. Luffy dropped his pack and pounced on the man, two years was a long time and he was missed. “Guh!” Monkey was clung to his face crotch first.

Luffy’s legs were wrapped around his neck. ‘Ohh fuck!’ Zoro’s face was buried, his natural musk overwhelmed the swordsman. His heart raced and his manhood stirred. ‘Crap, crap, crap!’

He managed to pull his head back. “Luffy!” A hand came down and ruffled his green locks. “Luffy?” He blushed.

Monkey leaned in close. “Zoro’s a naughty boy huh?” He could sense the man’s arousal. “Hehehe, I don’t hate it!”

His eyes widened. ‘Does Luffy...I mean...he’s a guy too but it’s hard to imagine that he…’ His head was spinning.

“Sanji!” Luffy pounced onto the blonde cook.

“Oi!” Sanji blushed. “You rubber brain...don’t do that!”

“Curly brow…” Zoro’s happiness shattered and he glared at the “pervy cook”. “Get your hands off him!”

“He clung to me!” Sanji hissed. “I didn’t...I’m not…”

The swordsman drew his sword. “You seem to be enjoying it pervy cook!”

Luffy shifted, rubbing himself right against the blonde’s crotch. “He’s right Sanji is all hard and excited!” His whole face went red.

“Say your prayers curly brow, you are dead!”

“Wait, that’s not! Ugh shut it moss head!” This whole back and forth ended as marines showed up.

At the same time Rayleigh showed up to see his student off. Friends of the straw hats helped disable the marines all across the island. Allowing them to escape and set sail towards Fishman Island. The under sea sights were quite nice, but the trip to Fishman Island was gonna take some time.

Time enough for the Straw Hats to reconnect. Luffy and Zoro talked about what happened to them. “Say Zoro...do you wanna have some fun?”

“Fun? Do you mean...that kind of fun?” He gulped.

Luffy smiled. “Do you wanna mate with me Zoro!?”

His face burned. “Yes…” Luffy’s arm snaked around Zoro and in a flash the two were gone, slipping below deck, with no one but Robin noticing their voyage.

“How nice.”

Below deck…

‘This is really happening, I may have thought about this, but I didn’t think Luffy was the type.’ Zoro removed his clothes.

“Gum Gum: Bungee Gum!” A pink ooze snaked it’s way around Zoro’s wrists and in a flash, the swordsman’s hands were hauled up.

“Luffy?!” The rubber man chuckled.

“This reminds me of how we met.” Zoro remembered, tied to stakes. Monkey had saved his life and his swords. Roronoa shuddered. To make matters worse being tied up was flipping his switch.

‘Damn it!’ His penis was rock hard.

“Were you this horny when we first met?” Luffy playfully flicked his cock making it bob.

“No~oohhh!” Mihawk had a twisted way of training, if Zoro didn’t complete his lessons he’d be tied up with one of Mihawk’s toys buzzing away at his ass. On his island everything was earned, booze, food, rest, even orgasms.

Roronoa was in pleasure hell for two years, but sure as hell made him stronger, if not awakening some kinks inside him. “That’s okay, I like this side of Zoro too!” He gripped the swordsman’s fourth sword, giving it a firm squeeze.

“Luffy!” He could feel his captain’s eyes on him, a hungry gaze that made him shiver. “What is this stuff?”

“It’s my special technique, a perfect blend of rubber and gum. I’ve been training in all sorts of ways.” The technique worked within a certain range from Luffy’s body.

“I...I see…” Monkey had connected the other end to the ceiling, locking his arms above his head.

“Zoro is really sexy...even your scars are sexy…” Zoro’s eye landed on Luffy’s scar, and guilt gripped his chest.

‘I wasn’t there...he lost Ace...and got hurt…’ His thoughts broke as he felt Luffy’s fingers thrust into his ass. Roronoa moaned, but his captain quickly covered his mouth to mask the noise. ‘Fuck Luffy!’

“Shihihi...that’s the face I wanna see. Our adventure begins again, we’ll learn from the past not let us tie us down...okay?”  Zoro nodded. “Good!”

It was time to christen their reunion and form a new bond. ‘You were right Mihawk...what you taught me...I’ll put it too good use for my captain...my...master!’

Luffy shuffled his clothes. “Get ready Zoro!” He freed his cock, and the swordsman’s eyes widened.


To be continued


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