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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 3 

Ash Ketchum (Hybrid/Satyr)
Ability: Nature’s Aura – Can change the form of Deerling, unlocking different typings.
Moves: Energy Ball, Sweet Scent, Grass Whistle

Badges Unova: 0

Pokemon on Hand 4/9

Pikachu | Ability: Static | Size 6 inches | Moves: Thunderbolt (Counter Shield), Quick Attack, Iron Tail, Parabolic Charge | Style Moves: Spin Dodge

Oshawott | Ability: Shell Armor | Size 4 Inches |  Moves: Tackle, Water Gun (Counter Shield), Razor Shell, Icy Wind

Summer (Deerling) Ability Serene Grace | Moves: Tackle, Double Kick, Leech Seed |

Tepig | Ability Thick Fat | Moves Tackle, Odor Slueth, Defense Curl, Flame Charge | Style Moves: Spin Dodge

Pokemon at Oak’s Lab: Bulbasaur, Kingler, Muk, Tauros x 30 Snorlax, Bayleef, Quilava, Totodile, Donphan, Swellow, Sceptile, Torkoal, Glalie, Staraptor, Infernape, Buizel, Gliscor
Pokemon In Training: Squirtle, Primeape, Charizard,

Chapter 4 Battle Formation

Ash got his mons and headed to the Pokemon center for some well deserved rest before they went to Striaton City for their gym match. Once they got into the room Ash got naked. “It’s weird I feel much better in the nude now.” He flopped onto the bed.

Master looks quite lovely that way.” Tepig said, his tail wagging. Pikachu and Oshawott had filled him in on everything.

Human sensibilities aside, Ash needs to hide his traits or risk getting ousted by the humans.” Summer said.

Ehh really!”Tepig was surprised.

Heh, it’s not a big deal, we just need to get lots stronger. Then even if things do get crazy we can be tough enough to handle anything that comes our way!”Oshawott said confidently.

Tepig’s eyes glistened. “So cool!”

Then I expect you not to slack off on training then.” Summer said, giving him a look.

Hey I wasn’t slacking off!” Oshawott glared at Summer, before smirking. “Should the one of us who only knows three moves be talking so big?”

Summer’s look turned into a glare. “Huh, you only got four moves because of that silly machine!”

Oshawott chuckled. “Maybe, but I mastered Master’s special Counter Shield, and even Tepig’s learned the Spin Dodge. You haven’t learned any of the special tricks have you?”

The grass type blushed in embarrassment. “I’ll learn them when I find the right move.” Summer was even having trouble with the spin dodge, his body type wasn’t quite fit for the move. The two glared at each other sparks flying between their gazes. Tepig sweats looking between them.

Pikachu was focused on something else, his partner’s bountiful and plump rear. His gaze grew hungier as Ash shifted. “Come on guys, no fighting, Summer will learn a move I think will work for Counter Shield.” He had an idea of what move would work.

The two huffed, and Ash’s attention fell on Pikachu. His buddies cock was standing proud from his sheath. He blushed and squirmed. “Well...you guys have been training really hard...why don’t you enjoy…” Ash wiggled his butt.

Pikachu rushed over and buried his face in Ash’s ass. “Ahhh!” He buried his face in a pillow to muffle his moans. The monsters ate Ash out, licking round and round his pucker before plunging his tongue into the virgin hole. “Mmmm nnnhhh mmmm aaahhh ohhh!”

The special nerve endings in his ass took his pleasure to another level. Good vibes radiated up his spine and his blood rushed south, making his manhood stiffen.

Oshawott was a tad jealous that Pikachu got the jump on things, Summer and Tepig were feeling excited at the show before them. Pikachu got Ash’s ass nice and wet, finding his hole to be quite pliable.

Without wasting any more time Pikachu thrust into Ash’s tight heat. “So tight...sooo good!” His hole clenched around the penis, hugging it tightly.

“Ohhh!” Ash had hearts in his eyes, feeling dick in his ass for the first time, but with his monster body the pleasure was raw and delightful. His hole opened up and swallowed the dick easily, fitting his rod like a glove. Pikachu’s six incher was so warm.

Pikachu began to move, humping his best friend. “Ohh Ash so tight, so good!” His pace quickened, humping Ash with gusto.

The satyr’s hole responded in kind, flexing and clenching in a way that made it feel like Ash was sucking on him through his ass. This increased the friction, creating heat and sparks between them.

Pikachu fucked Ash for awhile, his years of training and experience showing in his endurance. Oshawott and Tepig were rock hard and marveled at the sight, their 4 inch rods standing out and proud. Summer was aching to get in there, his 6 inch dick was out and his balls were dropped.

Ohh I’m cumming!” Pikachu came into Ash’s cave, flooding it with his seed. It made Ketchum feel all tingly inside.

He pulled out and pulled back, laying off to the side, he looked positively blissed out. His eyes were sparkling, he was blushing, and his body felt like jelly.

Oshawott jumped in and didn’t hold back, thrusting into Ash. “Ohhh master~!” He humped and thrust, driving his cock into the wonderful heat. “Ohhh!”

He didn’t last nearly as long as Pikachu, and he pumped a lot of seed into Ash. Summer shot him a look, smirking cheekily at him.

The grass type stepped up and mounted him. “This is...amazing!” He buried his length inside, making Ash arch his back. His penis was thicker than the others.

Summer humped Ash into the mattress, making the satyr moan and groan, his long and fat cock really churning up his insides. He didn’t last as long as Pikachu, but he lasted longer than Oshawott.

His orgasm hit and he filled Ash with more cum. It felt so good, making the hybrid feel all hot and tingly. Tepig was the last to go, he also had a thicker dick. Despite Summer’s pounding Ash’s hole recovered giving Tepig a perfectly snug fit. “So tight!” Embers blew from his nose and he began to hump Ash.

Tepig lasted as long as Oshawott, cumming into Ash’s channel, creating a blend of Electric, Water, Grass, and Fire cum. He pulled out, and like the mons before him were blushing in pure delight.

Ash rolled over rubbing his swollen belly. “Ohh!” He played with his rod, his climax hadn’t come from the monster fucking, but he enjoyed it all the same. With just a little push he managed to release and cum all over himself. “Ahh~!”

The mons came over and licked Ash clean, it was a bonding moment that ended in a group cuddle. ‘Wow...that was amazing…’ This was his second sexual experience as a hybrid and he felt even closer to his pokemon.

Ash ended up leaving without talking to Don George, there was something important he had forgotten to tell Ash. It was why he checked up on him in the shower and ended up getting knocked out.


Ash and the gang made their way to Striaton City and bumped into Iris...again. “So you made it here without me, I’m impressed, I was sure a little kid like you would get lost.”

True, true!” Axew agreed.

The group shared an annoyed look. They didn’t have to deal with her for long as they met a handsome green haired boy. This was Cilan a Pokemon Connoisseur, a profession well known in the Unova region but it was news to Ash.

He led them to where he said the gym was, but the inside was that of a restaurant. A handsome guy with red hair brought Ash to a table, and he was served water from a handsome boy with blue hair. The red haired guy was Chili and the blue haired guy was named Cress. With Cilan the trio asked Ash all sorts of things, but nothing related to gym battles.

Ash was getting annoyed and was about to leave when the trio introduced who they were. All three of them were not only brothers, they were also the gym leaders here. “You may choose one of us to battle, and if you win you get our gym’s trio badge.” They showed off their Pokemon.

Chili had a Pansear, Cress had a Panpour, and Cilan had a Pansage.

The satyr looked to Oshawott, Tepig, and Summer. “To be honest, I want to battle all three of you!” This surprised the gym leaders, no one had asked that before. “This is my first gym in the Unova Region, and I want to use the pokemon I’ve gained here!”

Pikachu was willing to sit out and let the newbies show their stuff and the results of their training. “Well this is a surprise.” Cilan said.

“What do we do, no one’s asked this of us before?” Chili asked.

“Well for one so bold, how about we grant his request. Though if he’s looking for a challenge he’ll have to defeat all three of us to earn the badge.” Cress said, after a moment of pondering.

“What do you say Ash, you are the challenger?”

“I’ll do it!”

The other customers began to cheer, excited to see all three of them battling in one day. Iris face palmed. ‘What a kid!?’

‘A grass type, a fire type, a water type...perfect!’ Ash came up with a battle plan.

A room opened up to reveal a battle field. The guests joined up in the observation area.

Chili was up first and he was excited to battle. Pansear was feisty and just as eager to fight. “Time to serve up a fiery battle!”

“Tepig I choose!” The little pig monster came out, spewing embers from his snout.

“A fire type against a fire type?” Cress and Cilan blinked in surprise.

“He isn’t…” Iris face palmed.

Tepig and Pansear began to battle. His Ember wasn’t a match for Pansear’s Flamethrower, but there was more ways to battle. Chili called for a Fire Punch. “Dodge it Tepig!”

He did, using the Spin Dodge. “Ehh?” Chili was taken aback.

“That was…” Cilan began.

“A contest move!” Cress’s eyes sparkled in delight, before he collected himself.

Chili wasn’t prepared for this, he kept calling for Fire Punches, Ash had Tepig Dodge over and over, using Defense Curl to build up his defense. While the pig monster built up his energy, Pansear was burning through his energy. “Tepig use Flame Charge!” He stomped and built up flames and slammed into Pansear.

Pansear took a little damage, but Tepig gained a boost in speed. Another hit came, another boost in speed. “Ugh, use Dig!” Pansear dove underground, dodging the next attack, but even as he landed a hit Tepig’s defenses were too strong, he tanked it.

Tepig blasted him with Ember. Pansear was getting angry now like his trainer. “Get em with Fire Punch!” He hit, but it wasn’t effective at all, thanks to Thick Fat and the increased defenses it barely tickled. Tepig slammed him with Flame Charge and blasted him with Ember.

Pansear was down for the count. “I did it, I did it!”

“You did it Tepig!” Ash exclaimed happily. He ran over and the two cuddled.

“Thanks Pansear you were great.” Chili returned his Pokemon. A look of anguish appeared on Chili’s face, he was having a bad streak lately. Most people who got the Trio Badge got it from him.

He could already hear the customers talking about him. “Chili lost again!”

“He did his best.”

“Losing to a fire type though, that must sting.” He blushed in embarrassment and frustration.

Cress was up next, and sure enough Oshawott was called forth. ‘He’s really doing this!’ Iris face palmed.

His battle formation was that of type versus type. “You are an odd one, but what you used before you know Coordinator styles?”

“Indeed, I trained with a coordinator back in Sinnoh!”

Cress got excited. “Let us have a cool and refreshing battle!”

Oshawott versus Panpour began.

The water monkey began with a Double Team, confusing Oshawott. “Where is the real one?” He fire water gun after water gun, but couldn’t land a hit.

“Panpour use Scratch!” The real one charged in and hit Oshawott.

Ugh why you!” Panpour was just as cool as his trainer. Their fans squealed and cheered for the duo.

“Calm down Oshawott, we got this!”

“We’ll see about that.” Cress said and called for a Water Gun of his own. Oshawott used his scalchop to block it. “What?!”

“Nice one Oshawott!”

“Panpour use Double Team!”

“Oshawott use Icy Wind!” The water type blew chilling winds, the cold finding it’s target and hit him. His speed dropped.

“Not bad, Panpour use Scratch!” The water monkey charged in.

“Icy Wind!” Oshawott gave him another dose dropping his speed some more. By the time he reached the otter monster he was able to block it with his scalchop.

“Ehh?!” Oshawott smirked.

“Now spin and use Water Gun!” He obeyed, hitting Panpour with a point blank move, twisting it into a counter shield.

Panpour was hauled into the air and smacked around. “Another contest move, amazing!” He had Panpour use Mud Sport to break up and disperse the Counter Shield, but as soon as he landed Oshawott was ready, using a Razor Shell!

Cress lost, but it was an inspiring battle.

Next it was Cilan, it was all down to this.

Pansage versus Summer.

Things got off to a rocky start. Summer’s moves were Tackle, Double Kick, and Leech Seed. As a grass type Pansage was immune to Leech Seed. Pansage had four moves, Bite, Dig, Bullet Seed, and Solar Beam. He had a wide range of coverage moves and Cilan was a skilled battler.

Whenever Ash called for a Tackle or Double Kick, Pansage would dodge with Dig and come back for a hit on Summer. “Does your Deerling know any other moves?”

“Not yet, we are still working on it.” Ash admitted.

Summer felt bad, this was like a reversal of the Chili fight, Pansage was as fresh as a daisy while he was burning through his energy. “I was expecting to see some kind of surprise recipe, like in your fights with my brothers but it seems I was mistaken.”

Cilan went into his evaluation time and the crowd went wild. “You have unique tactics, but your battle plan was flawed, you had the means to battle us with a type advantage, clearly your Deerling isn’t ready for this kind of battle.”

Summer got hit with Bite and Bullet Seed, but he was holding his ground. “You need to train your Pokemon more, compared to my Pansage he doesn’t hold a candle.” He didn’t want to lose this for Ash, everyone had done so well.

“You are wrong!” Ash declared. “Even before I caught Summer he was always training, trying to get stronger, he’s an amazing fighter!” He looked at Summer and their eyes met. “I know he can win this!”

“Careful now, I know things are looking bad, even if you lose you can always challenge us again.”

“Summer...we are going to win this!” His aura flared.

The Deerling responded to this, the nature’s aura allowing him to transform. He took the Fall Form. “Whoa!” His normal typing changed into Fighting type!

“A new recipe!” Cilan’s eyes widened.

Let’s do this!”

Cilan called for a Bite, but it wasn’t very effective now. “Summer use Double Kick!” The move landed and hit with extra power now. Pansage was knocked back.

“Pansage use Bullet Seed!”

“Summer use Double Kick to kick back the seeds!” Summer obeyed kicking back and knocking the seeds right back at the grass monkey monster.

“Another contest tactic!” Cress gushed.

“Pansage use Solar Beam!” He began to charge up energy.

“Use Tackle!” Summer hit him, but he tanked it.

“Careful Ash now you’ll have to take Pansage’s Solar Beam at point blank range!”

“Summer jump back and dodge it!” He did, kicking back he flipped in the air, dodging the powerful beam. Summer spun through the air with pure grace, jumping back and away from Pansage.


Summer charged in and hit hard with another round of Double Kicks and Pansage was down for the count. This was astounding, something the trio of brothers had never seen before. Summer’s form reverted back to normal. “I win!”

“We did it!” Ash got his trio badge. Little did he know he had inspired the three brothers.

You did great guys!”Pikachu praised, making the other mons blush.

To be continued


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