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Black Clover parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Deal

Asta was training in the woods. He was shirtless, doing push ups, crunches, using tree branches to do pull ups, standing on his hands to do lifts using his own body weight.

The boy had no magic power, a side effect of his mother’s ability. He was lucky to be alive at all. Licita left Asta at a church which would become an orphanage. The Father of the church would take in and care for children as time marched on.

Asta was a bit of an oddity as everyone born in this world had magic, some were more blessed with it than others but to have no magic at all was just...strange. That didn’t stop Asta from pursuing his goals and dreaming. He wanted to become the Wizard King and help change the kingdom for the better. His deepish wish was to create a world where all his brothers and sisters in the orphanage could live a good and happy life.

Yuno was his first “brother” they were both abandoned on the same day. Found outside the church together and raised together. He was handsome, smart, and gifted in magic, he was a talented wind magic user from a young age. The two were rivals, both seeking to become the Wizard King. Though, their bond was much deeper than that.

While Asta had no magic power he kept moving forward, never giving up. He honed his body day after day giving him a rather chiseled physique.

Over the years more children came to stay at the orphanage the Father needed help so a nun, Sister Lily, came to stay with them and assist with the children. She was an older woman, and Asta got a maternal attachment to her, which he mistook for a romantic love.

He helped out physically around the orphanage/church, he helped with the cooking/setting the table, cleaning: dishes, sweeping, laundry, chores: gathering fire wood, fixing fences, playing with the kids, etc…

Whatever Asta could do physically Yuno seemed to do better with his magic. Even the other younger kids were able to help with magic, it always made Asta feel inferior. Not that it made him give up, he just worked harder. The fact the Grimoire Selection Day was coming soon had Asta extra anxious.

It had been years and no matter how much he trained, how much he tried, how much juice he drank he didn’t seem to get a drop of magic power. Asta spent every wish on a shooting star and un-birthday wish on the hope he’d get magic. The fact it didn’t happen didn’t make him give up. It was still frustrating, but Asta held out hope he’d still get a grimoire. In order to take the Magic Knight Exam he needed a grimoire or he couldn’t even participate.

Even those with weak mana got a grimoire allowing them to do more advanced or powerful magic with actual spells. Asta believed if he got a grimoire he could perform some kind of spells. There was no doubt in his mind Yuno would get one. ‘He’s so cool, handsome, powerful, and strong.’

Asta had worked up quite a sweat and he began to think about Yuno. Just today he had been shown up a few times. Yuno was able to fly into town to run errands and he was faster than Asta could run. Plus with his magic he could carry more supplies. His handsome face made people swoon at the sight of him.

When he came back Asta had been helping with the washing with Sister Lily, and he used his wind magic to air dry everything and magically fold things into a basket.

Asta was gonna chop fire wood but Yuno did it so fast he had nothing to do, so he went to train. As frustrating as it was, Asta held no ill will towards Yuno. In fact, he was amazed by him. His wind magic had so many uses and he didn’t even have his grimoire yet. He had good looks, that just seemed to brighten the day of everyone around.

With all his fans in their small village, even Father seemed to favor Yuno more. He was so smart, able to grasp their studies quickly and easily. Asta always thought he was so cool. From his perspective Yuno was quite astounding.

There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that Yuno would get a grimoire and join the magic knights, but the one who was gonna be the wizard king… “It’s gonna be me!”

Asta channeled any and all frustrations into his training, to him dwelling on negative emotions didn’t change anything. It was natural to feel them, but he didn’t let them consume him. To Asta, Yuno and him, were like family, the whole church was his family, but Yuno has always been there by his side.

They ate together, slept together, bathed together, they even sparred together. Asta had a deeper understanding of Yuno, as a friend, a rival, and a “brother”. He saw Yuno’s accomplishments as something to praise and respect, and it drove him to work harder. Little did he know, the feeling was mutual.


“Man Yuno was so amazing today!” Asta panted. He couldn’t help but smile. Thinking about Yuno caused his mind to wonder. They weren’t kids anymore and their close living arrangement allowed them to have a more intimate relationship than most. This closeness allowed them to know each other more, but also miss things as well.

Asta missed the embers of affection as they became in his soul, and missed as they warmed his heart when thinking of Yuno. He thought he was in love with Sister Lily, but she was not the one that stirred his loins. Asta started having strange dreams about Yuno, where they were both naked and embracing tightly.

‘I wonder what those are about?’ Asta pondered, thinking on them caused the embers to surge south and stir his loins. “Hmm? Why is my penis getting stiff?”

-x-In the Netherworld-x-

“I sense it...it is time!” Asmodeus summoned the fires of lust and could see Asta in the mortal realm. “Let the games begin!” He conjured some embers in his hand. “Embers gleam and glow, with my power shine, fuel the flames of want, deliver to me what’s mine!”

He had to make contact with the boy, and had been waiting for this moment. The embers passed through the flame, slipping through the veil. Asmodeus had ways of reaching the human world, unique compared to other demons, but there were rules to it.

Asta was a virgin so there were more limitations than most, but his new found arousal made it possible.


The embers found Asta, working their magic. His eyes grew heavy. “Mmm...Yuno…” They gave the woods some ambiance, giving it a candle lit glow.

Shadows began to dance from the swirling lights.

Asta’s body began to move, finding some primal instinct inside him to deal with his not so little problem. His pants came down and his erection sprang up. The impressive length reached 12 inches long, but what was really astounding was his girth.

He squeezed his cock, and couldn’t get his fingers to touch around it. Pleasure surged up his spine. ‘What is this feeling...what am I doing...ohh this feels good!’ Asta’s hand felt like it had a mind of it’s own, working his shaft and peeling the foreskin back and forth along the head.

Off in the woods Asta was working his meat for the first time, the pleasure flowing through him. As he pleasured himself, he thought of Yuno, causing the embers inside him to grow into a roaring flame of lust. ‘Does Yuno know about this...ohh Yuno!’

His heart began to race. The embers stopped circling Asta, and the boy went with the flow continuing to play with his sacred rod. “Ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh!” He moaned loudly, his body shaking in pleasure.

Embers danced like fire flies, finding shadows on the ground and becoming their eyes. The shadows rose of the ground gaining a physical body. Asmodeus controlled them from the netherworld like shadow puppets.

He made the shadows circle Asta performing all kind of erotic poses. The shadows helped stimulate Asta’s imagination and before long he was seeing Yuno and himself doing the erotic motions. “Ahh ah Yuno I feel strange...I’m...ahhh!” His cheeks burned and his release came.

The young man’s hefty balls unleashed his first load and as it spilled across the ground. The puppets collected his seed and used it to paint runes in the dirt. Asta was too busy riding his first orgasm high to really notice, but then he heard a voice. “Hello Asta…”

Puppets fell and the embers gathered together to form a solid flame. “What the heck?!” Asta gasped. “What’s going on?!” He looked around. “How do you know my name?” Asmodeus’s face appeared in the flames. “Who are you?”

I’ll answer your questions in reverse, I am the demon Asmodeus.”

“A demon?!” Asta grabbed a tree branch and broke it, holding it like a club to defend himself. “What are you doing here? Get back!”

Asmodeus sighed. With a wave of his hand Asta’s branch suddenly began to grow out of control, and it tied him up. “Honestly, we finally meet after all this time, and you act quite rude. Especially with that little gift I gave you.” A leaf covered his mouth. “How do I know your name, it’s because I’ve known about you for a long time. I’ve been watching over you, you could consider me your guardian demon.”

Asta didn’t understand, Father and Sister always told him demons were bad. The first Wizard King was said to have slayed a demon that nearly wiped out the world. “What’s going on is, I’m here to make you a deal. Should we form a contract you’ll have magic power all your own.”

The leaf moved off Asta’s lips allowing him to speak. “Why should I trust you, you are a demon? And what gift are you talking about?”

I helped give you an experience, a lesson in life that many mortals struggle with. It’s called lust baby!” Asta put the pieces together.

“That was...because of you?”

Asmodeus shook his head. “I just gave you a little nudge, the feelings you have for that Yuno boy was the spark that started that sweet lust.”

“I have feelings...for Yuno...but…” The leaf quieted him.

Listen Asta, I don’t have a lot of time here, I’m sure you have loads of questions and you may have your doubts to trust me. Believe me, I care about you, and I’ll grant you your fondest wish, magic!”

“What’s the catch? You are a devil there has to be a catch? My soul, my life, my body!?”

Easy kiddo, just relax. There is a catch, one day I’ll need you to kill another devil for me, but that won’t be for a long way off okay? If you agree to do this and stop his plot, I’ll give you power, train you how to use it, and I’ll even answer all the questions you have about the changes and feelings you have.”Asmodeus even made it clear the power would remain with him even after he did the job.

“I just have to kill this demon? Why, aren’t you both on the same side?”

He’s up to something big and bad for your world, and I have my reasons.”The fire began to shrink. “We don’t have much more time, please Asta let us make a deal.”

He was a tad worried. Asta grew up in a church, demons weren’t gonna be painted in the best light. There wasn’t enough time to explain everything that happened and the reasons behind this. The ritual he just did wouldn’t keep him on the other side for long. “You’ll really give me magic?”

Asmodeus nodded. Here he was a demon tempting him with his heart’s desire. Of course he’d be suspicious. The flame shrank some more. ‘This is bad, I can’t do this ritual again or the other demons might notice.’ If they formed a contract, Asmodeus could make contact with Asta with ease.

“Okay we have a deal!” The demon blinked, had he just accepted? Yes, yes he did! “You might be a devil, but I don’t think you are a bad person.”

Asmodeus couldn’t help but chuckle. “A deal is a deal!” He sent his power into Asta, since he was an empty vessel the lord of lust could give Asta much. The flame washed over Asta but it didn’t burn him, it freed him from the bindings he had.

A mark, the symbol of their contract appeared above Asta’s crotch. A five leaf clover, with the clover leaves in the shape of hearts, and in the center of it was a star. Asmodeus was able to infuse Asta’s very soul with his power.

He was hit with a sudden wave of exhaustion and passed out.

To be continued...The Realm of Dreams



This is really turning out interestingly, looking forward to whatever happens next. 😋