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Avatar the Last Airbender parody: Tier 1

AN: tryinng to revive my author spirit doinng the Alphabet meme/challenge but for writing with the A for Avatar the last airbender

Chapter 1 and 2 

Chapter 3 To the Air Temple

Sokka and his sister Katara wanted to help Aang. He was the Avatar, but he only knew one of the four elements, he needed to learn Water Bending next and Katara wished to hone her own Water Bending. Plus having the Avatar back meant he had a grand destiny to live up to.

The fire nation had changed in the last 100 years, Aang didn’t know it but they had wiped out the Air Nomads, having attacked the air temples all over the world, wiping out the air benders making Aang the last. They had been invading Earth Nation territories, and had been trying to wipe out Water benders. Had Aang died 100 years ago, the next Avatar would be born in the water cycle. So the Fire Nation groups were either capturing or killing water benders in the hopes of keeping the Avatar from rising to power.

Ever since the Fire Nation attack the world had been thrown into chaos. Katara believed Aang could save the world.

“You came to save me!” Aang hugged Sokka, making the warrior blush.

His heart began to beat rapidly, which Aang could hear, making his smile grow. “I uh...um…” He looked from Aang to his sister. ‘Crap!’ He pushed Aang away from him, keeping him at arm’s length. “I was just repaying my debt, you sacrificed yourself for the village, so as a noble warrior it was my duty to rescue you.”

The air bender could tell he was not being 100% honest. As a Sound Bender he could read someone’s voice and detect falsehoods. Katara wanted to help Aang fulfill his destiny and even help him bring an end to this war. Sokka agreed, taking the fight to the fire nation sounded like a grand plan. “What about the village, will Zuko attack it out of revenge?” Katara asked.

“No, he’ll come after me, he’s very determined.” The damages to his ship will slow him down, but Aang was sure Zuko would chase him to the ends of the map.

So the plan was to find a Water Bending teacher, so their goal was to head to the North Pole. In the North it was said there were many powerful Water Benders, ones capable of fending off the Fire Nation for years. Before that Aang wanted to check on the Air Temple where he was born, he hadn’t cleaned his room in a hundred years, he was sure to get an earful when he got home.

The two water tribe teens were a bit worried, having not seen or heard about Air Benders in years, they seemed to only exist in stories and legends at this point. The rumor/story was that the Fire Nation wiped them all out.

Travel to the Air Temple would take some time, even by Air Appa. Katara decided to take a nap, leaving Aang and Sokka to their devices. Sokka was a bit distracted, trying not to think about the way Aang makes him feel. The aerial scenery was helping, not many got to fly through the air like this, so open and free. ‘Aang must feel like this all the time…’ He blushed. ‘Dang it!’

Thinking about Aang made his heart race. The little air bender blew into his world and like a hurricane messed him all up. The more he tried not to think about the young man, the more he thought of him, remembering their intimate interactions caused his loins to stir. ‘Crap, crap, crap!’

He shifted, adjusting himself in his pants. As soon as he pulled his hand away, he felt another hand grasp his clothed erection. “Ah!” He slapped a hand over his mouth. His eyes darted and he saw Katara sleeping not too far away. Turning his head he saw Aang behind him, grinning wickedly. ‘Aang!’ His eyes widened in panic.

Aang fondled Sokka through his pants, making the warrior’s legs buckle. “I wanna thank you for saving me.” He hadn’t technically but he helped Aang secure his escape. He squeezed and groped Sokka’s trapped penis.

“Mmmmfffhhhh!” Sokka’s hand muffled his moan.

In a swirl of wind, Sokka found himself flat on his ass, bare ass at that. Aang moved with the wind stripping Sokka from the waist down. Off went his shoes, his belt, his pants, and his loincloth. “Gah!” Sokka gasped. His blush spread from ear to ear.

The warrior’s cock stood at attention, pre-cum already leaking out. Aang marveled at the cut rod, his hood had been removed as all warriors did when they came of age. The tip was so wet and exposed. “Aang…” Sokka let out a whimper.

He was trying to hold his voice back, out of fear Katara would hear them, wake up, and catch them in this lewd act. Skin on skin contact nearly tore a moan from his lips. Aang gripped his shaft, giving it a firm squeeze before pumping him. “Ohh!” His hand muffled the noise.

Aang’s thumb rubbed the tip, teasing the glans, and smearing the pre-cum over the head. “Ah-Aang…” His body shuddered.

The air bender giggled, and rubbed the slit. The pre-cum was smeared along the shaft as more of his essence leaked out. His rod glistened as Aang worked his shaft faster and faster.

Sokka tossed his head back, trying to keep the noises in. The Sound Bender could hear them, the light noises Sokka was making was music to his ears. He started playing him like an instrument. His free hand coming up to grope Sokka’s heavy balls. ‘Damn...Damn...Damn...Damn...ohh fuck!’

His nuts were fondled and squeezed, his shaft was being polished, a the heat of his touch making him feel like he was melting. Sokka’s legs jerked and his toes curled, a familiar feeling of release was building up in him. He was sweating bullets, his gaze shooting to his sleeping sister. ‘This is bad, so bad, this is…’

“OHHH!” He looked down and saw Aang licking his tip like an ice pop. “Gulp!”

Aang’s tongue swirled around his head, flicking the tip and lapping up his essence. He was being hit three fold; tip, shaft, and balls. ‘Oh spirits!’ Aang looked up at him, gave him a wink before wrapping his lips around the head. “Ohhhh!”

He was sucking him, he was sucking so good it felt like Sokka’s spirit was gonna leave him through his penis. What a way to go. The image was a contradiction, Aang looked so cute and lewd at the same time. ‘How is that possible?’ He shielded his eyes with his arm, forgetting to hold back his moans as his orgasm neared.

“Haaa aaahh aahhh ahh ahh ohh I...I...I’m cumming!” Sokka arched off the floor, his balls tightening and his cock swelling. His orgasm hit and he came into Aang’s mouth. Spurts firing and firing and filling his cheeks.

Aang savored it, holding the orgasm in his mouth, to enjoy the man milk to it’s fullest. He worked Sokka’s shaft and balls, milking him of a few more spurts.

The warrior had his head spinning, the orgasm knocking him for a loop. Aang swallowed his seed down. “Mmm!” He licked his lips. “Delicious!”

Sokka’s face burned. “Oh crap!” He hid his face in his hands. There was no way Katara didn’t hear this, she was a light sleeper, he was so busted.

While he descended into panic, Aang continued playing his new instrument. He licked Sokka’s shaft and fondled his balls, keeping the young virile male hard. Sokka shivered, he looked down to see him licking his rod, moving down to suckle at his balls. “What are you doing Katara’s gonna see...us...huh?” He looked over and saw that she was still fast asleep. “Huh?!” He shouted.

Aang chuckled and lifted Sokka up, exposing his plump rear to him. “Sound Bending: Hush Zone!” He had been bending the sound around them creating an area of silence, no sound could escape this field. “You can be as loud as you want, no one but me will hear you.”

“Ohhhh!” Sokka moaned, his toes curling.

The air bender descended, kissing his ass and tonguing his hole. “Ohhh fuck ohhh!” Sokka was seeing stars, he was already sensitive from just cumming, but Aang was touching a spot he hadn’t explored before. His tongue swiped his entrance, circling his pucker before pushing inside. The tongue darted back and forth, licking his ass out.

“What are you doing to me….ohhh this feels so good...so ahhh!” Aang’s tongue wiggled inside his ass.

In his lustful heat Sokka’s nipples hardened and peeks through his shirt. He gripped his shirt tightly and clawed at the floor. Aang was deep kissing his ass, tonguing him in a way that made him hot and bothered. His toes curled in delight.

As Aang frenched his hole, his hand pumped Sokka’s cock, tackling him from both ends. “Aang ohh Aang Aang Aang Aang!” Sokka chanted his name like a mantra. He started to drool as pleasure made his brain melt.

His climax hit hard and he came, shooting his load all over his face and shirt. Some of his cum got in his mouth. Aang pulled his tongue out of his ass with a lewd pop. Without missing a beat he kissed Sokka, taking some of his cum from his lips. Sokka moaned and kissed back. It was a messy and sloppy kiss.

Aang slipped his hands under his shirt and caressed his nipples. Sokka’s orgasmic bliss was prolonged, he was really flying now.

The two had time to clean up before Katara woke up. Her brother had fallen into a deep and blissed out slumber, his dreams full of the air bender. Aang was such a sneak, he whistled along the way causing Sokka to have a wet dream. Three orgasms the warrior had received and he was not a selfish lover, he planned to pay Aang back in full.

With what they discovered at the Air Temple, he may need to double that.


Aang didn’t want to believe the fire nation had wiped out the air benders, but the proof hit hard. Finding Monk Gyatso’s remains surrounded by fire nation armor was heart breaking, it made Aang snap. In his rage and despair Aang entered the avatar state. Wind tore through the temple and the statues of the past avatars had their eyes lit up from his overflow. Aang’s cry of anguished echoed out and could be felt miles and miles around, people and animals began to cry unknown as to why. Katara and Sokka called out to him, but it was Sokka’s voice that reached him and helped him calm down.

He came down from the Avatar state, tears streaming down his cheeks. Sokka hugged. “It’s okay Aang, you’ll be okay, you aren’t alone, you have us!” Sokka hugged Aang tightly.

The air bender clung to Sokka, crying and grieving for his loss, it was good to let it out. He would be able to process and recognize that while he had loss he had also gained.

To be continued


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