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Black Clover parody: Bad Day

AN: Needed to do something, been struggling to write much, its been a vicious cycle

Deal of Lust

Asmodeus was one of the lords of sin in the Netherworld. Among the demon lords he was seen as lesser a joke, despite his powers and abilities he was treated as common trash. Lucifero has begun his plans and while the other lords rally behind him, Asmodeus has other plans. He had skills, able to connect to the human, he could have had a legion of followers serving their goal but Lucifero was too proud to ask for his help. If that was the case he’d find someone to make a deal with. A boy with no magic, who wished to be the wizard king...perfect.

Chapter 1

The Netherworld wasn’t the nicest place, the strong step on and toy with the weak for fun. Devil life spans could rival the elves, and even the youngest of them were durable.

You’d be surprised what one could live through. For demons it was a game to see how much. The stronger the demon the more they had the ability to torment the lower classes.

Low Ranking demons were nameless masses. A wild bunch at the bottom of the food chain, tormenting each other as they were tormented. Whoever was the weakest got stepped on and used, that was the rule.

Mid Rank Devils were more humanoid but did not yet have names. They had tapped into their unique abilities and magic, and could use it well. They treated the low ranked masses as servants just as they served the higher tier.

High ranking devils held names, and were more adept at magic. They were more intelligent, more powerful, truly terrifying forces that made the lower ranks cower in terror, but even they bent a knee to the Supreme Devils.

The three with power over gravity, time, and space, stood at the top of these mighty demons. The ones beneath them were said to embody a trait of mortal sin which enhanced and amplified their powers. Pride, Wrath, Jealousy, Greed, Gluttony, Sloth, and Lust.

These Lords ruled over domains and gained factions and followers. The ones who ruled the Lust Ring was Asmodeus and Lilith.

For all his power Asmodeus was still stepped on, even by his own “sister”. Lilith used Lust to get what she wanted, but she never truly understood it. She was cold and cruel, fitting giving the ice magic she used. The Ice Queen of Lust, a fitting title for her.

Asmodues understood, even as the other lords mocked him for it, the ins and outs of lust, the shapes and forms it takes. The levels and layers, most might not understand. This knowledge bore fruit in his magic, flames of passion and desire. He could conjure flames that didn’t burn or harm anyone. Which most demons found laughable, what good was that?

Asmodeus could conjure a wall of fire, that no demon could pass through, that was more impressive. Devils drew on dark emotions to fuel their magic, the deeper understanding they had of it they darker the depths of power they could spring up. It was rather chilling.

For all their power, there was something they’d not have that mortals would. A Grimoire!

To those born in the mortal realm they were gifted a grimoire when they came of age. A magical book that would choose them based on their soul and grant them the ability to use spells. Every mortal thinks and dreams of the kind of spells they wish to do, and will be surprised to find it written in their books, like it was meant to be. Grimoires were truly amazing allowing a wizard or witch to take their magic to the next level, many roads open before them and depending on the user more spells can be added or discovered as time matched on.

While a devil would never be chosen by a grimoire, that didn’t mean it wasn’t impossible for them to get one.

A demon known as Zagrad was obsessed with the idea of getting one, having disappeared to scheme and plot. Lucifero ignored him not really caring about the demon at the time.

Asmodeus didn’t like Lucifero, he treated him the worst, and opened the door for the others to mistreat him as well. Even his own “sister” treated him like trash, and yet fawned all over Lucifero and Megicula.

The other demon lords Satin the Lord of Wrath, Mamon the Lord of Greed, Beelzebub the Lord of Gluttony, Belphegor the Lord of Sloth, and Leviathan the lord of Envy, were each powerful in their own right. Lucifero is the Lord of Pride but feels he is above the title of Lord as he’s a King of the Netherworld. Truly a devil who embodied pride was him, even his gravity magic held an air of arrogance.

He talked big, speaking of plans he had to open the gates and unleash all the demons into the mortal world. It seemed that fate was smiling upon them, the elves were wiped out, one of the strongest races that could have defied the devil uprising. Humans in the ignorance and pride drove the other races into hiding or extinction.

Lucifero continued to spout that this was all signs of their coming, that the day of their freedom was soon. Asmodeus didn’t believe it. Sure humans were tapping into their world with demon summoning, truly it was only a matter of time before they could set plans in motion.

He had powers, powers that could have gotten them out of this hell hole for good. Lucifero didn’t believe him, how could someone as “lowly” as Asmodeus have a way to free them when someone as mighty as Lucifero could not.

Asmodeus was strong, just as some demons explored Malice, Despair, and Sin to grow their powers, he delved into Lust. One might be surprised what Lust could teach one, for instance it taught him about preparation. With the right training and prep, one could take any size or handle any kink.

So train he did, he gained tricks no other devil had obtained before him, and as such no one believed him.

It also made him observant, focusing on one’s partner is very vital in lust. So he noticed when a tiny demon flew towards the gate and passed right through it. He hadn’t been sent by choice, oh no, he was chucked at the gate to see if he would be smashed or break a part. ‘He has no magic!’

Had the other lords treated Asmodeus with any form of respect, he may have told them about this discovery.

The gate rejects all magic from their side, so opening it by force was impossible. Now if a mortal summoned them from the other side then they could cook. “All Seeing Flame!” He had discovered this trick a long time ago, through his magic he found he could access the mortal world. He’d have been able to find a way to open the gates for them with his abilities, at the very least get plans in motion in the last 500 years.

Using his magic he found the nameless demon, while humans lashed out at him not all of them did. A woman named Licita took him in. She had a strange power that drained the mana and life force from things around her. The demon had no mana, and he had no mortal life force so her ability had no effect on him.

The two formed a bond of mother and son. Asmodeus could see the woman carried a weight around her, she was missing someone. He put the pieces together, she had a son but he wasn’t dead. Her soul would be more crushed had her abilities killed him, no...he was alive, but she gave him up to save his life.

It was touching, and seeing how she treated Liebe. ‘She even named him, fascinating!’

They spent months together. She told Liebe about her son, and wanted them to meet, but before that could happen…


Lucifero also access to the mortal world to some extent, he had been looking for Zagred, but found Liebe instead. The demon was young, and lacked the strength to resist a take over. Asmodeus didn’t know what to do, it all happened so fast.

Despite the panic he observed and heard everything. Lucifero spoke how he’d use this demon to set his plans in motion to achieve HIS freedom. He didn’t care about the Lords, or any of the lower classed devils.

Licita took action, using her powers to drain Lucifero’s magic. Her determination burned as she refused to let go of another child. For a mortal she proved quite troublesome for the all mighty “demon king”.

It wasn’t enough, and Lucifero used Liebe’s body to kill her. In her final moments she set the demon free of his control, and used her magic to seal Liebe inside of the five leaf grimoire she found. He’d be safe in there and be able to grow strong enough to resist the demon’s control. “Asta...Liebe…” Her sons, the last thoughts in her mind as her soul passed on.

Asmodeus was furious, he should have known Lucifero was only interested in himself. This proved it. ‘I won’t let you have your way!’ He would stop him, and punish the others for their foolishness.

When the time came Asmodeus used his magic to hide the book until the time was right. Then he scoured the land to find Licita’s lost son. He wasn’t hard to find, but Asmodeus would have to wait to make contact, but until then he’d observe and make sure he was kept safe.

Thankfully the other Lords didn’t care about him enough to find out what he was up to. Even his own “sister” had crafted a new “brother” to aide her in her duties, Nahamah!

He continued to hone his abilities, waiting for the day Asta was old enough so he could make contact. He was sure he’d make a deal, and they would show teach them all a lesson.

To be continued


ZooFan 123

I loved this idea