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Aladdin/Hercules/Kingdom Hearts parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 Clash and Friends


Aladdin and Hercules clashed, magic surging out between them. The two skid back and away from each other. “So...the Giant’s Bracelet is in the hands of a no good thief!” The demo god cracked his knuckles. “Looks like I’ll be needing to take it back!”

“No good thief huh?” Aladdin brought his hands together. “Try me.” Aladdin unleashed pillars of Earth at Hercules, with a few good punches the hero in training smashed through.

“Oh I’m taking it back, treasures of the gods don’t belong in the hands of no good dirty thieves.” He charged at Aladdin, smashing through walls of Earth that were erected.

His words hit Aladdin hard, annoying the former street rat. As Herc charged through the last wall, throwing a punch, Aladdin caught the fist, surprising the guy, following up quickly with three punches. He was sent flying back. “Owww!”

Hercules was at a bit of a disadvantage here, he wasn’t used to having someone capable of matching his strength. He was used to hitting hard, not getting hit hard. Not only that Aladdin was agile, able to dodge his attacks. The four armed warrior had life experience that made him a tough opponent for Hercules.

Another problem was Hercules was running his mouth, annoying the former thief who had lived a rough life, one that the demi god wouldn’t understand, but feel ashamed for talking like this if he knew the truth. In this moment Aladdin wasn’t anything more than a villain, an enemy for him to defeat. “I’m not gonna take that from some naked guard dog. You want to take this bracelet from me you are gonna have to pry it from my cold dead body.”

Hercules blushed, his nudity being a sore subject and reminder of being tricked and humiliated by this group.

His other mistake was pissing Aladdin off, if he hadn’t Aladdin would have wondered how Abis Mal could have gotten such muscle under his payroll.

“You said it not me!” He pulled himself out of the hole in the wall Aladdin planted him in. “Aaah!” Unleashing a battle cry he charged at the “bandit leader”.

The other problem was Hercules wasn’t using his head. Not only was Aladdin able to match his god like strength, he also had magic. “Sand Circle!” One wrong step Hercules found himself stepping into quick sand.

“What the hell!?”

“Binding Sand Pit!” Hercules began to sank into a seemingly bottomless pit of sand, created by Aladdin’s magic. He had turned the ground to sand, and now it was magically crafted into a sand pit.

“These dirty tricks won’t stop me!” Hercules struggled. The more he struggled the faster he sank. “Crap!”

“You sure talk big for a naked guy, does nudity make you stronger or something?” He asked. Legends speak of a man who had god like strength so long as he didn’t cut his hair, so it was possible someone could have super strength by wearing no clothes or something like that.

“Shut up!” Hercules hissed. “I don’t have to take this from you!” He struggled to get out of the trap. “I’m Hercules, son of Zeus!”

Aladdin crossed all four of his arms. He had read about Zeus in one of the scrolls Genie left for him. King of the gods, lightning wielder, defeater of Chronos. “Son of Zeus...right…Well you certainly are arrogant like a lot of lords and nobles I’ve met.” He brought his hands together. “You seem like just another jerk to me, and I know how to deal with jerks...Jercules!”

The nickname jabbed into the demi god’s heart, having heard that before. “Oh you think you are so clever, we’ll see how clever you are when I’m smashing your face into the ground.”

“Desert Sand Paw!” Hands made of sand came up and began to mess with the demi god.

“Gah!” His cock and balls were grabbed, as another set of hands groped his cheeks from behind. “Hey...ohhh!” His face got redder. Sand hands rose from the pit and began to grope Hercules’s pretty pecs! ‘Is this how thieves fight?’ Hercules squirmed as he was touched and squeezed.

Aladdin knew from experience how to take arrogant jerks down a peg. Having this naked stud strut about and talk smack, he was asking for this kind of lesson. He could have respected the naked fighter, but the insults he was dishing out was rubbing Aladdin the wrong way.

Hercules shuddered, his cock was squeezed and pumped, his balls were squeezed and tugged. The hero in training’s ass cheeks were spread apart and honked, being slapped together with a lewd clap. He grits his teeth, trying not to give into the pleasure...it was a losing battle.

His cock was rock hard, and his nipples began to form perfect little peaks. He felt hot, his skin flushed with arousal. ‘I’m getting hard...because of this damn thief…’ His pride as the son of Zeus took offense to this. “NO WAY!”

Summoning his strength, he lurched forward and dug his fingers into the ground. He pulled himself out of the sand and shook himself off. “I’m gonna defeat you!”

“Still talking big, when you are rock hard!” Aladdin pointed down.

“Dang it!” Hercules covered himself. Fighting naked was one thing, but having your cock hard like this, in a fight or in public like this would be frowned upon. His cheeks burned.

Rajah was confused, he didn’t know why these two were fighting. Meanwhile Haroud couldn’t be happier, his plan was working perfectly. ‘These two heroes will destroy each other.’  He was hoping to get his hands on the bracelet after this.

Aladdin crossed his lower arms and shrugged with his upper arms. “Listen, you are strong, I’ll give you that, but you need to train some more if you want to beat me. This fight is over!”

“I can’t!” Hercules snapped. It was his job to find the bracelet and make sure it was in good hands. As far as he knew it was in the hands of a bandit leader. He couldn’t abandon his mission, go home a failure…

Aladdin was taken aback by his outburst. “I...I can’t fail like this...I can’t lose to the likes of you!”

“The likes of me?” He unfolded his arms. “Do you even know who I am?”

“I do! You are the bandit’s leader, you are a tyrant abusing the power of a relic of the gods. As a hero in training I must defeat you!” Strengthening his resolve he let his hard on stand out and take a fighting stance.

Aladdin face palmed. Before he could explain Abis Mal sprang up. “HE’S NOT THE LEADER OF THESE BANDITS I AM, ME ME ME, I’M THE LEADER NOT HIM, HE’S JUST SOME PUNK WHO’S TRYING TO STOP ME!” Haroud’s jaw dropped, his “perfect” plan ruined because Abis Mal couldn’t keep his mouth shut. There was a chance even if Aladdin did explain Hercules wouldn’t have believed him.

Hercules looked from Aladdin to Abis Mal and back again. “Eh?”

“I’m Aladdin, the champion of Agrabah, I came here to bust up these bandits.” Realization hit Hercules like a boulder dropping on his head.

‘They tricked me!’ His face got beat red in anger.

Abis Mal got his magic ring. “This doesn’t work on him, but I bet it’ll work on a moron like you!” He cast the ring’s magic.

“No!” Hercules cursed as his body was turned to stone, erection and all.

“Hahaha, serves you right! Now Aladdin, surrender unless you want this idiot smashed to pieces.” POW POW POW POW! Abis Mal was punched four times, one in the gut, one in the chest, and two in the face. He got knocked the heck out! The giant’s fists knocking two of his teeth out and cracking a few bones in the process.

“Now I get it, this guy was tricked. I supposed I can forgive all the trash talk then.” He finished with the bandits and bound them with earth, stone bonds that wouldn’t break so easily. Aladdin eyed him. “Now that he’s not attacking me and I get a good look at him, he’s actually pretty cute.” Rajah saw the bulge in Aladdin’s pants.

With four hands he drew a magic circle in the air. “Let’s call this even!” Using his magic he reversed the petrification.

“Gah!” Hercules panted. “You...you saved me?”

“Yeah, told ya, I’m not the bad guy here.” Hercules nodded.

“I see that now...sorry…” He felt so bad, not only did he fall for another trick he attacked a fellow hero.

“Let’s call it even, we both said stupid things we wouldn’t have if we knew the truth. You attacked me, I messed with you, let’s call it even.” Hercules blushed again, remembering the sand hands. His penis twitched and throbbed. “Looks like another part of you is still hard. Want a hand?”

‘Is he serious or is he just messing with me again?’ Hercules gulped. “I...um...I dunno...you see…”

Rajah had enough of this, he came over. “Rajah?” Hercules took a defensive stance. “Relax he’s a friend.” Aladdin spoke, the tiger anthro in one swift motion yanked down his pants and freed his erection. “Rajah!”

“Whoa!” Hercules gasped. “You’re huge!” The demi god gulped, feeling a switch flip in his brain. Aladdin was a grower, 10 inches soft but when aroused he was sporting a mighty 16 incher.

It was Aladdin’s turn to blush. “Well you aren’t so bad yourself.” Their hearts fluttered.

Rajah wasn’t passing this chance up, he had two horny heroes who needed to bond. “Ohh!” He licked Aladdin’s cock and caressed Hercules’s penis. “Rajah!”

The feline switched back and forth between them, his tongue gliding along their shafts, while he felt the weight and size between his pads. ‘They are both so big, hot, and heavy!’

“F-Friend of yours!?” Hercules moaned.

“Yeah...I ahh ohh don’t know what’s gotten into him,” He looked down and Rajah winked at him. ‘What’s going on in his head!’

“Ohhh!” Rajah sucked down Herc’s penis, sucking him down to the root. He purred, sending vibrations through his rod. “Oh ohh ohh!” His balls were cupped and fondled as Rajah bobbed his head ten times before switching to Aladdin’s cock.

“Ohh damn!” He had no idea Rajah was interested in this kind of thing, not that he was complaining.

Rajah had a bit more trouble on Aladdin’s piece, choking a bit on 13 inches. He breathed through his nose and worked with gusto, fondling his partner’s balls while sucking him.

This kitty had skills, keeping them both pleasured and driving them to orgasm. His tail swayed back and forth playfully. Nothing like pleasure to bond men he thought.

Once they were both near orgasm, he brought the tips of their dicks together. His jaws opened wide and he swallowed their heads together. Sucking hard and doing a figure 8 with his tongue, he teased their cocks while working their shafts.

Herc’s legs felt like jelly and Aladdin had to catch him to keep him steady. “I’m gonna cum!”

“Me too!” Their releases hit together and Rajah was drinking down twin streams of thick hot seed.

“Mmm!” There was so much Rajah was forced off and got his face covered, Aladdin and Hercules got splashed with each other’s seed.

“Wow!” The giant panted.

“Hot damn...that was awesome…” Hercules slumped down. “Is this what you and your friends do?”

“Well…” He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

“I wish I had a friend like you.” Hercules confessed.

Aladdin eyed him and smiled. He sat down beside the demi god and threw two arms around him. “Well I’m not a genie, but wish granted.”

“Really?” Herc smiled.

“Sure, let’s be friends!”

Rajah was busy, being rather cute and sexy as he cleaned himself, not wanting to waste any cum. He licked his paws and eyed the two. ‘I hope this means Aladdin will be more open to mating going forward.’

To be continued



Fun way to exploit Herc's naivety, and a satisfying resolution. 😋 Do like the local variant of Earth Titan powers you gave Aladdin with the Sand Witch powers. 🤔


its a part of the earth bending/ giant sins abilities, the earth titan has dominion over all forms of earth from stone, sand, metal, and diamonds