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Fairy Tail parody: Tier 1

AN: Was inspired by newest helluva boss episode

Pollen Dragon

Natsu was raised by Beelze the Pollen Dragon. He was there when the Hive was destroyed by Acnologia so is aware of the threat he poses. When he finds himself alone, he works to hone his magic and build a new hive. His magic is very unique.

Chapter 1

Beelze was a well known dragon. Born a simple Yellow Dragon, they battled, trained, and evolved into a unique Dragon Lord. They still had their striking yellow scales but gained black stripes as well. He gained a second set of wings, and became a faster flier. The dragon even gained fur around his neck, wrists, and ankles.

His tail gained a retractable stinger and he learned and mastered magic that gave him four arms. Through intense training he was able to have the four arms be his natural state. He evolved past his ability to eat all things yellow, but it was still a part of him.

Beelze was living proof that dragons didn’t need to eat humans to evolve. It was one of the many false beliefs that dragons who ate humans raised in debate during Dragon Festivals. “Well we can’t just live peacefully along side humans, we need to eat them to evolve and enhance our magic.” Excuses!

The yellow dragon actually liked humans and not for dinner. Thanks to the Empath magic he learned he could taste the emotions of the people around him. That was sweeter than anything. In his heart he wanted to help humans and support them, making them all warm fuzzy and happy!

Magic was decided by the heart, so Beezle was able to forge his own unique magic. Pollen Magic, a unique power that could bewitch the senses. Beezle even used his magic to help things grow, his magic helping for a bountiful harvest.

Humans became drawn to Beelze and he formed a Hive and a colony. Things were going well for the once “lower” yellow dragon. The Anti-Human dragons looked down on him still, but fuck those guys. Beelze was happy with his colony, his hive was positively buzzing with joy and happiness.

He saw the humans as his treasures and a dragon always protected their treasures. Beelze was thriving more than even the Dragon Kings of the land. He continued to learn magic to bring bounty to his Hive.

Then things changed when the Dark Dragon took to the skies. Lesser Dragons, Dragon Lords, and even the mighty Dragon Kings fell to this terror. It seemed with each dragon slain the Dark Dragon grew more powerful. At first it seemed he was only after the Anti-Human dragons, but soon enough all dragons were being hunted.

Around this time, Beelze was asked to take in a bundle, a small boy named Natsu. He never had a child before, it was quite the first. Parenthood was quite magical for Beezle, so much so he couldn’t help but brag about his son to the other dragons. Not long after that a few of them got their own dragon heirs. As if it was some competition. “Aww now Natsu has someone he can play with.”

Beezle was a dragon that was hard to get a rise out of. Igneel the Fire Dragon King could count the number of times he’s seen Beezle truly angry on one talon. It was time for the Dragon Festival once again, and there was a serious matter to discuss.

The Dark Dragon…

He wasn’t just attacking dragons anymore, he was plaguing human settlements. Like a living natural disaster he left death and despair where ever he came. This is where some of the dragons got their kids, survivors from the Dark Dragon’s chaos. Natsu was similar but also different.

Igneel called the other dragons to action. “We must take a united from and stand against the Dark Dragon. If he continues this path of destruction none of us will be able to stop him.”

“Perhaps we should consult the Dragon Gods.” Grandeeney suggested.

“Bah!” Metalicana laughed. “We don’t need their help!”

“As it stands, I doubt the four would be willing to help us anyway.” Water, Wood, Moon, and Earth, the four great dragon gods that stood above all others in the terms of size, power, experience, magic, and ability. The youngest of them was the Water Dragon God, who just joined their ranks. “Mercphobia may help us, but the others not as likely.”

“They call themselves gods when in truth instead of standing and fighting they chose to flee from the Dark Dragon, they will be of no help to us.” Skiadrum said.

“Maybe they have the right idea, if we flee to another land we can prepare for war against the Dark Dragon.” Weisslogia suggested.

Metalicana laughed. “Of course you’d also wish to run you coward!” The Iron Dragon scoffed. “You are just a Dragon of White and have yet to ascend, you’d stand no chance against the Dark Dragon.”

“I am the King of the White Dragons, and you will show me some respect!” White light erupted from Weisslogia.

Metalicana shielded his eyes. “Tch, in name only, you don’t have the power to match a Dragon King, at best you are a Dragon Lord, and I use the term loosely.” Metalicana loved to get under people’s skin, drive them crazy, it amused him.

Weisslogia’s fur bristled. “You are detestable!”

“Gihi!” The metal dragon smirked.

Igneel couldn’t help but face claw. Dragons tended to be solo creatures, getting two or more dragons to work together was a royal pain in the ass. It’s why the Dragon Kings were so respected and admired as they commanded legions of dragons. Sometimes it was by force, power, or ability.

Igneel for example commanded the Fire Dragon Lords, and the red dragons. Weisslogia could lead the white dragons under his command, but held no sway over those that had evolved like Grandeeney who had evolved into the Sky Dragon. It was a complicated hierarchy with a lot of egos in the mix.

The fact dragons were already divided as a species by those who were Anti-Human and those that were Pro-Human, the fact they were divided even further made their situation all the worse. Just trying to get dragons to come to the Dragon Festival was a chore, it was hard to know if they were dead or just not coming because of reasons. Even in this emergency situation, there were many dragons not in attendance. Some dragons refused to work with anyone, after evolving and becoming to a dragon lord they became a solo act, treating any and every dragon as an enemy. “The skies aren’t big enough for two dragons!” Was the idiotic saying that came about. Though in this era it made more sense as there were hundreds upon hundreds of dragons in the world.

The dragons in attendance argued back and forth. Most didn’t want to believe the Dark Dragon was as much of a threat as he was. Others just didn’t want to work together with other dragons because of long standing history and grudges. Igneel began to fear the reign of dragons might come to an end at this rate.

Igneel spoke to Beelze in private. “Can you use your magic and compel them to work together?”

He shook his head. “My power can sway the minds of others, humans and magical beasts are easy enough. With fellow dragons its more of a strong suggestion, if they are weak willed or open to the suggestion it’ll work. If it comes down to a battle of wills I feel it’ll hurt the cause more than help it.”

This years Dragon Festival ended in a stand off, little did the dragons know, the next gathering would be their last.


Beelze was teaching Natsu Pollen Magic, it was the regular lesson time. He was teaching his son the basics. Natsu wanted to be like his papa, so that helped him catch on and learn his magic. “Natsu, its fine to wish to be like Papa, but you must also wish to be yourself. After you learn what I teach you, I want you to take it and grow, become stronger in your own way!”

Dragneel didn’t get it, but promised he would try. Beelze could feel his honest feelings. “Such a sweet boy…”


A sudden chill rushed up Beelze’s spine. “No...it can’t be…”

“Papa...what’s wrong?!” Beelze put him in a yellow protection bubble.

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom

A barrage of blasts came as the Dark Dragon flew overhead attacking the Hive from the sky. “Why is he here? How did he find us?”

Another volley of blasts came destroying their beautiful fields and homes. Beelze went out to challenge the Dark Dragon, Natsu clinging to his fur like a speck of pollen. His eyes bore witness to the terror and destruction. Their once beautiful land, burned and laid to waste.

“Why have you come here? Why have you done this?!”

“I have come to save those who have been enslaved by your whims. This place will be cleansed and you shall fall like the others!” The Dark Dragon roared.

“I once believed you had some sense, that you were on the side of humans, but no...you are just a monster!”

The two dragon’s clashed, claws and fangs met with each other. The Dark Dragon was larger than Beelze but the bee-like dragon had many tricks. His extra speed when flying, his extra arms when grappling, and his stinger. One good sting and this battle would be over.

Beelze was an amazing battler, one capable of besting other dragons both larger and stronger than him. If he had one weakness it was his caring heart. In the air the Dark Dragon couldn’t hit him, so he aimed for the hive. “No!”

With one devastating roar the hive was destroyed along with the innocent people inside. Natsu could feel his Papa’s rage.

“Why...why do all this, my people were innocent and free!” They had worked together for so many years to build all this and in one day the Dark Dragon tore it down.

“Everything you dragons have built I will destroy in fact, I see something else I must destroy, the best part is I can kill you and him!” Beelze knew what he meant, he sought to destroy Natsu.

His rage overflowed. “I am Beelze the Pollen Dragon Lord, you have earned my wrath!” He stung himself. “Pollen Dragon Secret Technique: Pollen Doping!” This technique was one he did not use lightly. It doubled his physical and magic power, but there would be a price later.

Beelze grew twice his size. The Dark Dragon unleashed his attack thinking this was a bluff. “Pollen Dragon Roar!” His breath attack cut through the Dark Dragon’s and hit him right in the face. He was blown back, the damage was more than he expected.

The Dark Dragon shouldn’t have fucked with a dragon that attacked the senses. He was tasting what he was touching, he was hearing with his eyes and his bones were feeling everything inside him all at once, he was smelling with his tongue. Left was right, up was down, back and front were reversed. For anyone it was all too much to bare.

Sadly...Beelze couldn’t make the kill. “Papa...Your wings!” Natsu cried.

His right wings were obliterated, and the damage he took was more than it seemed. Beelze had focused his blast to split the roar, knowing he could shield Natsu, but with his larger size the wings took a hit.

He gathered the pollen and they were able to flee. Their home was gone, no survivors. A tiny silver lining was that those in the hive were high on pollen so their deaths were at least painless.

They made it to Grandeeney, but even with her powers she couldn’t heal Beelze. Wounds from the Dark Dragon were...difficult. Natsu was buzzing with rage. “Stop Natsu…”

“But that big jerk...sniff...he destroyed our home...sniff...he should pay!” Pollen shook his head.

“Leave that grudge to me Natsu, hatred is a heavy weight and won so young should not need to carry it. If I had been stronger I could have protected the hive. Let the hatred fall on my shoulders, mourn the loss and learn from it.” Natsu cried.

‘Grow stronger Natsu...don’t let the darker emotions consume you...you have the potential to far surpass me...the lessons I bestow on you...let them guide you…’


The other dragons were called upon to try and bring down the Dark Dragon in his weakened state. Sadly the timing wasn’t right, and he was able to fight off most of the effects. He was capable of wounding the dragons forcing their claws. It wasn’t safe for their charges not anymore.

On July 7 X777 the dragons vanished leaving behind their dragon slayer children.

To be continued


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