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Fairy Tail parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 2

Chapter 3 Messed with the Wrong Guild

Alzack got his bearings quickly. He was tied up and buck naked yes, but he began to process other things. His hat and clothes were taken along with his magical guns, even the Guardian Rings were taken. ‘But I still have my Gun Rings!’ The pink rings were still attached. They were enchanted so that only Alzack or Natsu could remove them, though in weapon form they only worked for Alzack.

The gentle shifting he was feeling meant he was on a ship, judging from the boxes and barrels around him he was in a storage room potentially in the lower decks. ‘A boat, that’s not good, with Natsu’s motion sickness…’ His arms were tied  behind his back and his ankles were tied together.

He was able to sit up. ‘There!’ On top of a box was his guns and rings.

Alzack started shuffling over when a door opened. “You!”

Bora entered the room with a few of his goons. “So you are finally awake. I can’t believe I actually caught a wizard this time!”

Connell glared at them. “What do you mean?”

Bora’s smile grew into a villainous smirk. “People pay big money for wizards. They are few of them and some rich blokes would love to have a wizard do magic for them.” He eyed Alzack up and down. “Plus you’d be surprised how many people would pay to fuck a wizard.”

Alzack blushed. The way Bora and his boys were leering at him made him feel...wrong. “Hey boss, is it true what they say about a wizard’s body?”

“Yeah, that their ass exists only for mating?” Even Bora blushed at this. It was true, a wizard’s body was built different, all food and drink was converted into energy to replenish magic and the body. This meant the ass existed purely for mating, there was even an extra layer of nerve endings that increased sensations of anal stimulus.

Bora didn’t swing that way, claiming he only flirted with men for the job. His boys were not wizards, just muscle equipped with magic items/weapons. They didn’t fuck with their meal ticket as they believed Bora could roast them.

Alzack was their prisoner. “Anyway, maybe we can even sell you to a dark guild and you can end up as someone’s furniture piece.” The gunner glared at Bora. “Oh yeah, I’m sure Fairy Tail has plenty of enemies, once we let our customers know who you are, you are gonna make us a fortune.”

“You are gonna regret this!”

Bora laughed. “You think your friend is gonna come and save you?” He shook his head. “I know about the wizards of Fairy Tail, you’re all reckless and nuts, but I also know the big threats. Even if that pink haired loser is the real Salamander, rumor has it he’s not so good on transportation. We’re on a boat, the little fire starter can’t touch us, no one is coming to save you. As for the rest of your guild after I sell your ass, and our latest haul I can retire buy a nice little island far away from here.” Bora was willing to go as far as to sell Alzack’s clothes, his magic weapons, and the rings. The latter being if he couldn’t keep them for himself.

Alzack couldn’t help but chuckle. “What’s so funny?”

“It’s hard to pick; maybe it’s the fact you think my guild would do nothing for messing with one of their own, the fact you think Natsu wouldn’t hunt you down to the ends of Earthland to roast you alive, or just because your weak ass got the drop on me, you think I need someone to come rescue me.” In a flash the pink rings changed into guns.


He shot through the ropes binding his ankles and right into Bora’s foot. “AAAHHHH!”

“Boss!” As the men panicked, Alzack showed some skills and getting his arms out in front of him.

“Fuck him up boys!” Bora yelled.

The men drew their magic weapons, but Alzack was quick on the draw, shooting them out of their hands, before firing magic bullets at them and knocking them back. These guys weren’t mages, just thugs using magic items/weapons. Had they been holder wizards, people capable of drawing out the potential of magic items he’d be in a lot more trouble.

Nudity didn’t hold him back, fighting buck naked when his life was on the line was perfectly reasonable. It was something he learned from Gray, the dude lost his clothes so much he spent most of his job money on buying new clothes to replace what he lost. Plus Natsu did his best crafting in the nude, the boldness and lack of shame was rather exciting. When push came to shove, modesty took a back seat to survival.

Bora had three goons with him. Alzack was quick to analyze what weapons they were sporting, one dude had a magic sword, the other a magic spear, the third a magic wand. ‘Wands are the easiest thing to enchant, they have a lot more charges. The Spear gives him both reach and increased attack range with whatever magic he has.’ Alzack chose to pin those two down with a barrage of magic bullets.

The guy with the magic sword got up, picking up his weapon.  It lit up, catching on fire. “I got you bitch!” He swung at Alzack who dodged and weaved.

“You couldn’t hit a Vulcan with those puny swings.” The man glared at Alzack.

“I’ll get you!” He raised the blade up high and swung it down, allowing Alzack to maneuver and...Sching! “Oh crap!”

Connell’s wrists were free, the rope being sliced and burned away. He smirked and unleashed a volley of shots, knocking him back and into a pile with his buddies.

“Ugh, you little pest, I’ll teach you!” Bora got up, his anger pushing him through the pain. “Prominence Ball!” He created a pinkish fire ball in his hand and fired it at Alzack.

The gunner fired two energy bullets. Their attacks collided causing a small explosion. Alzack was knocked back and lost his footing. “Maybe, you aren’t worth the trouble. After all I could always just sell your corpse to a dark research facility!” Bora built up magic power. “Prominence Burn!”


The Guardian Rings activated and short towards Alzack. Ruby and Carbuncle manifested. The GUARDIAN Rabbit erected a magic barrier around him, blocking Bora’s magic. “Thanks Ruby!” Alzack praised. “Hey Carbuncle!” The two nuzzled him.

“What?!” Bora’s eyes widened. “You have GUARDIAN rings, how can a little piss ant like you afford those?”

Bora wasn’t a very competent wizard, he half asses his studies and while he was a fire wizard not a good one. He skirted by using illegal magic items. Though he was able to tell that Ruby and Carbuncle were magic rings and thus removed them from Alzack’s person, he could tell that the pinky rings were also magical, thinking they were cheap junk and didn’t even try to remove them.

Alzack aimed his guns at Bora. “Natsu gave them to me!”

“Tch!” The fire wizard glared at the gunner, but his anger melted into a smirk.

‘What’s he smirking at?’ Alzack shivered, and his knees buckled as a rush of heat swept through him. He looked down and saw that he was hard. ‘Why am I aroused?’ Another wave of heat crashed through him. “Gah!” Connell was brought to his knees.

“So they finally kicked in, looks like I won’t have to kill you after all.” Alzack’s body was getting hot, the combat maneuvers helped spread what was in his system.

“You...drugged me…?” His cheeks were burning, and his skin grew flush. Alzack’s nipples hardened from the foreign pleasure pumping through him.

“Consider it insurance, wanted to make sure you didn’t get away just in case. Slipped it to ya while you were sleeping.” Alzack groaned, his cock twitching and began to leak pre-cum.

“Damn it!” He tried to aim his gun, but his vision was starting to blur and his hand was shaking. ‘Crap this is bad!’

Bora laughed. “Are you feeling it in your ass yet? Once that happens you’ll be begging us to fuck you.” He hobbled forward. “You can hide in that barrier of yours all the way to Bosco, while the drug reduces that cockiness of yours, to have you being a cock hungry slut!” Alzack’s eyes widened.

Suddenly the shipped stopped, causing Bora to stumble and fall back, since his injured foot couldn’t support him. “What the hell!?” He moved over to one of his men and pulled out a lacrima. “What are you doing up there? Keep the ship steady!”

“Boss we got trouble, the ship is stuck!”

“Stuck, what do you mean stuck, we are out in open water you fool!”

“That’s the thing boss, the sea it’s frozen!” Outside Bora’s yacht was caught and trapped on ice. From the shore line to where they were there was a long frozen trail of ice.

‘Kobold!’ Alzack chuckled. Bora whipped around to glare. “You messed with the wrong guild!”

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom

The ship shook as it took a barrage of blasts from the sky. “The hell is that!?”

‘Garuda…’ Alzack thought.

Screams were being broadcast through the lacrima. Bora had men stashed in each level of the ship to capture guests wherever they were. Each group had a communication lacrima. “Level 2 Respond! Level 3 Answer me what is going on? Deck talk to me damn it!”

No response.

Natsu had sent Sammy and his GUARDIANS ahead to stop the ship. Garuda attacked from above while Cerberos and Kobold attacked from the sides. Sammy swooped in using his rings to rescue the captives from each level.

Kobold used Blue Flare, the ice fire, flames that froze the moisture in the air. They were flames so cold they BURNED! Level 2 was like a frozen tundra, with the guards frozen solid, with snow and frost on the walls and floor.

Cerberos used Green Flare which was a corrosive flame. They melted a hole in the ship and attacked the third level, melting their weapons and clothes before attacking them viciously.

“Why is no one answering me damn it?!”

“Boss!” A voice screamed.

“Finally...what’s happening!?”

“It’s coming...a monster…” The call came from the deck of the ship, one of his men were keeping watched and saw a pink haired terror marching across the ice, his eyes glowing in fury! Flames left his mouth with each breath, the heat radiating off him made the sea around him boil. (Things frozen by Blue Flare didn’t melt by heat or fire)

When you realize that those taken out by the ring beasts was an act of mercy, as they got to miss the Fire Dragon’s Wrath. Once he was close enough he brought his hammers together forming a sphere of fire around him.

He took off like a shooting star, and slammed into the yacht. Alzack smiled. “He’s here…” Connell couldn’t help himself, his guns reverted back to rings and he started pumping his cock. “Ohh...Natsu!” He moaned.

“You little bastard, I’ll use you as a hostage and…” Carbuncle shot from the barrier and slammed into Bora’s cheek, giving him a good zap and a swollen bruise. He moved as fast like a bullet, bouncing and zipping back to the barrier. He made it clear that wasn’t gonna happen.

Natsu marched through the ship taking out what was left of Bora’s crew. They could hear his heavy footsteps as he approached where they were.

Bora charged up some magic. ‘I need to escape, I’ll hit him with my best attack and make a run for it!’

When Natsu opened the door… “Hell Prominence!” He blasted Natsu with all he had, but it was fire magic on a fire dragon slayer, which worked about as well as one with sense would expect.


His flames were sucked down like ramen noodles. “Nasty...your flames are all rotten and have no strong flavor at all, are you really a fire wizard. No kick at all!” Bora’s jaw dropped. “So you are the one soiling my name. I got attacked because of you!” He twirled his hammer in his hand.

“Wait stop...your buddy...yeah your buddy over there, he’s been given a strong drug. If you don’t take care of him fast he’s gonna lose his mind.” Not a total lie.

Natsu looked towards Alzack, seeing him naked, flushed, horny, and playing with his cock gave the dragon slayer pause. Bora slinked back, planning to bolt.

“So you take care of him and let me go and I swear I’ll never do anything bad aga…” WHAM!

Dragneel took his forging hammer and brought it to Bora’s face! Whoosh! The force and impact of the hammer wrecked Bora’s “pretty” face, so he won’t be using that anymore. Flames from Natsu were released setting his head on fire, burning off his hair to the roots. The man would be bald for the rest of his days.

He confiscated Bora’s Rings before bringing the hammers down on his hands. “Such poor craftsman ship.” Pocketing the rings he turned his attention to Alzack. “Ruby, Carbuncle, you protected Alzack, thank you!” The two meeped at the praise of their creator.

Ruby dropped the barrier. “Natsu…” Alzack’s vision was blurring, but he could feel the dragon slayer’s warmth.

“It’s okay...I got you!” Dragneel helped him up.

‘Oh fuck…’ Alzack melted. “I wanna have sex!” He moaned.

The words had Natsu blushing. Alzack was humping against him, wiggling his perky butt. He was definitely feeling it in his ass now. This is how Sammy found them. His glasses glint and he smirked. “I approve Alzack would be a good mate for you!”


To be continued...Hot and Bothered

Natsu helps Alzack work through the drug in his system. Even Sammy lends a paw. Alzack feels much better and the gunner and dragon slayer have a heart to heart.


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