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Titans/Young Justice parody: Patreon Reward

Hypno App

Beast Boy is really weak to Hypnosis, and easily tricked. So when he downloads an app he soon becomes a slave to it. He’s programmed to get more members for the app, so with his new programming he starts taking control of his friends.

Chapter 1 The App!

Beast Boy has always been really weak to hypnosis. The League knows it, the Titans know it, and the villains know it. Even Beast Boy knows it but doesn’t like to admit it.

Mad Mod an older villain who wished to get the youth in line, used Hypno-screens to try and brainwash young people. The reasons changed, but his methods were always the same. When he attacked the Team to re-educate them Beast Boy fell for his hypno-screens over and over and over and OVER! One look and he fell so deep in a trance, it was like he dove into the void.

The Music Meister, a man with a hypnotic voice had Beast Boy dancing to his tune so quick. He had sensitive ears, so when he heard Meister’s music and sultry voice he was swept away and was the man’s pawn.

Even the Puppet King got him when he released a VR Game, Beast Boy was given a free copy to test out. He was hypnotized and made into the villain’s puppet. The Puppet King was even surprised at how easily he was hypnotized. Had his friends not rescued him he’d have been the King’s drone puppet forever.

It was bad, Beast Boy watched this Hypnotist on a Talent Search Show, and he got tranced out just from watching it on tv. Dude was old school, Beast Boy was a literal chicken for hours.

He had no resistance to hypnotism at all, and all sorts of villains used hypnotism and mind control tactics. From magic, to science, to meta human abilities, there was always a risk. Some of his friends were better at it than others, but not Beast Boy one look and he was sinking down into the void, his mind empty, and eager to obey. ‘Why does it work on me so?’

Beast Boy was embarrassed, but really it was all in his head. No one was really judging him over it, especially with what happened with the league. He tried to train to gain some resistance to hypnotism but nothing worked.

The shapeshifter was even being left out on missions. Mad Hatter was causing trouble outside of Gotham, Beast Boy thought he’d be on the mission, but nope. “Come on Nightwing, I can handle that clown!”

Nightwing patted his shoulder. “Come on Beast Boy, this is nothing personal but you know how you are with mind control.” He pouted. “We all have our weaknesses, it’s not a big deal.”

“Whatever!” He went off to sulk. ‘I need to get better at dealing with hypnosis!’


Garfield Logan aka Beast Boy was a super hero, capable of shifting into any animal. He had a problem with Hypnosis, he fell for it every time. The Team knew about it, but there was something else that he didn’t talk about. ‘It doesn’t matter, once I beat this weakness, it won’t matter!’ Was what he told himself.

He got on his phone and began looking for an App. ‘If I can’t beat a dumb hypno app I’ll never overcome this weakness.’ After browsing through a few he found one with a full five star rating. “Kitsune Inc? Never heard of them.” He checked the summary and reviews for it and everyone was saying it really works.

Some people used this app to quit smoking, stop drinking, etc-etc. Beast Boy felt the app was safe so he downloaded it. He agreed to the user agreement without reading every bit and bob, and he probably should have. The app downloaded onto his phone. “Okay, let’s do this!”

With a push of the button his screen suddenly went black. “Oh no, oh no!” A brief fear he had just downloaded a bad app on his phone and he just fucked his phone came to mind.


Suddenly a three eyed fox appeared. “Hello!”

“Uhh hi!” The fox’s voice was so sultry it took Beast Boy by surprise.

What do you seek?”

“Seek? What do you mean seek?” He asked. ‘What kind of app is this?’

You’ve downloaded this app seeking something, people who use this app summon me to rid them of their vices, to shed bad habits, to lose weight. The reasons change, but it’s always to change them.”

“And this app can really do that?”

It can, helping poor souls is what I do. Now what do you seek?”

“Umm...I wanna beat my weakness for hypnotism!”

Is that what you truly want?” The fox’s eyes opened, piercing red eyes bore into Beast Boy like the digital fox was starring into his soul.

Beast Boy nodded. “Yes, that’s what I want!”

Do you hate hypnosis?” The question caught Beast Boy off guard. He gulped.

Logan was hesitating. “I do...I hate it…”

Don’t lie!” Gar shivered, his body tensing up like he’d just been scolded by his mother. “Speak your truth!”

‘I am I hate being hypnotized!’ He wanted to say but that’s not what left his lips. “I like being hypnotized!” His cheeks burned. “Every time I’m hypnotized, I get so hard.”

Gar hadn’t told anyone this before. “You seek to be dominated and controlled, you are a slut for hypnotism!” Beast Boy shivered, he didn’t expect this app to say such explicit things.

“But I can’t be…” He was blushing from ear to ear. “How can I be a hero if I’m...I’m…”

Say it!”

“How can I be a hero when I’m a slut for hypnotism!?” The fox unfolded its tails and it had little bells tied to them. The bells on the even tails were white, and the bells on the odd tails were black. “Nine tails…” They began to sway making the bells jingle and ring.

Beast Boy’s pointy ears wiggled. “You crave dominance, to relinquish control to another, hypnotism allows you to submit, to give in to those instincts.” Beast Boy wanted to deny it, but he couldn’t. He sometimesacted like he was such a stud and a player to over compensate for certain thoughts and feelings he had.

“Yes…” Truth spilled from his lips. “What do I do?”

Submit to me!”

Beast Boy blinked. “What?!”

Submit to me, I will be your master, you will belong to me; mind, body, and soul. Once I own you, no other hypnotism will effect you.” The bells continued to ring, making the words dance through his mind.

‘This doesn’t sound so bad…’ His eyes grew heavy and his heart began to flutter. “Wait!” He shook his head. “This doesn’t seem right. I’m a super hero I can’t just…”

You can and you must, this is what you want, yes?” Beast Boy gripped his phone tightly.

‘I can’t do this, this is crazy...but I want to be free of my weakness to do that I must submit…’ Time seemed to slow down as Garfield had this internal debate. He was talking to a mirror version of himself. With the ringing of the bells Beast Boy felt his resistances weaken. As time went on his mirror self shifted to that of a fox.

Submit and be mine, it is what you truly desire.”

“It is what I truly desire?” The fox smirked, truly this boy was weak to hypnosis. He had been pulled into a trance so quickly. “But I want to be a hero!”

Then a hero you will be, my hero, my champion.” Beast Boy smiled, that sounded so good.

You have been one I’ve been searching for, the one that can free me!”

“Free you?” He blinked slowly. The fox wagged it’s tails making the bells ring.

Don’t think about it, just relax!”

“Yes...don’t think...just relax…” His body physically relaxed.

Tap into your instincts and relax, sink deeper and relax, you must relax completely.” Beast boy nodded. He set the phone down.

He started stripping out of his hero suit, he went commando usually. He often slept naked, it just felt right. It led to a rather embarrassing incident when he was late for training and ran there butt naked. “I wanna be naked!” His hard 7 incher sprang up and slapped his abs.

Yes that’s good, you aren’t just a man, you are a beast, this is natural, this is how you can feel your most relaxed, your most free.”

“Yes…” Beast Boy shivered. He picked the phone back up.

Look at you, already this turned on from a little hypnosis.”

“I’m being hypnotized?!” The bells rang and Beast Boy’s expression changed. “Cool~!”

Yes Beast Boy, you have been touched by just a taste of my power. Just this much and you are already like this, you must submit and become truly mine.”

“How can I do that?”

Gaze into the screen, and as you sink chant.” Beast Boy looked at the phone screen and the fox began to spin like a wheel, the bells flew off and a spiral was formed.

“Ahh…” He gazed into the swirls and fell into a trance. “I submit...I submit...I submit…”

His body grew more aroused, his nipples hardening, his cock getting so hard it hurt. He wanted to touch himself. His hand inched towards his crotch.

Don’t touch, just submit!”

“Yes!” He gazed into the screen. “I submit...I submit...I submit...I submit…”

Beast Boy started to drool, he was sinking down so deep. Just being hypnotized was pumping pleasure through his veins. Each declaration of submission was like a mini orgasm. His toes curled and he fisted his sheets. “I submit...I submit...I submit...I submit...I submit~!”

He arched off the bed, his hard cock was weeping and wagging in the air. The hero started feeling it in his ass, his hole twitching and throbbing. ‘This feeling...I’m so hot...I haven’t even touched myself but I’m so close...It’s true...I was born to submit.’

You’re mine!”

“I’m yours~!” He cried out as he came. His big balls lurched and he shot his cum all over, some of it landing on the phone screen.

I’m free!” The screen turned red, and some chains broke. Beast Boy really should have read that user agreement. “You did it my hero, you’ve freed me!”

“Yay!” Beast Boy was still tranced out. He had no idea what he had just unleashed.

It’s time you learn little beast!” Bells began to ring playing the hero a song. “Who do you belong to?”

“You master!”

Who do you serve?”

“My Master!”

Good boy, now cum for your master!” Beast Boy’s body obeyed and he came, trembling with delight at the praise and reward.

To be continued


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