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Reborn parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 4 

Chapter 5 Vongola Street Fair

The carriage ride was a bit tense. Tsuna was a bit nervous, not first date jitters either. It was because Reborn had apparently planned their date. Reborn was quite the mystery, and Tsuna’s awakened instincts told him that the Acrobaleno was dangerous and possibly a little crazy. While he had Tsuna’s “best interests” at heart that didn’t mean he wasn’t gonna drag the two into something insane. ‘Reborn...please...I just want a nice normal date!’ Oh Tsuna...Reborn wasn’t gonna give you that.

Yamamoto was having the first date jitters. He was too innocent and oblivious to sense just how...different Reborn was. ‘I’m on a date with Tsuna!’ Joy and glee was making his heart race a mile a minute.

They sat in awkward silence. ‘This is my first date, and it’s with Yamamoto-kun!’ Tsuna cast a glance at him. ‘He’s so handsome and athletic!’ A feeling of joy welled up inside him. ‘I can’t believe he asked me out, well...I mean I can’t believe he WANTED to ask me out.’

Takeshi turned his head and their eyes met. The two blushed and immediately looked away.


“Yamamoto-kun…” They said at the same time, before chuckling. Before they could talk the carriage made a sudden stop.

Yamamoto caught Tsuna, which caused them to end up in a rather intimate position. The door opened and Reborn peered in. “Oh? Would you two like to skip the date, and move onto...that?!”

Sawada’s whole face went red. “What?! No!” Reborn shrugged.

“I can drive you two around for hours if you wanna…” He wiggled his brow. “I can promise you two won’t be disturbed.” Leon transformed into a gun.

“NO!” Tsuna snapped. The chameleon transformed back and Reborn clicked his tongue. ‘Don’t sound so disappointed, what does he think people do on first dates!’ The most Tsuna was expecting was a good night kiss. Little does Sawada know Reborn had bigger sights he was shooting for.

He was fully intent on hooking Tsuna up with a harem, and as quickly as possible. ‘Nothing bonds men faster then a bit of this and that!’ His eye twinkled. He thought their fun in the locker room would make this easier to accomplish.

“Have we arrived?” Yamamoto asked.

“Sure have, welcome to the Fair!” They stepped out of the carriage and indeed there was a fair going on.

Tsuna looked around. ‘Where did all this come from, there wasn’t any fairs planned?’ He looked around and got the weirdest vibes from the people manning the stalls. ‘Oh no!’

“Reborn did you set this all up?” He whispered.

“I called in some favors from the family.” Tsuna face palmed.

‘I knew it, they are mafioso!’ They were loyal to the Vongola family. All eager to help the next boss on their first date.

Reborn gave him a thumbs up. ‘Impressive, his Vongola Instincts are already improving.’ The fact Tsuna could spot members of the shadow organizations so easily was a true testament to the instincts he had and what he was capable of.

“This looks fun doesn’t it Tsuna?” Yamamoto asked.

Sawada chuckled nervously. “Y-Yeah...it does…” He looked to Reborn. ‘Please no funny business...I just want to enjoy my date!’ He gave him the look, and Reborn was able to read him like a book.

The brunette had the weirdest feeling this whole fair was rigged, rigged with what he didn’t know, he just couldn’t shake this bad feeling he got. “How about some food?”

“Sure…” Tsuna rubbed his stomach. ‘Maybe some food will calm my nerves.’

Takeshi went to the stall offering food. “Can I what you’d recommend?” He asked.

“Sure thing!” The booth guy fixed something on a stick and handed it to Tsuna. It was a chocolate covered banana!

Sawada blushed. ‘You’ve got to be kidding me!!’

“Best to eat it before the chocolate melts!” Tsuna shot the man a glare.

“You don’t like it?” The sad eyes...damn…

“No it’s fine!” Sawada began to suck on the phallic chocolate confection. “Mmm~!” He moaned in spite of himself. The confection was delicious the chocolate was probably imported melted and chilled. The banana was prepared, very fresh, cooked with cinnamon and sugar, stuffed with some form of vanilla cream, dipped in chocolate, mixing the flavors in a delicious mix.

He lost himself in the exotic blend so he sucked on the treat. It looked exactly like that! Yamamoto blushed at the sight.

Takeshi tried to distract himself an ordered a treat for himself. Instead of a chocolate covered banana, he received a peach donut with a clear glaze on a stick. It was eaten like a lolipop, Takeshi licking the glaze off the donut. “Mmm!”

Tsuna eyed him and realized exactly what this was. He had the banana and Yamamoto had the donut… ‘Seriously!!!’

All the food being sold was like that; foot long hot dogs being sold with two giant meat balls, caramel peaches for licking, bagels skewered with sausages, the pretzels were bent into a phallic way and were stuffed full of cheese, and corn dogs with fruit rollup condoms. ‘Oh come on none of this is fair food!!!’ Female assassins could use phallic foods to seduce targets, but Tsuna wasn’t trying to seduce him! Even some foods could be eaten in a sexy way to entice people.

Gotta give Reborn some credit, the blatant nature of the food being offered, was even noticed as someone as thick as Yamamoto. His goal was to push these two towards the bedroom.

“Are you still hungry? Maybe we can try something else…” Tsuna grabbed Yamamoto’s hand.

“No, I’m full, let’s try some games!” He dragged Takeshi over to some of the game booths, and away from the phallic and lewd food stuff.

“Operation Food Stuffs is a bust, moving onto phase two!” Reborn called on a walkie talkie.

Phase Two was the Show Off plan. The game booths were rigged so Yamamoto couldn’t win, but Tsuna could win. That was the plan but…

“Knock the bottles over win a prize!”

Tsuna wasn’t sure about this but spotted a strange little alien plushie. It was a blue squid-like alien with three eyes. “Ohh!”

Takeshi followed his gaze. “You want that plushy?”

Tsuna blushed and rubbed the back of his head. “Yeah…”

Yamamoto rolled up his sleeve. “Leave it to me!”

The stall didn’t know what hit em, the bottles were fixed to not fall, but they weren’t ready for Yamamoto’s pitches. Pitch...Zoom...Wham...POW! The bottles were sent flying, the locking mechanism actually broke. “Best two out of three…”

They tried to give him weighted balls but that didn’t slow him down. Yamamoto won the plushy. “Here you go!” Tsuna blushed and hugged the little alien.

“I’m gonna call him Chips!”

Yamamoto blushed. ‘So cute!’ Tsuna’s charm was radiating off him.

“Thanks Yamamoto-kun!” He kissed the baseball player on the cheek. It was a small peck, but it left them both red.

‘Hmm…’ Reborn observed from a distance. ‘Maybe they don’t need a push...nah…’ He did call off the game booths and just let the two have fun. Though some of the other prizes Yamamoto won were, erotic guidebooks.

“Let’s try some rides!” They tried the bumper cars, the merry go round, and just seemed to be enjoying each other’s company.

As they were on the merry go round, a white haired boy acting as a janitor watched them. ‘He’s supposed to be the Tenth?’ He took a drag on his cigarette.

“Oh look a photobooth!” Tsuna gushed.

Yamamoto smiled. “Let’s go!”

Reborn smirked. ‘Time to take this date to the next level!’

The two entered the booth unaware of Reborn’s modifications. It was equipped with some advanced tech from a genius called the Disinti-fabricator. Before each Flash from the camera, a blue light came on, that blue light dissolved an article of clothing in an instant.

Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash

They gasped as their clothes were erased and a picture was snapped. In order to shield themselves, Tsuna and Yamamoto pressed their naked bodies together. Flash! It was quite the intimate photo despite the circumstances. They were pressed very intimately to hide their manly bits, one probably couldn’t even slip floss between them.

“I didn’t know these did that.” He chuckled a touch nervously. The taller male was doing some amazing mental gymnastics to keep himself calm. He had tried not to look at Tsuna’s penis but with them being so close he felt it. ‘So big!’

“They don’t...I’m sure…” Tsuna was sweating. ‘This date is ruined!’

“Please exit the booth and go left, enjoy the private beach!” It was Reborn’s voice, slightly filtered but Tsuna could tell it was Reborn.

“Ugh...I can’t take this!” Tsuna grabbed his plush, and used it to cover himself and made a run for it. ‘This is too much, I just wanted a normal date, and this is anything but normal!’

“Tsuna wait!” Takeshi grabbed their photos and ran after Tsuna. He found the brunette on the beach where towels were placed for them. “Did...did I do something wrong?” Sawada was clearly upset, but not with him.

“What? No this isn’t about you...this whole fair thing, it’s been weird from the food, to the games, to the booth, none of this has been normal.” Yamamoto sat beside him. “I think my tutor did all this, and it’s all so crazy.”

“Well I haven’t been on many dates, but considering I asked you out in my birthday suit. I can handle a little abnormal.” Takeshi put an arm around Tsuna. “Even if things got a little weird I had a really good time with you.”

Tsuna brought his knees to his chest. “You don’t understand things might get a lot weirder around me. I don’t know if I can explain it or if you’ll believe me. If I haven’t seen what I’ve seen and felt what I’ve felt I wouldn’t even believe it.”

Yamamoto stood up and offered his hand to Tsuna. “You don’t have to tell me everything right now, our date is still going and we have this nice beach to ourselves.”

“You don’t care that we are naked?!”

“It’s a little embarrassing, but I’m enjoying my time with you too much to care. Why let a little nudity get in the way of our present?” Tsuna took his hand and he left his plush on the towel.

They scampered along the beach, splishing and splashing, chasing each other and just having fun. It was rather freeing, Tsuna’s deflated confidence was given a much needed boost. They got to watch the sunset together, side by side, holding hands. Reborn had their clothes returned and they were picked up by the carriage.

‘Enjoy your fun now, because tomorrow I’m gonna send you to hell!’


On the ride back home Tsuna did his best to explain what he knew, about who he was, what he was, and why he’s been Dame Tsuna all his life. Yamamoto walked him to his door. “It’s hard to believe right?”

“Well the little guy did shoot me and I’m still alive, so I’m gonna say I believe it. Even if I don’t get all of it.” Hearing that Tsuna had been sealed at a young age made his blood boil, it had hurt Tsuna, crippled him. It made Yamamoto want to protect him.

“It’s weird right...too weird…”

Takeshi shook his head. “It’s weird, but I can handle it. I had a really great time tonight!”

“Me too…” He fidgeted. “There’s just one thing that’d make this night perfect.”

“What’s that?” Tsuna pulled Yamamoto down for a kiss, giving him a big smooch. The taller male was stunned, but only for a moment before kissing back. Fireworks! Time slowed down to let this moment breath and a flood of emotions could meet and crash into each other.

The kiss finally ended, what was only a couple minutes felt like years. “Goodnight!” Tsuna’s voice cracked and rushed into his house.

Yamamoto collapsed, mouthing the word. “Goodnight!” He touched his lips and they were still tingly. Inside he was doing backflips, he felt like he had just hit 100 home runs.

For all the weirdness Reborn put them through, that goodnight kiss made it all worth it.

To be continued



Oh gawds, that fair! 🤣🤣 Still, Takeshi's good boi vibes and roll-with-it attitude saved the day in the end. Good development for their relationship. 👍