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Dragon Ball parody: Patreon Reward

Omega Kakarot

Before being sent to earth, Kakarot and Broly are able to spend time on Planet Vegeta even able to present their sub sex. Kakarot and Broly bond, this bond helping ease the power overflow, keeping him from burning out. King Vegeta however doesn’t care and sends Broly away, Kakarot is sent away to, though a malfunction with his ship gets him to earth pregnant and with no memory. Planet Vegeta is gone, and the saiyans need an omega to repopulate, but is Broly willing to share.

Chapter 1 Power Rage

Whis smiled. “The universe of Universe 7 is a vast and unique place, while there was only 1 god of destruction there were many Supreme Kai that looked over the mortal world, dividing it into quadrants.” The angel explained. “The mortals of this universe all shared one thing in common a secondary sex that manifested when one came of age.”

His staff glowed. Some alien species may have had only two sub sex variants, with missing links popping up from time to time, others had three, and a few species had only a one but they were unique enough to support the thriving of their species. The Namekians, for example all shared the Delta sub sex, a missing link between Beta and Omega. While the Frost Demons aka the Cold Family were all Gammas, a missing link between Alphas and Betas. For the Saiyans they had a three set; Alpha, Beta, and Omega. For Humans they had a two set of Beta and Omega, with Deltas appearing randomly. The Yardratians were known for having two set with Alpha and Beta pairs, with Gammas appearing randomly.

“Each planet’s social hierarchy developed over many years, with social customs forming over time. It might seem confusing for some having peeked at other Universes I know them to be different, but this works for Universe 7.” The life of mortals can always be so fascinating.


The saiyans were currently under new management. King Cold was retiring so to speak, he was gonna oversee the Cold Empire’s main kingdom while his sons continued to expand the empire.

They were conquerors, King Cold had made a deal with Beerus long ago, granting him permission to begin his conquest. Some worlds were easy to destroy which did the job for the God of Destruction, while others with potential could be harvested or sold for profit. It was good business, one that King Cold was very good at.

His children were...less so…

Freeza was the youngest and like his brother was gifted with great power. This caused him to be arrogant and cruel. Cooler was gifted with immense intellect and cunning, but he cared more for the cultivation of planets. Freeza was quick to destroy them, ignoring their value and resources.

The two butted heads, but Cold may have coddled Freeza too much, expecting him to grow into a better ruler. Taking the fact that Cooler was already gifted in that regard for granted. So it looked like he was favoring the “problem child”.

Saiyans were warriors, who had lived by using their skills to get what they wanted or needed, and what they couldn’t get with their fists they traded for. Their actions weren’t the best, some saiyans even disagreed with the path being taken. Pure hearted saiyans gathered together and formed the Super Saiyan God, but despite the god’s power the overwhelming number of saiyans caused the god to fall, and his legend to be lost to history.

Their ability for combat was a boon to the Cold Army, and their destructive power earned them the favor of Lord Beerus as small as it was.

It was King Vegeta the 2ndwho bent a knee to the Cold Empire and joined their ranks, while it was King Vegeta the 3rd who earned favor with Beerus. Growing up Vegeta III recognized that the God of Destruction was one even the Cold’s feared, and by getting his favor could lead to the Saiyan’s freedom.

King Cold was a tyrant, but even he understood business. Cooler would have been a better option but the saiyans fell under Freeza’s rule. It was a royal setback, but Vegeta III had plans and he would do anything to keep their family in power.

It wasn’t long after that his eldest son Vegeta the 4th was born, a young saiyan who would present as an alpha, and his noble blood showed his raw potential. Next came his second son Tarble who was seen as a disappointment, not only did he lack power but he also presented as a Beta. He was sent off world as to not be an embarrassment to the House of Vegeta.

To save face he spun lies saying Tarble was sent off world to prove himself. It wasn’t like Tarble couldn’t find a mate and produce more heirs, but the way King Vegeta saw it, they’d be inferior stock. He saw Tarble as the weak link in their noble line not realizing it was his own arrogance that’d be their down fall.

His focus slowly shifted from protecting the saiyans and freeing the saiyans to about the House of Vegeta. Any threats to his house became a problem, ignoring the bigger picture. So became the son of Paragus, a young alpha known as Broly.

Although he was a third class saiyan, he was placed in a chamber for elites, and according to scans his power level far exceeded his own sons...combined!

Once again he spun lies of false concern. Power Rage, a term used when a saiyan child is born with a power level too great to control. It drives them mad, becoming a threat to everyone and themselves. For Omegas it usually destroyed them, for betas they went wild destroying anyone and everything that got in their way before self destructing, and alphas...holy hell...

Paragus objected to his son’s exile. He believed Broly’s power could be controlled, honed, and be good for the saiyans. If his potential was true he’d be a great weapon against Freeza.

King Vegeta allowed him to grow and remain on world for a time. Broly was indeed very powerful, and he grew into a warrior that not even the elites could stand against. As he came of age, he toppled experienced warriors. When he presented as an alpha, all bets were off.

Paragus begged and pleaded for his son, as he was hauled off and muzzled. “My son is no threat, he’s still an asset to our people!” He’s been working with Broly, but he still went crazy when he powered up too much. They got through by grabbing his tail, they couldn’t train it, so he had no control over his ozaru state.

“I’ve heard your pleas and have become bored.” Part of Paragus’s hopes was that Broly would present as a beta, if he mated that would help control his power rage. Paragus had to bite his tongue. He knew the king was lying, he was threatened by Broly’s power.

Prince Vegeta had grown into a fine alpha, a stud that had a plethora of betas and omegas throwing themselves at him. Paragus believed the king feared that Broly would either usurp the throne or worse take Vegeta through alpha challenge. The prince could be claimed by a stronger alpha, and Broly was strong, so very strong.

It took five elites just to arrest Broly, they managed to get a hold of his tail, and slapped the cuffs and muzzle on him. “There...there is still a way!”

Mating was a powerful thing, through a mating bond mates share their power with another. A way to stop Power Rage was too mate, the overwhelming power is shared with the mates, allowing the mater to gain clarity. He’d be able to grow and develop to reach the point he’d not be a danger. “Mating? Do you think any beta would be able to go near that thing?”

“We...we can find an omega!”

King Vegeta laughed. “Do you think an omega can handle him, they’ll be killed and we can’t risk the lives of omegas for your wild seed!” Paragus glared at the king. It all sounded so logical which made it all the annoying the fact it came from a place of jealousy.

For years Vegeta III was looking for an excuse to send his son away to treat him like a criminal. ‘It’s not right, it’s not fair!’

“It is for the best, send him off world.”

Paragus balled his hand into a fist. ‘Vampa...that hell hole…’ It had been the plan from the start. Sending Broly to Vampa would be where he’d train and grow, and if he could control his power he’d return. Paragus knew better, that planet had no value, it was a violent world with vicious creatures with little resources. ‘I’ll be damned if I let him go there.’

“There is an omega, strong enough to handle Broly…” He had to play his cards right. “Please one chance!”

King Vegeta groaned. “Very well, one chance, tell me the name of this omega you believe can handle your son!”

Paragus stood firm. “His name is Kakarot!”

The King’s eyes widened and the court began to whisper and murmur. The son of Bardock was truly a fine saiyan, a beautiful omega, he was quite strong and a skilled fighter. While he was just a third class warrior he had several elite alphas and betas wanting his ass, including Prince Vegeta. A saiyan strong enough to earn the favor of the prince, that must be one strong mate. “He’s strong enough, he’ll be able to handle my son!”

He had promised, gave his word, he’d be bound to it. Vegeta IV was not gonna be happy about this, he was planning on courting Kakarot sooner or later. The last thing he needed was the elites turning on him and questioning his word. “Call the son of Bardock in, and see if he’s willing to agree.”


Kakarot was brought to the room and was given the choice. He was quite the beauty, he had his father’s looks, but his mother’s charm. Even some of the mated alphas and betas in the room felt a stir at the sight of him. “Kakarotto, you have been summoned here as you are able to solve a problem.”

Paragus stood in the room, unable to speak if he said a single thing Broly would find himself on the first shuttle to Vampa. “What kind of problem?”

Vegeta III frowned. “The son of Paragus suffers from Power Rage, we’ve been able to control him through the weakness of his tail, but now that he’s presented as an alpha this tactic will no longer work.” Broly showed no signs of control, his power simply growing as his body did, which was a problem. Now that he’s presented as soon as he goes into Rut his tail weakness will fade and he’d destroy...everything. The whole galaxy may be wiped out.

Kakarot crossed his arms. “So he has to mate before his first rut, or risk going crazy on everyone?” He looked around. “And you want me to mate with him?”

“That would be the plan yes, of course you can refuse, we won’t force you, should you have a more suitable mate in mind?” Paragus wanted to gag, he was clearly fishing for his son.

“Hmm, I don’t really have a mate in mind, and I don’t really know this saiyan either. So I suppose I should meet him first before I decide.” Vegeta III’s face soured, but he allowed it.

Kakarot went to Broly’s cell. He saw the big guy all chained up, locked down, and muzzled. ‘So this is the guy!’ Kakarot had seen him around, and he was quite powerful.

Raditz told him, he was wild and wasn’t allowed to go on missions off world. Always sounded so boring. As an omega he couldn’t go off world either unless he was mated. No one wanted an unmated omega on a team, when they could go into heat and drive friend and foe wild.

The cell opened and Kakarot entered the door closing behind him. Broly lashed out, going after the new intruder. “Whoa, easy big guy!” The smaller saiyan flipped out of the way.

Chains rattled and he cracked the floor. He didn’t like being chained and locked, his arms were in massive shackles. Hands raised defensively. “Easy, easy, easy!” Broly growled at him and his aura flared. “Just breathe, let me take off that mask!”

Hearing that Broly relaxed and was still allowing the omega to remove his muzzle. He got a whiff of his pheromones and his tail fur puffed up. “Who...who are you?”

“I’m Kakarot, and you’re Broly.” Kakarot caressed Broly’s face and the alpha leaned into his touch.

“Yes I’m Broly!” He purred.

Kakarot chuckled. “Poor guy, you shouldn’t be chained up like this.”

Broly shook his head. “I have power rage, it’s...for the best…” As much as it went against his instincts.

“You are really strong, I can tell!” He helped get the cuffs off him. Broly was surprised. “There, isn’t that better?”

The alpha rubbed his wrists, it did, it really did. He nodded. “I know this is sudden, but how about a spar, show me what you got!”

Broly gulped and licked his lips. This was a challenge, this omega wanted to see how strong he was, to see if he was a good mate. His power flared, but something in the back of his mind knew, if he lost control he’d end up killing this omega. So he tried, very hard to stay in control…


To be continued


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