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Fairy Tail parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 A Job is a Job

ARM Rings – 5000
CASTER Rings – 10,000
GUARDIAN Rings – 25,000
RIDER Rings – 50,000

Repairs – 1000 to 2,500
Alterations/Resize - 2000 to 3,500
Custom Jobs Vary in Price

Alzack Connell was looking to take a job, but found himself waiting. He was looking to do a job with Natsu. Connell checked with Sammy who noted that Natsu was up to date on orders, which meant he’d be looking to do some field work soon.

The gun wizard has been carrying a torch for the dragon slayer for awhile. When he immigrated from the west Natsu was one of the first to welcome him. He was nice, warm, and welcoming. Because of his skill in crafting Alzack had requested a special weapon.

Dragneel forged him some ARM rings, they were Magic Pistols that were stored in rings. Alzack wore them on his pinky fingers. He enjoyed them so much he requested another ARM ring, this one being a magic gun that shot living bullets. The gunner visited the forge and got one hell of an eye full.

His Fire Dragon Rod haunted Alzack’s dreams. In the west they were a bit more open about male love. It was lonely on the trail, so it started and bloomed into something so much more. Caravans had a code, if the tent was rocking, don’t come knocking. It wasn’t exclusive to men either, Bisca was also from the west, and she preferred the company of women, she had her sights on the strongest woman in Fairy Tail.

So finding Natsu attractive didn’t freak Alzack out, but he just always thought that when he met a guy he liked he’d be the stud in that relationship. He had quite the nice “pistol” at 7 inches long, above average from where he was from. Seeing that massive meat flipped a switch inside him. What freaked him out was how quick the mental shift was, and how hot it made him.

Alzack would be a liar if he said he hadn’t had a wet dream a time or two about Natsu before the incident but in those dreams he was the top. This was true for a few guys in Fairy Tail, their guild had some hotties in the bunch, that Alzack wouldn’t mind spending a passionate night under the stars with. Lately, his dreams were dominated by the pink haired forge master, and the one getting dominated was Alzack.

One of his favorite scenarios was not being able to pay for an order and Natsu makes him pay with his body. It was hot, a little dirty, and always a libido pleaser. Another was lifted from an old porno he had seen, it was a total shift where Natsu was the sheriff and he was the outlaw who was gonna be hanged for his crimes tomorrow if he didn’t escape tonight.

So he seduces the Sheriff taking the big dicked stallion for a ride and earning his freedom. He had stolen the keys with a blow job, but he couldn’t pass up a chance to be taken by that rifle. In his dream he was fucked through the bars and manhandled.

While he knew Natsu as a fellow wizard and guildmate, that wasn’t a vast scope to tell what kind of lover he’d be. Thankfully that’s where imagination came in. Fantasy was nice but Alzack wanted to try the real thing.

In order to do that he had to get closer to him. A tricky thing to do when Natsu was so busy. Even with Sammy’s help the dragon slayer was either forging, crafting, training, working on orders. When he’d go out and do a job, depending on the job, he’d come back with some new ore/stone that gets his creative juices flowing.

‘Today’s the day!’ He felt the stars had aligned. Natsu had finished a special order, and had completed a few other jobs as well.

The job seemed simple enough, hunt down a bad guy. Salamander aka Bora, he was wanted for Human Trafficking, Illegal Magic Usage, Drugs, and other nefarious crimes.

Natsu and Sammy arrived, sure enough they were looking for a job. Alzack approached them. “If you guys are looking for a job, wanna partner up on this one?”

Sammy eyed the job. “Salamander huh?” He was calling himself Salamander, but it wasn’t his epitaph. “Boss, I think bringing this guy down would benefit us.”

Alzack smiled. “I was hoping we could split the bounty three ways.”

Natsu smirked. “Sure let’s team up!” He chuckled. “I don’t think we’ve ever teamed up before, this should be fun!”

Sammy transformed taking his anthro form. “Salamander” was known to frequent different port towns, the one he frequented the most was Hargeon, so that is where they would start. “Let’s go! Indara!”

The horse-like guardian was quite special, he was made to serve as transport and help with large deliveries. They gained a bounty finding a magic stone to work some Motion Magic. He conjured a stage coach, and he went from a little guy to a full on purple horse, with a white mane, red leggings, and gold horse shoes. He had a red crystal on his head.

This was better than taking the train. Dragon Slayers got terrible motion sickness for some reason. Sammy had requested Indara as his guardian.

The trio were off and made it to Hargeon in good time. Indara could run as fast as a magic mobile.

On the way Natsu had something for Alzack. “Since we are doing a job together, you should hang onto these just in case.” He handed over two guardian rings.

“GUARDIANS? Two of them I can’t possibly afford
” Such rings cost 25,000 Jewel each.

“These will watch your back, consider them a loaner.” He introduced them Ruby and Carbuncle, the twin rabbits.

Seeing Alzack smile, made Dragneel smile as well. Little did Connell know these little ones were made for him. He put the rings in with his magic gun arm ring.

Sammy adjusted his glasses. ‘He likes him!’

At Hargeon, they looked around for this “Salamander”. Alzack made a pit stop at a local magic shop where he bought some magic bullets for his revolvers. There was a blonde girl also shopping around, she had a guild mark on her hand. ‘Phantom Lord?’

Alzack suddenly got nervous. Phantom Lord was a rival of sorts for Fairy Tail, they had more money and guild halls across the land, but for some reason that wasn’t enough. Master Jose and Master Makarov had issues with each other that wasn’t really sane. Supposedly it stemmed from their youth, but it was hard to say. Phantom Lord was just as famous/infamous as Fairy Tail, just as respected, but still Jose seemed to enjoy messing with Fairy Tail.

There were incidents of Job Sniping, members of Fairy Tail had complained that members from Phantom Lord had finished the job out from under them. It caused some of the members to keep track of some of the more notable members of Phantom, like the Element Four and they even had their own dragon slayer.

Makarov was trying to take the high road and hoped Jose would get over whatever nonsense was chewing on his butt. ‘Why is she here? Is she here to snipe the Salamander job?’

Alzack didn’t recognize her. It’s possible she was a new recruit, or one that hadn’t made a name for herself yet. She was buying a key. ‘A celestial spirit wizard?’

He finished his purchase and quickly left the shop. “Alzack, what’s wrong?”

“Phantom Lord is here!”

Natsu crossed his arms. “You think they might be here for the same job?”

Sammy frowned. “It’s possible, but there are lots of quests and Hargeon is a high traffic area.”

There was no point in stressing about it, as long as the bad guy was taken down. “We just gotta bring down this fake Salamander first!”

It sounded easy but where did they start looking. “Squeee it’s Salamander!”

“He’s so hot!”

“Sexy wow~!”

There was a crowd of girls and guys swarming around a “dashing” figure. Sammy adjusted his glasses. “Lucky!”

They rush over and sure enough there was Bora, going by the alias Salamander. He was even handing out autographs with Salamander written on it. Natsu’s eyes narrowed. ‘His hand!’

On Bora’s left hand were two magic rings, given their design Dragneel could guess the magics involved. ‘Charm and Sleep, the first one is an illegal magic enchantment!’ Charm magic was made taboo for obvious reasons. Love spells tended to be complicated, and depending on their formulas could be very problematic.

He was using Charm magic to build his little fan club. ‘That must be how he’s capturing people.’ Sammy thought. It was a powerful trick, however knowing he’s using it makes the effect negated.

“What a creep using Charm Magic like that!”

Natsu punched the palm of his hand. “Let’s take him out!”

Alzack got into position, while Natsu got ready he busted out his own weapon ARM, a hammer. “Ifrit Wall!” Dragneel struck the ground and sent fire magic through the earth.

The crowd gasped as a wall of fire formed behind them. “What’s this?” Bora gasped.

“Don’t move Bora, we are taking you in!”

“Ahh my fans, so forceful!” He shot Natsu a wink, a sparkly pink aura surrounding him. It had no effect. ‘Shit does he know I’m using charm magic?’

“That’s not gonna work!”

Bora chuckled. “I see you want my autograph!” He handed Natsu one of his cards, as he did he pulled out another magic ring. “Smoke Bomb!” The ring’s power activated creating a massive cloud of smoke.

“What the heck?!” Dragneel coughed, even the crowd was caught up in the smoke.

“Flame Carpet!” Bora took up to the air, flying on a carpet of flames. “Sorry lovelies, I must be off but I’ll see you all soon!”

“Oh no you don’t!” Alzack whipped out his magic pistol. “Guns Magic: Tornado Shot!”

A tornado was shot from the gun, surging towards Bora. He had to take drastic action to dodge. “Red Shower!” The fire wizard launched a large ball of fire into the air, to outsiders it looked like a simple fire work.


‘That bastard!’ Alzack used two guns. “Guns Magic: Aqua Shots!” Showing off impressive marksmanship, he shot out the red shower before he could do any damage.

The distraction worked as Bora flew off. “I’m not letting him get away!” Alzack gave chase.

Natsu sucked up his wall of fire. “Yeah, let’s move!” The gunner and Exceed had a head start, but they couldn’t predict what was about to happen.

“Mooo!” A cow man appeared wielding an axe. He slashed at Natsu, but the dragon slayer blocked him with his hammer.

“What the hell?!” Natsu blinked. “A celestial spirit?”

Taurus smirked. “You got a good eye!” He gripped his axe tightly. The two were clashing with strength.

“Don’t let him get away Taurus!” A woman called out.

“Mooo, yes Miss Lucy!” His master came over, and it was the wizard Alzack had spotted before.

Natsu grunted as Taurus turned up the pressure. ‘What is this?’ The celestial spirit attack caused the crowd to disperse.

Lucy stepped up. “Hold it right there Salamander!”

Dragneel blinked. ‘Wait...oh...ohh...crap!’


Alzack and Sammy gave chase, Alzack by foot and Sammy by air. ‘Where did he go?’ Bora may not have been powerful he was fast.

He ended up in a park and was looking around. Connell found  the fire wizard in some bushes. “Oh...another honey chasing me around. Being so handsome is a curse!” He flicked his hair.

Alzack grimaced. “I know you are using Charm Magic, maybe don’t use illegal magic and you wouldn’t have that problem.” He aimed a gun at his head. “Now don’t move, you are under arrest Bora of Prominence!”

Bora chuckled. “So you know my name!”

“Sammy did research into you, you were once a member of Titan Nose, but you were kicked out for thievery!” Sammy spotted them.

‘Looks like things are handled here...wait where is Natsu?’

Bora smirked. “Those were the good old days, my guild didn’t understand, I stole what I needed, my thefts granted me power that I deserve!” His ring activated.

“Ugh!” Alzack was hit with sleep magic. ‘Damn!’ His vision blurred and he got woozy. The gunner stumbled back and Bora stood up.

He tried to fire magic bullets, but the fire wizard dodged him. “You are quite cute, I’m sure to get a pretty penny for you!” Alzack tried to resist the sleep magic but fell unconscious.

Sammy’s eyes widened. “Alzack!” He shot towards the two, transforming. “Get your hands off him!” Sammy was ready to throw hands and protect Alzack.

A magic circle formed before Bora. “Prominence Burn!” He blasted Sammy away, forcing him back.

Another distraction, as Bora grabbed Alzack and flew off again. ‘Damn it!’


Lucy had joined Phantom Lord a few months ago, the guild was very open to new members so she was able to get in easily. She had been torn between Fairy Tail or Phantom, both were very interesting and influential guilds. “I know all about you Salamander, I’ve read about you in Sorcerer Weekly. I almost couldn’t believe you were involved in human trafficking!”

“I’m not!” He was holding off Taurus pretty well, but this was a problem. Technically Natsu was Salamander, that was his epitaph, but he wasn’t responsible for all the illegal activity Bora was doing under his name. The property damage...yeah that was him. He tended to go a little wild on jobs.

It wasn’t just him, Fairy Tail was known for a lot of property damage and being crazy...but they got the job done...

Lucy ran off his crimes, the red flag behavior was Bora’s doing. “I can’t believe Fairy Tail would allow a creep like you into their ranks. Get him Taurus!”

“I’m telling you...I’m not
” He was cut off as he had to fend off Taurus’s swings. This was a hard situation for him to be in, if he fought back too much he’d confirm he was a criminal, but if he allowed himself to be arrested and taken in he’d still be saddled with Bora’s crimes.

As they fought the autograph Bora had given him fell to the ground. “Would you listen to me, I’m not the guy you’re looking for.”

Lucy picked up the autograph. “Huh, you can’t fool me. This card has an invitation on it. You hand these out to lure people into a trap before you haul them off!” Natsu was getting annoyed now. “I can do Fairy Tail a favor by cleaning up creeps like you!”

Taurus wasn’t so sure this was the guy, he could tell Natsu was holding back. If he was as bad as she said, wouldn’t he just go all out and escape? Orders were orders and he tried to cut Natsu down.

“Keep him still Taurus, this creep needs to be punished!” She broke out her whip.

Natsu began to sweat. “I’m not really into that.”

“Shut it!”

“NATSU!” Sammy cried, he was flying fast and he was covered in minor burns.

“Sammy?” His eyes widened. “What happened?”

“Hey don’t get distracted!” Lucy snapped.

“Alzack got grabbed by Bora!” As soon as the words finished, Natsu’s magic power spiked.

‘What?!’ Lucy cracked her whip and Taurus swung his axe.

Cerberos and Kobold burst out and slammed Taurus knocking him into a wall of a nearby building. Garuda whipped out and sliced up Lucy’s whip, reducing it to ashes.

“Where is he?!” Flames slipped from his lips, Bora had just unleashed a Dragon’s Fury!


Alzack came to. ‘Ugh what hit me
’ He was experiencing a hang over effect from the hostile Sleep magic. As he shifted some things became clear.

One: He was tied up.

Two: He was butt naked!

‘Oh crap!’

To be continued...Messed With the Wrong Guild

Bora is feeling pretty cocky having had captured a fairy tail wizard, stripped him, and planned to sell off him and his gear for big money. He recognized Natsu as the real Salamander, but heard dragon slayers have a weakness for transportation so with them on his yacht he thinks he’s safe from Natsu. Too bad even bare ass naked Alzack is a force to be reckoned with. Bora tries to take him out but the guardian rings activate and things heat up!


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