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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 7 

AN: Stats will be at the end of the chapter for easy viewing

Chapter 8 Pewter City

Pewter City Layout: Pokemon Center, Pokemon Mart, Battle Club, Contest Hall, Museum, Stone Seller

Ash went to the Pokemon Center and got his mons checked out. While Nurse Joy did her thing, Ash called Professor Oak. “Oh Ash, nice to hear from you!”

“Hey Professor, I’m calling from Pewter City, and look!” He showed off his ribbon.

Oak smiled. “One ribbon already, and I bet you are going for your first badge as well.”

Ketchum nodded. “Sure am! I was wondering how my Beedrill is doing?”

Suddenly Oak was tackled Beedrill coming on screen, happily buzzing. “He’s doing fine! Your Beedrill is quite energetic!”

“That’s why I’m calling Professor, it’s about my carry limit. I was wondering if I could have it increased?” Oak paused and stroked his chin.

He looked deep in thought. “You haven’t been on your journey very long, it might be too early to increase your limit.” Beedrill looked upset.

Ash sighed. He knew it was a long shot, but he had to try, for his pokemon. Samuel pondered some things for a bit. “I’ll tell you what, do a special challenge at the Pewter and Cerulean Gyms.”

Normally the gym challenge was based on the challenger’s badges. One can ask for a special challenge, for unique conditions. Each gym leader has their own pokemon, plus six gym pokemon. These Pokemon were battle hardened and ready for any gym challenger. “If you get both badges through the special challenge, I’ll ask my friend Bill to upgrade your Pokedex to increase your limit to 8!”

“Really!” Ash’s eyes sparkled. Beedrill stinger punched the air.

Oak gave him a serious look. “Now Ash taking on a special challenge won’t be easy. If you lose you won’t be able to challenge the gym again.” It was a rule in place to prevent arrogant trainers from harassing the gym with special challenges.

“I understand Professor, I know the risk but this is for my mons. I’m willing to go for it!” He knows how hard they’ve been working, they’ve been training so hard. It’ll be tough, but Ash would be a liar if he didn’t feel excited.

“Talk to Nurse Joy and she’ll arrange it.” Oak informed Ash that Gary and Damian had already gotten their first badge.

It didn’t bother Ash, as he knew he’d catch up sooner or later. Nurse Joy came back. “Ash...all your pokemon are fighting fit!”

“Thanks Nurse Joy. I do need something else.” He asked her about the special challenge, and she was happy to set up.

The Gym Leader was Brock and he used Rock type Pokemon. The Pewter Gym was famous for Rock type pokemon. “He has a gym challenger today so you may challenge him tomorrow. I’ll inform him of your special challenge!” All she told him is that he’d need to prepare four pokemon.

‘Hmm, I have Bezai and Bloom...’ His other Pokemon were Flying and Bug type pokemon, which were weak to Rock types. ‘Kaido’s a water type but doesn’t know a Water move.’

Tornado and Papillon were selected. Gale was a bit saddened. “Don’t worry buddy, next gym is all yours!” Gale had just evolved and needed to get used to their new power. Tornado could also use some experience.

So they decided to hit the battle club for some special training. Bloom had one move mastered so it felt wise to master another going in. He’s been working hard, and Ash felt he was close to mastering a new move, either Leech Seed or Razor Leaf.

Bezai set up a Barrier for Bloom to shoot Leech Seed at and Razor Leaf, Papillon worked on their Harden style, while Tornado hit him with Leer. All of this was boosted by Tailwind for extra training.

The trainers they fought at the club served to be the last little bit they needed. Tornado gained a level, learned the move Aerial Ace which replaced Fury Attack and mastered Leer!

Bloom leveled up and mastered Leech Seed, the mon felt a little odd since Bezai also used a mastered Leech Seed. “No worries Bloom there’s five styles we can find the styles of Leech Seed perfect for you!”

Papillon also went for Tough Style Harden, it greatly boosted his defense in one go. With no more trainers to fight Ash decided to go to the Contest Hall and work on Bloom’s Leech Seed. The grass type was figuring things out, he was different than Bezai and as such how he used his moves were different.

“What do you mean there’s no contest today!” Musashi was freaking out on the contest clerk. “This is a Contest Hall isn’t it?!”

“I’m sorry Ma’am the next contest is in Cerulean City.” The contest for the Pewter City ribbon was months and months away.

“Musashi…” She whipped her head around to see Ash, and began to panic before remembering she was in her civilian mode.

“Oh it’s just you. Beat it, I’m busy!”

“I can see, why don’t we sit and talk, I’ll even treat.” Not willing to turn down free food she abandoned her (pointless) rant. They got some food and Ash fed his Pokemon. “So, how are you preparing for the Cerulean Contest?”

She shot him a look. “Why would I tell you that, we are enemies, I mean rivals?”

Ash shrugged. “Coordinators often share tips and tricks to raising Pokemon. It’s only natural.” Looking around and it was true, it was usually a tit for tat, info for info.

“Okay maybe I’ll share some info, why don’t you go first.”

“Sure what do you wanna know?”

“Tell me about those other styles of moves you used!” As she told Meowth she didn’t pay attention in class. The only style she knew about was Tough Style.

Ash gave her the basics, explaining; Tough, Cool, Clever, Cute, and Beauty. She took notes. “You used Tough Style in our match.”

Musashi drank from her shake. “I did, when you are one such as I, birthed with natural cuteness, beauty unrivaled, and natural genius being Tough was the only mile stone I’ve yet to match.” A cool story, but Tough Style was basically the first lesson so it was all she knew. Not that it was anything to sneeze at, but not having any of the other styles was a problem. “The world can be harsh so being Tough is the only way to get by!” Arceus: And the Oscar goes too...

Even how to master moves was something Jessie had forgotten about. It happened not many people remembered every last detail, and school for her was a long time ago. A few reminders and it was all coming back to her. (Jessie in Canon had a hard time in Hoenn as she had no idea what she was doing, in this she has some standing and skill as a coordinator but forgot bits and bobs that’d make her a greater one.)

‘With this information we can strengthen our Pokemon, just you wait twerp!’

As silly as it sounded Musashi’s weird tall tale did inspire Bloom and Tornado.

Before Ash could get info from her. “My friend’s having a gym battle soon, I gotta run!”

Ketchum got up. “Mind if I join you?”

She shrugged. “Sure, whatever!” The two went to the gym, with Ash’s pokemon following. (Kaido in his ball)

James was in his civilian clothes as Kojiro. He was facing off against the gym leader Brock. “So that’s the Gym leader?”

Brock Takeshi was tall, wearing an orange shirt and a green jacket, brown pants, and blue shoes. He had two monster balls on his belt. “How many badges do you have?”

Kojiro bowed. “None, this is my first gym!” He was nervous.

Takeshi nodded. “Very well, we’ll have a two vs two battle!”

“Get him Ja...Kojiro!” Musashi called out.

The first round was Koffing Versus Geodude. Ash scanned them Koffing had a power level of 20 and Geodude had a power level of 16. “Use Toxic Spikes!” Koffing released a shower of purple spikes and it rained down onto the field.

Bloom watched the fight intensely. “Geodude use Defense Curl!” The Rock type curled up raising his defense.

Kojiro called for another Toxic Spikes. “Nice!” Musashi praised. After battling with Ash, Kojiro had done some training, having Koffing trade Poison Gas to Toxic Spikes.

Brock called for Rollout. Geodude rolled with great power, he launched into the air and hit Koffing hard. He kept rolling and building more power. “Ugh Koffing try a Smokescreen!”

The poison type filled the area with black smoke. Koffing hid in the smoke, causing the next Rollout to miss. “Nice, use Sludge!” Koffing blasted Geodude with sludge.

“Geodude use Rock Throw!” Rocks were thrown and Koffing was taken down.

Kojiro began to sweat. “Koffing return!” The Rollout was suped up by the Defense Curl and did a lot of damage. “Thanks Koffing you did great!”

He pulled out another ball. “Pinsir go!” Out came the powerful bug type. “Use Harden!”

Brock smirked. “Use Defense Curl!” Both monsters gained defense, but Kojiro knew what was coming next. “Rollout!”

The bluenette called for his next attack. “Seismic Toss!” Pinsir flew forward and caught the Rock Type, and sent him flying, Geodude landed hard and got knocked out.

Brock returned Geodude. “Thanks Geodude, you did great.” He was hesitant, but he had to call for his next Pokemon. “Onix go!” The rock snake came out and Toxic Spikes activated.

Ash was surprised as Onix got badly poisoned. “Toxic Spikes finally took effect.” Musashi said. Koffing’s set up was paying off, with two layers of spikes it was a powerful poison. Bloom got an idea.

Ketchum scanned the two. Onix had a power level of 20, while Pinsir had a power level of 15, a reversal from the last match.

Kojiro called for a Harden, and Pinsir raised his defense. “Onix use Slam!” The Bug Type got hit but with his increased defense he was able to tank the hit.

“Use Seismic Toss!” Pinsir flung the rock snake, dealing super effective damage. The poison ate away at Onix draining his strength and stamina.

Brock had to bring down this bug fast, he was on a ticking clock. “Onix use Rock Throw!” Rocks hit Pinsir and pushed him back.

“Use Focus Energy!” Pinsir channeled his energy, causing his horns to glow.

Brock called for a Bind. Onix wrapped around Pinsir and squeezed him hard. “Fight back with Seismic Toss!” He managed to land a critical hit and while Onix survived the hit, the poison took the last bit and he fainted.

Ash was impressed it was a good battle.

Kojiro received the gym badge. “That was amazing!” Ash exclaimed. The bluenette blushed when he saw him. “Hey Brock, I’m Ash from Pallet Town, I’m looking forward to facing you tomorrow!”

Brock eyed him. ‘So that’s my challenger.’ Nurse Joy told him about the special challenge. “You asked for a special challenge?”

Ash smiled. “Sure did!”

“How many gym badges do you have?”

“None, this will be my first Gym Battle, though I’m so pumped!” Bezai could feel Ash’s excitement. This was their first gym and there was a lot on the line.

Brock didn’t know what to make of Ash, but it didn’t matter, a special challenge meant one thing. “Very well, I’ll see you tomorrow then.” He had seen Ash’s pokemon in the stands, he knew his biggest problems would be the grass types, but he had ways of dealing with them.

Musashi grabbed Kojiro and dragged him out of the gym. “Hey wait a minute what’s got you so worked up!?”

“Quiet, we got moves to master and styles to craft!” She said.

They met up with Meowth and the red haired woman laid down the law. Kojiro’s pokemon would be used to help Musashi’s train to master moves, in doing so they’d get some kind of battle experience. “That helps you but what about my Pokemon?”

“Just you wait James, we’ll watch his match tomorrow and see for ourselves!”

Ketchum was so excited he could barely sleep, so Bezai had Bloom give him a dose of Sleep Powder to put him to bed.

-The Next Day-

Nurse Joy walked him to the gym, as it turned out she’d be the referee for the special challenge. Ash’s picks were ready to go! He felt he was ready to, and then Brock showed up.

The man was wearing the same green vest from yesterday but no shirt, showing off his abs, pecs, and toned arms! Judging from the bulge in his pants, he wasn’t wearing any underwear, and the pants looked to be a size smaller than yesterday. He was also wearing sandles instead of shoes. ‘What the heck?’

It didn’t take long to realize he was wearing all that or lack there of to show off for Nurse Joy. Brock spent a good thirty minutes flirting with the Nurse and it really took the wind out of his sails. “How about you and I share a lovely dinner for two?”

“Ahem…” Ash cleared his throat.

“If you’d like I can serenade you!”


“We can…” Ash had enough.

“Hello, we have a gym battle today!” He totally forgot! One look at a pretty girl and the dude was mush, and Ash thought he was so cool yesterday. Now he was just trying so hard it was weird.

“Oh right…” He went over to his starting point. “I’ll win this challenge for you Nurse Joy!” Even she was looking uncomfortable.

Ash and Bezai had the same thought. ‘After this challenge, win or lose, we hypnotizing this guy!’

To be continued...Stylish Victory

Bloom shows off Beauty Style and Tough Style Leech Seed, which creates a unique effect like toxic spikes while tough style lets it deal some damage. Ash wins using Tornado, Pappilon, and Bloom. Brock has some issues, not only is he the gym leader but he’s stuck taking care of his whole dang family, while his dad is screwing around, he needs help in more ways than one.

Ash: Trainer : Size – 8 inches soft/13 inches hard
Badges: 0
Ribbons: 1/5: Viridian Ribbon

Monsters on hand: Bezai (Exeggcute), Bloom (Bulbasaur), Kaido (Magikarp), Gale (Pidgey), Tornado (Spearow) Papillon (Butterfree)

Monsters at Oaks Lab: Beedrill
Items: Monster Balls x 1
Key Items: Tent/Sleeping Bag, Pokedex, Pokeblock Case, Rainbow Feather, Contest Outfit, Fishing Rod, Cooking Set, Cash Card, Battle Pager, Kanto Contest Pass, Performance Tools: Hoop, Frisbee, Balls,

Upon reaching power level of 30 they can know 5 moves, monsters with a power level of 60 could use up to 6 moves, and a monster with a power level of 90 can use 7 moves

Bezai (Exeggcute) Ability Trance – Boosts the effectiveness of Sleep Inducing Moves, and when using offensive Psychic type moves has a chance for Sleep.
Power Level: 20
Moves: Hypnosis*(Beauty/Clever), Reflect* (Cute/Clever), Leech Seed* (Cute/Clever), Mega Drain

Bloom (Bulbasaur) Ability Chlorophyll
Power Level 18
Moves: Sleep Powder, Razor Leaf, Vine Whip* (Tough/Clever), Leech Seed,

Kaido (Magikarp) Ability: Rattled
Power Level 16
Moves: Splash, Bounce* (???/???), Tackle

Gale (Pidgeotto) Ability: Tangle Feet
Power Level 18
Moves Quick Attack, Sand Attack, Gust* (Tough/Clever), Roost

Tornado (Spearow): Ability Keen Eye
Power Level 16
Moves Peck* (Cool/???), Tailwind, Leer, Fury Attack

Papillon (Butterfree) Ability: Tinted Lenses
Power Level 14
Moves: Gust, Stun Spore, Harden* (Clever/???) Bug Bite
Stored: String Shot* (Beauty/Clever)

Beedrill Ability: ???
Power Level ??
Moves: ???

Ribbons 0/5
Monsters: Ekans, Venonat

Badges 0/8
Monsters: Koffing, Growlie (Growlithe), Bellsprout, Pinsir (4/6)

Monsters: Starmie, Staryu, Goldeen


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