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Danny Phantom parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 5 

Chapter 6 Sam’s A What?

Since the world began to evolve, and alpha, beta, omega dynamics became the norm, there was the concern that evolution would continue sooner or later. Despite the evidence in front of them most believed that there wouldn’t be any changes.

Evolution didn’t work like that, as things became the norm and the genes began mixing more and more. Signs of new mutations began, slowly at first. Alpha/Beta Couples, Beta/Omega Couples, Alpha/Omega Couples, plus there were even Alpha/Alpha couples, Beta/Beta couples, and even Omega/Omega couples, this caused certain genes to improve growing stronger and becoming different, some traits became dormant or enhanced waiting for the next catalyst to take form.

The countries and places that believed in sub sex superiority would never accept the next phase of evolution even if it was starring them in the face. Signs started showing in the previous generation, so scientists began tracking the changes and there were even names.

A Gamma was a missing link between Alphas and Betas, they lacked knots but had two fully functional dicks. What seemed to be an impossibility was now found in about 5-10% of human population. It was hard to get accurate numbers as some people were scared to come forward and be tested. A Gamma could pass as an alpha or beta, most facilities don’t have the means to test for the intricate Gamma gene. One of the giveaways was the double dicks, but given privacy requests such things could slip through testing.

As if nature was responding to this sub sex, so to came Deltas, the missing link between Betas and Omegas. Like Gammas they have no knot, but have only one dick. As if being the matching set to Gammas, Deltas have two holes, an ass and a breeder. The breeder can be found behind the sac. As such they can give birth as Alpha, Beta, and Omega females do, and Beta and Omega males do.

Then there was Sigma the missing link between Alpha and Omega, not much was known about this one.

As it stood missing links were a rarity, unique, and had certain appeals to some over others.


Tucker felt cheated. All his life he was sure he was gonna be an alpha, and he was, but he didn’t look anything like the other alphas at school. Even the female alphas had more muscle tone than him. The doctors and counselors at his Alpha Orientation tried to explain it to him, and did explain it to him several times but Tucker was very stubborn.

Even after it was broken down to him, bit by bit, socially, scientifically, and even emotionally, he was still stuck on his lack of mass. His doctors had to take a break and headache medication from dealing with him. To say nothing of the fact Tucker was barely listening to his orientation and important information about alphas.

They hadn’t seen a case like Tucker in a long time. He was the type of alpha that was looking to spread his seed and build a harem not knowing what that actually means. Even in this world there was bad literature and pictures portraying the fantasy of a harem without the understanding of the work that goes into making one not only function but last. No doubt Tucker had seen tons of porn and movies about alpha sex and harems, not fully understanding those are fantasy, scripted, created to indulge desires without teaching in mind.

Tucker’s ego was also inflated despite his lack of mass, he thought being an alpha meant things were smooth sailing from now on. That he could snap his fingers and have omegas falling at his feet. Tucker’s dream or focus in life was getting laid and having an easy life. When asked. “Do you understand what happens if you knock up a beta or an omega?”

He said. “Sure, they stay home and take care of the kids.” It was shocking how arrogant he was. He was acting like his dick was a gift and it was privilege for a beta or omega to raise his child.

Tucker was hardly taking the orientation seriously, but because of his answers he was put on a mating probation. For the next two years if he got anyone pregnant, he’d be spending his next 10 years caged. His social worker even brought his parents in and showed them the alpha cage. It was quite the device capable of locking up an alphas penis perfectly for long periods of time, they couldn’t get hard, they couldn’t knot, the most they can do is piss.

The idea of having his pecker locked up did scare him a little, but then his sick little mind went. ‘Wait a minute, I can still have sex, I just have to avoid knocking anyone up!’

His social worker informed his parents Tucker was what in the social sciences field would call a Lightweight Alpha. It wasn’t recognized as anything but a social position based on his appearance. The worker informed them and Tucker that he could gain muscles and develop into a middle weight or even a heavy weight, but it’d be a lot of hard work. Tucker heard “hard work” and mentally checked out.

Mating Probation was serious, it rarely happened unless there were extreme cases of delusion. The two year probation was in hope the alpha, beta, or omega would wisen up. Yes, it wasn’t just an alpha thing, sadly there were betas and omegas who didn’t have a dream in their head and instead were looking for a future between their legs.

Foley felt he was cheated out of his muscles, and landing on mating probation on top of it. Not considering or listening to the fact it was his own choices that led to this. He ignored health class and his own parents believing fate was gonna bless him, and not checking his ego at the door gave him a bad psych evaluation.

While some might see Tucker’s arrogance as just being young and stupid, there was some warning flags that weren’t being ignored. His refusal to take blame for his lack of mass, his disregard for betas or omegas, the lack of awareness of having kids, the delusion of what harems are. Yes harems were legal, but they weren’t done often because a harem is a commitment, taking the complexities of a normal one on one relationship and multiplying them with each new partner. The most typical relationship known in a country wide poll was an alpha/beta/omega dynamic, and that tended to be the simplest arrangement with the most balance even those had a chance of failing.

His crash course in Alpha life both in health and society, was drilled into his skull with as much force as allowed. Some of the doctors were almost willing to strap him into a chair and make him watch every alpha psa and instructional video on loop. Putting him on probation was all they could really do, at least when he goes into rut he’d be muzzled so he wasn’t going around biting people to make his harem.

‘It doesn’t matter, I’m an alpha!’ He got his new “alpha drip” a yellow hoodie, a brown jacket, he traded his red hat for a green one for some reason. He had dark green pants with a lot of pockets and sturdy shoes. His prescription glasses were traded in for some shades, with the same prescription.

‘Now to show off my alpha swagger!’ Tucker came to school walking like he owned the place, tossing out poses and moves like he was at a cheesy disco or a bad porno. It screamed trying too hard from an outside view, people were giving him odd looks. Tucker was moving to a song nobody but him could hear.

He was supposed to go talk to Lancer, but stopped when he saw a group of omegas. “Hey babes!” Throwing out a double finger pistol as he approached. “How you doing?” Foley lifted his shades and shot them a wink.

“Fine…” They looked at each other in confusion.

“Cool, cool!” He flexed his pheromones. “How’d you lovelies like to come over to my place tonight?”

They got a whiff of his pheromones. “Oh wow…” Tucker smirked.

‘It’s working, harem here I come!’ That ‘oh wow’ wasn’t what he thought it was. The three omegas started laughing. ‘What the heck!?’ They got up and left, laughing as they went. ‘What just happened?’

He tried to release more of his pheromones, and got a hand slapped down on his shoulder, causing the musk to be stopped dead. “Bit early to be releasing your pheromones Mr. Foley!” Mr. Lancer hauled Tucker into his office. “Not even in school five minutes and you are already releasing your pheromones. Do try to be a bit more respectful.”

Lancer gave him the riot act, but it was a bit watered down given his opinions on alphas. “I expect you to be on your best behavior am I clear?”

“Yes sir!” He left the room, and from the look on his face he was just excited to get his dick wet. In his mind he’d be getting lucky either sucked or fucked by the end of the day. ‘I wonder if Danny’s a beta?’ He smirked.

The idea of fucking his friend and making him worship his dick had the alpha throbbing. ‘Oh Danny!’ He went looking for him. ‘Oh fuck!’

“Oh hey Tuck!” Danny was jacked, and he gave off an alpha aura.

Foley felt his jealousy surge. They were both tall, but Danny was jacked. ‘Not fair!’ Not only was he an alpha but he was out of his weight class. Any idea of dominating Danny out of his alpha state was thrown out the window.

Fenton had no idea what his “friend” was thinking. No doubt he’d be annoyed his “friend” was looking to dick him down as an easy lay. “Oh hey Danny, looking good!”

“Thanks, nice clothes!” Danny noticed outside of height Tucker hadn’t really changed much, his fancy clothes covering up all of his alpha changes, as few as they were.

“Have you seen Sam yet?” Sam would have to be a beta or an omega.

“Yeah, they were here early to talk to Lancer.” Tucker pushed Danny against his locker.

“So what are they, beta or omega? Come on man give me the details!” Danny pushed Tucker off him easily.

“Calm down Tucker, what’s gotten into you?” Tucker nudged him.

“Come on Danny you know, first alpha jitters and all.” He didn’t know, he had been a little wound up but he wasn’t being a creep or a sleaze like Tucker was. “So Sam’s a what?”

Before Danny could answer Sam showed up. “I’m a delta!” He snapped.

“What the hell is that?” Sam crossed his arms.

“You really didn’t pay any attention in health class did you?” Foley shrugged.

“Deltas are the missing link between Betas and Omegas.” Danny explained and playfully nudged Sam. “You always gotta be different.”

“A missing link?” His eyes widened. He slid up to Sam. “Hey babe!”

Sam pushed him away. “Eww Tucker don’t be gross.”

Tucker responded by flaring his pheromones. “Ugh Tucker what the hell?!” Sam pinched his nose, and waved his hand in the air as if Tucker had farted.

“Why isn’t this working, I thought omegas and betas swoon over alpha pheromones. It’s in all the commercials.”

“Are you talking about those weird commercials where an alpha is showering and betas and omegas are clinging to the pipe for dear life?” Tucker snapped his fingers.

“Yeah that one.” Sam rolled his eyes.

“That commercial is totally bogus, its a cheap campaign to sell stuff to alphas.” There was a lot of ads for soap, body wash, and cologne that’s supposed to enhance or amplify your pheromones to make one irresistible. Tucker didn’t believe it, and began thinking of his own way to enhance his scent.

“Come on, help a guy out, they say the first rut is always the hardest.” Sam eyed him.

“You aren’t in rut Tucker!”

“Oh come on!”

“Lay off Tucker.” He crossed his arms.


Sam had to come in early, as being a missing link they had options for example they’d get to choose which bathrooms and changing rooms they used. Sam decided to split the difference using the beta bathrooms and the omega changing rooms. “Glad to have you both back, school’s been weird without you.”

“Anything new?” Danny shrugged.

“Not that I’ve noticed.” He opened his locker and a bunch of letters fell out of it.

“Holy shit those are proposal letters!” Tucker exclaimed.

Sam crossed his arms. “Nothing new huh?”

“Wait these aren’t mine.”

Sam rolled his eyes. “Sure…”

Danny picked up the letters. “Sam seriously look, these don’t even have my name on them.”

“Hey you are right. Where did these letters come from?” It wasn’t just Danny almost every alpha in school had a flood of letters pouring out of their locker.

To be continued...A Ghost Scorned


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