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Bleach parody/Kamen Rider parody: Bad Day/Tier 1

AN: Had to do yard work yesterday and cranked my pain up, but fixed this up on my phone please enjoy

Soul Rider
Ichigo had powers, shinigami, hollow, and quincy. Kisuke makes him a buckle that allows him to shift between his powers easily and masks his aura. It comes in handy when fighting hollows and other enemies.

Chapter 1 Karakura Rider

Kisuke was aware of Ichigo for some time now, he knew the unique situation of Masaki and Isshin made and that their children would have powers. He was proven correct as Ichigo began seeing spirits when he was very young.

Masaki brought him in, and Urahara tested him, he had all three powers swirling inside him. The quincy powers were trying to limit the hollow and shinigami powers, but there was only so much they could do. The spill off made him prime hollow bait. He didn’t have the powers or training to protect himself.

It didn’t seem to be a problem as Masaki was a power house of a quincy. Any hollows that came near the family would meet the quick shot of her bow.

The worst thing occurred as her powers were taken from her in the middle of a hollow attack. Grand Fisher managed to cut Masaki at her weakest moment. She did manage to wound him, forcing him to leave and protect her son.

Ichigo grew up, shaken from the whole ordeal. Isshin realized he couldn’t keep his son in the dark, he needed to know the truth and prepare. Kisuke was called in to help him and he had plenty of time to work.

When Kurosaki came of age he was given a gift, it was a strange looking buckle. The buckle looked bad ass with a skull and flames on it, a belt was formed when he put it on. Kisuke gave him soul memories for him to load, this would allow him to manifest his individual powers completely. Quincy, Hollow, and Reaper they could be loaded into the buckle tapping into his powers.

Ichigo was becoming a hero, it wasn’t something he expected to do, but he wanted to help the people of Karakura Town, both the living and the lost souls. He could save the hollows and help them be purified so they’d do no harm to others.

The buckle had an additional feature it also helped control his reiatsu. He wore it and it masked his presence so Hollows wouldn’t come after him or eat him. As an added bonus it was spirit protected so only those who were spiritually aware were able to see it. ‘I’ll use this to protect Karakura Town, for mom, for my family, and for my friends!’


Soul Society was getting strange readings from Karakura Town. There wasn’t a shinigami on duty in the world of the living, and yet hollows were being purified by a zanpakuto. Mayuri Kurotsuchi wanted an investigation done immediately.

There had already been talks on who’d take over the patrol of the world of the living, but now additional assistance was demanded. Rukia Kuchiki had volunteered for the job, wanting to prove herself.

Ukitake granted her proposal, but noticed she hadn’t told Byakuya about this. “My brother can be over protective. I’m sure he doesn’t want me going on such a mission.” She wanted to prove to him that she could do it.

“About that…” He scratched his chin.

Rukia bowed. “Please sir, I know my brother may object, but I want this mission!”

Ukitake waved his hands in defense. “Hold on Rukia, yes Byakuya did object to you going on this mission, but I’m this Squad’s Captain not him. You are going on this mission, but there is something else.”

He filled her in on the strange occurring going on in the world of the living. “We don’t know if this force is friend or foe, so we’ll need to be careful while we investigate.”

Rukia nodded. “Understood captain, I’ll be careful.”

Ukitake stopped her. “There is one thing, Mayuri requested assistance with this, and Byakuya volunteered his squad to assist. So you won’t be going alone.”

Rukia began to panic. “He’s not coming with is he?” That would be humiliating.

He shook his head. “No, no, no, as both a Captain and a Noble that wouldn’t be possible for such a mission. He’s sending his Lieutenant.”

“Oh…” She crossed her arms. Rukia didn’t know who the current lieutenant of squad 6 was, the seat had been vacant for awhile. “I see, well that’s fine. I’ll be able to do my job and they can do theirs!” She got up.

Ukitake nodded. “Give my best to Lieutenant Abarai for me!” He said as she left.

Hearing his name Rukia froze. “RENJI!?” She gasped.


The two met up at the gate. Renji was feeling anxious. This wasn’t exactly how he wanted Rukia to find out about his promotion. The girl was looking annoyed with him. They had some serious history together, which made things awkward when she joined the Kuchiki clan. “Hey Rukia...long time no see…”

She looked at him, her body language screamed she was annoyed. “I thought you were in Squad 11?” He was, he went to the squad to learn how to fight and increase his skills. Which led him to working towards his goal.

Renji was flustered. “I was, this promotion was recent. I worked really hard you know…” He rubbed the back of his head. “I was planning on telling you, but then this mission came up.”

Abarai was even given a device to detect unusual spiritual pressure, even if it was masked. “Answer me this Renji, did my brother put you up to this? Are you two working together to try and protect me? Do you think I can’t handle this?!”

He was taken aback by her direct questions. “No!” He waved his hands defensively. “I swear, I didn’t even know you were picked to do the patrol mission. I’m not even assigned as your back up I have my own mission to complete!”

She huffed. Rukia didn’t believe Renji as when they were kids he was always trying to “protect” her. Byakuya was the same way, doing things and pulling strings to aide her, wether she wanted it or not.

“I swear I’m not working with your brother to undermine your mission.” He twiddled his fingers. “I do think it’ll be nice working together, having each other’s backs like in the old days, right?”

“Just stick to your mission and I’ll stick to mine.” She took what he said entirely the wrong way, using his words to incorrectly confirm her suspicions.

Renji hung his head. “Right…” They were given Hell Butterfly and were given access to the world of the living.

As soon as they stepped out of the gate, Rukia took off. “Rukia wait…”

She didn’t. “Sorry Renji, gotta patrol, good luck on your mission!” And she was gone.

Abarai sighed. ‘This is your first big mission as a lieutenant of squad 6, you can’t fuck this up!’ He put on the weird goggles he was given. ‘Now where are you anomaly?’


Ichigo sneezed. ‘Is someone thinking about me?’ He was currently in the middle of beating up some punks who were disturbing a ghost. ‘Oh well!’ Kurosaki kicked their asses and made them apologize to a ghost girl.

“You should move on, I’m sure it’s better on the other side than this.” His ability to see ghosts had only gotten stronger over the years. The girl seemed scared of something.

“It’s not safe...the sky…” She was trembling.

Ichigo looked up. “The sky?” It didn’t look strange to him.

‘So that’s him huh?’ Renji had located Ichigo, he looked normal to the naked eye, but with the device he could see the boy’s tsunami of aura. ‘What the hell is he?’

This wasn’t a simple extermination mission, he was supposed to investigate and observe. He had to identify to see if this anomaly was a threat or not. If they weren’t a threat attacking them could cause them to become an enemy. If they weren’t a threat and he approached them with reason, they could become an asset to Soul Society. If they were a threat he’d have to gather data and information to properly defeat it.

Ichigo went to school and Renji followed him, keeping his distance. The orangette could sense someone was following him but ghosts tended to do that. So he ignored it and went about his day. ‘Is he just some human with powers?’

He was doing typical human things, going to school, studying, playing sports. It was a good thing most people couldn’t see Renji or he’d have been called a stalker with how he was watching Ichigo.

A sudden burst of spiritual pressure made Renji shift his focus. Rukia was fighting a hollow, from the flow, it was a one sided fight, in Rukia’s favor. ‘Feels like she’s handling herself, she’s gotten stronger.’ He turned back.‘Crap, where did he go?’

The orangette had been playing soccer, and the class ended and the students vanished. He took a risk in getting closer, phasing through a wall. As a soul reaper he was essentially a ghost, so he could walk through walls.

Renji didn’t want to lose track of his target and went into the school to find him. He ended up in the boy’s locker room. ‘Oh damn!’ His cheeks burned.

Ichigo was showering, water cascaded down his naked form. Water ran over his muscles, rippling over the dips and valleys. His body was firm and chiseled, it had gone through some intense training, to say nothing of the excellent genes.

‘How did one so young, gain so much experience?’ Abarai’s eyes roamed over his form, he could read his muscles like a book and almost visualize the training that went into them. ‘Who has he been training with?’ Squad 11 taught one how to identify one’s sparing partners.

His eyes drifted a little too low and saw that not only did the carpets match the drapes, the boy was packing some serious meat. Even soft the thing had to be at least 11.5 inches long. ‘So big!’ He blushed, it put even his sizable 8 incher to shame, and he wasn’t even hard.

“Ichigo!” Renji was snapped out of his daze as a wild brunette came at Ichigo. He excused himself as to not get caught. Something said he shouldn’t have looked back, but he did and the image was burned in his brain.

The orangette had another man in his arms, a shorter male with black hair. The two were making out and Ichigo had his fingers churning up his insides. The wild brunette was currently on his knees sucking on Ichigo’s cock, while fisting his own.

Renji would be hard for hours, unable to remove or reject the image from his mind. Every time he looked at Ichigo that image came back. ‘So that’s how guys do stuff...together...’

It only got worse when lunch came around. Renji caught the orangette having sex with another young man. Abarai was a soul reaper his age was unique but he was older than he looked. Believe it or not, he was a virgin.

Not for lack of trying, both Ikkaku and Yumechika had invited him to different kinds of brothels for some action but he always abstained. He had his heart set on Rukia. Renji felt any other thoughts or experiences would just distract him from that.

Now seeing a young man get more action in a day then he’s had in many years of life burned Renji something fierce. He didn’t want to watch but kept stealing glances as the guys fucked on the roof and ate their meal together. ‘So that’s how two guys do it together...’

Then after school Ichigo was talking to another boy, this one with glasses. ‘Another one? This is ridiculous, is this thing even working?’ He put on the goggles again and to his surprise he saw a powerful flow of energy from both men. ‘What the hell?!’


Renji had followed Ichigo to his home, the Kurosaki Clinic. He was having a lot of questions and not ones just about his mission.

Rukia ran into him. “What are you doing here?” He didn’t respond. “Renji?” Again no response. “Renji!”

He jumped. “What? I didn’t see anything!” She eyed him. “Oh Rukia hey…”

She crossed her arms. “What are you doing here Renji?”

He blinked. “Right, my target is in there.”

Rukia raised a brow at him. “Really…”

Renji nodded. “Uh huh!”

“You found him already?”

“Sure did.”

“And he just so happens to be in the same area of the hollow I was tracking.”

“Sure is...wait...what hollow?” Wham!

Rukia got blind sided and got hit by a hollow, he was huge, the impact of his fist alone probably broke a few bones in her arm. She was sent flying into a wall.

He rushed over and was able to grab her before the hollow could get another hit. “Damn it!” Renji dodged a blow. He couldn’t fight and carry Rukia like this.

“Renji put me down, or we’ll both be killed!” She shifted in his hold, only to wince in pain. “I can defend myself!” Her voice was strained from the pain.

No dice!

The hollow wasn’t just big it was fast. Renji didn’t even have time to grab his zanpakuto. The hollow knew they were cornered, so he wasn’t giving them time to breathe.

“Oi hollow!” It turned. “You’ve got some nerve causing a ruckus outside my house.”

Ichigo came in and kicked it, knocking it back. “What are you doing, you don’t know what you’re doing, you are gonna be killed.” Rukia chastized. She didn’t see what Renji just saw.

“You two are Soul Reapers right, and that thing is a hollow. I got this!” He picked up a small drive looking device. “I’m kinda a soul reaper too!” The drive was activated.

Reaper!”Ichigo struck a pose. “Henshin!”

To be continued


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