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Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 4 

Chapter 5 Building Confidence

Shigure had started Kenichi’s training in the Art of Seduction. She was starting with the basics. The key stone in seduction was confidence. A seductress had all kinds of techniques they could master, and while some were naturals in a technique, those with confidence were capable of playing a role.

Kenichi was a sweet boy, and there was plenty of techniques that he could use that’d be natural to him, but it was good to start with the basics. Many of those techniques could put him in a difficult position without training.

So, starting with the basics Shigure planned to get Kenichi comfortable in his own skin. People got so weird about nudity, the human body is a work of art, and like any piece of art it could invoke all kinds of emotions from a person, and different people appreciated art in different ways. There were people who treated nudity as if it was a shameful thing, you can’t be naked, you shouldn’t be naked, nudity is some form of shameful thing. Not just in public, there were people who were shy about nudity even in locker rooms and public showers. What is right or natural could and probably would be argued from the dawn of creation till it’s end.

The whims and beliefs of society change with the seasons. Such things wouldn’t benefit Kenichi in the Art of Seduction.

Shigure saw clothing as a function rather than a necessity, it was to be used to protect one from the elements or battle as any armor should. Her own clothing some would call risky or inappropriate was very functional, she kept many weapons hidden on her person. It was also made for her mobility in combat in mind, the wrong kind of clothing in a situation could mean death. If some perv wanted to lust after her because of what she was wearing why would/should she care, she had her own life to live and her outfit kept her alive, and if the perv became a problem she had the means of handling it.

One’s clothes is but a weapon, people just use that weapon in different fashions, to blend in, to stand out, to express themselves, to fight, for protection, and yes even in the art of seduction. Shigure’s philosophy of relying on a weapon’s power didn’t make one a true master. That she had already passed on to Kenichi.

So after Kenichi showered he was shocked to find his clothes missing. “Master Shigure...where are my clothes?”

She appeared like a ninja. “Kenichi, I’ve trained your body to be like a weapon. Now you begin the art of seduction training, we begin...you shall be the sword without it’s sheath!” This meant he’d only be putting on clothes for a need or use.

Kenichi blushed. His nerves were eating at him.

Shigure patted his shoulder. “The path of non killing can be a dangerous one, this road will be difficult but I believe you can do it.” She gave him a thumbs up.

Shyness could work on older men, but many opponent’s he’d be facing would be around his age, he needed confidence. In both his body and himself.

They did morning training with Kenichi training in the nude. His cheeks were burning red the entire time.

When it was time for breakfast, Shigure gave Kenichi the apron for him to wear. The brunette was a bit confused, thinking he’d have to cook nude. “This is both shield and sword!” She said giving him a thumbs up.

He didn’t really get it, but Sakaki did when he came down for breakfast. ‘Damn it Shigure…’ Kenichi finished cooking and the masters came down for breakfast, getting a similar shock.

“Kenichi...so cute…” Apachai said.

The karate master and muay thai master were squirming in their seats as Kenichi set the table. Both men were rock hard, and Kenichi scampering around wearing only the apron wasn’t helping. He moved all around, bending over to set the table.

Even Akisame was effected by the sexy disciple. He was able to keep his composure more than the others, but Shigure noticed a twitch or two.

Kenichi appeared to be oblivious to the effect he was having on the other masters. They were trying not to stare, but with each look at him they saw his toned physique, got a peek at his cock, his balls, and his plump booty. The apron added a touch of spice to it.

Hayato could tell Kenichi was a bit nervous, but the little covering he was given helped him feel somewhat relaxed.

He set the table and served breakfast, he joined the masters in his birthday suit. As for Miu, Hayato already delivered her breakfast to her room. So she didn’t get the chance to see a naked Shirahama.

The masters were torn, from scarfing down Kenichi’s home made food and rushing off to deal with their not so little problems, or savor his delicious food that he made just for them, painful erections be damned. “I’m glad you guys don’t mind me training like this!” He said happily and ate his food.

“There is nothing shameful in the human body Kenichi, remember that. It’s always best to be comfortable with who you are.” Once the food was finished the effected masters ran off to deal with their hard ons.

Shigure finished her tea. “Kenichi did you notice anything at breakfast?”

He blinked at her. “Notice what?”

She sighed. “It’s nothing, it’s time for school.” Kenichi was allowed to put on clothes, but Shigure wouldn’t let him wear underwear. “Here, reading material.”

He loved his books, so she figured it’d help him grasp the situation. “Thanks Master Shigure...EHH!? 1001 Techniques for the Bedroom!!!” Shigure gave him a thumbs up.

At school Kenichi was like a ninja, he was doing his duties as Disciplinary Committee and stay one step ahead of Ragnarok. It was a bit weird for him walking around without underwear, but it was kinda freeing. ‘I gotta admit, while it’s still a little embarrassing walking around the dojo in the buff, it feels nice like I’m tapping into something ancient and forgotten.’

He did study the book Shigure gave him. “Oh wow!” He blushed. There wasn’t just text but also images so it was an in depth guide into different techniques. The more he read the redder his face got.

It certainly opened up his virgin mind to the possibilities. Health Class was very clinical and basic, but this book went into things like erogenous zones, both how and why one finds pleasure in certain actions. Not only was there sexual techniques listed, but it also listed exercises one could take to prepare to do said sexual positions.

The book certainly gave inspiration for Kenichi’s imagination. His loins got stirred and without underwear his cock tented his pants. ‘Oh crap!’ Shirahama blushed from ear to ear.

He hid in the bathroom and waited for his erection to calm down.


After school he went to the dojo where his training continued. He had to strip down and clean. He mowed the lawn with a push mower and tended the garden, his body glistened in the sun, catching the sweat that rolled over his muscles.

Apachai watched Kenichi tend to the yard work, feeling his blood rush south. “APA!” He ran off, doing laps to burn off his arousal.

‘Gee, Apachai-san sure is energetic today.’ Kenichi washed himself off before moving onto his next chore. He scrubbed the floors of the dojo, washing and drying the floor with a rag.

Sakaki was brought to his knees he got hard so fast. ‘Damn it!’ He dropped his booze and the bottle shattered.

Kenichi heard the break and rushed over. “Are you alright Sakaki-san?”

The man blushed. “I’m fine!” His voice cracked. “Totally fine!” He cleared his throat. “Sorry about the floor.”

Kenichi just smiled. “It’s okay, I got it!” He picked up the broken pieces of glass and wiped up the booze. His position in the nude was so erotic, Sakaki felt his loins ache.

“Excuse me!” He ran off, taking over the bathroom and beating his meat.

Kenichi blinked. “I hope he isn’t sick.” He continued cleaning.

Akisame was in for a surprise as he found a naked Kenichi cleaning his collection of statues. The brunette cleaned them from head to toe, ending up in some rather sexy positions. The judo master felt his own loins stir, but he channeled his sexual energy into being productive.

He worked on a new sculpture and ended up building a statue of a naked Kenichi. ‘A work of art!’ Not to brag but he felt this piece was better than David. He was incredibly detailed and anatomically correct.

“Akisame I’ve finished cleaning your statues is there anything else you need?” Smash!

Akisame destroyed the statue so the boy wouldn’t see what he made. He shed tears having to destroy such a work of art. “Sniff...yes Kenichi, I’m afraid I made a mess, would you be a peach and help clean up.”

Kenichi rounded the corner. “Okay!” He was none the wiser. He continued training nude honing his weapon skills, and building his confidence. The only clothing he wore for three days was his school uniform but without underwear, and his apron when cooking meals. It was now the weekend, so he didn’t have to worry about Ragnarok punks.

The masters were in lustful torment catching Kenichi doing stretches butt naked. Apachai didn’t masturbate, he just poured his sexual frustrations into training, using Akisame’s statues as targets. Sakaki was hogging the bathroom a lot more now, dealing with one erection after another or taking some long cold showers. Akisame was handling it the best, but even he was getting pent up.

“Kenichi have you noticed?” Shigure asked.

Kenichi sliced some wood targets with his bare hands. “Noticed what?”

She stepped up. “The other masters of Ryouzanpaku, specifically Apachai, Sakaki, and Akisame.”

He rubbed his chin. “They’ve been acting a little odd, but…” the masters were odd men so it was hard to tell.

“It is because they are aroused by you.” She dropped the bombshell bluntly.


“Those three have been attached to you for some time, and in your own way you have seduced them, good job!” She gave him a thumbs up.

Kenichi blushed. “Wait no, that can’t be, they are so big, tall, and muscular, why would they be interested in…” Shigure stopped him and gave him a karate chop to the head.

“They are Kenichi, they are attracted to you, don’t think about the how or why, what are you gonna do about it?” Their training was done for the day, so she left him with this to think about.

It was hard for Kenichi to believe, but he also knew Shigure wouldn’t lie to him, not about this. Building confidence on a lie didn’t do anyone any good. The idea that he turned on the masters was titillating. He saw them as such powerful and sexy men, and he turned them on. ‘Shoot~!’

He couldn’t help but smile, it was quite the confidence booster. As for what he was gonna do with this information, well...he needed to practice with someone to learn some of these techniques, maybe they’d be interested in helping him out.

To be continued...Training With the Masters


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