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Digimon parody: Patreon Reward

Taichi’s Size

Taichi had no idea he was huge, his manly spirit was shown in his body. He was always the first on the soccer field and last so he didn’t get any reference in the showers. When he goes out with Sora he’s swiftly dumped and called a freak/monster. At a camp he learns he’s packing some serious meat and to add insult to injury he’s a grower. While Sora was scared of him some guys like his “little” dinosaur and others were curious to try it. Scent Kink Hair Macro Hyper Tai/Harem

Chapter 1

Taichi thought things were going great for him. He was the captain of the soccer team, his grades were doing good, he was dating a nice girl, or so he thought. “What do you mean it’s over?”

Sora had her arms crossed. “I mean it’s over, we are done.” She had called him up and out, only to be breaking up with him. Taichi’s world shattered, this to him, felt like this was coming out of nowhere.

They recently were trying to take things to the next level. It was just the other day they had seen each other naked, and Sora didn’t want to do anything, but he thought they were making progress. “But why, what happened?”

She looked at him with disgust. “It’s because you are a freak!” Tai’s jaw dropped. “I thought you were hot, but if I knew you were like that I’d never have gone out with you!”

Taichi was so confused. What happened? He didn’t do anything, but all of a sudden she’s calling him a freak. There were follow up questions, but Sora shut him down. “Don’t bother to beg, there’s no chance I’m staying with a freaky guy like you!”

He reached out to her. “But Sora I…”

She slapped his hand a way. “Just drop it Tai, I could never sleep with a monster like you, good luck finding a girl willing to sleep with that.” She gestured to him and walked off.

Tai was heart broken and mentally rattled. ‘What just happened?’ He was left with more questions and a broken heart. ‘Monster...freak…’ The brunette was in a daze. He looked at their time together, thinking they were so happy, but now he was questioning every little thing.

His dad always said the best way to wash off a bad day was to grab a nice warm shower. So when he came home he stripped down for a nice warm shower.

Taichi had a rocking body, he was tan and athletic, truly a soccer player’s body. He was pretty confident in his physique, but what he didn’t understand is his extras. As captain of the Soccer Team he was always first on the field and last on the field. He was usually the last one in the showers. Tai was HUGE, he had a 12 inch soft beast between his legs, to make matters more interesting he wasn’t even a shower, he was a grower.

Sora learned that the hard way. They had tried stuff, but when Sora bailed Taichi was respectful, confused/oblivious but respectful. Something else the brunette didn’t understand he had very masculine genes, and he was an early bloomer having gone through puberty at 10.

So his body had gone through changes and he had grown into said changes. He had hairy pits, thick and rich, full of manly musk. The soccer player had a thick nest of manly hair with a treasure trail up to his navel, he even had a tuft trail on his balls.

His big nuts would earn the respect of a tanuki. Being so athletic gave him a natural musk that could stir the loins.

Frankly Taichi was a stud, so why did Sora break up with him, insulting him? Expectations, she did her research using magazines which painted guys in very different ways. These magazines painted the “perfect guy” as a man who used expensive cologne, who shaved, waxed, or scaped claiming the natural look was out. It set her expectations of men’s sizes  of 7-9 inches was huge and Tai beat that soft.

So Sora made a list, and while Tai checked off a lot of things on her boyfriend list, when it came down to the boyfriend section she had expectations Tai didn’t meet. Thus began a domino effect of problems, as she had a mind set of what a guy was supposed to be, she expected Tai to fit that role naturally and because he didn’t he was a freak in her eyes. Because he broke the dick measuring scale and was very gifted, she saw it as him being TOO BIG, and thus was a monster.

Tai didn’t even have anything to compare it to besides his dad, who...that’s where he got his genes from so had no other frame of reference. The other problem was Sora had issues, her mom was very controlling so she became controlling in her love life. It had to be her way, with little room for compromise.

Then there was a lack of communication, she framed their break up as if it was Tai’s fault, when she was the one with the problem. She didn’t explain any of her issues to Tai, not that he could have done anything about his dick obviously, but the massive wang was just the straw that broke the back. Without a word because he didn’t check her boxes she dumped him, and made it sound like it was his fault.

In the end it was her loss, but her actions had sent Tai into a despair spiral. This happened right before summer vacation, Taichi had such big and even some romantic plans for them and all those just got flushed down the drain.

He was so out of it, he even ate his mom’s weird cooking experiments. Immediately Kari knew that something was wrong. Using her intuition she figured out that Sora dumped him. ‘I never liked her!’ She thought but didn’t say out loud just in case they got back together.

Her brother was great! The best big brother ever in her humble opinion. Taking care of Kari helped him pick up all kinds of skills, he learned to cook so he could make them breakfast and lunch when he babysat her. (Plus it helped avoid their mom’s crazy recipes) He was a great cook, he was sweet, he was strong, he was caring, he was good looking, he was athletic. Her friends were always talking about what a stud her big brother was, and not just her female friends either.

Sure Tai had his dumb moments but he was human it happened. He made his mistakes, but he always used it as a growing experience. He once went to a girl’s birthday party, ate a bit too much cake and ended up throwing up in the girl’s new hat...big oops.

Still, her brother was a catch though, he’s matured a lot over the years and not just physically.

Taichi was always like a big ball of sunshine, and his heart usually was in the right place. Once she was sick in bed, and Tai tried to cheer her up by playing a game with her, but she really did need to rest so it was an oops but he really did just wanted her to feel better and be happy. The family’s sun spot had a big cloud of negativity hanging over him.

Kari was right, Tai was suffering from a broken heart, and he didn’t even know why. The more he thought about it the more depressed he became, his doubts and confusion spawning brain gremlins that tormented him. He started acting weird, skipping meals, locking both the bathroom and his bedroom door, he seemed so withdrawn.

She told her parents to try and come up with a solution. “Isn’t Ishida sending his son to camp this summer?”

“Oh yeah, going to camp might be the best way to cheer Taichi up, get him some fresh air, physical activity, crafts and group projects, perfect to mend a broken heart.” He’d be able to spend time with friends, make new ones, and not just sink into a funk.

“A summer fling might help.” His dad mentioned only to be elbowed by his wife and daughter.

“What do you say Tai, wanna go to summer camp?”

“Yeah...sure...why not…” He shrugged. The brunette was really in a funk.

The dad made some calls, hoping there was some some openings still on the camp trip. He was in luck there was one spot open, he paid for the trip and got his son signed up. Kari couldn’t go but that was fine, cheering up her brother was more important.

So Tai got packed and was brought to the pick up spot where he bumped into Yamato Ishida. “Yo Tai!”

Taichi waved. “Hey Matt…” The two shook hands but the blonde could tell something was wrong.

“What’s up, you seem...off?”

The brunette tried to put on a smile but it was weak. “Yeah uhh, I’m fine, just umm...Sora and I broke up.”

Yamato’s eyes widened. “What?!” It didn’t make sense.

Tai chuckled. “Yeah...It was sudden…”

The blonde chewed on his words, not quite sure what to ask or how to ask it. “What happened?” Was what he managed to get out.

“I don’t know…” His voice cracked. He choked back a sob and shook his head. “She just dumped me, saying things that...didn’t make sense…” A wave of gloom washed over him.

Yamato put an arm around him. “Hey!” He gave his shoulder a comforting squeeze. “You should have called, you know I always have your back!”

Tai just shrugged. The blonde patted his back. “Well no matter, we going to the same summer camp, we’ll cheer you up!”

He smiled. “Thanks Yamato!” They had a bro hug.

Taichi didn’t know it but Yamato was feeling things, the brunette’s musk hit him and it made him tight in the pants area. ‘Fuck Taichi smells so good…’ He was grateful his friend was so oblivious, or else he might have noticed the bulge he was making in his pants. They got to sit together on the bus so he’d be enjoying the brunette’s musk. ‘This summer just got a whole lot better!’

To be continued



Bros to the rescue! 🥳 Story's shaping up well, and the reasoning for Sora's crooked expectations is psychologically realistic, if not sound. 🤔