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Fairy Tail parody/ Tier 1Bad Day

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2

While Natsu’s dragon seed took the brunt of the Etherion magic allowing it to mutate and change, the dragon slayer was still forced to go through element sickness. The dragon slayer equivalent of food poisoning. It would take them all time to recover, magically and physically.

Simon, Sho, Wally, and Millianna had a lot to talk about. Jellal had tricked them, used them, made them believe that Erza had betrayed them. While he wasn’t the originator of their suffering, he pulled them into his grasp and twisted them up inside. He did liberate them from the Zeref cult, but kept them prisoner in his own way, he also helped them learn magic.

They didn’t know what to do. Having their freedom now left them with a lot of options. They were wizards so they could join Fairy Tail, they’d be reunited with Erza this way and could reconnect. They could also go see the world and do their best to figure things out for themselves. Wally had a brother out there somewhere, he wanted to search for him but didn’t know where to look.

As much as they hated the place the Tower of Heaven was their house, with it destroyed they lost their belongings, their rooms, and were starting from scratch.

Simon had the biggest crisis. The others thought he’d join Fairy Tail so he could be close to Erza, but

He wasn’t stupid, he did have a crush on Erza, but he also knew she loved Jellal, even with everything he did. He was smart enough to see through Jellal’s lies and tricks, but having Erza give in to her love for Jellal nearly cost him his life.

The man nearly died, his soul had left his body and everything. It was only thanks to Natsu that he was alive. He was reborn, and with the others free he felt he could start living his life. Erza had saved his life and kept him from falling into despair, now someone else had saved his life, more literally this time.

Simon wished to repay that debt. Plus...seeing Natsu spank Jellal silly was an eye opening experience. The dominance, the passion, the man on man action. It had excited him. They all were free to see the world, discover themselves, and find out their place in life. “I want to join Fairy Tail!” Simon told them.

He felt that was the place he should be, even if that meant splitting their group. Sho, Wally, and Millianna saw this choice coming, and while they were under the wrong impression for the reason, they wanted Simon to be happy.

Simon also had a sibling he needed to find, he believed that using wizard guild connections he’d be able to find her. Since the others would be traveling he left them with her name just in case. He’d also keep a look out for Wally’s brother. There were a lot of poor souls in the Tower of Heaven, but it was hard to keep track of what happened to everyone. Simon couldn’t investigate without tipping his hand to Jellal.

The others felt they needed to grow up on their own, they fell for Jellal’s lies without question. They had betrayed their sister(Erza) and attacked her friends on a lie. A deep seed of guilt was planted inside them, they needed to repent, use their magic for good.

They hoped to slip away, with Simon giving their goodbye message to Erza. It didn’t go as planned as the Fairy Tail wizards showed up to send them off. While they weren’t members of Fairy Tail, they were given a guild member farewell. “Though our paths may have diverged, you must continue to live out your life with all your might, you must never consider your own life to be something insignificant, and you must never forget about your friends for as long as you live!” The words brought tears to their eyes, and held such impact for each of them.

So long as they were alive they’d see each other again.

They had recovered physically but their magic still needed time to recover. The ride back to Fairy Tail was a long one, and Natsu was already feeling awful. “Leave it to me, Dark Blanket!” Dragneel was wrapped up in darkness. “Here, this way you won’t feel the effects of the transportation.”

Natsu was able to relax and Simon held him for the trip back. He snored softly, little flame embers leaving his mouth as he slept. ‘So cute!’ Gray noticed the weird look Simon was giving Natsu, and wasn’t sure how he felt about it.

When they arrived back the guild had been rebuilt and with some upgrades. They had a pool, a bigger library, a game room, a gift shop, the second floor was upgraded, S quests could be taken so long as an S class wizard agreed to be involved.

Erza introduced Simon. “He’d like to join Fairy Tail.”

Makarov clapped his hands. “Wonderful, with that we’ll have a total of three new recruits.” Mira came over and gave him his guild mark. Simon got it on his left shoulder, mirroring where Natsu had his. He could keep it hidden on missions with his style of clothing.

“What new recruits?” Gray asked.

Juvia stepped up, she was rocking a new look and a new attitude. She had gone ahead, and after helping them in Tower of Heaven Erza approved. “Who’s the other?”


They turned their heads and there was Gajeel, he was eating metal. “Gajeel!?” Gajeel Redfox! The man of Phantom who attacked their guild and attacked Levy, Jet, and Droy, he also kidnapped Lucy and clashed with Natsu.

Lucy looked to Levy, who was a bit off. Jet and Droy weren’t happy. “Juvia is one thing, but Gajeel is another.”

Makarov tried to calm everyone down. As he said, Gajeel was just following Jose’s orders, while true, it was clear Gajeel enjoyed his “job” a bit too much. Natsu stepped up. “You got something to say Salamander?”

Dragneel crossed his arms. “Did you apologize?”

Redfox’s eyes widened. “What?”

He pointed to Lucy and then to Levy, Jet, and Droy. “Apologize to them now and mean it.”

Levy stepped up. “Natsu it’s okay, he doesn’t have to

“No!” Dragneel roared, surprising everyone. “He does, we may not be able to change the past, what’s happened has happened, but how can we accept this guy as part of the guild if he isn’t even sorry for what he did!”

He looked to Makarov. “We couldn’t forgive what Phantom Lord did, when they did it, we went to war. We may have won, that was then and this is now. Juvia stepped up and made up for what she did.” Gajeel had been invited by Juvia, he hadn’t been able to find work since Phantom fell, he was well known for being a “problem child” so other guilds wouldn’t accept him.

Natsu looked Gajeel right in the eye. “So apologize!”

Makarov had a hard time objecting, the dragon slayer was right. Fairy Tail was about second chances, but ignoring what happened was idiotic.

Gajeel got up. “So what, you want me to apologize to you Salamander?” He got in the pinkette’s face.

Dragneel stood his ground. “We settled things when we fought for the most part. I want you to apologize to them!” Natsu could forgive, he didn’t need to forget, but forgiveness was very freeing. Punishment or an apology, that was needed.

He could see in Natsu’s eyes he was serious. “Tch!” Redfox walked past him and stood before Lucy. “I’m sorry.”

Lucy was shocked. The raven haired slayer walked towards Team Shadowgear. Jet and Droy got into a defensive stance. “I’m sorry for attacking you!” The guys were shocked and Levy was stunned.

Gajeel looked back at Natsu. “Satisfied?”

Dragneel smiled. “Yeah, I knew you weren’t such a bad guy!”

Redfox blushed. “Are you mocking me!?”

“Nah, I just had a feeling, welcome to Fairy Tail!” He offered his hand.

Gajeel huffed and went back to eating his metal. Mira had a welcome home song for them. It was a lovely number, and perfect for christening the stage. Next up was a surprise, Gajeel in a white suit. “I wrote this song myself, it’s called Best Fwiend!” At first the crowd was annoyed that he was singing.

He began to play, and he could really rock that guitar. “Colorful, colorful, shooby doo bop!” His playing touched the spirit of the men in the audience. “Doop doop doop! Shalalala

Juvia and a few guys were cheering for him, praising his chops. “When I see your face I punch ya, but you are the only reason why I smile...shooby doo bop!”

“You heat up my metal heart, you make me tremble with love...my best fwiend! Shalalala

“Dragon circle...let’s fight...shooby doo bop!” He began to play on the magic harmonica. “Let’s do it again, next dragon circle!”

“Steel grey metallic...I’m stronger, I’m tougher, I’m harder for you...shalalala!”

Natsu blinked. ‘The dragon circle...that sounds familiar

Gajeel finished his song, it was weird, but there was a lot of emotion behind it. “Gajeel, your passion moved me, tell me who is the friend you wrote that wonderful piece for?” Juvia asked.

He blushed and rubbed the back of his head. “No one...I mean...I don’t know...it was a long time ago...they might not have even been real
” His dragon was kind of cold, often leaving him alone to toughen him up. “All I have is this song to remember them, and I don’t even know if they are real.”

Elfman cried. “So manly!”

Juvia blushed. “How romantic!”

Natsu seemed lost in thought. “Dragon circle...that’s weird

Simon approached him. “What’s wrong?”

Gray laughed. “Just ignore him, he’s thinking too hard he’s gonna end up frying his brain.”

Dragneel tilted his head to the side. “I’m trying to remember something, but I can’t, can you remember it for me?”

Gray’s jaw dropped. “Moron, how can I do that?”

Gajeel strummed his guitar. “How about another song?”

Natsu threw a stool at him. “It’s your crazy song that’s got me all confused you jerk!”

“Shooby doo ba!” The two clashed and started a brawl.


Despite the apology, Jet and Droy were still feeling a bit aggro at Gajeel for the attack on them. So they called him out.  He came with them and let them get some hits in. “Are we done here, I got a job to do.”

“You guys aren’t picking on the newbie are ya?” Laxus suddenly appeared. Gajeel’s eyes widened as even Jet and Droy were unnerved.

The blonde was the master’s grandson and one of the S Class Wizards of Fairy Tail. They could tell he was in a foul mood, and they were right. Word had spread about Fairy Tail’s new additions, and Laxus had been hearing a lot of trash talk, making Fairy Tail for taking in the “scraps” of Phantom. “So this is the punk who turned my guild into a mess. I don’t know what that old man was thinking letting a loser like you in, but it’s because of YOU that we are being looked down on!”

He unleashed a powerful blast of lightning and struck Gajeel. “Guuuuaaaaaahhhhhh!!”

Laxus’s hand crackled with lightning. “It’s all your fault!” He blasted Gajeel again, his lighting tearing through Gajeel’s top and burning his skin.

“Stop Laxus, you’re going too far!” Jet called out.

Droy stepped up. “Yeah, you’ll kill him!” The raven was smoking on the ground.

Laxus swung and hit the two knocking them back. “Shut up, weaklings like you should just be quiet!” He readied another lightning blast. “You’ve tarnished my guild’s name, and the penalty for that is death!”

Gajeel braced himself for the strike, he swore he wouldn’t fight back, no matter what. Juvia told him this would be good for both of them. ‘Why am I doing this, what’s the point?’

Laxus unleashed his attack but it was stopped. A wall of orange fire appeared. ‘Totomaru?’ He looked and saw it was Natsu.

“Well well well, aren’t you full of surprises, where did you pick up that little trick Natsu?” The flames died down and Natsu stood in his way.

He cracked his knuckles. “You’ve been gone too long, I’ve gotten stronger!”

Laxus huffed. “What do you think you are doing, that piece of trash wrecked our guild, he’s getting what he deserved!”

Natsu conjured some green flames and let them wash over Redfox, healing his wounds. “That debt was settled when I fought him, and he apologized to Lucy, Levi, Jet, and Droy. If what happened with Phantom bothered you so bad you should have come to help when Mira called for you.”

Laxus was surprised, healing magic was quite rare. ‘Since when was he capable of that?’ Blocking his lightning was one thing, anyone could get lucky once, but it seemed Natsu had some new tricks up his sleeve.

“Sorry I’m still new at this, be still and you’ll be healed right up.” Natsu told Gajeel.

He clawed at the ground. “I didn’t...ask for your help...I don’t need it

Natsu smiled at him. “You think you have to ask for help? We are nakama now, we have each other’s backs, that’s how it is.”

Laxus balled his hand into a fist. “Once I’m master, trash like that won’t be welcome in the guild.”

Dragneel helped Gajeel up. “If you keep acting like that, you’ll never be master, of any guild!”

“Watch your mouth you little shit!” Lightning surged around Laxus.

Redfox pulled away from the pink haired male. “If we are done here I got a job to do.”

The large blonde glared. “We aren’t done!” To the shock of both Laxus and Gajeel, Natsu, Jet, and Droy blocked his line of fire.

“You’ve got a job to do right, get going.” - Jet

“Yeah, don’t wanna set a bad example for Fairy Tail right?” - Droy

” He walked off.

Laxus huffed. “Weak...I can’t stand this...at this rate the guild will become a laughing stock!” He left in a rage, dark clouds gather overhead.

It wasn’t time to make his move yet, but it soon would be. The Thunder Legion were returning and then he’d make his move.

To be continued


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