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Yugioh Gx parody: Patreon Reward

Blessing of Red Eyes

Jaden was blessed by the Red eyes black dragon. His cock is enchanted, he can make himself grow, split his dick into two, or even dragon it up. His deck is an advanced red eyes deck, and with it he goes to duel academy to satisfy the growing lust he has inside. He learns if he builds a harem he can control the strong urges, dragons love their treasures and that’s what Jaden sees his mates as treasures. He finds another who appears to be blessed, and things get a little wild. Macro Hyper Two D Jaden/Hassleberry/Harem

Chapter 1

As far back as Jaden could remember he had the same dream. As a child he was led to an alter where a statue of Red Eyes Black Dragon stood. There were people in robes chanting, the light in the room was done by candles.

“Only the worthy may receive Red Eyes Blessing!” Somewhere in his mind he knew these words were true, as man and woman alike came before the great Red Eyes Black Dragon seeking his power, and were incinerated.

He was placed on the alter, and the statue’s eyes would glow red. All the flames in the room would become a mix of red and black. The floor beneath him glowed red, and dark energy crackled around him. Instead of being reduced to ash he heard the voice of the dragon. ‘You shall be my champion!’ There was a flash of red light and Jaden would wake up.

It was always the same dream, played in exactly the same way.

That wasn’t the only weird thing, he would sometimes hear voices in the night, but when he checked on what was making the sound all he’d find was his deck of cards. He had to admit dragons were cool. As the years passed he collected Red Eyes cards and built a deck.

As he got older, he found something weird with his body. His sex drive was high and his cock wasn’t exactly normal. He was already quite large, he was 12 inches long an impressive shower dick. One night when he was jerking off he couldn’t help but think ‘What if I was bigger?’ His manhood grew in his hand. “Whoa...cool!”

Turns out that dream wasn’t a dream, but a memory. A lot of it was still a blur, but it really happened. He was blessed by the Red Eyes, and it awakened a power inside him. Jaden could hear the voice of the Red Eyes Black Dragon in his deck and he was able to form a bond with his cards. The dragon gave him advice and guided him. Yuki needed it, as he had a dragon’s sex drive. When he drew on the power his eyes turned red.

It was in a dragon’s nature to have a horde, and Jaden could satisfy his lustful urges with plenty of mates. He increased his dueling skills so he could claim his partners by right of combat. To the victor goes the spoils. Jaden couldn’t wait to combine his love of dueling and his desire to mate. All he had to do was pass this exam and he’d be going to Duel Academy Island.


The written exam was a bit rough, but Jaden knew in the practical exam was where he’d shine. Studying and written tests weren’t exactly his forte. Yuki lost focus halfway through and started palming himself as his mind wondered. He couldn’t help it, there was a bunch of hotties in the room.

It was hard to think about Attack Point Quantum Mechanics, when the libido was running at 110%. Oh what he could do with some of these guys. Jaden had a wild imagination, crafted by his libido and his venture in the ways of lust. He normally had much more control, but something in the room had him on edge, he just couldn’t put his finger on it.

Jaden sighed. ‘Oh well!’ His eyes turned red and his pupils shifted into slits. The brunette’s hand moved under his table, playing with the massive bulge.

Most people were too focused on their tests to notice. Yuki managed to answer enough questions correctly to pass the written exam, so he wasn’t as worried. He did give a small blue haired boy sitting next to him quite the shock though.

Syrus Truesdale was having some serious test anxiety, when he noticed Jaden moving. ‘Is he cheating...what is he...OH MY GOSH!’ His cheeks burned as he saw him playing with himself through his pants. ‘Don’t look, don’t look!’

Thankfully Yuki had enough control not to bust his dick out in the middle of the exam, that would have caused a bit more than a stir. He actually did help Syrus. The boy was so busy trying not to focus on the guy jerking off next to him, that he ended up forgetting about his test anxiety and his focus on the test got him some better scores.

With the written exam over, Yuki felt he had earned a well deserved wank session. The practical exam was the next day.


He grabbed his deck and his duel disk, racing towards the exam. This was a big day, and he was running late. He stayed up too late watching his favorite porno, Corrupted Heroes the Conquest of Yubel. It was about a hero turned villain by Yubel who was kicked out of the hero squad as their powers were growing too strong, so Yubel comes back and begins corrupting the heroes one by one turning them into horny sluts. Even their hero suits are twisted into being more slutty and erotic. It was a multi part flick as the sex scenes were so erotic people had to watch it in parts.

Yuki’s libido was so strong he watched the whole thing. He’d love to break some slutty heroes with his dick, but without a shadow charm his magic powers were limited. Most of his powers existed in his rod, he not only could increase his size, he could also double the fun, and even dragon up his dick! The best part is, no matter how big or huge he got any cave he invaded would become his, so his precious partners would only feel pleasure. He’d find his treasures very soon, he just needed to pass the practical exam.

In his haste Jaden wasn’t looking where he was going. He bumped into a multi-haired teen and spilled his deck on the ground. “Oh man!”

Yugi picked up Jaden’s Red Eyes Black Dragon. “So you are a duelist?”

“Yep, sorry about that, I’m running late!” Jaden collected his cards, and Yugi gave him back his Red Eyes. “Thanks!”

“No problem, and here I think this card would serve you well.” He handed over a Kuriboh card.

Red Eyes Black Winged Kuriboh – He had striking red eyes, little dragon fangs, a dragon tail, dragon talons, and jet black dragon wings.

“Oh cool, I didn’t know about this one!” He took the card and Yugi walked off. Jaden almost recognized him but couldn’t believe the King of Games was actually there. At the same time Yugi felt a power coming from Yuki, it got his engine going.

Jaden ran off to make his exam.

Yugi was approached by a tall blonde man. He had a dog collar on, a green jacket with no undershirt showing off his abs and pecs. From the bulge in his pants he wasn’t wearing underwear and he was well endowed. “Who was that?”

“A kindred spirit maybe...I got this vibe from him, though we may be two different sides of the same coin.” Joey blinked in confusion.

“What do you mean?” Yugi shrugged.

“Forget it, let’s go I’m feeling frisky.” Joey smiled and felt his cock harden. He didn’t know what happened, but if his master was feeling frisky it was gonna be a fun day.


Jaden barely made it to his test. He caught some of the practical matches. The top student on the written exam was Bastion Misawa. His dueling skills were top notch and he was quite handsome to boot. ‘Hmm, brains, looks, and dueling skills he might be a worthy treasure.’

Syrus was struggling with his match, mostly because of test anxiety, he kept making rookie mistakes. Despite everything he managed to win, but got docked points for his bad plays. ‘He’s cute, I love a cute nerd type!’

Jaden felt a pulse in the room. ‘I feel it!’ It was a strange surge of energy. ‘He’s here!’ Someone that was like him, blessed by supernatural power. Yuki gazed about the room and spotted a muscular hunk dueling. He was wearing a white t-shirt and baggy army pants and boots, his muscles were popping as he made his moves. ‘So he uses dinosaurs, interesting!’

Tyranno Hassleberry he was radiating some kind of aura as he dueled, but it wasn’t until he summoned his big dinos and went in for a final attack did Jaden sense it. He got a closer look and he saw Hassleberry’s eyes turn golden. Jaden bit his lip. ‘Someone else like me!’ He got excited, feeling his blood rush south.

Yuki didn’t have time to take care of his not so little problem as his match was called. It was the last match of the day. Since he was late he had earned the anger of one of the professors. Doctor Crowler, the headmaster for Obelisk Blue one of the dorms on Academy Island. He was an elitist snob, who looked down on the other two dorms.

To try and make an example of Jaden he used his own deck, instead of a test deck. Ancient Gear Golem, oh Crowler was quite proud of this beast. So much so he found a way to get it out on his first turn. A monster with a whopping 3000 ATK, inflicted piercing damage, and when it attacked spells and traps couldn’t be activated.

To make matters worse Crowler used a spell called Confiscation, it cost him a thousand life points, it gave him a look at his hand. “Ah so you use the inferior Red Eyes Deck.”

“What do you mean inferior?!”

“Well compared to the majestic Blue Eyes your dragons and monsters of this type are not up to snuff. A pity.” Jaden balled a hand into a fist. He hated hearing that bullshit.

This guy was so not a treasure.

Jaden had two Red Eyes Black Dragons in his hand, Inferno Fire Blast, Red Eyes Baby Dragon, and Return of the Red Eyes. Both the spell and trap were useless unless he got the dragons out, which he could with Baby Dragon, so obviously Crowler picked the only monster he could summon and sent it to the grave. Since it was destroyed in the hand none of his effects triggered.

With that he ended his turn.

It was Yuki’s move and he drew and got his new Kuriboh friend. A quick read of his card Jaden got ready and summoned him in Defense Mode. Crowler hadn’t seen such a Kuriboh before, but mocked it for looking weak and pathetic especially compared to his golem.

On his turn he launched an attack 3000 ATK against 200 DEF, this was a slaughter but to his surprise Jaden lost no life points. “Check your gear!”

“My gear is fine, when Red Eyes Black Winged Kuriboh is destroyed, all battle damage is done to my opponent.” Jaden sent the little guy to the grave, and his spirit shot up like a rocket. He zoomed through the air picking up speed and becoming encased in flames.

His red eyes burned brightly as he slammed into Crowler like a meteor. All 2800 damage was dished to Crowler. This shocked everyone, Crowler was one of the best teachers at Duel Academy, he knew countless tricks and strategies to pulverize an opponent with ease, but looking at the field now this Jaden guy was making a joke out of his personal deck. He walked into a trap without realizing it, making it all the sweeter as he mocked the little guy just minutes before.

Crowler had been too confident.

Now it was Jaden’s turn and he got Cards of the Red Stone, he used it sending one of his Red Eyes Black Dragon’s to the grave to draw 2 cards. He got Red Eyes Zoid and Polymerization. “I’m gonna fusion summon, I bring Red Eyes Black Dragon and Red Eyes Zoid together to create…” From his extra deck came an armored terror. “The Red Eyes Metal Dragon!”

The mighty beast roared. He had a whopping 2800 ATK. “See what I mean, not a bad play but the Red Eyes monsters are simply inferior, you used all that and you still don’t have a monster to beat my Golem.”

“Actually I do!” The effect of Red Eyes Metal Dragon was simple, when he attacked an opponent’s monster, he gained half of that monster’s ATK. “Prepare yourself teach, I’m gonna teach you a lesson!”

Dragons love and care for their treasures, but to their enemies they crush without mercy!

Yuki’s eyes turned red as he declared his Battle Phase.

Red Eyes Metal Dragon attacked gaining 1500 ATK for a brutal 4300 ATK. Ancient Gear Golem was ripped apart and Crowler was blasted. He only had 200 life points left but he got hit with a ton of damage. Jaden had stunned everyone.

“Oh yeah, I’m going to Duel Academy!”

To be continued...



Lookin' good! A lusty, horny lead is a nice change of pace.😄 I especially liked the new flavor given to Yugi's cameo, lets the viewer read what lewd backstory they want into it. 👍


tried to tie in a few elements and set up for the planned orgy at the end of the series