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Seven Deadly Sins parody: Patreon Reward

Ass Eating Demon Prince
The battle between Demons and the Goddess Clan has been raging. The Goddess Clan has united most of the other races to battle but the demon forces are so very strong. The demons seem to have a secret weapon of sorts, though this weapon may be a double edged sword.

Chapter 1 Where the Legend Began

A war was being fought between Demons and the Angels. What were they fighting over? Chaos, the power demons desire, and the light the goddess clan reveres. Both sides were clashing over Chaos, with neither side giving way.

The Goddess Clan had the Arch Angels, the Six Perfections, and the Nine Chosen/Blessed Ones, with all sorts of ranked Angels, while the demons had the Ten Commandments and Six Knights of Black, Lesser Demons, Greater Demons, and the Demon Royalty.

It was the people of the land who were suffering the most. If Lesser demons died, they could always make more, if their demon weapons were stopped, they could always make more. Even if they brought down a Commandment, they could destroy the demon not the power they contained and a new commandment could be chosen.

The Goddess Clan were similar, even if their physical form was destroyed, they’d just return to the divine realm where they’d reform over time or they could get a new body through a miracle. Tarmiel of the Ocean was currently on his third body, his last one had three heads.

Mortals were not so lucky, so things were tense. If the fighting kept going it was likely the mortal races would turn against them and start siding with the demons.

There was also the fact the demon clan had the Demon Royalty, two demons who were on a whole other level of power and trained by greater demons. Meliodas was the eldest son, and seen as one of the most dangerous.

He was seen as so powerful he had no guards and he would even camp out in the open. “That arrogance will be his downfall!” Ludociel said. The Goddess Clan needed a win, what better way to build confidence in the war effort than to take out one of the war potentials.

A tip they received said the Meliodas was boldly sleeping on the mortal plain. They confirmed the tip, so now they just needed a plan. “He’s a foolish arrogant prince, his fancy title means nothing.” Ludociel said. “This is our chance to eliminate him and cripple the demon clan’s power for good!”

Despite his speech and confidence, both angels and mortals alike were not sure about this. Meliodas was the Demon King’s son, who had the power to kill someone like that? On the battlefield he was a terror, brutal and merciless.

“He may seem like a monster, but he’s just a beast with a pedigree, nothing more. He shows his arrogance by sleeping without guard or shelter.” There were murmurs among the gathering. Even with Ludociel’s influence this wasn’t a good plan.

“Brother, let me go!” Mael stepped forward. One of the Four Arch Angels, Mael of the Sun! “I will kill Meliodas and bring back his head!”

“Very well, my brother will do this task, the rest of you prepare for battle. We will get rid of their strongest warrior, deal a blow to their morale, and deal a hefty blow to their numbers after!” That got the people cheering.

Ludociel turned towards Mael and led him away. “Are you sure you can handle this?” Mael was strong, possibly their greatest warrior. Having the two clash could destroy both of them.

“I can do this, I’ve been preparing for this all my life! If not me, who else could do it?” Sariel and Tarmiel relied too much on their grace to win fights, and Ludociel while a capable fighter with his grace was better at strategy and tactics.

“Fine, but be careful. Demons are lowly creatures but they are tricky.”

“I won’t fail brother, you can count on me!” Mael left to get prepared.


The Goddess Clan made a few mistakes this day. One, they didn’t understand why Meliodas was sleeping alone or cared to find out, this led to assumptions which always lead to trouble.

Why would someone as powerful as Meliodas sleep out and alone with no guards or defense, without a care in the world?  Was it arrogance or did he have a reason for being so brave.

Meliodas was indeed a threat, a powerful weapon wielded by the Demon King, but the blonde demon was quite the...double edged sword. His habits and personal tastes made him a problem for being around other demons as well.

The goddess clan wouldn’t know the legends and rumors shared between demons about the Demon King’s son. So Ludociel had no idea the trouble he was sending his little brother into.

Their last mistake was disturbing a sleeping Meliodas.

Mael thought he could handle the sleeping prince but it was best to let this sleeping demon lie. ‘There he is?’ He drew his holy sword and went to strike, only for Meliodas to roll out of the way. ‘Curses!’ He flew back, as the blonde moved.

The angel thought he had woken up and was launching a counter attack, but instead the blonde just stuck his hand down the front of his pants and lazily scratched his thick nest of manly hair. Mael blushed. ‘What is with him?’

Seeing him asleep like this it was hard to imagine this was the great demon everyone was so scared of. ‘I’ll scorch him into a crisp!’

He activated his grace creating a small sun in his hand, this was a mistake as it disturbed the blonde’s sleep. “Mmm...morning already?” He sat up and with his free hand rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

“Cruel Sun!” He unleashed the flaming orb.

Meliodas yawned. “Full Counter!” He blasted the sun back, forcing Mael to cancel it out.

“Looks like I’ll have to fight without magic!” Mael gripped the holy sword tightly and flew at Meliodas.

The blonde pulled his hand out of his pants. “What’s all this about…” He touched the ground and some strange dark runes scattered across the field.

Mael didn’t notice and charged in too late. His holy magic was neutralized so he was swinging the wing like blade with only his muscles. His opponent caught it easily with a dark matter claw. It’d take more than physical strength to overpower a demon.

Meliodas stretched. “It’s a bit late for a fight, but you’ll need to entertain me for waking me up. Who are you?” His dark matter grabbed hold of the angel and bound his arms.

“I am Mael of the Sun, and I will end your life!” He struggled against the hold. “Ark!” He tried to dispel the dark matter with holy light but it didn’t activate.

“An archangel coming to me in my sleep, well this is a surprise?” He tossed Mael’s sword away.

“Why can’t I summon my Ark?”

“What did you think you angels were the only ones who could use runes?” Some angels set up rune traps that created fields that weakened demons and restricted dark magic. “You lot are really arrogant.”

He began to hum as he got to work. Mael blushed as his holy robes were ripped off him bit by bit. “What are you doing?!” The angel gasped as he was stripped down to his underwear.

The garment looked like briefs, but the band was gold and had runes on it. “Hmm you are quite sexy, you’ll do!” Meliodas marveled Mael’s body, his broad shoulders, his beefy pecs, his rock hard abs, his toned arms and legs. The demon was able to walk around him, admiring every nook and cranny.

Mael had never been so exposed before or looked at with such lustful eyes. “What are you talking about?!” Meliodas walked behind him.

“Hmm these undies don’t flatter you at all.” Thanks to holy enchantments Mael looked like a ken doll with no crotch and no ass. It could be considered divine censoring. “Let’s fix that!”

Meliodas manifested a dark matter claw, and used it to grab the back of Mael’s underwear. The holy magic was broken and with a firm tug, the underwear was pulled up in a wedgie.

“Gah!” He blushed.

Without the holy seals, his crotch bulged lewdly. Meliodas could see the outline of his cock and balls plainly. His plump booty was exposed, firm and tight cheeks that looked ready to jiggle with a slap. “Now that’s more like it!”

“You fiend!” Meliodas shrugged and continued to give the angel a wedgie. “Stop it!” Mael squirmed.

The holy fabric was pulled tight, causing it to rub against his nether region in an erotic way. The crotch caused friction to his groin, making his manhood stir. A tug of war began the crotch of his holy briefs and the desire to stand tall of his erection. “Ahhh ahhh ahhh!”

His erection pushed at the front, seeking to stand tall and proud even if it had to rip through the crotch to do it. In the back Meliodas’s wedgie was turning those briefs into a thong. He got to marvel at the exposed ass, the look of his briefs turned thong, and the bulging front. The fabric was riding his crack and rubbing against his back door.

Meliodas bounced him, giving just enough slack to drive him crazy. “To think this is enough to drive you crazy, you angels need to get out more!” He sounded almost bored.

Mael was blushing and shaking, his arousal was increasing and he was leaking holy nectar on the holy briefs. “Please...this is too much...I can’t...take it…”

“If this is too much, what’s gonna happen next is gonna break you!” He palmed his erection as his eyes focused on the angel’s ass.

Meliodas licked his lips. He was getting hungry and a juicy piece of ass was right before him. “Looks like its eating time!” With a firm yank, Meliodas turned that wedgie into atomic, causing the holy fibers to rip and snap.

“AHHH!” Mael moaned as the underwear ripped off him. His erection sprang forward so hard and fast it was the final nail in his coffin. He came, shooting his seed all over himself.

The angel trembled as he had probably his first orgasm ever. The holy briefs served as a form of chastity belt. Mael slumped to the ground dizzy from the pleasure coursing through his veins.

Meliodas hummed happily as he spread Mael’s cheeks. He had such a pretty pink hole, a cute contrast to the plump rear he had going on. “Thanks for the food!” He said before he descended.

“OHHHH~!” Mael arched his back.

‘What is he doing...why is he doing that...his tongue...it’s…’ He couldn’t form words, only moan as Meliodas tongue fucked him. The strong wet muscle plundered the virgin soil.

As his mouth plucked Mael’s petal, his hands were firmly on his cheeks, groping and squeezing his firm cheeks. The ass bounced back and jiggled, taking the groping. Pleasure shot up the angel’s spine, making him buck and moan.

His cock was still hard beneath him, and it slowly began to weep as he neared another orgasm. ‘I feel so hot, what is he doing with his mouth...my ass… it’s like he’s sucking my soul out through my ass!’ He was being eaten out by a pro.

It was his bad habit, he loved booty, and he loved picking a plump one and going to town on it. If he didn’t find a partner for awhile it got so bad he’d eat ass in his sleep. Meliodas was indeed a deadly weapon, and he could drive his fellow demons wild too.

There was no escaping him now. Meliodas was like a dog with a bone, eating him out with such gusto.

Mael felt dizzy, his legs felt like jelly, his wings felt heavy. His channel was being opened up by a demon’s tongue, wiggling and curling as he liked. The angel couldn’t handle it and came again, shooting from his divine rod all across the ground.

It didn’t end there, Meliodas seemed content having his face buried between his cheeks and kept making out with his ass. ‘What is this feeling, why does it feel so good? What is this wicked demon doing to me?’

By the time Meliodas was done, the once shy pink hole had blossomed into a lewd donut. He had cum two more times, and he was finally given a chance to come to his senses. “You fiend...how could you...you evil…you demon!”

“What are you talking about now? You seemed to be enjoying yourself.”

“No! I’d never, it’s because you were binding me I couldn’t…” He pointed, only to blink. His hands and legs had been free for awhile.

“I released you after the wedgie, you could have flown away at any time, but you stayed and let me eat your ass like a good boy!” Mael blushed.

“I...you...I would never…”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m sure…” Meliodas whipped out his cock, making the angel gasp at it’s size. “Let’s make a deal, you put that mouth of yours to better use and suck my cock, and I’ll eat your ass some more, deal?”

Mael gulped. He couldn’t agree to this, he shouldn’t agree to this, he mustn’t agree to this…

His lips were soon wrapped around the demon prince’s unholy rod, sucking cock for the first time. ‘Forgive me brother...’ Meliodas was a demon of his word, and took another crack at Mael’s ass later, eating him out and making the sun melt. So began their arrangement and the start of their alliance.

Mael had fallen for the Ass Eating Demon Prince, he wasn’t the first or the last. His legend spread beyond the demon world. It was a tale that’d last the ages, being passed through the mortal races for hundreds if not thousands of years.

To be continued
