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Reincarnated As slime parody: Tier 1

Chapter 2 

Rimuru Tempest | Lamia | Medium Black and Green

Unique Skill: Predator- Devour, Great Sage,

Extra Skills: Self Regeneration, Thermal Sight, Scan, Quick Counter, Physical Counter, Magic Sense, Medicinal Saliva

Intrinsic Skills: Poison Breath, Counter, Quick Strike, Poison Spit, Acid Spit, Corrosive Breath, Poison Creator
Evil Eye Skills: Medusa’s Gaze, Gorgon Glare, Boa Glamor

Common Skills: Night Sight, Water Skating, Deep Dive

Resistances: Physical Attack, Thermal Fluctuation, Pain Nullification, Electricity, Paralysis, Blindness, Poison

Magic | Poison Magic : Poison Shot, Poison Whip, Poison Claw

Chapter 3 Lamia’s Buffet

Rimuru began his new serpent life, going out the way he came in. With Devour he was able to absorb the magic stones he found scattered through the cave and continued to munch down on the herbs. He even collected some water.

Notice: Water Manipulation Unlocked.

He did some experiments mixing healing potion with poison and managed to create a High Antidote. Experimenting with his skill yet again Rimuru drank the Potion and Antidote using Predator.

Notice: Healing and Cure magic unlocked. Healing Saliva evolved into Medicinal Saliva.

‘That’s good, if I ever run out of healing potion or antidote I can use magic.’ He knew from video games how important a healer was on an adventure. It was good to have options.

His exploring ended when he encountered a threat. A Basilisk according to Scan + Great Sage.

Notice: A Basilisk is a lizard monster of low to mid intelligence. They are able to see the magic power in living things and attack. Their affinity is Earth and are known for petrifying their prey and eating them as stone.

Thanks to Magic Sense Rimuru was able to dodge his petrification gaze. “Take this!” Using Water Manipulation he controlled the moisture in the air. “Water Blade!”


The Basilisk was cut down before he knew what hit him. The sliced meat made Rimuru’s stomach growl. ‘Real food…’ He licked his lips. “Thank you for the food!” He ate the lizard.

Notice: Water Blade Skill created. Petrification Resistance unlocked, Petrification Fang, Vision Expansion Skill Unlocked, Earth Magic Unlocked, Hunter’s Eye Unlocked

His Medusa Eye was superior so he gained a different Evil Eye. This was an offensive one, allowing him to attack what he could see. ‘This is so cool!’ Thanks to predator he could gain all sorts of skills, if he had similar skills they could even evolve, and there were plenty of creatures in the cave.

From the lake came some Evil Frogs. ‘I’ve never had frog’s legs before.’ He licked his lips.

These frogs were pretty touch, being resistant to both poison and acid. The real trouble came with their ability to turn invisible. “That’s a pretty nasty trick, on someone else it’d have worked.” He used Thermal Sight and was able to see them and smack them down.

His lamia tail strike hit hard.

Notice: Tongue Strike and Frog Tongue Mimicy unlocked. Poison Resistance evolved into Poison Immunity. Acid Resistance unlocked. Camo Clear and Toad Oil Unlocked.

According to Great Sage, Camo Clear was the skill that granted invisibility. As for Toad Oil it allowed Rimuru to change his sweat into a powerful drug making someone high.

The monsters closest to Veldora’s Den were a mix of amphibian and reptilian. What he found next was an Armorsaurus also called a Shell Lizard. They eat magic ore to strengthen their natural armor.

To bad it didn’t have any resistances, so some poison helped bring it down.

Notice: Body Armor Skill Unlocked. Armor Eater Skill Unlocked, Armor Break Spell gained.

Since he knew magic he gained a new spell from this creature. The spell could destroy any non magic armor.

The next beast was called a Rock Turtle, they also ate magic ore to strengthen their shell. These guys were a bit more magical than their lizard counterpart. Rimuru had to dodge it’s Turtle Cannon, which fired a ball of energy at him.

It was slow, so Rimuru was able to out maneuver him. He tried to use poison magic but the turtle monster was able to create a small barrier. Thankfully they didn’t have Corrosive/Acid resistance. Once their shell was damaged so went their defense.

Great Sage came in for the save on that plan. ‘Time for some turtle soup!’ He devoured the monster.

Notice: Mana Shell Skill and Mana Cannon Skill Acquired. Weapon Eater Skill and Weapon Break Spell unlocked. Weapon Break and Armor Break have been combined to create Shatter. Weapon Eat and Armor Eat have been combined to create Item Eater.

Item Eater made my Predator Skill all the stronger.

He continued exploring the cave and it was like going from one buffet to another. The newer area had more mammal-like monsters, three monster bats flew about. They kept their distance and attacked with sound. ‘So noisy!’ He locked eyes on one of the bats. ‘Hunter’s Eye!’ Mana channeled into his eye, it turned red and a burst of energy came and shot through the bat.

The others tried to flee. “Medusa’s Gaze!” Thanks to Expansion Vision he was able to hit both targets. The effect was lesser without direct eye contact but it was effective enough. Their bodies turned to stone and they fell from the sky.

He ate the bat and used Devour on the petrified ones.

Notice: Blood Sucking Skill Acquired, Ultrasonic Waves, Wing Manifestation

Rimuru thought it’d be cool to fly, but his wings weren’t strong enough to carry his tail. “Aww man!” He was really looking forward to flying.

Then came some Giant/Evil Rats. These guys were fast and had some interesting tricks up their furry sleeves. If not for Rimuru’s counter skill they’d have been more of a threat. As soon as they struck his snake reflexes made him lash out and hit back harder.

It must have been his lamia side, because these rats looked tasty. He ate them and gained some new skills.

Notice: Shadow Snake Skill Unlocked, Shadow Strike Skill, Stealth Skill unlocked.

With Shadow Snakes, he could manifest snakes from his shadows, their strength and number was determined by the amount of power he put into them. He could apply Devour to them and had them eating the herbs and magical ore.

Next on the menu was some monster spiders. They tried to set up and trap Rimuru, weaving webs. “Gorgon’s Glare!” The spiders became paralyzed and were taken down and eaten.

Notice: Sticky Thread, Steel Thread, Wall Climb, Danger Sense, Paralysis Fang, Parallel Sight.

Thanks to Wall Climb the lamia was able to move through the more difficult terrain this area had. He was attacked by an Evil Centipede.

It was nothing Poison Whip couldn’t handle.

Notice Paralysis Resistance had evolved into Paralysis Immunity. Paralysis Breath Skill Unlocked, Coil Strength,

Great Sage informed him that Poison, Corrosive, and Paralysis Breath combined and became Lamia’s Breath. With this school he could use any of the three, or launch them all together.

He didn’t know it but he was close to the exist, insects from the surrounding forest slipped in and made this area their home. They were changed and evolved by Veldora’s Magicules.

Next dish was some Evil Scorpion, it was vicious with three stingers. Rimuru wasted no time and hit it with Earth Magic.

Notice: Blindness Resistance has evolved to Blindness Immunity. Sting Skill Unlocked Poison Fang,

The strongest insect was the Wicked Mantis. There was only one of him, and he feasted on other bugs. It was trying to become the boss of the cave now that Veldora was gone. He tried to slice Rimuru up but thanks to Body Armor Skill, He was able to coat his skin and scales with thick armor.

It charged in, moving fast, but once he got in close. “Shadow Snakes!” Bite Bite Bite Bite...Slam! The shadow beasts bit him and slammed him down. A cocktail of poison, acid, and paralysis venom was pumped into him. He was eaten with glee.

Notice: Sickle Skill unlocked. Water Blade has evolved into Rain Blade, Poison Blade unlocked, Acid Slash Unlocked, Air Slash Unlocked, Earth Blade unlocked. Swift Skill Unlocked

Great Sage gave him a run down of his skills. Swift Skill gave a temporary boost to speed and agility. This one would come in handy for his next opponent.

The last item on this buffet line was some monster wasps. They made their nests on the walls near the entrance. ‘That doesn’t seem fair, you open the door to a dungeon in a game only to be swarmed by deadly flying insect monsters.’ It was time for some pest control.

“Earth Magic!” He made some tremors that brought down the  nests. They weren’t happy about that, and loud buzzing could be heard as the evil wasps swarmed.

Rimuru cracked his knuckles. ‘Let’s do this!’

Some tried to rush him but got sliced up. “Steel Thread!”

A group swarmed around him ready to sting and bite him to death. “Rain Slash!” Rimuru used magic to conjure water in the air and used it to rain slashes down upon them. The hive ignored this even as their comrades fell they charged to kill their enemy. Getting in close proved just as dangerous.

Thanks to Sickle he could use multiple blade/slash skills at once. “Air Slash, Earth Blade!” The nasty bugs were slashed by wind and stabbed by earth. “Poison Blade, Acid Slash!” Purple blades cut through the flying pests, while yellow ones struck them and dissolved them in acid.

There was still plenty of them to go, and some got in range to attack. Thanks to Danger Sense Rimuru saw it coming and was able to dance around their attacks. “Poison Whip!” With elegant flare the whip soared through the air and took out bug after bug.

Once he was out of the eye of the storm. “Gorgan’s Glare, Medusa Eye!” Thanks to Parallel Eyes, he could use two evil eyes at once. His eyes changed different colors, and faced no penalty thanks to Vision Expansion.

The wave was dropped, his shadow snakes taking out the paralyzed ones. There was still more to kill, but now they were wary of him. They tried to attack him from a distance, launching their stingers and making their wings move so fast they launched sound blasts at him.

Rimuru slithered across the ground dodging the stingers, the sound attacks hit but didn’t phase him. “My Turn!” He took a deep breath. “AHHHHHHH!” Ultrasonic Waves rang out and blasted the bugs apart, the ones that weren’t obliterated dropped from the sky in shock. They were quickly taken out  by the shadow snakes.

With their homes destroyed and death before them, the evil hornets went all out, the last of them charged at Rimuru. If they were gonna die they were gonna do everything in their power to take the lamia with them.

“Swift, Quick Strike, and Poison Claw!” The skills stacked and the spell made Rimuru’s hands surge with poison energy. “Shadow Strike!” His shadow joined the combat lashing out, mirroring his master enough to deal some extra hits. “Sting!” The tip of his snake tail shifted becoming like a stinger.

He became a blur as he tore apart the last of them. Hands, tail, stinger, shadow, and fangs were used and they didn’t know what hit them. The nests were melted, and Rimuru ate them. They weren’t very filling, clearing out each nest was like eating a bag of chips.

Notice: Swarm Skill unlocked. Shadow Snake has evolved into Shadow Fragment. Havoc Sonar Unlocked. Poison Needles Spell obtained. Impregnate Skill Unlocked. Snake Dance Skill Acquired.

Havoc Sonar was the Bug Buzz equivalent. These things felt more like an invasive species so Rimuru didn’t feel bad wiping them out. They killed other creatures in the cave to increase their number. Veldora’s presence kept them from getting to out of hand, but they’d have swept through the cave and made the whole place a giant nest, before invading the Forest of Jura.

‘Looks like I can handle myself.’ He stretched. His skills had grown from the monster buffet, and through trial and error he gained some rather interesting abilities. He noticed that some of his combat skills and magic overlapped but he’d ask Great Sage about it later.

The door opened and on reflex Rimuru turned invisible and activated his stealth skill. Combined the humans that entered had no idea he was there. ‘Are they gonna be okay, they didn’t look too strong.’

Answer: You took out the biggest threats, and it would take some time before the surviving beasts could use the magicules in the area to replicate.

Kinda like a respawn time in video games. Had Rimuru not destroyed the nests the wasps also would have respawn in the area, but thankfully those nightmares were gone.

Rimuru left the cave and entered the Great Forest of Jura. ‘Let’s see what this world has for me.’ He thought. Little did he know, the Forest was in a mad state with Veldora gone. The different tribes that made this forest home were now battling for dominance.

To be continued...Forest Clans


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