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Naruto parody: Tier 1

Mix: Hentai + Yaoi

Dark Deal Fox God

When one of Kiba’s pranks pushes Naruto too far Naruto turns to Kyuubi to get revenge. Kyuubi gives him the power to exact his revenge. Naruto takes Tsuma and Hana and turns them into his bitches, eventually literally with Kyuubi’s help. He takes over the Inuzuka house hold and humiliates the dog nin, but it doesn’t stop there Naruto/Kyuubi’s influence spreads Kyuubi growing stronger with each mate he takes. Transformation Mind Break Macro Dick Mix Harem

Chapter 1

Kiba and Naruto had a weird relationship, as kids they competed and messed with each other, but things changed as they grew up. Naruto got stronger and even became the hero of the village. Kiba thought all this fame was getting to the blonde’s head, not realizing he was just jealous of his growth.

That wasn’t the only thing he was jealous of. The two had been close over the years, not as close as Akamaru and him, but still close. Close enough for Kiba to miss things. How the Uzumaki pushed him to be stronger and train harder.

He told himself he didn’t want Naruto to keep getting ahead of him, so he went out and asked the blonde for sparring sessions and training sessions together. Not realizing how much he liked and wanted to spend time with Uzumaki. The more time they spent together the happier Kiba was and that shadow of jealousy was pushed into the back of his mind.

Akamaru wanted to tell Kiba about the obvious crush he had toward Naruto, but if he confronted him he knew the Inuzuka ego switch would flip. He’d deny it, and waste precious energy either distancing himself from the blonde or going out of his way to prove the dog wrong.

Despite getting older Kiba was still very childish.

The two were training together when Naruto asked. “Hey Kiba, do you think Hinata likes me?” The brunette froze in his tracks.

“Me? Huh? Why do you ask?” The blonde brushed and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

“Well you are her teammate, I was wondering if ya know, she asked or talked about me?” Kiba didn’t like where this was going.

Hinata also had a crush on Naruto, Kiba knew it since it was obvious. She got all blushy and shy when he was around, and was always happy to sing the blonde’s praises when the subject came up. Of course he could see Hinata’s crush but not his own.

The two often brought up the subject of Naruto and would chit chat about him. “I dunno maybe…” Kiba shrugged. That jealousy feeling began to crawl it’s way out. “Seriously why are you asking?”

“Well…” The blonde smiled. “I was gonna ask her out!”

That jealousy feeling cut right through him. “You what?”

“Yeah, I saved up some money and I plan on asking her out, if she says yes I’m gonna take her out on a big date!” He proceeded to list off his plans and Kiba felt weird. This was all so strange, Hinata was his friend and teammate, and Naruto was his friend and...rival! If they got together, they’d both be happy right? So he should feel happy for them right?

Yet...he wasn’t…

Kiba put on a fake smile. “Yeah...you should totally ask her out.”

“You mean it!” Inuzuka bit the inside of his cheek and nodded.

“Oh yeah, and I even know where she is today.” He told Naruto where she’d be.

“Thanks Kiba…” Naruto hugged him, his scent washing over the Inuzuka and making him shiver. “You are the best!” The words jabbed his heart a little. “Wish me luck!”

“Good luck…” He waved the blonde off. Once Naruto was out of sight his hand balled into a fist. “You’re gonna need it.”

Akamara paw palmed. This was gonna be bad.


As Naruto raced to find Hinata and ask her out, Kiba was formulating a plan all his own. The Hyuuga heir was taking a flower arrangement class at Ino’s shop today.

Uzumaki moved around being greeted warmly by the villagers. It wasn’t so long ago that these people would have looked coldly at him. He was seen as a hero, this change had lifted Naruto’s confidence.

For so long he’s trained and worked to get the village to acknowledge him. As it was now, he felt he had a chance to find love and romance. His feelings for Sakura had withered, but his time with Jiraiya had helped him discover himself and figure out his wants.

He actually swung both ways, liking guys and girls. Hinata had risked her life to save him, and looking back she’s always been there for him in her own way. ‘I was a real idiot chasing after Sakura when Hinata was so nice to me!’ Being the village hero and all, he felt he finally had a shot at a better life.

Naruto was still a jinchuuriki, so he understood a lot of the hate towards him wasn’t him specifically but the fox spirit inside him. That didn’t mean there wasn’t issues in his life. He thought he’d have to become Hokage to find such happiness but this worked to. His efforts showed he wasn’t a threat to the village, this was his home and he wanted to protect it.

The blonde found Hinata. “Hey Hinata!” He called and the girl blush.

“N-Naruto-kun…” She blushed. The two began to engage in some light small talk, and Kiba got ready to strike.

“Get ready Akamaru!”


“Of course I’m sure, this is a great idea!” Akamaru whined, he had a bad feeling about this.

Before Naruto could ask Hinata out.

“So Hinata, I was thinking would you…” Akamaru jumped over head using his “Scent Marking Jutsu”! “Gah!”

Uzumaki shielded himself as he was splashed by the liquid. Kiba surged forward, going for a Fang Over Fang. He zipped past Naruto and ripped off his pants.

So now the blonde was wet and was standing there in only his boxers. Hinata looked down and saw well...the blonde’s package wrapped up in green with orange spirals. She couldn’t handle it.

“AHHH!” An accidental slap/push sent Naruto flying. He slammed into a fruit stand and got covered in sticky sweet fruit juices. “Oh Naruto-kun...I’m sorry…” She muttered.

Laughter erupted around him. It was shocking how fast cheers turned to laughter. While the two pranked each other back and forth, the outsiders looking in didn’t know the levels in play here.

Once Naruto collected himself, he took in his surroundings. People were snickering and laughing at him, Hinata had struck him and couldn’t even look his way, and Kiba...his friend...had pranked him, stabbing him in the back in the process. He had trusted Inuzuka and opened up to him about a matter of the heart.

His cheeks burned, and he ran off to get cleaned up. Kiba thought his prank was a success, he thought Naruto wouldn’t ask Hinata out now, maybe prank him back later and things would be normal. What he didn’t count on was Naruto’s elation, he had respect and acknowledgment of the people around him so having that turn on him hurt more. Plus, Naruto had opened up to him and trusted him as a friend, so this wasn’t just a prank it was a betrayal.


The blonde had to race through the streets in his underwear before he made it to the bathhouse. ‘You let your guard down…’

‘Shut up…’

I tried to warn you.’

‘Shut up!’

They may have been your friends but that didn’t mean they respected you.’Naruto froze.‘I told you from experience, long ago the bijuu were once treated as gods. Over time humans began to covet and fear our power. When we resisted we were called monsters and over time became demons. Sooner or later they forgot what we truly were.’

Uzumaki tried to drown out Kyuubi’s words with the shower spray, but hard to do such a thing when the voice is in your head. ‘Our power was taken from us time and again. We had foolishly accepted their kind offerings and sweet gestures letting our guard down for the inevitable betrayal.’

‘It’s not like that!’ Kyuubi smirked. He could sense Naruto’s heart shaking, he felt set up and betrayed, leaving a deep scar on his heart. Perfect for Kyuubi.

It is, you didn’t want to believe me that this village was gona hurt you. You need my power to protect yourself.’

‘I don’t…’ He walked over to the bath. His reflection rippled and instead of seeing himself he saw Kyuubi.

I know you better than anyone, I’ve been here watching. You wanted to become hokage to get people to notice you and accept you. You played pranks and caused mischief, truly like a fox, I respected that.’

‘Just stop…’ He groaned.

You got soft, you thought having friends is what you needed. In this world power and dominance was everything!’The blonde closed his eyes and shook his head.‘I’m not offering you friendship, I’m offering you a deal!’

‘A deal?’ The water rippled and Naruto got flashes of the past, people hating him and laughing at him. The visions stroked his rage.

Oh yes, a deal that will benefit us both. The Akatsuki want me for their plans and I need to regain my lost power.’ In the past many of the bijuu debated on if they should have ruled the land more so than being a guardian deity. ‘So I’ll give you my power and you’ll become my vessel. Through my blessing you can get payback on the Inuzuka and this village.’

‘I don’t want to hurt anyone!’ Kyuubi chuckled.

You won’t I guarantee it. I can promise you’ll satisfy your desires, get the payback on all those who mocked you.’ It wasn’t just sweet words, it was a bonafide offer, and this was more than a silly promise. A deal with Kyuubi would be bound in chakra, with no tricks or betrayal. ‘With this power you can build a harem, one that can never betray you or use you. You won’t just have their love, their lust, but also their respect!’

The water turned red. Uzumaki gulped. ‘And no one gets hurt?’

Not unless they like that kind of thing.’ There were plenty of other benefits, Kyuubi made the water bubble, showing potential futures, each more tempting than the last.

Being a hero...what did that get him…

Become Hokage...for the village that didn’t want him…

Find love...he opened his heart and got stabbed through it from the back…

Kyuubi’s offer...

‘Deal!’ Naruto put his hand in the water, a symbolic gesture and Kyuubi’s chakra flowed through him.

To be continued


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