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Naruto parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chakra Backfire

Sasuke wants to beat Naruto in a dick measuring contest, so he takes a sharingan peek at Chouji’s special jutsu. He thinks he has it, but doesn’t have enough chakra to support the jutsu for long, and the backfire permanently shrinks his manhood. Naruto is gonna pay Sasuke back for cheating ten fold.

Chapter 1 Measuring

Sasuke heard about the Genin Dick Measuring Contest, it was hard to say who’s bright idea it was, but the money was on Kiba or Naruto. The Uchiha always avoided it saying it was a childish game, and he wanted nothing to do with it. As it was it was a good way to build confidence and do some manly bonding. Kakashi admitted he used to do it with Asuma, Gai, Iruka, and other Chunin and Jounin in his day.  “Good times!”

If Sasuke was being honest, he didn’t think it was a childish game, he just wanted to beat Naruto but that wasn’t happening. The blonde had the longest dick at 9 inches, Kiba had the second biggest at 8 inches, but Chouji while having the thickest came in at 7 inches. Shino has the second thickest but came to 5 inches, Neji and Shikamaru were tied at 4 inches long, though Shikamaru had a nice curve to his length. Rock Lee had the smallest at 3 inches.

Where was the Uchiha, smack dab in the middle at 6. Sure he was bigger than some of the guys, he just couldn’t stand to see Naruto so smug. The two were rivals, competing at anything and everything, be it training, jutsu, eating, and even manliness. Sasuke thought he had the blonde beat given the hair on his pits and the thick crown of hair above his crotch.

What Uzumaki lacked in body hair he made up for in COCK! It was all natural, his genes putting some oomf~oomf into his pecker area. Not only was he hung, he had stamina to burn.

How did the Uchiha know this?

Well the prize for winning the Dick Measuring Contest was the loser’s ass. Sasuke has seen Naruto fuck their fellow genin over and over. Inuzuka got it the most, either he was stupid or stubborn but every couple of weeks he was challenging the blonde and ended up getting mounted. Maybe he also didn’t like to lose, but judging from the lust drunk face he made as Naruto railed him there may have been another reason.

He didn’t see the full fuck scene, always slipping away to take care of his “little problem”. The two were so loud he could hear them from the changing room. Kiba always acted so cocky, but he was quite lewd once he had dick in him. His moans and groans made him sound like a bitch in heat. That was nothing compared to the curses coming from Naruto’s mouth. He picked up some weird habits from Pervy Sage, including some technique in the bedroom.

Sasuke had time to jerk off, shower/clean up, get dressed, enjoy some milk, and he was still waiting for the two to finish. Uzumaki stamina was crazy, matching Inuzuka’s beat for beat. When those two went at it, they’d go for hours.

He hung around to see the result, and it was a familiar one. Kiba came out, with a slight limp, his hole gaping and cum leaking out of his ass. The Inuzuka looked positively fucked stupid.

Naruto waltz out, arms behind his head, his fat dick on full display. With Kiba he was actually soft, when he fucked the other guys he was usually sporting an erection. “Ahh that was great, thanks for the use of your ass Kiba!” Smack!

“Gah!” His hole spasmed and a bunch of Naruto’s cum gushed out. Kiba shuddered and his toes curled. “Next time I won’t lose, I’m still growing ya know!”

“Sure sure,” Naruto ran his fingers through Kiba’s thick mane of manly hair, earning a growl of delight. “I’ll face you any time dog boy.” He kissed Kiba’s cheek.

The Inuzuka blushed and smiled.

Sasuke felt jealousy burn. A part of him wanted to get fucked out like the other guys, one couldn’t blame him. He watched his crush fuck guy after guy, and they got to enjoy his passionate mating. The only thing that kept him from challenging the blonde was his own pride/ego.

He wanted to beat Naruto and claim his cherry. He wanted to win and get the blonde’s sexy ass. The thought of the blonde fucked out from his dick, pumped full of his seed got him hard again. His six incher pushed at the confines that was his underwear and pants. ‘Shit!’

How could he win?

He’s tried protein drinks, pumps, and vitamins, but nothing seemed to improve his size. The pump gave him two inches at best it wasn’t enough to beat Naruto’s 9 incher. Then he saw something that would change his course.

The dick measuring game wasn’t just for Naruto to get laid. The other guys fooled around to, like Chouji and Shikamaru. The Akimichi clan heir challenged Nara and won, so they planned to fool around. “I got something special for you today, Multi-Size Jutsu!”

Sasuke’s eyes widened as Chouji’s penis doubled in size. ‘Holy!’ The dick shot up to 14 inches, and the girth was like a fist.

“You ready?” The Nara nodded and Chouji fucked him with the huge dick. Shikamaru was always the quite type, but guessing when you take 14 inches you get loud.

Sasuke was so focused on the massive length and girth, he failed to notice something important. ‘This is it, this is how I’ll best Naruto!’ He used his sharingan to copy the jutsu the next time Chouji used it.

After a long mission Team 7 returned to the village and like usual Naruto wanted to hit the bath house. ‘This is my chance!’ The blonde always rushed in allowing Sasuke time to prepare. ‘Multi Size Technique!’ He performed the hand signs and channeled his chakra into his dick. “Ohhh!”

His penis pulsed and began to grow, dipping down and gaining girth. ‘Did it work, am I bigger than Naruto?’ He was, but it was hard to tell while soft. ‘A bit more chakra couldn’t hurt.’ It was bigger, but not as big as Chouji’s.

The way the Uchiha saw it he had more chakra than Chouji so why not put some oomf~oomf in his pecker. He wanted to hit Naruto with everything he could, so there would be no denying his victory. ‘I’ll pound your ass Naruto and ruin you for other men!’

Sasuke grabbed a towel and walked into the bath. Naruto was already washing off. “Naruto…” The blonde turned. “Let’s have a contest!”

“Really?” He raised a brow. “I thought you said such things were childish?”

“Kakashi-sensei helped me see different. I’m ready to face you!” Naruto stood up.

“Oh? Well bring it on Sasuke, I’ll face you!” Without missing a beat Naruto ripped off his towel.

Sasuke blushed. ‘Does he have no shame at all!?’ Clearly not as Naruto began playing with himself to get nice and hard. The Uchiha’s arousal began to rise and he let his towel fall. Soft he was 12 inches long, but thanks to that extra oomf he became a grower, his dick reaching 14 inches hard.

He was feeling pretty pleased with himself, his mighty rod jutting from his body. He could already picture the look of shock or horror on the blonde’s face knowing he had lost their little game. When he looked, it was his jaw that dropped.

Naruto’s eyes were sparkling, a little bit of drool running down his chin. “Damn Sasuke, I can’t believe you’ve been hiding this thing!” The blonde zipped over to him, so they could cross swords. “Damn~!”

Side by side it was a striking contrast. Sasuke’s length was pale like the rest of him, his mighty rod towered. Naruto’s length was sun kissed, which gave Sasuke images of the blonde sun bathing naked, while it was smaller than Sasuke’s monster it wasn’t yielding to it. Sasuke was uncut, while Naruto was cut, another striking contrast. “Ohh yeah, you are huge!” Naruto rocked his hips with every word, their cocks rubbing together.

Sasuke gulped. ‘Ohh fuck!’ Naruto’s balls were huge, and his rocking made the sac swing and clap against his. A burst of pleasure shooting through Uchiha’s groin. “So...I win right...I’m clearly bigger!”

Naruto smirked. “You sure are...damn!” His hands came around to grope his pale bubble butt. “It’s a shame, I really wanted a shot at this ass.”

“Naruto!” He gasped. The hands were so strong, they caressed his smooth cheeks and gave a firm squeeze. Sasuke bucked, grinding his dick against the blonde’s.

Uzumaki chuckled and continued to grope the booty while grinding their dicks together. He leaned in close. “You win Sasuke, let’s get you your reward!” The blonde purred into his ear.

‘Ohh fuck~!’ This was really happening, he knew the blonde was horny and pervy, but just damn!

Suddenly he dropped, with all the ninja grace he could muster, so he was face to face with Sasuke’s dick. “Hello there!” He kissed the tip.

“Na-aruto…” Sasuke shuddered.

His foreskin was teased by tongue, the wet muscle swirling around the sensitive tip, and working back his foreskin. One hand left his ass and came around to work the shaft. The touch felt so different than his own, and Uzumaki knew his way around cocks.

Even against a massive one, he worked it like a pro. He squeezed and pumped, letting the saliva that leaked from his mouth to run down his length.

Naruto could have questioned why Sasuke was so shy in the past when he was rocking so much meat, but he was too busy focused on playing with said meat. He kissed every inch, kiss, lick, kiss, lick, kiss, lick, all the way down!

Once at Sasuke’s nuts the blonde buried his face in and took a deep breath. “Fuck Sasuke, you smell so good!” The praise sent a shiver up his spine.

Uchiha could feel Naruto sniff him, humming in delight at the manly musk. His voice caught in his throat.

Naruto began playing with himself as he took deep sniffs of Sasuke’s scent. It was nice, thick, and spiced with the scent of arousal.

He was leaking pre-cum, which the blonde’s hand worked to smear over his long, long length! As the hand worked the shaft he busied himself with his balls. Not just sniffing, but licking and sucking to. He took a whole nut into his mouth and suckled it.

Sasuke chewed on his bottom lip. ‘Too much!’ He shouldn’t have been such a prude and asked Kakashi for some tips. For a dude that’s only known the pleasure of his own hands, getting played with by a horny kitsune was a lot.

He nearly came when the blonde took his whole sac into his mouth, his nose pressed to the base of the shaft. “Mmm~!” Sasuke’s legs felt like jelly.

Another thing he failed to account for was his increase in sensitivity. Increasing one’s body size had an effect, especially on an area as sensitive as a penis. Naruto licked his way back up Sasuke’s rod. “Fourteen Inches, you got a REALLY nice cock!”

His cheeks burned. Naruto played with his balls and worked his shaft, the final nail in his coffin was the blonde’s mouth coming to work the head of his penis. ‘Fuck!’ His release hit hard and he came, showering the blonde in thick white seed.

“Oops!” The blonde chuckled and just opened his mouth, tongue stretched out to catch the falling seed.

Sasuke was shaken by the orgasm. ‘Shit, shit, shit, shit!’ He felt the chakra in his groin start to leak. If the jutsu broke now he’d be busted. So he focused his chakra and worked on keeping his massive length up.

“Can you keep going Sasuke?” The Uchiha looked down, and his heart skipped a beat. Naruto was covered in his cum and looked so hot.

He got up and turned around, and showed off his ass.

Sasuke nearly got a nosebleed. Uzumaki wiggled his butt. “Come on Sasuke, show me what you got!” He playfully smacked his rear, making his hole wink.


‘This is it, I’m gonna fuck Naruto...I can do this...I can…’ He leaned forward and lined up his length, the tip kissed the blonde’s hole. The head rubbed and spread pre-cum over his entrance. ‘I’m gonna do it...I’m gonna fuck Naruto!’ He licked his lips.

His penis continued to twitch, but before he could sink inside, his hold over his chakra came undone. A burst of chakra pushed Naruto away and Sasuke moaned as his cock shrank down. “Ehh?!” Naruto gasped.

The once mighty rod was back to it’s normal 6 inch size. “Damn it!”

“Sasuke...did you try to cheat?” The blonde glared at the Uchiha, his chakra flaring and swirling around him as he cracked his knuckles.

“Wait Naruto I can explain...I can… ohh!” His six incher pulsed and before their eyes it shrank, getting cut in half. It dwindled down to three inches. “What happened!?”

“Did you ask Chouji to teach you the Multi-Size Technique?”

“Umm…” He looked away unable to meet Naruto’s gaze.

“You stole it with your sharingan didn’t you?” Uzumaki crossed his arms.

“I just wanted to beat you and claim your ass!” His tiny tool twitched.

“You could have just asked.”

“What?” Naruto ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.

“For a genius you sure are dumb. If you wanted to fuck me I would have let you.”


“Yeah, we are friends, I’d have taken you for a ride!” He said with a shrug.

Sasuke gasped and his penis lost another inch, and he was reduced down to 2 inches. “What’s happening?”

“Had you spoken to Chouji, he’d have told you the jutsu takes a lot of chakra but it also takes from your body.” What Sasuke missed as while Chouji’s dick grew larger his softness shrank down. He used his own body fat to increase his penis size. “Since you poured your chakra into the cells of your dick, you didn’t have anything to support it or exchange thus resulting in a backfire.” Not only had his dick shrank but even his nuts had grown smaller as well.

Body fat and even muscle mass could be replaced, but because Sasuke not only used this jutsu without proper guidance and pushed it’s limit... “My dick is gonna be this small forever!?”

“Sorry dude!” Naruto patted his shoulder.

‘What have I done?’ He sulked.

“Now then…” Sasuke suddenly found himself on his back.


“It seems the tables have turned, and my dick is bigger than yours!”

“Naruto wait a minute!” The blonde pinched his tiny tool.

“Naughty boys don’t get to protest. Not only did you cheat, but you tried to claim my ass through a cheat. I’m getting my prize and you will be punished.” The blonde smirked. “Prepare yourself Uchiha!”

To be continued


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