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My Hero parody: Tier 1/Hypnovember Special

Hypnovember special Touch

Underworld Boss Lust

Izuku always wanted to be a hero, but with an R-Rated Quirk things didn’t seem to be in the cards for him. Then the sludge villain incident occurs, Izuku’s actions were taken and used by a corrupt official to make an example of Vigilantes. Midoriya’s future is taken from him. So they thought, but they’ve actually made an enemy that would shake the whole hero world.

Chapter 1 The Sludge Villain Incident

The Sludge Villain Incident…

It wasn’t necessarily news worthy at a glance, the “Sludge Villain” wasn’t very powerful and all he had initially done was rob a convenience store. The event gained views and traction because of who caught the guy none other than All Might. The Symbol of Peace and Number One Hero!

Things escalated a bit as the sludge baddie took a young boy hostage. While other heroes had their hands full, or didn’t have the right quirk match up to deal with the villain, a bunch of villains stood by and watched as the boy known as Bakugou Katsuki suffered.

All Might wasn’t able to do much of anything either, he had his own issues he was dealing with. While everyone did nothing but watch, someone charged forth. A green haired boy, wearing a matching uniform as Katsuki charged in. He raced towards the Sludge Villain surprising everyone.

He threw his back pack and managed to distract the villain to give Bakugou some air. Izuku kept going and using his quirk he managed to create an opening.

Midoriya Izuku: Quirk – Oral Triad: Categorized as a R – Rated quirk, Izuku had three mouths, his main mouth of course and two in the palms of his hands.

Funny thing about quirks, many studies have shown that initial analysis are often incorrect. A person could think their quirk was shooting water from their finger, but as they get older and experiment with their quirk they learn that they are actually absorbing the moisture in the air and converting it into water.

Izuku’s quirk was seemingly just one that gave him mouths in the palms of his hand, nothing overly special or unique. In truth each mouth had a unique power, his unified power as a whole had deep well of potential. He was dismissed as nothing more than an R-Rated Quirk holder, he’d never be a hero with such an ability obviously!

The greenette wanted to become a hero, even if his quirk was R-Rated. Midnight was an R-Rated Hero, but her quirk was very useful in capturing villains. At face value Midoriya’s was not.

He wasn’t thinking about any of this as he charged in to save Bakugou. His quirk was very useful, even against this gross villain. Anything licked or bitten by the mouth in his left hand had their mind dominated.

In his desperate desire to save the blonde, he managed to create an opening. All Might, fueled by Izuku’s spirit transformed and dealt a finishing blow. It was an epic showing of All Might, unleashing a mighty punch that distorted the weather and made it rain. The story took off, but what happened behind the scenes was twisted.

Bakugou was praised for surviving the sludge villain, while Izuku was scolded. In the eyes of the pros, Midoriya was just some stupid kid who got in the way. He ran out with no plan or way of defeating the villain. ‘That boy took charge while so many others stood by and watched...even me!’ All Might saw differently.

Katsuki also saw it differently. ‘Deku...saved me…’ He wasn’t sure how, but he suspected there was something more to the greenette’s quirk. His quirk Explosion had no effect on the sludge villain, and the shot to the eye only did so much. It was when Izuku was clawing at the sludge trying to free him.

Something happened and the villain let him go enough for Izuku to pull him free. He watched the pros shame Izuku for his actions while praising him for his quirk and tenacity. ‘What the hell are you saying?!’ His quirk was powerful and flashy sure, but it was a bad match up for the villain.

Pros who did nothing, had the balls to insult Izuku for putting himself in danger. It made Bakugou both sick and angry at the same time. He always saw Midiroya as an extra, he had a quirk but it didn’t seem like anything special. The others didn’t see, but Katsuki was VERY observant and intelligent. All Might may have defeated the villain, but it was Izuku who saved him.

The villain was collected and arrested, All Might was swarmed by reporters, Katsuki was looked over by a medical team, and Izuku walked home. Word spread about the boy who rushed in to challenge a villain for his friend, it was an aspiring story which made what was to come all the more crippling.

All Might was looking at Izuku as a potential candidate for One for All, but before he could act on this decision he was called into the office of the Hero Public Safety Commission with the Chief of Police. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU ARE GONNA BE CHARGING MIDORIYA!?”

“We don’t have a choice, he broke the law.” Madam President stated. “The news story broke before we could get ahead of this and there’s just too many people to keep quiet about the incident.”

“He rushed in to save his friend, he embodies the spirit of a hero!” All Might objected.

“Does he?” A woman in a purple dress stood up, holding a file. “The way I see it this boy interfered in a hostage situation, putting himself and the victim Bakugou Katsuki in danger, getting in the way of several pro heroes on the scene, using his quirk without a license, and I could go on.”

“Who are you?” Toshinori asked. ‘His quirk?’ Yagi raised a brow. He had met the boy before the villain attack, his quirk seemed to be R-Rated but nothing sinister or powerful.

“Rellaw Adnama, I run the Anti Vigilante Task Force. This boy, this Izuku Midoriya is a problem.” She glared at All Might. “You think he embodies the spirit of a hero, but there are rules in this society. His actions are clearly that of a Vigilante!”

“Chief you can’t agree with this, he’s a young boy who acted to save his friend. Yes, the law is the law, I’m not saying he should be celebrated but he shouldn’t be punished!” The incident had been handled in the end, this was the best case scenario for a situation like this. All Might looked to the dog headed man, who seemed at war with himself.

“And what happens when the next young fool without a license decides to act and people get hurt, heroes and civilians getting killed because one emotional idiot decided they could make a difference.” This would start into a heated debate, one that’s been had over the last four generations since quirks appeared.

Should those with a water quirk do nothing when they see a fire? Should a civilian not use their quirk even in self defense against a villain if they are attacked? If one had the power to do something to help, should they do nothing since it’s against the law to do so?

The arguments have raged for and against, going case by case events are usually determined by the situation. This case in All Might’s eyes was completely clean but here was someone trying to muddy the waters.

“You might not understand the gravity of this situation.” Rellaw stated. She took her job very seriously, believing from a young age she existed to uphold the law, as the law was in her name. “We exist in the information age, it’s not just Japan we have to worry about, the news feed is uploaded to the internet and shared around the world.”

“I think you are blowing this out of proportion.” He looked to the Chief and Madam President. “Back me up here, there is no way this situation warrants such extremes.”

“That’s where you are wrong. Vigilante activity has been on the rise, and while we’ve done our best to deal with this, we can’t have anyone emboldening such activities.” Madam President stated.

“Woof, we have to do our jobs, I want to be on your side, but I’ve seen too many cases where citizens interfere in hero situations and it leads to bloody ends. Woof!” The chief said.

“He’s a bright kid, this will ruin his future.”

“Why should that matter, he’s an R-Rated quirk holder, given his current state he might as well be quirkless. It sets a bad message to allow him off free, we must make an example out of him.” Rellaw stated. “I have already drafted an order, Izuku Midoriya shall be arrested and sent to Tartarus without trial. His sentence will be 30 years, the maximum for all accounts of his crimes. This will go on his record, and he’ll pay a fine after he’s released.”

“You are insane!” All Might snapped.

“We need to make an example of him, to prevent anyone from doing this in the future!” Rellaw and All Might glared at each other.

“You wanna sacrifice this boy to send a message. It would be a shame if a bigger story overshadowed yours.” All eyes turned to All Might. The blonde knew how to use publicity and work the media circus.

“What are you implying?”

“Your goal is to send a message, it would be pointless if your message was forgotten or ignored when the world learns of my retirement.” Madam President stood up.

“You can’t be serious!” She snapped.

“I am!” He snapped back. “I won’t have you destroy this young man’s life!” All Might was the symbol of peace, word of his retirement would shake the world, it’d effect all the layers of society both in light and in darkness.

Rellaw couldn’t believe this, this was a power move, and one that was working. Madam President and the Chief were changing their tune. All Might had years of service under his belt, and he had connections all over the world. ‘I’m not gonna allow this to happen!’ He hoped to save this boy.

“Fine, we can come to some other arrangement, but a punishment must be decided!” Toshinori narrowed his eyes at this woman.

‘Just who is she, why is she doing this?’


The Sludge Villain Incident Story had barely calmed down before the next story broke out. Izuku Midoriya Arrested!

It was a major shock. The greenette had inspired people but not to be vigilante, but to be heroes, to be stronger. In a flash all that inspiration was ripped away and replaced with confusion and outrage. Midoriya didn’t know it, but his actions saving Katsuki caused a ray of hope for some people.

Izuku was charged, he would receive no jail time, but he was placed on a 15 year Probation. He couldn’t go to any Hero School until his probation was over. Midoriya was facing several fines that he’d have to pay by the end of probation or he’d face jail time. His dream of becoming a hero was shattered, but he could still have a life.

The family was shaken by the experience. Inko had to be hospitalized, she had cried so much she needed fluids. There were punks who harassed their home, spray painting criminal on their door. She had to stay with a friend after she got out of the hospital. The father...well...he became aware and began putting things into motion.

Izuku’s teachers had given up on him, didn’t even look his way when the other students began to bully him. Why help someone who had no future? In the eyes of society Izuku was a criminal and a failure, there was no helping him. The few people who looked Izuku’s way now saw him as a villain and avoided him like a plague. Some even pretended they didn’t know Izuku. It was painful...

Midoriya became a door mat, trying to gain back some semblance of normal. He didn’t fight back even as others bullied him. After a long day he made his way home, trying to smile like All Might but the tears stung at his eyes.

His mother was coming home today, so he planned to try and clean up the spray paint. To his shock he found it mostly cleaned up already. “Kacchan?” Bakugou Katsuki was there with a scrub brush and rags. “Why...why are you here?”

“Aunt Inko is coming home today, Mom told me, so figured she didn’t need to see this shit.”

“Oh...thank you!”

“Tch, I’m doing this for her got it!” He snapped, making Izuku jump.

“Right!” Katsuki had been distant, but hadn’t joined in on the bullying. So this was a surprise. He twiddled his fingers. “So you heard about everything?”

“Yeah…” The blonde said and Izuku hung his head. “And it’s all bullshit.” Midoriya’s eyes widened. “As much as I hate to admit it, you saved my life, you shouldn’t be punished for that…” His red eyes held such remorse.

‘Does he blame himself for what happened to me?’ Izuku pulled out his keys. “Do you want some tea?”

Katsuki looked away. “Sure...whatever!”

Midoriya made some and the two sat down. “You figure out your quirk yet?”

“Huh?” Katsuki took a sip.

“You did something to that villain, your quirk must have some secret power.” He sat his cup down. “Do you remember anything?”

“I...I just wanted to save you...I kinda acted without thinking.” He rubbed the back of his neck. Bakugou blushed.  “There was something...I somehow know what the villain tasted like, it was so gross…” He took a drink of his tea, as if to wash the taste out of his mouth.

“You...tasted him?” Midoriya nodded. Bakugou offered his hand. “Give me a taste maybe you did something with your tongues?” It was Izuku’s turn to blush.


“Just do it ya damn nerd!”

“Okay!” Izuku took hold of his hand with his left, the mouth in his palm opened up and licked Katsuki’s palm. “Anything happen?” No response. “Kacchan?”

Midoriya checked on him and the blonde was in a trance, his eyes were glazed over. “Oh no, oh no, what did I do?” Katsuki blinked, his eyes returned to normal.

“What are you freaking out about nerd?”

“You were in some kind of trance.” Katsuki snorted.

“Yeah right!”

“It’s true!” They tried again, coming up with a plan to prove he was in a trance. It was a bit extreme but it was the best way to prove it. This time Izuku held his hand with the right hand. He licked Bakugou’s palm and something surged through him.

“I don’t feel anything.” The blonde wasn’t in a trance.

“You don’t feel anything?” He felt a little tingly. “Take off your clothes!” Izuku tried the code phrase.

“Ha as if, I’m not…” His body began to move on its own. He stood up and began to strip. “Oi!”

“No way!” Izuku gasped. The blonde blushed, he took off article after article but stopped when he got to his boxers. “It must have worn off!” There was more to his quirk, his left hand attacked the mind, the right attacked the body, and his mouth attacked the soul. The more intimate the area Izuku licked the longer the effect his control had.

What really surprised him was the tent in Katsuki’s boxers. Midoriya’s control over him had turned him on.

To be continued...Phone Calls


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