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One Piece parody: Tier 1/Redux

Chapter 1 

Chap 2 Little Garden Danger

Nico Robin was using Crocodile, while she became Miss All Sunday, the partner to Mr. 0, she was the top female agent of Baroque Works. Crocodile was a Warlord of the Sea, a government dog of the Marines/World Government, so he provided protection. His resources were used to not only look for her brother but also seek out the Poneglyph in Alabasta.

She was a cunning woman, so when she learned Princess Vivi and Igaram infiltrated their agency and joined their officer ranks, she used them to stir the pot. Leading them to Crocodile but also revealing who they were when the time ws right. So Crocodile wanted them eliminated as to keep his plans safe.

Whiskey Peak was a place of bounty hunters and agents for Baroque Works. So Luffy and his crew ended up walking into a trap. They had managed to survive thanks to Zoro, Nami, and eventually Luffy.

‘It’s good to see you little brother!’ She thought with a smile. Her eyes roamed him up and down. ‘Monkey D. Luffy, so you have that marker.’ Robin wanted nothing more than to hug her little brother after so long. ‘I have to play my cards right, he doesn’t know who I am.’

Sanji and Usopp are brought up to speed on how they are helping Vivi take back her kingdom from Mr. 0 aka Crocodile one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Crocodile was using his status to hide from marines and go through with his plans. To the people of Alabasta he was seen as a hero but he was a demon.

He had his hands in both the royal army, manipulating things to make the King look evil or corrupt. A Rebel Army began to form seeking to fight for the people who were suffering under the current situation. Little did they know Crocodile had men in their ranks to. So both sides were being manipulated with Crocodile pulling the strings. Tensions rising and becoming worse and worse.

Sanji jumped at the chance to help a beautiful lady, while Usopp cried and wailed not wanting to be in such a dangerous situation.

Robin wanted to stay and talk with her brother, but she had preparations of her own to do. “I’ll see you again...Luffy…”


Their next destination was a place called Little Garden, that woman Nico Robin said it was a dangerous place, and that going there would mean they would be out of Crocodile’s way. It was the place their log pose was pointing to next and it was on the way to Alabasta.

They went their anyway, dangerous or no, and the whole place was like a giant jungle! It wasn’t a normal jungle at that, this place was stuck in the ancient days. Dinosaurs and prehistoric beasts called this island home.

Luffy wanted to explore, and Vivi decided to go with him. She wanted to know more about the guy who was helping her. They two went off to explore, while Nami and Usopp stayed on the ship, too scared to leave. Zoro wanted to go hunting and Sanji felt it’d be better if he stayed to guard the ship, and he would go hunting.

The two began to bicker and argue, before the two scaredy cats could realize it they had started a competition, they both were gonna go out and hunt, the one who brought the biggest catch was gonna win. There were plenty of big beasts on the island to hunt.

Off they went, leaving the Navigator and Sniper alone. They didn’t know what pushed them so hard. The Swordsman and Cook had a complicated relationship, especially as it pertained to their captain.


Luffy was having a blast, while Vivi and Karoo were a little freaked out. They were surrounded by dinosaurs! Luffy had fun playing on the backs of some herbavores. A T-Rex tried to make Luffy a snack but he used Shave and Moon Walk to dodge his attacks. “Hehe this is kinda fun!”

“Luffy that’s a dinosaur quit playing around!” Vivi called, so Luffy sprouted two more legs.

“Alright then!” The dino attacked Luffy the Flower Man dodging with Paper Art.

“Tempest Kick Triple Fluer!” kicking with three legs he took down the T-Rex, with triple wind kicks. Vivi’s jaw dropped.

“Well now aren’t you a powerful one!” the booming voice had the two looking up to see a giant man. The giant was named with Dorry, he was a warrior from Elbaf. The two are invited to a meal and they cooked up the dino Luffy beat.


Nami and Usopp get chased off the Merry by a flying dinosaur. They thought they were safe until a Spinosaurus attacked them, they were almost eaten when the dinosaur was decapitated. When they saw the giant man that saved them they fainted from the shock.

“Hm?” He carried them back along with his kill.

Brogy was kind, he offered them food and drink as they waited to snap out of their fear stricken minds. Playing dead was just a waste of time, and they got hungry so they sat down to eat. Usopp was amazed as they were told stories by the giant warrior.

When a volcano erupted, both giants left their new pirate friends and went to battle each other! The straw hat pirates were amazed at the fierce battle, their worn weapons clashed together and once again their battle ended in a draw.

They returned to their groups, and explained the history of their battle. The two giants couldn’t remember why they were fighting but their battles were still a draw. They battled every day for many years non stop, it was impressive.

Sadly they were not alone on the island. On the island there was a base made of Wax, housing enemies. Not only was he after Dorry and Brogy, but he was targeting the Straw Hats and Princess Vivi.


Roronoa had faced off against a Triceratops, three sword style versus three horn style. He won!

Sanji had found some ancient fruits and vegetables that stroked his spirit as a chef. Such rare ingredients he wanted to use them. A carnivore found him and tried to eat him but Sanji taught him some manners.

Zoro and Sanji had brought back their catches. “Ha looks like I won Moss Head!” They had laid their kills side by side. Sanji pointed at his kill with a smirk of victory.

“Huh?!” Zoro glared. “What are you blind? My catch is clearly the bigger one, stupid love cook!” The swordsman pointed at his kill.

“Mine’s bigger stupid marimo!”

“No mine’s bigger dartboard brow!”

They glared at each other, sparks flying. They were still talking about their catches right?

In truth both their dinos were the exact same size. “Well the day is not over! I’m gonna go catch something else, and when Luffy gets back we’ll let him decide!” Zoro said walking back into the woods.

“Not like he’s gonna pick yours!” the cook shouted at him.

Sanji did the same. The two were adamant about winning. Each of them wishing to be praised and rewarded by their captain. They hadn’t had any alone time since coming to the Grand Line.

Roronoa didn’t get to find another catch as the mysterious wax user found him and trapped him.

The cook wasn’t having much better luck, but he did find something odd. “That’s weird what’s this doing out here?” he investigated the building of wax and it appeared to be a base of some kind.

Baroque Work’s agents Mr. 3 and Mr. 5 along with Miss Goldenweek and Miss Valentine were on the move. Mr. 3 was the wax user, his partner Miss Goldenweek used hypnotic paint arts. The two were excellent assassins and bounty hunters in their own rights.

Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine had failed back at Whiskey Peak and had been taken out by Luffy and Zoro. They had to redeem themselves here or risk being killed by the Big Boss.

Zoro and Nami got caught by Galdino aka Mr. 3 and his sinister wax.

Using their dirty tricks they injured Dorry tricking him with some tainted booze. Mr. 5 detonating it and dealing a hefty blow to his insides. When the fight signal went off, he went off even while injured. Dorry and Brogy clashed unaware of the injury, but even then Mr. 3 wasn’t done messing around with their duel. Brogy won the fight but it was all a lie, Mr.3 stepped in and tripped up the giant, allowing Brogy to land a finishing blow.

Though their long time battle was over all Brogy could do was cry. Mr. 3 came out and attacked using his wax lock he bound Brogy to the ground. He revealed his dirty trick breaking the giant’s heart.

At the same time, Vivi was captured and placed into one of Mr. 3’s weird art pieces along with Nami and Zoro, the evil art began to douse them with wax particles and was gonna petrify them all in some time.

Sanji was m.i.a so it was up to Luffy, Usopp, and Karoo to stop the bad guys. Usopp was freaking out thinking they were outmatched and out numbered.

“Just you wait guys, I’ll set you free!” Monkey declared.

Miss Goldenweek was able to bind Luffy using her paint. “Luffy!” The group called out.

A strange mark was on his clothes. Immobilization Indigo!

“Damn it can’t move!” He struggled but he couldn’t move an inch.

Mr. 3 laughed. “Of course you can’t now stand and watch as your friends perish!” He praised his partner who quietly ate crackers. The giant candle trap began to spin faster and faster, covering Vivi, Zoro, and Nami, with wax.

“I don’t think so!” Usopp fired a Fire Star that struck Luffy and set his clothes on fire.

“Wow!” Luffy took a fighting stance in the buff. Zoro blushed as he gazed at his captain in all his naked glory. If his lower half wasn’t encased in wax he’d be rock hard right now.

“I’m gonna kick your ass!” He said with a smirk.

“You are gonna fight like that?” Mr. 3 gasped.

“Yeah so?” He focused and legs began to sprout from the surrounding trees.

“What the hell?” Monkey had no shame, fighting butt naked meant nothing to him.

Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine chased after Usopp and Karoo.

“I’m not power less, Leg Fluer Thirty!”

“Grr, stop him Miss Goldenweek!” The girl couldn’t, seeing a naked man as hot as Luffy was just too much for her. In her view Luffy’s body was sparkling, sun kissed skin, well formed muscles, impressive balls, and a huge cock.

“Tempest Kick Storm!” A barrage of kicks let loose powerful strikes, the art work was slashed to pieces and the three were free. Brogy tried to break free of the wax, but Mr. 3 wasn’t having that, he stabbed him with wax daggers and pinned him down harder.

‘I can’t let this bastard get up, I’ll be in a bad spot!’ He was sweating bullets. “You nuisances I will have my prize!”

Roronoa charged at him slashing with his swords but Galdino blocked it with wax. “You are a pest!” He used Wax Lock to bind Zoro’s legs. “Now I’ll kill you!”

“Shit!” Zoro couldn’t dodge with his legs bound.

“Six Flowers!” Hands sprouted from Galdino’s body. “Slap!”

The hands slapped the heck out of him.

Usopp managed to distract Mr.5 by tricking him into eating his Tabasco Star. While the Bomb Human suffered, he then used his Flame Star to free Zoro. The wax melted and Roronoa was free.

The swordsman left the wax man to his captain, and finished off Mr. 5 cutting the explosive man down.

Vivi and Nami take out Miss Valentines, with a fierce combo, the Kilo Kilo woman fell. Miss Goldenweek retreats, only to be chased down by Karoo and knocked out.

Luffy was free to take on Galdino. “Warrior Flower!” He manifested an extra set of arms. With four arms he was ready to kick all kinds of ass. Galdino tried to use his wax to create armor for himself, but he lacked offensive power.

Yes, his wax when hardened was like iron/steel, but against Luffy’s Iron Body it struggled to do any damage. “My turn!” his barrage of finger pistol smashed his wax armor to pieces. He punched the suit of armor full of holes, with cracks spreading from the impact.

“How could you break my ultimate armor!?” Monkey grabbed him and cracked his knuckles.

“I’m gonna break more than that!” Pow Pow Pow Pow, quadruple barrage of punches, Mr. 3 was crushed and beat down to a pulp. With four arms Luffy rained down the blows, beating Mr. 3 silly. The man was beaten, bruised, and probably had a few broken bones.

‘I got beat by this naked pervert…’ He thought before passing out from the pain.


Sanji had made some tea. He got caught up in the moment, only being pulled out by the ring of a Den-Den Mushi.

Mr. 0 called the wax house and Sanji answered. “Hello, this is the Crap Cafe, may I take your order?”

“Cut the crap, did you kill Princess Vivi and the Straw Hats?” Crocodile’s voice came over the line, the snail looking not so pleased.

“Uh…yep…they are all dead!” Sanji lied.

“Very good, give the Unluckies your report and get the eternal pose to Alabasta. You will rendezvous at the Spiders Cafe and receive further orders.” The Unluckies appeared, Mr. 13 and Miss Friday, a pair of well trained animals tasked with killing agents for failure.

They attacked Sanji, but he made quick work of them, but made a lot of noise in the process. “What was that?”

“Oh some of the Straw Hats managed to survive, but I took care of them.” Sanji said.

“So...you lied in your report…” Crocodile’s tone was full of annoyance.

“Uh no, just a little confused, but their all dead now!” The blonde lied hoping this would get the target off their backs if only for a little while.

Crocodile said “I see, that’s fine, as long as you took care of those pests. Just get to Alabasta.” He hung up the snail. Sanji breathed a sigh of relief.

It wasn’t over. Mr. 0 then called Mr. 2 and ordered him to go to Little Garden and kill Mr. 3. “His failure must be punished, see to it he never makes it to Alabasta!”

Robin heard this, but unlike Crocodile was able to recognize Sanji’s voice from her encounter on the ship. She knew her brother was alive, so let Crocodile think the threats to him were extinguished.


Dorry and Brogy were okay, thankfully even their powerful weapons had worn over the many years they battled, they managed to survive a killing blow, the two giants were happy. The two shared a kiss shocking the girls and Usopp. “You two are together?!” They wouldn’t be dueling for awhile as they needed to recover from this whole ordeal.

“Why are you idiots fighting then!?” Nami snapped.

It was weird, the two couldn’t even remember why they were fighting anymore. This was just how giant warriors were. Even if they bickered and fought they still loved each other. Luffy simply laughed finding the “big old guys” to be awesome.

Sanji arrived and swooned over his naked captain. His heart skipped a beat. Nami smacked Monkey. “Put on some pants!” The giants laughed, admiring Luffy’s boldness.

Luffy had to pull a tarzan, making a make shift loincloth which weirdly made him more erotic.

The crew regrouped, with the Eternal Pose to Alabasta they could set sail. The biggest trap of Little Garden was that it took 100 years to reset the Log Pose. So most adventurers died of old age waiting, those that just tried to leave faced other challenges.

It was time to settle things. “Alright Luffy, who has the biggest catch?” They asked and began glaring at each other.

“It’s mine right?” Zoro said.

“No way it’s mine!” Sanji snapped.

Nami sighed. “Jeez guys why don’t you just whip them out and measure,” the two blushed and looked away. She completely misread the situation, chalking it up to them just being dumb.

The mention of the hunting contest got Dorry and Brogy thinking, like pieces of the past coming back to them. The two had both caught some giant Sea Kings, but one passing comment of “Who caught the biggest one?” Turned into a heated debate which could only be settled by combat. In fact the two giant skeletons on the island were actually the remains of the Sea Kings which they had killed so long ago.

Zoro and Sanji continued to bicker, and the two were ready to settle this with a fight. The pieces fell into place and the giants realized what their duel was all about. As silly as it was, but the past was the past, and their duel would continue.

Nami sighed. ‘They are hopeless!’ She face palmed and turned away to get the ship ready to sail. “Luffy...you deal with them!” She rubbed her temples. It wasn’t like they could haul back two dinosaurs anyway.

“Wow you guys caught both of these?” Monkey declared with a grin.

“Yeah,” they said and Luffy chuckled.

“You both are so awesome!” He gave Zoro a kiss on the cheek and did the same for Sanji. They both blushed and had a blissful look on their faces. Maybe that’s what Dorry and Brogy needed. “I’m gonna reward both of you!”

It would come later, they cut their prey down and stocked their stores with a mix of dinosaur meat and prehistoric fruits.

Preparations needed to be made, and not just by the crew. The giants got up and headed to the edge of the island. Another threat of Little Garden was the giant fish that made it’s home here. Looking like a giant Goldfish it swallowed up ships whole. It was so huge it was named the Island Eater!

They used their weapons to help the crew escape, channeling two mighty powers and creating the Spear of Elbaf together to blow a hole in the giant fish. Luffy was amazed at their monstrous power and to think there were other giants just like them in Elbaf.

The crew was off on their next adventure and the two giants continued to battle. Their weapons were destroyed from the combined attack, but the two men found other ways of dueling. Remembering their youth, they remembered how they used to duel by “crossing swords”. Their sword and axe may have crumbled but the spears between their legs still worked.

As the volcano erupted it was time to duel, the giant warriors stripped naked and readied their “weapons” clashing in a loving and erotic way.


Zoro was training when he suddenly felt Luffy’s touch. “Luffy!” Roronoa moaned. It was time for his reward.

He was alone in the room but that didn’t mean anything. Luffy could sprout “flowers” anywhere he could see, and if he knew an area well he could just sprout them anywhere. He knew the ship like the back of his hand, so he had an eye flower bloom, and from there Luffy could play with Zoro easily.

Zoro’s pants were lowered to his ankles and the swordsman knelt on the ground. His underwear was removed and Zoro’s hard cock snapped into the air. Three hands sprouted from the ground.

One took Roronoa’s meat, giving it a firm squeeze before pumping him. The swordsman blushed. It had been awhile since his captain touched him, so he was loving the attention.

As one flower polished his rod, another came up to cup and fondle his sac. Zoro moaned as his family jewels were caressed, Luffy’s nails scratching at his sac to sending pleasing sensations through him.

The third flower began to play with his ass. Zoro gasped and his whole body shook with delight. He had experience with men before Luffy but only as a top. It was the flower man who gave him his first experience as a bottom.

Those sinful fingers opened him up, and taught him the wonders of anal pleasure. He had become addicted to it, especially with his captains mischievous actions. Even if he wasn’t fucked every day Luffy had tried to keep Zoro’s hole well trained.

Zoro had gotten tight, but he took two fingers well. Monkey began to turn up his insides, twisting those digits and fingering him deep. Roronoa shuddered, bucking and moaning his delight, his cock oozed pre-cum.


Sanji had made drinks for the crew and delivered them. Upon returning to the kitchen he was met with Luffy’s touch. ‘Time for my reward!’ Sanji eagerly stripped down.

Monkey wasn’t in the room with him, but knew the flower man was watching. The thought alone made him excited. Sanji was a man with a very pink mind, but it gained some shades of purple upon meeting Luffy.

While the man loved the ladies, he lived by a code, this included the sacred nature of his hands. The blonde hadn’t touched himself ever, which only deepened the shade of pink in his mind. Luffy was his first in many ways, the first person to touch him so sensually, the first person to touch him intimately, responsible for his first hand job, his first blowjob, anal fingering, getting his ass eaten out.

Monkey had claimed Sanji’s anal and cock virginity. Despite his sexual awakening the blonde kept to his code, adding that his hands were meant for cooking and pleasing his lover. He still didn’t touch himself, but with his captain he didn’t have to worry.

He hid in the store room and hands sprouted up. Sanji kissed the back of one of the hand flowers. He was ready.

The hands caressed Sanji’s body, stirring the cook into a lustful simmer. His nipples were played with, getting pinched and tugged and making the blonde moan.

Two flowers focused on his penis, one working the shaft while the other teased his sensitive cock head. His foreskin was pulled back, and the hand flower aggressively teased Sanji’s cock head. “Mmm~!” He writhed in pleasured bliss.

The last hand flower began to play with his ass. Anal play was still a bit embarrassing for the love cook. His whole face got red, making him even cuter to Luffy’s eye. The blonde took two fingers well, the digits turning up his soft insides and rubbing a special spot inside him.

His swordsman and cook were writhing in the palms of his hands, both figuratively and literally. He watched them come undone. ‘They deserve this!’ Luffy thought with a smile. Things had been so hectic since coming to the Grand Line he hadn’t gotten to touch his lovers since Logue Town.

They had done so well hunting. Luffy loved rewarding his mates. He listened to Usopp gush about Elbaf and even agreed to wanting to go there someday. Monkey carried on a conversation while watching the two and driving them crazy.

Zoro was getting fisted, his sweet spot being knocked. Sanji only had three fingers in him, but Luffy was drilling his sweet spot. Their libidos were wound up tight, heat pooling into their loins higher and higher, until they exploded like the volcano on Little Garden.

They came so much. The three were super human in their own rights.

Monkey’s hands vanished in a flurry of petals, leaving them both alone, basking in the after math of their orgasms. It was like an appetizer, but being with Luffy was the main course. The same thought ran through their minds. When could they be in their captain’s bed again?

However things were not all bright and sunny, even after making such friends, dealing a heavy blow to Baroque Work agents, and gaining an eternal pose to Alabasta. Nami was apparently bitten by a prehistoric insect and was badly poisoned and it was time to find a doctor fast.

Luffy used his eye fluer to look out for any islands with a doctor. What they did find was a weird guy floating on top of a massive ship.

To be continued


They reach a snowy island, Drum Kingdom. The island known for it’s great doctors to help their navigator. With the return of Wapol things get worse, but Luffy is up for a battle.

End Preview


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