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Sonic X parody: Patreon Reward/Kinktober Special

Kinktober Special 2022 # 6 Cock Hugger


Chris felt lost without Sonic, he missed them all so very much. If they were able to come to his world, maybe they could find a way to go there. They not only needed the power to go there, but also find the right world.


It had been six years, six years since Sonic and his friends gathered the Chaos Emeralds, achieved perfect Chaos Control and returned to their world. They were going home, but leaving another. For Chris Thorndyke it was a bitter sweet time for him, to be both happy for his friends finally being able to return home, but also being sad as he was losing said friends.

Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream, Cheese, Vanilla, Charmy, Espio, Vector, even Rogue and Shadow to some extent. They were friends, on different levels, but the bonds were strong. Chris felt he’d miss each of them. He wouldn’t miss Eggman and his horrible robots and schemes.

They were all gone, back to their home world. Chris didn’t realize just how much he’d miss them, he thought the first year would be the hardest, but it just kept getting harder. For the brunette it felt like he had lost his first love.

He cared for all of them, but he carried a special feeling for Sonic. The embers of his first crush, it didn’t matter that Sonic wasn’t human or a man. His Uncle was openly bi, and the family was more open minded. He was able to come out without much issue.

Sonic’s absence only made Chris’s heart grow fonder. Those embers grew into a deep roaring flame. No guy could compete with the cool hedgehog who ran off with his heart. No one could make him laugh like Sonic, no one could make him relax like Sonic, no one got him hard or as excited as Sonic. The fact Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles wore no clothes around him, hit him one day and it made the memories of their time together gain a filter of naughtiness.

He did try to live his life. It just wasn’t easy.

Chris devoted his life to different things, one was martial arts, training his body so he wouldn’t be helpless anymore. The other thing he devoted his time to was science. He wished to find a way to go to Sonic’s world and reunite with the blue hedgehog.

His efforts over the years landed him a position at a top secret lab. Sonic and Eggman’s clashes had brought the knowledge of other worlds to the attention of the government. Space travel wasn’t the only venture anymore, other dimensions exist, other worlds beyond the veil of space and time. The wonder of the beyond outweighed the potential danger.

Technology increased and worked to breach the veil and find other worlds. So Chris didn’t have an issue with funding, but finding the right world was the key. Attempts to get a working portal was hard but Thorndyke didn’t give up.

Attempts came and went and while they got a portal to actually stabilize, the problem now was to find Sonic’s dimension. Which was a lot harder than it sounded.

There were many worlds out there, some had strange mushrooms in it, another had rabbits...lots and lots of rabbits, another appeared to be a floating domain of sky islands. To think a working portal was just the first step. ‘I’ll find you Sonic...somehow...someway...I’ll find you...and then I’ll tell you!’

His friends left for the night, but Chris decided to give the portal another try. He pulled the switch and his machines whirred to life as the portal zone lit up. His device tried to scan the world it connected to but got weird readings. It did connect…

A strange mist filled the lab, it poured out from the world beyond. The lab’s quarantine measures were triggered, Chris didn’t even get a look at the world before things began to shut off. His lab was locked down, and just before the portal turned off, something left an egg on the platform.

The lab’s ventilation system got to work on clearing the mist and trying to identify it. It would be awhile before the quarantine protocols would lift. “Oh man, what was that world?” Chris questioned.

As the mist cleared the egg became known. “What is that?” Curiosity got the best of him and he approached. Each step the effects of the mist began to take hold. Chris’s lab coat began to dissolve as if invisible moths were eating holes in it.

Bit by bit the clothing was erased in seconds, the brunette didn’t realize it. In that world where the mist came from all fabrics would not live long there, even the briefest of exposure like what was in the lab had Chris’s clothes in danger of disappearing.

The ventilation system couldn’t work fast enough. His shoes and socks dissolved, which gave Chris his first clue something was wrong. As he got closer to the strange egg, his clothing began to dissolve, his pants and shirt were eaten away by the mist.

“Ehh?” He looked down. “EHH?!” His boxers began to dissolve, and in seconds he was fully naked. “Ah!” He gasped and covered himself. Thorndyke’s chiseled body was exposed, from his toned arms and legs, his strong shoulders and tight back muscles, firm pecs and rock hard abs.

Chris had grown up well, getting manly hair on his pits, and a nice bush of hair crowning his crotch with a treasure trail up to his navel. He had a nice piece a solid 7 incher and sizeable balls. His greatest asset might be his ass, so firm, plump, and tight!

Thorndyke blushed at his naked state. “What happened?!”

Suddenly the egg opened, blossoming like a flower revealing a creature inside. Sensing a potential target it began to move. Chris could see it had long finger like limbs. The creature scurried about as it rose out of it’s egg. “It’s got a shell or a hard body like a crab I think…”

As it breached the opening Chris got a better look at it, and it reminded him of something he saw out of a horror/sci-fi movie. The creature lunged at him and on reflex he went to block his face. Too bad it was aiming a bit lower.


Chris blushed as it landed on his crotch, it’s finger-like limbs snaked their way around his hips and between his thighs to get a firm grip on his butt cheeks. “Oi!” The brunette began to pull at the creature, but every attempt just made the fingers dig into his plump rear. Brute strength wasn’t gonna work.

It unfurled it’s tail, revealing some strange pads underneath. The pads took hold of Chris’s length, his penis was groped and massaged, causing the blood to rush south. Thorndyke’s blush spread from ear to ear as his erection was held by the strange thing.

His foreskin was peeled back, his cock head exposed. ‘What is it doing?!’’ He continued to tug on the creature but it wouldn’t budge. Now that it had a hold on his penis, each tug made the weird suction cups pads cling to his length harder.

Chris grunted and struggled but nothing was working, then it unfolded it’s “stinger” it was cock-like and aimed at his piss slit.

“Wait!” It thrust into his pipe and Chris’s eyes widened. “Gah!” He bucked.

His penis bulged as the stinger invaded his rod. He’s never had anything up there before. The stinger didn’t seem to be big at first, just an inch in, but it felt weird. Things were about to get weirder, as the creature began to fuck his cock.

“Ah ah ah ah!” Chris moaned.

His body shuddered and his legs buckled at the foreign sensation. “What is this...ahhh!” Thorndyke’s eyes widened. ‘It’s getting bigger!’

Bit by bit the stinger began to grow, reaching deeper into his cock. “Nnnhhh!” His pipe was fucked, the length of the appendage growing with each “thrust”. It soon reached his full size and somehow reached even deeper. “Ohh~!”

Chris’s penis was stimulated inside and out, and his climax hit hard, but he couldn’t cum. His cock was fully plugged and not a drop could escape. A strange sensation was felt through his balls. “What is this ahh ahh ahh!?” His temperature began to rise.

He couldn’t see it but the stinger was injecting some kind of poison into his body, a foreign substance from another world. Chris panted and moaned his body going through changes. It started with his balls, his testicles growing larger and larger.

Thorndyke was soon rocking nuts that’d make a tanuki blush. The orbs weighed his sac down. “Gah!”

The brunette’s sweet spot was attacked from the other end, making the transformation feel pleasurable. “What is this thing doing to me?” He gasped and moaned.

It’s poison began to spread through his body, causing it to change. His sweet spot began to spread, creating an intricate array of nerves through his anal channel. Chris’s hole became pliable like rubber, and anal stimulus was increased on the pleasure scale. “My insides feel hot!” The tight ring of muscle parted, opening slightly and throbbing in want.

As time pressed on, Chris’s body continued to change. Above his ass a spot began to heat up, his bones and organs shifting to accommodate the change. His stomach evolved to help break down all food and convert it into energy. Any toxins and poisons would be filtered and dispelled when he urinated.

There wouldn’t be a poison in the multiverse that could effect him after this. His ass existed only for mating now. The man’s body and cells were heightened and evolved, strength, durability, flexibility, his natural talents had their limiters broken and the human’s body untapped potential was tapped.

Then it was taken further…

Above his ass a tail was manifested, this wasn’t a normal tail. It was smooth and hairless, and once it matured it became very phallic. His new appendage was a cock tail, a fully functioning piece of anatomy. “Ehh?!” He gasped.

At first it felt like it was asleep, his tail felt numb but it slowly wiggled to life. The phallic appendage currently had a mind of it’s own. Chris was feeling horny through his whole transformation, the deep urge to be fucked burning inside him.

The tail acted on these desires, curling down and the tip was aimed right at his hungry hole. Thrust! “Ahhh~!” Fireworks went off in his head, if his cock wasn’t plugged he would have came from the intense pleasure that exploded through him and rushed through his body.

Inch after glorious inch of his tail plundered his virgin soil. It was still virgin right? This tail was part of him, it was no different than him using his fingers when he masturbated. He wanted his first time to be with Sonic. “Sonic~!” Chris moaned as the tail fucked him.

He was literally fucking himself, he felt the squeeze of his anal walls on his cock tail, and felt the nerves in his ass spark as the tail worked back and forth. Friction inside and out, the sensations stacking and making it feel like his brain was melting and rushing down to his dick.

Chris was brought to his hands and knees, his tail fucked him vigorously, he had about 11 inches inside him, sliding back and forth and curling oh so nicely. His sweet spot was hit and Thorndyke had a dry orgasm. He was shaking, the man’s arms and legs feeling like jelly.

The brunette grew flushed as lust swam through his entire form. His nipples stuck out lewdly. He was drooling with hearts in his eyes. Chris’s heart was racing, beating out a samba.

His cock tail danced like a snake to the beat, increasing the pace. Chris wanted to cum, his balls were itching, they were so full. “Ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh~!” He was being taken to the edge.

Thorndyke writhed in pleasure, the orgasm building higher and higher, until his body couldn’t hold back. The big nuts unleashed their pent up fury, and it was divided. His cock tail expanded and semen pumped inside Chris, pelting the brunette’s insides with thick semen.

Shivers shot up his spine. “Nnnhhh!” His eyes rolled up and the creature was forced off him, a huge torrent of semen following. He created a massive puddle beneath him.

Chris rolled to the side but it wasn’t over. The penis tail left his ass and thrust into his mouth. “Mpf mm mmm mmmm~!” He deepthroated the tail, and was fed even more cum. Everything went black.


Along with an enhanced body, the mysterious creature gave him an enhanced mind. He gained an understanding of the multiverse and a clue to finding Sonic. When he woke up the quarantine was lifted, the egg and the creature were gone. He would have believed it was all a dream if it weren’t for the new appendage he was sporting.

His cock remained in a permanently erect state, and he had to stuff the tail up his ass to put on pants. Dressed and horny he rushed back home and searched for what he needed, and he found it.

A quill...one of Sonic’s quills!

Using it he was able to track the hedgehog’s energy signature and create a portal to his world. “Sonic…”




You've gotten much more detailed about the transformation/sex scenes. 🤔 A very pleasant improvement to see, and super hot scene. 🤤👍🏼