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Fairy Tail parody: Bad Day/Tier 1

Blade Demon

After Natsu is killed by Acnologia Zeref worked hard to bring his brother back to life. In stories of old it is said knights used an ancient or magical sword to slay a dragon. With that in mind he designed Natsu as a blade, a weapon to cut down Acnologia. He finds the Blade Dragon to raise Natsu and help him grow gaining the dragon seed to link with his demon seed.

Chapter 1

Acnologia is a terrifying dragon who brought havoc upon the land. He attacked villages under dragon rule and reduced them to ash. It was a terror, and even the mighty dragons struggled to face it.

The Dragneel family was wiped out all except one. Zeref Dragneel, who would spend his life trying to find a way to revive his little brother. His parents used to tell them stories of a brave knight wielding a magic sword, who was strong enough to slay the evil dragon.

This thought stuck in Zeref’s mind as he worked to revive his brother. He’d make him the sword that could slay any evil dragon. His work was frowned upon by other magical researchers, and sure enough Zeref was given a curse by the god of death. Granted an immortal body, the more he loved and cared for life, the more his eternal form would take life away.

It wasn’t all bad, he now had plenty of time to work on his research and created the first Etherious demon. Etherious Natsu Dragneel, the Demon Blade of Zeref. Wanting to keep him safe he found a dragon to raise him, the Blade Dragon Katana.

She taught Natsu about the way of the sword and enchanted him with Dragon Slayer Magic. This planted a dragon seed into his body, this caused a unique link to happen and Natsu’s demon seed filled his first origin while the dragon seed filled his second origin. This allowed both seeds to exist and resonate with each other.

Katana liked humans, and created the world’s first samurai. Acnologia took her kingdom and ruined it, inflicting a terrible wound upon her. For Natsu she was like a second mother to him, raising him and guiding him until she could no longer. Her strength was fading fast, with the last of her will she had a scarf made from her mane and a sword made from her fangs the sheath for the blade was made from her scales.

These gifts along with her teachings was what she left behind when she vanished one day without a trace. Lost and alone, Natsu ended up at a wizard guild where he was taken in and learned more about magic and his abilities. While his dragon blade was truly a fine piece of craftsman ship, the real terror of Natsu’s abilities came from his different seeds.

With his right hand, he drew on the cursed blade, the demon sword capable of cutting away even magic. In his left hand, he drew the sword of the dragon slayer, capable of cutting anything, even concepts of emotion. Natsu could also eat blades to increase his power, even if the object was blade shaped it was a tasty treat for him. While his dragon slayer abilities were impressive, his ability to cut magic was truly frightening.

His right hand techniques were odd and almost unnatural. Makarov, the leader of the Fairy Tail believed if used the wrong way Natsu could pierce someone’s magical core and end up destroying their ability to use magic. Dragneel didn’t feel it was anything to worry about, with his skills, he only cut what he wanted to cut.

He got stronger as the years passed, he saved his mother’s sword for serious opponents and used a wooden sword to test his enemies. He gained a rivalry with Erza Scarlet, she was a skilled warrior who used Re-Quip Magic and had all sorts of magical armor and tasty magic swords. After Natsu had eaten a few of her favorites, the two became pure rivals, while still friendly they didn’t have a super close bond.

That was fine with Natsu, as he preferred the company of men. He had more of an open mind on mating than most, he was taught he had both a sword and a sheath to use in the bedroom.

The demon was also educated on harem dynamics from a dragon, so that’s what he wanted to build.

He gained his first mate in Gray Fullbuster, an Ice Wizard, who uses maker magic. The raven haired male had a bad habit of taking off his clothes when he fights, when he eats, when he sleeps, and even just having a casual conversation. Once on a mission he lost all his clothes and ended up having to swipe some underwear off a clothes line. It was seen as a bad habit that Gray needed to break.

Natsu thought differently.

Using his Blade Dragon Arts he cut Gray’s SHAME! He was no longer embarrassed about being naked or exposed. This allowed him to build an air of confidence and embrace a nudist life style. Fullbuster was able to walk around in the buff, feeling so natural and happy.

It reached the point he felt more comfortable naked then clothed. Even when the spell wore off, Gray didn’t see a reason to be embarrassed. Fullbuster had nothing to be ashamed of, he was a sexy man, even ending up on SORCERER Magazine, as one of the sexiest wizards in Magnolia.

The guild even accepted Gray’s nudity, now that he wasn’t freaking out about it, or asking people to borrow their underwear, even the girls. Their group was so rowdy and wild, having a dude walk around naked barely registered. He was even registered for a nudist license.

Days without shame was an eye opening experience. Can you imagine it, not having an ounce of shame in you. To not care how others saw you, to not be bound by societal conventions. It made one question the state of things, what was so wrong with being naked? Even if he was in his underwear what made that different from wearing speedos or trunks at the beach or water park. Showing skin seemed to have value given time or place, but why?

His master who taught him Ice Magic was responsible for his habit, but she had done it to. Standing naked in the snow and cold to get in touch with the nature of their maker magic. Embracing the cold, building tolerance to it, and making a connection with ice. He often stood naked in the cold with his master and his fellow apprentice and it wasn’t weird after awhile, but when they back into town they’d get called out for their random stripping. In the garden of ice and snow they could be bare without a question of it.

Such thoughts plagued him after Natsu’s magic wore off.

Gray stood naked at a train station with all the confidence as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Thanks to his license as long as he wasn’t jerking off in public he could walk around in peace. Even if someone complained, Gray wasn’t hurting anyone and he was a legal nudist. Any complaints held little weight. Strangers could call him a pervert but they didn’t know him so why did their words hold power over him. He wasn’t a pervert and even if he was, what he did in the bedroom was no one’s business but him and his partners.

His week without shame allowed him to process things differently. Shame could be seen as an instrument of pride, having it cut from him weakened the primal force that existed inside all living things. Feelings and desires that would be restrained by Shame and Pride were allowed to grow and develop, even be explored.

Gray also had interest in men, but it was something he kept buried deep under mental snow. He didn’t want anyone to think differently of him and feared rejection. It was easier for him to have friends than romantic interests, that was good enough. At least, that was what he told himself over the years. The Ice wizard had issues...

He had a friendly rivalry with a few guys in the guild, even Natsu.  He had no choice but to respect the pinkette’s skills as he went toe to toe with Erza, and the red haired woman trounced Gray with ease. Dragneel even took the time to train Gray in the art of the sword, he could make swords and blades with his ice, but without skill and training they were nothing more than sharp chunks of ice.

They had grown closer and closer over the years, no elemental rivalry getting in the way. Despite what he believed it always bugged him when Natsu gave attention to other guys. He was jealous, but was too proud to admit it, and too ashamed of his feelings. They were guild mates, friends/rivals, that was enough, that’s all he needed…all he deserved...

With his shame cut, those feelings he thought were buried under 10 feet of mental snow began to grow and take route, some even blooming. Without the wall of shame, his desires were able to be explored.

“Go out with me!” He asked Natsu out, in all his naked glory.

“Sure!” So it began. They dated and got to know each other on a deeper level. Without Shame Gray didn’t panic or over think, he could truly be himself. Even something as small as dancing was easier, going to a club and dancing would be something Gray’s shame would object to out of fear of looking like an idiot on the dance floor. Without it the two could simply have fun.

They got to talk and share, with the ice wizard being honest about his feelings. His answers weren’t trying to deceive or impress. Their conversation was direct. Dragneel even shared his intentions to form a harem, without Shame Gray found no issue with the idea. Especially when Natsu explained what Harem meant to him.

The two didn’t do anything too naughty, outside of some heavy petting. They tested the chemistry between them to see if there would be sparks, and yes they had fireworks.

Even after the magic wore off, the experiences he had with Natsu remained. Fullbuster had shared some of his naughtiest of thoughts and kinkiest of desires with the pinkette. It was over, he was toast, the blade wizard had enough ammunition to blackmail him from here to the end of time. He thought this was all some kind of prank at first, his Pride was back and trying to process the situation.

He confronted the blade wizard, but his accusations just made Dragneel laugh.

The truth was, Natsu truly wanted to help him. “I didn’t know you had a crush on me, that was a bonus outcome I didn’t plan for.” Gray blushed. “Did you forget I shared things with you too.” Indeed he did.

“If you don’t wanna continue dating I’ll understand, but know this Gray. I didn’t cut your shame to prank you, but to help you reach new heights.” He poked the ice wizard’s bare chest.

“I see…” He rubbed the back of his head. Feeling a new kind of shame, hurling accusations like that, he felt bad. “Sorry!”

“If your feelings for me are a bother I can cut those away.” Gray’s eyes widen.

“You can?!” Natsu nodded.

“It’s not the same as other emotions. Love is a seed planted in one’s very heart and soul. If I cut the feeling out, a new seed can always be planted and bloom all the same.” The emotion of love was more fragile than a feeling such as shame or pride. If Natsu could describe it as a physical form feelings of love could be like a rose with thorns, as it could both be beautiful and hurt. Shame/Pride was more like a pesky weed. Katana had told him that even as a dragon slayer cutting certain feelings infinitely was difficult. It was possible with his demon blade he could cut out someone’s ability to love completely given the curse nature of the demon seed it could be devastating. If he was a crueler person such a power would be horrific.

“No...I don’t want those feelings cut, and I don’t want to stop dating...I...I...I want to be part of your harem!” He declared.

Natsu smiled and laughed. “Well said, you’ll be my first treasure.” Being called treasure made Fullbuster blush. Gray’s growth mentally was gonna change things for him, and their union was gonna make things very interesting.

To be continued...Cut Up

Natsu and Gray are “sparring” in the woods which leads to some interesting games. Elfman walks in on something and fears Natsu might be some kind of monster in disguise. Not realizing he just walked in on a special kind of play Natsu enjoys and Fullbuster is totally fine.


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