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My Hero parody: Tier 6

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 Training

Katsuki began training. A very special kind of training!

Since getting his dick shrunk and dominated by Izuku it awakened things inside him. One odd change was, he was once a boxer guy. Now boxers felt weird to wear, there was so much room in the crotch area.

He got rid of all his plain boxers, keeping some of the more “cute” pairs he thought Izuku would like to see him in. He went through his underwear drawer and found his briefs. His ass filled out the underwear, making the crotch hug his groin. This weirdly felt better for him, his tiny tool rubbing against the front, and his balls got hugged.

No one dared laugh at Bakugou for wearing tighty whiteys, plus he looked sexy in them. His plump booty was hugged by the underwear, making the ass pop. He also wore cute hero undies, stuff he hadn’t worn since middle school. Izuku praised him for it, gushing like the hero nerd he was.

The praise felt so damn good, he felt hotter and sexier in briefs than he did before naked. Plus when he got too wild or out of control Izuku would give him a wedgie. Oh that flipped a switch, his toes curled and his heart skipped a beat.

He’d be left with a painful erection for awhile after. He didn’t have to worry about making a bulge, his tiny nail could barely dent his briefs. It was weirdly thrilling walking around hard and horny, with no one the wiser.

One time Izuku gave him a wedgie when he was already horny, and Katsuki jizzed, soaking the crotch and making it cling to his groin. ‘Fuck…’ He shuddered. That was an interesting day.

Midoriya had opened the flood gates of Katsuki’s libido. Because of his tiny rod he could get it up more. There was a bonus as the hard on would rub and be tickled/teased by the fabric of the briefs.

Bakugou began training his ass, in the morning, in the shower, and at night. He played with his ass. ‘More...more...more!’ The fingers caressed and stretched his hole, and the blonde could only think about Izuku’s massive rod. He wanted it, so bad!

His ass had this strange itching sensation, his fingers lightly scratched that itch, but it was deep. When he eyed Izuku’s cock and bulge. ‘Oh yeah that’d scratch that itch good!’ He remembered how big it was hard. His butt cheeks would clench and his hole would throb with want.

He had months to train his hole, if he did a good job Izuku would reward him with a real man’s cock. The thought made his body shudder in delight.

Bakugou put his big brain to work, doing research into anal prep. It was only logical just because one knew how to swim didn’t mean they had the ability to go to the olympics. It took training and practice. His fingers were a good start, he had upgraded to working three digits into his tight ass. He got a small dildo with his allowance and some lube.

It wasn’t much, a simple red dildo that reached about 5 inches. The toy was bigger than him, which stroked some delight out of him. He used the toy, and while it paled in comparison to the memory of Izuku’s mighty cock, that didn’t stop him from moaning Midoriya’s name.

He made quite the sight, thrusting the dildo into ass while playing with his tiny tool. His skin was flushed, nipples poking out lewdly, the chiseled form arching and twisting in delight. Bakugou came making a huge mess, cum running down his pecs and abs.

His cheeks burned in a blush. ‘I feel like I’m going crazy!’ Despite having an intense orgasm with his ass, he was still horny. “Haa haa haa!” He used the toy and played with his tiny tool in tandem. “Deku!”


The next day Bakugou cornered Izuku in the locker room. He pushed the greenette against the lockers. “Oi nerd, we are going shopping!”

“Huh!?” Izuku gave him a wedgie, making any intimidation the blonde had tried to muster melt into horny need. “Wanna try that again?” He released the band and Bakugou shivered.

“Can…” He squirmed. “Can we go shopping together, please?” Izuku blinked. “I want you with me when I go shopping?!”

“Are you asking me out on a date?” Bakugou blushed.

“Maybe...damn...yes!” Izuku agreed, not sure what Katsuki wanted, but he got his allowance. Midoriya was in for quite the surprise as the place Katsuki wanted to go was an erotic shop.

“Why did you bring me here?!” Izuku gasped.

“I want to buy some new underwear, and I want you to help me pick it out!” His whole face was red.

“Oh...ohh…” Midoriya blushed.

“Forget it, this was fucking stupid!” He was about to stomp off only to be stopped by Izuku.

“I got it, let’s go in!” He smiled, and the blonde felt his heart do back flips in his chest. The store had pretty basic/vanilla stuff at the front, but the deeper you go the more kinkier stuff you’d find. Izuku was a bit nervous, this was his first time in a store like this. Same was true for Bakugou.

The shop person was an incubus, or had some quirk that made him look so. He was dressed in pretty normal civilian clothes. He had a badge on his shirt that read “Mana”, his full name was Mana Misha. “Welcome!” His eyes flashed pink. “Oh you have an R-Rated quirk!”

“You can sense quirks?” Izuku gasped. Mana floated over and clasped Midoriya’s hands.

“Just the R-Rated ones, they resonate with my own. They tend to be more mature and more open than other quirks.” Izuku didn’t understand what Mana meant. He clapped his hands together. “Please look around.”

“We plan to!” Bakugou was feeling ruffled.

“Kacchan be nice!” The blonde blushed and shivered. Mana chuckled.

“Relax “Kacchan” I mean no offense. Enjoy your date!” He floated back over the desk, and left the two to shop. “We have changing rooms on the left, please enjoy!”

“Thank you!” Midoriya called out politely.

“Let’s do this!” Katsuki grabbed some panties. “Pick out something too nerd!”

“Ehh me?!” Izuku looked at the options. There were regular panties in different sizes, styles, and colors, then there was something called “Panties for Men”. He couldn’t tell the difference at a glance. There was also some thongs and speedos.

Katsuki sat his pile next to the changing station before stepping in. A green light washed over him and he was suddenly naked. “Go on scan them.”

“Ehh? Oh!” He scanned one of the pairs Bakugou had picked, running the barcode over the scanner. In a flash Katsuki was wearing that exact pair.

“How...how do I look?!” It was a pair of red panties. It matched his eyes it looked quite nice on him.

“Oh nice!” Izuku scanned another pair this one was black and a tad lacy. “Wow!” The panties suited him, the purple was striking and even the blue looked nice, the green was a bit interesting but Katsuki wanted them bad.

The only pair that didn’t fit was the pure white panties. They looked too innocent on someone as wild as Katsuki, but Izuku picked out a frilly pink pair with a white heart on the crotch. “You look so cute Kacchan!” Bakugou was hesitant on the pink, but with those words he was sold.

Izuku scanned one of the “Panties for Men”. When it appeared on Katsuki it looked like regular panties, but… The blonde bent over and there was a slit in the back, he exposed his twitching hole. “Wow!”

He picked out a red, black, and orange pair. Then came a thong, it really made Katsuki’s thick booty pop. Midoriya was getting turned on by the show Bakugou was putting on. He wasn’t the only one feeling excited, each word of praise or happy applause got a rise out of Katsuki.

There ended up being more in the keep pile than the put back pile. They stuck to the basics, no bras or nighties, they didn’t suit either of their tastes. “Are we done?” Bakugou asked while stretching.

“Just one more, this will be the last, I just wanted to see how it looked on you.” Katsuki waited for Izuku to scan it and bam there it was. “Wow!”

Bakugou looked down and saw his penis was caged. He blushed from ear to ear. ‘Oh fuck!’

“Sorry this is too much right?” Midoriya said, trying to hide how excited he was. Seeing Bakugou caged made the greenette want to fuck him right then and there.

Katsuki squirmed, not fully understanding the true weight and joy of being caged. The changing rooms were advanced, but couldn’t replicate everything. “Yeah...maybe…” He whispered the last part. Seeing his manhood locked up did excite him, it was something he’d have to look into.

Izuku put back the no items, while Katsuki snuck in some new training toys and went to check out. “Quite the lovely selection, your boyfriend has good taste!” He said as he packed up everything and put it in covered bags before slipping them in a covert bag.

Bakugou blushed. “He’s not...we’re not...shut up!”

“Right…” Mana said slyly. “Well good luck with all that firecracker.”

Izuku came back just as Katsuki payed. He dropped his full allowance on new underwear and toys. “It was that expensive, did I pick out stuff that was too much?”

“It’s fine!” Bakugou snapped and paid. They couldn’t afford the cage today anyhow. “Let’s go!”

“Come back anytime!” Mana waved.

Izuku took the blonde for some food, his treat. “Why’d you ask me out?” He asked before taking a bite of his burger.

“I just...needed new clothes…” Izuku raised a brow at that. New clothes from a sex shop, right…

“Well, I noticed you switched to briefs, I’ll look forward to seeing you in those to.” Katsuki’s heart fluttered. “If you be good and train, you should wear one of the ones I picked out for our special day.” He sipped his drink and Bakugou felt so hot.

Those words held the promise of sex, that big cock, it would be his, and he wanted it. “Thanks for...coming with me...I wanted you...to be with me…” Izuku’s eyes widened, looking warm and touched. “Don’t look at me like that damn it!” He began to stuff his face and drink, trying to drown/crush the butterflies in his stomach.

On their way home there was a problem. A sludgy villain attacked them, wanting a meat suit. Katsuki threw his bag at Izuku and charged at the villain without holding back. His explosions were loud and powerful, but weren’t very effective. Izuku’s quirk analysis brain recognized that this was a bad match up.

The noise drew a crowd, but the heroes couldn’t handle this sludge villain easily. He had a hostage and his sludgy body made him too hard to grab. Izuku would later learn this guy was running from All Might, they played a game of cat and mouse in the sewers, but All Might underestimated his home field advantage.

It tried to take Bakugou over, but Izuku charged in. With his R-rated quirk he didn’t know how effective he would be. He found one of Katsuki’s toys in the bag and charged in. “GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF MY KATSUKI!” He flung the toy right in the villain’s face clocking him right in the eye. A weird pressure emanated off Izuku, and it destabilized the villain. The sludge was stunned he had been hit in the face with a dildo of all things, the act plus Izuku’s quirk helped throw him off. Not for long, but long enough for Midoriya to pull Katsuki free.

“I don’t know what you just did, but you are dead!” The sludge villain lunged at the two, but in came All Might. He pushed beyond his limits and saved the two boys. It was amazing!

Katsuki lost the toy, but he didn’t want it back after it was all sludged. All Might was impressed with the two of them for holding their own against the villain. His focus landed on Izuku, charging in as others simply watched, that inspired him to act.

He’d approach Izuku later and asked him to be his successor. He gave Izuku the run down of his current state plus his plan of passing on his quirk.

As Izuku had been training his whole life to become a hero, he had a pretty nice vessel already. All Might aka Toshinori believed Izuku could complete his One for All training in just six months instead of ten. So began Izuku’s days of training, strengthening his vessel even more to harness All Might’s quirk.

This choice was gonna make some waves. Izuku had a quirk just an R-Rated one that wasn’t/probably suited for combat. With One for All he’d be able to wield the strength passed down from one user to the next.

Little did All Might know that as he was quirkless, and had the quirk longer than any user before him. One for All was more formed than ever and it was ready to evolve.

After six months of intense training Izuku received All Might’s quirk by...taking in his DNA. Now All Might didn’t know what was happening to One For All, he knew that one user strengthened the quirk before passing it on. Inside of the quirk was other quirks, laying dormant inside the collective.

He also didn’t know much about quirk theory or much of anything about R-Rated quirks. Unlike most quirks that awaken at a young age, leaving the young person to figuring out how their powers work. R-Rated quirks weren’t just pervy, they were mature, appearing only when their host came of age.

Once Izuku’s body absorbed One for All, his quirk fragment said hello. It was highly unexpected and unprecedented but this was the first R-Rated quirk user to be chosen. Normally if a foreign quirk was introduced into a body, the hosts original quirk would lash out and try to destroy the intruder, like antibodies attacking a foreign virus.

Over time this fighting would cause the host’s body or mind to break down and deteriorate. Now imagine a quirk, with several quirks inside it, the stress could be too much. This wasn’t a problem for the more mature R-Rated Quirk.

It appeared as a visage of Izuku Midoriya, as the newest holder of One for All his spirit would join them one day, but his quirk was able to come inside.

All Might trained Izuku how to use the power, and the backlash broke his legs and arms. Thankfully Toshinori had recovery girl on standby. The next two months was about learning control.

Emasculation wasn’t about to waste time, he was mature, wise, and powerful so he entered One for All with a deal. To both save his host’s life and to properly utilize this power. “Submit to me, let your powers join with mine to make a better future!” Most of the quirks belonged to men, so his sway was hard to resist.

The remnant of Daigoro Banjo objected, but when challenging Emasculation he was more than outgunned and soon fell. He may have had a strong will power, even having resisted All For One, but he crumbled to this R-Rated quirk. “I give it’s yours...my powers are yours to wield!” He became more wisp like similar to Toshinori’s vestige. His power and consciousness still remained in One for All bolstering its overwhelming strength, but as for the man’s quirk fragment it merged with Emasculation, the fragment used it to evolve and become even stronger.

“Good boy!” This was enough for a start. “Later all, I’ll be back!” Izuku would be surprised to wake up, being able to draw on the power of Black Whip! For the next two months Izuku studied what he called capture heroes, those capable of binding and capturing villains.

All Might had his own studying to do, he had no idea what was going on with the quirks, but what was happening was necessary for Izuku’s future. Plus the future of his harem.

To be continued


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