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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 4 

Chapter 5 Punchy Pokemon

The gang is on the road to Fuchsia City. They weren’t expecting to run into a “wild” Hitmonchan. He was punching and boxing the air. “A wild Hitmonchan!” Ash got excited.

He always wanted a Hitmonchan, he saw Bruno compete with one in a league tournament a couple of years ago. “I wanna catch it!” Ash exclaimed excitedly.

Ketchum called out Charmeleon. “You up for a battle?”

“Char!” The second stage fire type was pumped.

“I got something for you.” He went through his bag and got the TM for Dragon Rage. His body accepted the power and it replaced Rage.

Charmeleon clashed with Hitmonchan. The fighting type used Comet Punch, Mega Punch, and Mach Punch! Charmeleon took the hits and fought back with raw fire power.

He used Dragon Rage, flames burning in his eyes as he conjured blue flames and unleashed a mighty dragon attack. It knocked the Punchy pokemon back.

Hitmonchan got pissed and unleashed a surprise Thunder Punch! Charmeleon got forced back and was left with some Paralysis. “That was an awesome Thunder Punch!” Ash praised. “You okay Charmeleon?”

The fire type nodded. His opponent looked more paralyzed than he was. Hitmonchan was sweating bullets. They were about to find out why. “No!” A large and muscular man ran out. “I told you, you’re not allowed to use that punch!”

“Huh?” Ash blinked in confusion.

“Normal and Fighting type moves only, you got sloppy!” He berated the pokemon. This sadly was Hitmonchan’s trainer Anthony.

“Hey stop it, that move was really powerful, and Thunder Punch is one of Hitmonchan’s moves.”

“Tch, what does a runt like you know!?” He returned Hitmonchan and left. Ash gave Charmeleon a massage to help him heal and shake off the paralysis.

“You were great Charmeleon!” The fire type let out a content sigh.

“What was with that guy?” Brock asked. He’s never seen a trainer mad at a monster for using one of their moves.

“He doesn’t seem like a proper trainer.” Misty pointed out.

“Excuse me!” A girl rushed over to them. “Have you seen a man with a Hitmonchan around?” Misty expected Brock to gush over the girl but he seemed more reserved.

‘What’s up with him?’ She thought.

“We did, he was yelling at Hitmonchan for using Thunder Punch.” The girl sighed.

“Yeah...that’s my dad.” She introduced herself. Rebecca was looking for her dad Anthony. “He’s not a typical trainer.” She showed them a flier for the P1 Grand Prix. It was an odd tournament for mostly Fighting Type Pokemon, other pokemon could enter but there was a finite rule you could only use Normal and Fighting type moves.

It was a tournament that focused on technique more than most. The winner got the P1 Grand Prix belt, an accessory said to power up both Normal and Fighting type moves. “My dad is obsessed, he’s been trying for years to get the belt, and he never even makes it into the top 3. Plus the way he treats Hitmonchan-chan is the worst.” It also costs money to enter the P1 Grand Prix, so he’s been draining the family’s savings. “Mom says he needs to focus on supporting his family, but he’s so stubborn, he says he won’t stop unless he wins the belt!”

It struck a nerve with Brock, who also had flighty parents. It was all fine and dandy to chase your dreams, but you gotta make sure your responsibilities are taken care of. Ignoring responsibilities to chase a dream or go wild having fun is a recipe for disaster.

“Dad promised me, that if he lost this year he’d give in and come home.” Rebecca said. He was literally the definition of insanity, his training methods were not getting results, and he wasn’t showing improvement.

“Fine, let’s enter and we can bring him down!” Ash said. He had his own fighting type. A call to professor Oak, and a quick swap of Lapras, Ketchum had his Primeape back. To prepare, Ash gave him Seismic Toss.

Brock decided to enter with Geodude, having both Tackle and Mega Punch to use.

Rebecca showed them to Anthony’s gym. He had Hitmonchan hitting the punching bag for hours until he collapsed. Anthony just dumped a bucket of water on him. “We aren’t finished!” He made him get back up and keep punching.

“He’s pushing Hitmonchan too hard!” Ash whispered.

“The thing is I think Hitmonchan was interested in the P1 at first, but also wants to do other battles as well, but dad only focuses on the P1, he’s obsessed with winning.” He was taking the fun out of the game.

“We gotta win!” Brock said.

Hitmonchan got to sleep, after collapsing. Anthony let him rest before the tournament began.

Ash and Brock entered their pokemon. Little did they know Team Rocket was also entering, but not with their own Pokemon, they took out one of the ones to win who had a Hitmonlee. They planned on taking the belt and giving Hitmonlee to the boss as a gift.

It seems there was a bonus reward, TM Rock Smash. Extra incentive for the participants. Anthony didn’t care about the TM he just wanted the belt.

Brock’s first match was against a Poliwhirl. Misty rooted for Poliwhirl obviously. Geodude was able to do well as Poliwhirl’s Double Slap didn’t do a lot of damage. With Mega Punch Geodude pulled out a win.

Jessie/James in a trench coat used Hitmonlee to defeat a Machoke, moving onto the next round.

Anthony and Hitmonchan defeated a Mankey.

Ash and Primeape were up against Machop, he got in some Scratches, before using Low Kick to sweep Machop’s legs, before grabbing him and finishing him off with Seismic Toss. Ketchum’s monsters were out and cheering on their trainer and Primeape.

Poliwrath was up against Machamp, it was a heated match with Misty cheering like crazy, even scaring Rebecca and Pikachu. In the end Poliwrath beat Machamp with a Submission.

Brock and Geodude were up against Jessie/James and their stolen Hitmonlee. Sadly he didn’t do as well the fighting type moves were super effective. Geodude put up a good fight but he ended up getting kicked out of the ring. “Thanks you did great!”

“Geo!” He was returned. Brock joined Ash’s side as a coach.

Lots were drawn and Machoke won the roster to face Hitmonchan. The two clashed and Hitmonchan pulled off a close victory with a Mach Punch.

Primeape battled against Poliwrath, it was a crazy match, the pig monkey monster hit hard with Low Kick and Seismic Toss. Poliwrath fought back with Mega Punch and Submission, but Primeape pulled out a win using Thrash! Misty sulked over the water type losing. She could sulk, while Ash’s monsters cheered.

Then came the battle between the kicking demon and the punchy pokemon. Punches and kicks were exchanged. “This is bad, this match is too close!”

“Leave it to old Meowth!” The normal type slipped under the stage, and set up a glue trap. Hitmonchan stepped in it and got stuck.

Hitmonlee let loose a barrage of kicks, and the puncher had to block. “What are you doing? Fight back!” He banged his fist on the ring. “Throw a punch, don’t just block knock him out!”

Anthony continued to yell and scream at Hitmonchan, who couldn’t DO anything since he was stuck. It used Low Sweep to trip Hitmonchan up, he fell back. “Get up! Get UP!” Anthony screamed. Hitmonchan was in bad shape.

Hitmonlee was called to do a High Jump Kick and he jumped into the air. Hitmonchan couldn’t move or get up.

“Hitmonchan!” Ash called out.


Hitmonlee hit hard, and the match was over. “What was that, what about our training, how could you embarrass me like that!?” Anthony chewed out the punchy monster.

“That’s enough dad!”  Rebecca said, she raced down with Charmeleon in tow.

“Rebecca?” He couldn’t believe she was here.

“Hitmonchan worked himself to the brink for you, he was pushed way past his limit but he kept hanging on. You should have surrendered, but you were too stubborn to and look how hurt he is!”

“It’s his own fault for being so weak!” Anthony snapped. Charmeleon growled at him. The muscle headed jerk reminded him a lot of Damian. He knew how strong Hirmonchan is having battled him, the one holding the fighting type back...was Anthony.

He was taken away for treatment and Anthony sat in the stand to watch the final match.

It was up to Ash to bring down Hitmonlee. “Pika!/Bulba!/Squirt!/Meleon!/Pidgeo!” They cheered for Primeape.

“Ape ape ape!” Primeape was ready to fight.

“Hitmonlee is fast, but I know you got speed and agility, let’s use it!” He nodded.

The final match began, Primeape raced around the ring, avoiding Hitmonlee’s kicks. Primeape was rocking a lot of wild energy making it hard to predict. “Use Double Kick!”

Hitmonlee swung his leg out, Primeape dodged the first and blocked the second. “Use Seismic Toss!” He flung the kicking demon around and slammed him into the ground.

“We are gonna lose Jessie!” James said in panic, alerting some suspicion.

‘Did his stomach just talk?’ Ash thought, but he kept his focus on the ring.

“Don’t worry, just have Hitmonlee use High Jump Kick, once he’s in the air I’ll zap Primeape!” He had rigged a device under the ring, with a push of the button Primeape would be stunned and the High Jump Kick will finish him off.

Too bad for Meowth Haunter took the device off the ring and turned it off. “Use High Jump Kick!” Hitmonlee took to the air and Meowth pushed the button. Nothing happened.

“Dodge it Primeape!” Ash called and the pig monkey monster flipped out of the way. Hitmonlee hit the ring and took some serious damage. “Use Thrash!”

Primeape pounced on Hitmonlee and wrecked his world. The kicking demon fell. Ding ding! “Primeape wins!”

“Meowth what happened?!” Jessie hissed.

“I don’t know this thing must be broken!” His fiddling with the remote turned the juice up to max. He slammed the remote on the ground. Haunter showed up and gave them back their device. “Oh thank you.”

“Haunt!” The ghost picked up the remote and with a push of the button zapped them. The device overloaded and boom! Team Rocket was sent blasting off again.

Ash, Brock, and Primeape took the center ring to cheers and applause. “Clap Clap Clap!”

“Haunter!” Ash exclaimed. The ghost type was applauding their victory.

Primeape was awarded the belt and Ash got the TM Rock Smash. Anthony frowned and went to wash up.

“Damn that lucky punk, how could a kid that green win his first P1 Tournament!?” He looked at himself in the mirror. “He’s not a real trainer, I’m a real trainer!” He washed his face before smirking. “It wasn’t him it was that Primeape. If I had that Primeape I’d win every P1 Tournament!”

Anthony chuckled. “I just gotta get it from that runt. It’ll be easy, I’ll just tell him I’ll train Primeape into a real P1 Champion, that loser will buy it!” In his mind it was a great plan, never once considering he was STEALING someone’s pokemon to achieve his goal, like a criminal!

He wouldn’t get to enact this little play, as Haunter appeared and put him to sleep with Hypnosis. Haunter then began to whisper into his ear, a haunting little suggestion.


Ash and co went to the recovery tent to find Hitmonchan was awake and recovering well. “Hitmonchan you are okay!” Ash and Charmeleon rushed over. “You are one tough Pokemon!”

“Chan?” He was confused.

“You really gave it your all out there, your punches were amazing and you really fought hard!” Ash praised and Charmeleon agreed. It had been awhile since he heard such kind words, it brought tears to Hitmonchan’s eyes. “I bet in a trainer battle you’d kick butt, or I guess punch!”

Hitmonchan’s eyes sparkled, he’d love to use his Thunder Punch, he used to have Fire Punch and Ice Punch to, but Anthony told him to forget those moves they weren’t useful. A trainer battle sounded like fun. “Ash…” Everyone turned to see Anthony. “Why don’t you raise Hitmonchan?”

“Ehh?” Rebecca gasped. “Daddy, are you serious?”

“Yeah, I’m selling the gym and moving back home. This life just isn’t for me anymore. I’m sorry for worrying you and your mother.” Anthony said. “Hitmonchan, I’m sorry I’ve been so hard on you, I’ve lost sight of what made this fun. I release you, you can choose who you want to be your trainer.”

A blue light came from his ball and Hitmonchan was now free. “What do you say Hitmonchan, wanna come with me?”

Hitmonchan got up and punched the air. Ash and Charmeleon nodded. “A battle it is!” They went outside and Charmeleon and Hitmonchan clashed.

“Hitmonchan use Thunder Punch and Charmeleon use Dragon Rage!” Hitmonchan charged the Thunder Punch and dodged the dragon move and hit Charmeleon hard. “You are fast!”

Hitmonchan smirked. The fire type smirked back, he loved Hitmonchan’s burning spirit. “Use Fire Spin, and Hitmonchan use Mach Punch!” The fighting type obeyed landing a swift blow against Charmeleon only to be caught up in a vortex of flames. “Use Comet Punch and Charmeleon use Flamethrower!”

Charmeleon hit Hitmonchan with surge of flames, but he came back swinging and hit Charmeleon hard with some good one two three punches! He got burned which weakened the hits a bit. Ash tried catching him with a regular monster ball but no luck.

He came back out and charged in with a Thunder Punch and Charmeleon fought back with Dragon Rage. The attacks collided but both were standing tall, not willing to collapse. Charmeleon got paralyzed by that hit. “Hitmonchan, you are a great pokemon, so I think this deserves one of these!” Ash pulled out one of his Great Balls and threw it.

It hit Hitmonchan who smirked.

Jiggle...Jiggle...Jiggle...Ping! Ash caught Hitmonchan!

“Thanks Hitmonchan, I promise I’ll do my best as your trainer, for now you could use some rest and relaxation.” He sent Hitmonchan back to Oak’s lab, after all the harsh training Anthony put him through he deserved a vacation.

“Take good care of Hitmonchan for us Ash!” Rebecca said with a smile.

“I will!” Now it was time for Charmeleon and Primeape to get some much needed recovery and pampering. Ash gave them both a massage. While Brock got them some berries to eat to recover their strength. Haunter had once again vanished, but Brock started leaving an extra plate of food out for him from now on.

As for Hitmonlee’s trainer he woke up and recovered his Pokemon, not sure what happened and too proud to admit he got ambushed he never spoke of this incident to anyone. As for Anthony, Haunter’s Hypnosis would wear off, but by then he was back with his family and living a much happier life.

Ketchum gave his mons one final reward, Charmeleon REALLY liked Seismic Toss so Ash used the TM on him replacing Ember. As for Primeape he got to learn Rock Smash which replaced Scratch.

They still had a long journey ahead.

To be continued

Episode Guide Chap 6 Sparks Fly, Chap 7 Ninja Showdown, Chap 8 Safari Duel, Chap 9 Monster Race Ash vs Gary!


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