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Fairy Tail parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 4 

Chapter 5 Raid and Rescue

While Elfman followed his lead on the fake Salamander. That was his message to Natsu who was currently dealing with the unconscious pretty boy. ‘He hasn’t called in, I hope he’s okay!’ He didn’t think their target was strong enough to bring Elfman down...but...

“Ugh…” The blonde groaned.

‘Good he’s coming to.’ Natsu got up.

“Where am I? What happened to me?” He clutched his head, a heavy fog had been in his head and was suddenly lifted. “Ahh where are my clothes, why am I naked?” He covered himself.

Dragneel set a glass of milk down. “In order, you are in the inn room I rented, you were hexed by a wizard calling himself Salamander. I broke you free of the hex, but your clothes went up from the spell.” Natsu showed his guild mark. “I’m Natsu Dragneel of Fairy Tail!”

“Natsu? The Red Bull?!” He nodded.

“Here drink up, your mana’s really low.” Natsu offered the milk. The blonde heard about the special milk from Fairy Tail.

‘Could this be it?’ He drank it. “Ohh!” Not only was the milk delicious, but he could feel his mana restoring. He drank the milk like a man thirsting in the desert. “Mmm~!”

“So who are you?”

“Ahh!” The blonde sighed happily. “I’m Eve Tearm from Blue Pegasus!” He looked around. “Where are Ren and Hibiki?”

“Your teammates?” Eve nodded. “I saw other pretty guys in town, they were under the same hex as you.” Eve revealed they went after a human trafficker a few months ago, but they got caught. “Do you remember where you were being held? It’s likely your friends are there?”

“I think...I remember a club...and…” he groaned. Everything was really hazy. “I can’t believe we were caught!” Eve teared up.

Natsu gave the blond a hug. ‘He’s so warm...and he smells so good!’ Eve couldn’t help but relax.

“Don’t feel bad, charm spells are forbidden for a reason, and he was probably draining your powers to bolster his own.” He rubbed Eve’s back. “We’ll get your friends back.” The hybrid glared at the communication lacrima. ‘Elfman please be okay.’

He got Eve some more milk, the blonde blushed seeing how it was made. From Natsu’s impressive pecs and delicious looking nipples. ‘Oh wow!’ The young blonde had a strong urge to drink from the source. He finished another glass and replenished his strength.


Natsu didn’t carry much in terms of spare clothes, but found a pair of speedos that Eve could wear. It was better than nothing, so off they went.

Dragneel and Eve found the club and busted in. “We are guild wizards, the owner of this club is suspected of human trafficking!”

Some goons attacked the two, they didn’t know what hit them. Eve even got to show off his snow magic. Fire and snow tore the place apart. Natsu was in a bit of a rush since he was worried about Elfman so he kept charging through. “Where is your boss?”

“Dunno!” He was lying, but Natsu was pulling an Erza maneuver. If he didn’t get answers right away, he dealt out some scorching punishment.

Eve “tied them up” using snow magic, essentially he trapped them in snowman-like coffins.

This place may have seemed like a normal club, but there was a lot of shady activity. A lab for creating illegal potions and elixirs, Natsu got evidence of the lab before scorching it. They found a magical siphoning machine, a simple two seat device, the drained person sits on the left and the person getting the magic sits on the right.

Natsu let Eve take care of this with his snow magic. When they raided the back room that’s where they found Eve’s comrades. They attacked. “Hibiki, Ren!”

“Enemies of the boss are our enemies!” They said in creepy unison.

“You guys need to cool your heads!” He unleashed a blast of snow, but they dodged. “Dang it!” The two guys tried to pounce on Eve.

“Enough of this, Heat Wave!” Natsu stomped his foot, filling the room with heat. Eve lost his speedos and Hibiki and Ren had their clothes evaporated and the heat helped burn away what afflicted them.

“Ugh what happened?” Hibiki rubbed his head.

“Where are we?” Ren asked.

“Whoa we are naked!” Hibiki gasped and covered himself.

“My magic is depleted what the hell?” Ren was feeling the drain now that the hex was lifted. “Ugh my head is all foggy.”

“Guys!” Eve hugged them.

“Eve!” The embrace was returned.

Natsu grabbed some clean glasses and got them some fresh milk. “Drink this! It’ll help replenish your magic.”

Ren and Hibiki eyed it suspiciously. Not surprising what they went through. “It’s cool guys, he’s the Red Bull from Fairy Tail. I drank some and felt great!”

They drank it, and they felt their magic power replenish swiftly. “Ohh~!”

“So who are you guys?” He asked after they finished their glass. Twinkle~

“We are…” The three struck a pose. “The Trimens of Blue Pegasus!” Sparkles~

“Hibiki Lates~!” Twinkle*

“Ren Akatsuki~!” Twinkle*

“Eve Tearm~!” Twinkle*

They were so used to doing the pose they could even do it while butt naked. “Oh you guys are from Master Bob’s guild.” Natsu needed info.

“My archive magic may be helpful, even with my magic drained it should have been in a stasis mode and observing so even if things are fuzzy we should be able to learn what’s been going on.” Hibiki was right, but he wasn’t gonna be happy.

Archive did in fact watch over the group and could fill the gaps that was covered in fog. Confusion was replaced by rage as the trio learned what Salamander had them doing all this time. “That bastard!”

“He humiliated us, he used us!” Ren was furious!

“He was more conniving than we anticipated.” Bora used their weakness against them, and used other means to bypass magical defenses.

“Then my partner is in trouble, where is Salamander?” The pinkette asked.

“One sec!” Hibiki scoured Archive. With all the illegal magic used in the area, he was able to use Archive to collect information. “He’s on a yacht, he’s hosting a party but it’s all a trap, he’s begun to move.”



“Ugh…” Strauss came to, his head was pounding, in what drunks would consider a serious hangover. “What happened to me?”

“Hehe, you really are an idiot.” Salamander stepped into the light.

“You!” Elfman moved, only to find he was tied up. “What?” He looked down and blushed, he was stripped down to his fundoshi.

“Just like those Blue Pegasus pretty boy bitches you fell for the same trick. You guild wizards rely too much on your magic power. You think that just because you can resist status magic and mind control because of your mana, you just made it a challenge!” Drugs, poisons, and herbs that attack the body can disrupt one’s magic leaving a person vulnerable.

Elfman remembered he had gotten on the yacht and was given a drink, things become a blur after that. “You bastard you drugged me!”

“Sure did!” Bora laughed. To top it off he got some magic sealing cuffs. “A big dumb beefy guy like you will fetch a high price, the fact you are a wizard just adds to the value.”

“Hehehe!” Elfman began to laugh.

“What’s so funny?” Bora glared.

“Nothing, just thinking about what Natsu’s gonna do to you when he comes for me.” Elfman smirked. “He’s gonna kick your asses!”

“Oh you think pinky is gonna save you? You don’t get it we’ve already set sail, off to the open sea. Your ass belongs to me!”

“I’m not scared of a piece of scum like you, and you call yourself a man?!” Elfman’s words touched a nerve.

“Are you saying I’m not a man!” He pulled on some gloves. “I’m sick of your mouth!” A strange lotion was poured.

“What is that?” The smell was weirdly sweet.

“A new product, its a special drug that absorbs into the skin.” He grabbed Elfman’s pecs.

“Gaaaaahhhh!” A weird tingling was felt. “You...aahhh~!” He blushed. Bora covered his pecs in the lotion.

“Look at that, that’s some fast acting stuff!” Elfman’s nipples were hard and perky. “You have a big mouth, I’d rather hear you moan than talk trash. Once this stuff is done with you, you won’t be able to do much but beg!” Elfman glared at him.


“Where is this yacht?” Natsu asked coldly.

“At the docks, just wait and we’ll come with.”

“No need!” Dragneel’s aura flared.

“We can help!”

“I’m sure you can, but my partner is in trouble and I’m gonna go save him!” He transformed.

“So cool!” Eve gasped.

“Oh wow!” Hibiki gasped.

“What a man!?” Ren gasped.


Bora was trying to break Elfman with the drugged lotion. The stuff was strong and made his muscles glisten. Just a light breeze could tear a moan from his lips. His cock tented his fundoshi. “Look at you, you’re already leaking!” Bora laughed. “Even a big tough guy like you becomes a panting bitch!”

His arms and legs were coated, his abs were slathered, his pits were glazed. “Didn’t even need to touch your dick with the stuff!” He was amazed at the effect and potency. “What do you say ya big slut, beg me and I may help you get off?”

Elfman was panting, his whole body felt hot and sensitive. Bora didn’t realize the strength of will he was demonstrating. Most would have succumb before having so much of their body infected. “I wouldn’t beg...you for anything…”

“Damn you!” He looked ready to strike Elfman but suddenly the ship ran aground. Bora fell over. “Those idiots did they run into a coral reef or something?” He left and when he opened the door there was a red light in the distance. “The hell?!”

He shielded his eyes and went out on deck. “Boss we got trouble!”

“What’s going on?!”

“The sea...it’s gone…” One of his men cried out.

“What?!” He looked over and they were on the ground, there wasn’t even any fish or algae. Something spooked them. “What’s that damn glow in the distance!?”

“Unknown sir, we can’t get a good look at it, it’s like staring at the sun!” The best they could do was make out a was a silhouette.

“Fuck, battle stations, shoot to kill!” He ran back to where he was keeping Elfman. “What is he? Who is he?”

“Hehe...you thought I was the only monster...how sad…” The sounds of magic attacks were heard, but they were snuffed out from the amount of heat Natsu was giving off. Dragneel was in a mood, in his mind Elfman was in danger and he was not pulling any punches.

He charged out into the sea, and thankfully the fish and sea beasts in the area sensed the danger and swam as fast as they could. Natsu charged at the boat unable to escape, his flames blocking any and every magic attack thrown at him.

The Red Bull hit the ship like a meteor. He tore through the goons and freed everyone they had captured. His flames weaved through the cages and melted the locks. The heat helped people sweat out the drugs and break any charms afflicting them. ‘Hibiki, we got innocents on board, I’ll take that back up and get these people to safety.’ Hibiki heard with his telepathy magic.

‘On it, we are on our way!’ He sent back.

Natsu was too much for the goons and found the boss in the room with Elfman. “Prominence Burn!” He blasted Natsu with flames, thinking that would do him in. “Hahaha so much for your knight?”

“Wanna bet?” Natsu stepped out of the flames in all his demon glory. His flames were so weak, they wouldn’t have even made a good meal.

“Monster!” Bora screamed.

“Something like that, seems you’ve been giving my partner a hard time.” Natsu stalked forward.

“Wait, I can give you the antidote!” Bora panicked.

“No need!” Dragneel turned up the heat, he dissolved Bora’s clothes and any extra tricks he had. It revealed he was packing a 1 incher. Bora covered his shame.

The room was hotter than a sauna, allowing Elfman to sweat the drug out of his system with ease. Natsu was able to break the magic sealing cuffs with a bit of help from his demon seed. “You okay Elfman?”

“Feeling better now!” He rubbed his wrists. “Thanks for the rescue!” With Strauss freed he transformed. “Payback time!” He cracked his knuckles.

“Eep!” Elfman had no trouble fighting naked and kicking Bora’s ass was great.

When the Trimens showed up with the guards, the traffickers were arrested. Bora was so beat up he was almost unrecognizable. They got a ton of info out of him, enough to bring down their trafficking ring. Plus Bora was still on the hook for all of his other illegal activity. The Trimens were grateful for the save and contacted Master Bob to let them know they were okay.

“We owe you one.” Hibiki said.

“No problem guys we were happy to help.” Elfman hung his head. He hadn’t done anything but get captured, he didn’t even alert Natsu of his lead. In the end he had to be rescued.

‘I’m still not strong enough.’ His hand balled into a fist.

“Don’t get full of yourself just because we owe you, but the Trimens always settle their debts.” Ren was being tsundere as usual.

Eve waved goodbye, hoping to see Natsu again. “You guys take care of yourselves.” Though this mission was complete, something was bothering Natsu and Elfman, though it was two different things.

“Bora wasn’t big time enough to pull all this off, he got money and drugs, plus they were able to set up shop in this town. Someone had to help Bora do all this.” Whoever it was gave a creep like Bora a lot to be a royal pain.

“So the mission isn’t over?” Elfman asked.

“It’s over for now, but we probably pissed off someone. So we’ll need to watch our backs.” Natsu stretched. The knights would have to follow the money, and figure out who was pulling the strings.

“Yeah…” His shoulders slumped.

“Elfman?” He eyed the muscled wizard.

“I’m okay, really!” Natsu patted his back.

“Good, I think we should relax before we head back home.” Strauss nodded. The fighting certainly helped ease some of Elfman’s frustrations but, there was something heavy weighing on his soul. Dragneel could tell, by his body language. They needed a man to man talk.

To be continued...Lifting Spirits

Preview: Natsu and Elfman relax together at the inn, where Elfman has to confront some personal demons.


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