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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

AN: So glad to finish this one it came out as I wanted, despite some some irl issues getting in the way. Please enjoy. Also stats for this chapter are at the end of the story.

Chapter 15 

Chapter 16 Goldenrod Arc: Buggy Bonding

Ash made a call to Professor Oak, asking for a small favor. He caught some Bug types in a catching contest and wanted a little time to bond with them before sending them to the lab. Samuel agreed, but this was just a brief pass, considering it a reward for his hard work lately. Three badges, a ribbon, and the mons he’s captured has been great for his research.

He had the transfer system on a 24 hour delay. Scyther walked beside Ash while Beedrill hovered nearby, Spinarak was chilling on Ash’s backpack/back.

Misty wasn’t happy having the bugs hanging around. Her complaints earned a glare from his Scyther. She eeped and decided to go do some shopping. “Come on Togepi!” She took the egg monster off with her.

Pikachu was filling in the bug types on the arrangement and it seemed they were all into it. Spinarak was into it, but in a unique way. They got lunch and had a nice time together. Ketchum got some snacks for the team and eaded back to the center. While the rest of the team ate their lunch Ash and Brock retired to their room for some bonding time.

Ketchum was excited to bond with Primeape this way, he had missed the fighting type terribly. They got back in sync thanks to the bug catching contest. Primeape wanted to take their relationship to the next level.

The new bug types were curious about this, it was one thing to hear about it from Pikachu but it was time to see it. The two trainers stripped and got naked. The musk from Ash’s balls alone had the monsters salivating. His naked body stirred their loins, his hole was throbbing and looked very inviting.





Brock sat on the bed, he was already excited and ready to help with the show. Primeape was up first and this was something Brock was looking forward to. The two had reunited and it was time to strengthen their bond.

Primeape was ready, his 10 inch cock standing at attention with some massive orbs of his own. The fighting type was packing both length and girth, the monster of a dick looking to be about as thick as a fist.

He sniffed the air and was drawn in by Ash’s musk. The fighting type enjoyed the scent. Ketchum shivered feeling each mighty sniff. Primeape was pleased!

Ash moaned as his monster began licking him. He started at the balls and worked up the length. “Oh ohh~” The sounds of his trainer’s moans pleased the fighting type. He was eager to be back and strengthen their bond.

Primeape wrapped his lips around Ash’s tip and swallowed his length down. “Ohh Primeape!” The monster slurped and sucked, using his tongue to caress the underside. His hand came up and jostled Ash’s impressive nuts. They were fun to caress and playfully squeeze. “Ahh~!”

‘Oh wow this is hot!’ Brock played with himself, jerking off to the show. Even with his mouth stuffed, his audible noises were intense. ‘Such gusto!’ He was impressed with Primeape’s oral skills.

His eyes were closed in bliss as he bobbed over Ash’s shaft. He felt Ketchum twitch and he reached around and groped his trainer’s rear. “Mmm~!” He bucked.

Primeape slurped and sucked on his cock, sucking greedily. He pulled Ash over the edge, his hefty balls lurched and his large load flooded his mouth. The fighting type drank happily, a blush blooming on his face.

After drinking his fill he was ready for the next round. Primeape guided Ash onto his knees. His cheeks were spread and his fat rod was aimed at Ketchum’s well used hole. Primeape’s length was drenched in his overflowing pre-cum, it was glistening!

The fat cock plunged into Ash’s tight ass, making both males moan. ‘Ohh fuck!’ Brock gulped. Primeape grunted as he buried his length into his trainer.

“Ohh!” Ketchum moaned.

“Ape ape!” He placed his hands on his hips and began to move. His pounding was as wild as his Thrash.

“AHH AHH AHH AHH AHH AHH~!” Ash drooled.

‘Oh wow!’ Brock beat his meat faster, making his balls bounce. ‘I’ve never seen Ash take such an intense pounding before.’ Note: He didn’t see Ursaring fuck Ash during mating season.

Primeape went wild, feeling Ash’s hole respond to him, relaxing and clenching perfectly to create more friction. His trainer was...AMAZING! He pounded and ground Ash’s sweet spot, his hefty balls clapping into Ketchum’s.

It sent an extra ripple of pleasure through them.

The fighting type reached around and took hold of Ash’s bouncing cock. “Primeape?” He started pumping him, and it pushed Ketchum over the edge. “Ahh I’m cumming!”

He came hard, shooting his load all over the floor. His clenching heat pulled Primeape over the edge and he came hard into Ash, flooding his insides with monster semen. This was Ash’s first pure fighting type mating.

Primeape kept pounding him in his climax, knocking at his sweet spot and the seed shooting against the nerves just as he pulled back. His body would absorb the seed and evolve even further.

If possible his balls got even larger and his libido surged. Ash’s muscles would receive the boon from from absorbing his seed. Spinarak came forward and he cleaned up the mess on the floor. It was pretty impressive.

The spider monster’s tongue came out and was able to slurp up the essence.

Primeape pulled out of Ash and he was able to move onto his back and was able to feed him his hard cock. Spinarak climbed onto Ash’s crotch, and used his limbs to massage his length. He kissed his tip and his tongue penetrated Ketchum’s pipe.

Ketchum moaned around Primeape’s cock. This was quite the unique experience. Brock watched in wild fascination. The breeder was getting close.

Ash came hard and Spinarak drank his seed, the fighting type followed suit and fed his trainer his seed.

Now there was a problem Spinarak was just too small to properly mate Ash. He was only 2 inches long. Ash pats him. “It’s okay Spinarak, there are other ways to bond and show affection than penetration.” His words not only made Spinarak feel better but gave him an idea.

“Oh I’m gonna cum!” Brock moaned.

“Spinarak!” He began to spin webs.

“Wah hey!” His hands were tied behind his back. The bug type scurried around using his String Shot in a unique way.

“Oh my!” Ash gasped.

The gym leader was strung up, his legs bound in string and forced apart, his chiseled physique got webbed and look expertly tied, the bonds making his muscles pop. “Nnnhh!!” He was gagged, his moans muffled.

“Spina spina!” The bug type cheered and finished his weaving. Brock was tied up tight, with with threads so soft. His hard cock was bound and connected to his nipples.

“Brock?” He was blushing, he was so close to climaxing, only to be bound tight. His penis twitched. The voyuer squirmed, the threads rubbing him and squeezing him in all the right ways. “Are you okay?”

After a pause Brock nodded. This was actually kinda hot, and his cock got harder after being tied up. Spinarak was quite pleased with himself.

The spider monster worked his magic and fitted Ash into a sex swing, his weaving was strong and supported his body. “Oh wow! You are amazing Spinarak!” He bounced, giddy at the praise.

Scyther stepped up, thanks to the sex swing Ash was webbed into he was able to easily suck on Ash’s cock. “Ohh!” The dual Bug/Flying type slurped on his shaft. His tongue caressed the underside and when he sucked him down to the root his tongue swept out and swiped his balls. “Mmm~”

Ash came and fed his bug type. His rod was standing at attention, it was 8 inches long and had a curve along his length. He lined up his cock, the swing giving just enough slack.

“Scy!” He thrust into Ash’s tight sheath.

“Ohh!” It slid home, curved in the perfect way to strike Ash’s sweet spot. His inner walls tightened around the bug monster cock. Scyther marveled at his new trainer, flushed, horny, and loving being on his dick. He was pleased this trainer had caught him.

Scyther began to move, humping Ash long and hard, his pelvis clapping against Ketchum’s plump booty. “Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!”

Brock let out some muffled moans, his hips bucking. His bound cock wagged tugging on his nipples creating a cycle of pleasure. “Mph mph mph mph!”

“Ahh!” Ash came, his seed shooting all over himself. Spinarak climbed up and helped clean up the seed. His trainer shivered as the tongue darted out and lapped up his essence.

Scyther kept thrusting into the clenching heat, with a moan he cums hard and flooding Ash’s channel. Ketchum shivered as he took several spurts. The bug type switched over, feeding his cock to Ash.

His trainer didn’t miss a beat, slurping on the length. ‘Oh wow!’ Brock thought as Ash deep throated him.

“Scyther!” He moaned.

Beedrill rose up for his turn. Brock was in for a treat, he got to see hos a Beedrill will mate. His cock was found in his middle segment. Jutting from his middle segment was a 10 inch dick.

He flew over to Ash and mounted him, thrusting into his cum stuffed hole. “Mpfh!” His moans were muffled by Scyther’s rod.

Beedrill humped him and using his unique physique to fuck Ash and suck his dick at the same time. It was an intense experience. Beedrill had a similar tongue to Spinarak so he was able to fuck his pipe and his ass in kind.

His buzzing grew louder as his arousal rose and rose!

For Beedrill mating was an aggressive affair, often dueling stingers as they mated. Ash submitted to Beedrill completely which was different but enjoyable. He did wiggle his stinger a big though, old habits died hard.

Ketchum’s sweet spot was struck with gusto, Beedrill feeling him twitch in his mouth. Every action got a response, either sucking harder, tonguing faster, or grinding his sweet spot. Scyther got the benefit as the sweet moans vibrated through his shaft and stimulated his rod.

Ash’s throat massaged Scyther’s penis as it worked back and forth. His mouth was too delightful, hot and wet, eager to please. Scyther’s “sword” was polished in such a delightful way he growled in delight.

The two bug types spitroasted their trainer, Ash came into Beedrill’s mouth, his moans and clenching heat pulled the two over the edge. Scyther joined Primeape in relaxing after their fun.

Beedrill stepped up to claim Ash’s mouth. He was a bit excited and ended up fucking it. Ketchum was ready, relaxing his throat and letting Beedrill work. Spinarak climbed back onto his trainer’s rod and humped against it.

Ash moaned around Beedrill’s penis, his eyes closing in bliss as their final moments came.

He drank Beedrill’s cum which tasted sweeter than his other bug types and it was thicker. He came and Spinarak got an extra helping of cum, his own climax tipped and he came all over Ash’s cock and bountiful balls.

Primeape, Scyther, Beedrill, and Spinarak enjoyed their new bond with their trainer. Drinking his cum awakened their potential and with his training they’d get lots stronger. To the spider monster’s surprise Ash even reached down and collected his semen and tasted it to. It was quite tangy.

Spinarak got Ash down. “That was amazing!” Thanks to the string shot it didn’t even leave any marks. Spinarak shivered with pride.

Ketchum went over to untie Brock, the former gym leader muffled some protests that Ash didn’t understand. As soon as the bindings on his cock went slack he came...HARD! He was edged through the whole show, all his pent up lust unloaded in one go.

Ash got covered from face to crotch in thick hot cream! Brock fell back, shaking in delight as he gave his lover an intense bukkake. “Seems you liked being tied up Brock!” He wasn’t wrong. “I’m gonna go grab a shower, and I’ll be back.”

He went to get cleaned up and the mons were rejoined by the rest of Ash’s monsters. Brock was able to untie himself and deal with the rest of the bonds. They were quite the family now. It did suck they’d have to leave Ash after just meeting him but this was really nice.

Pikachu helped explain the rules were the rules, but that didn’t mean Ash loved them any less. With his new Coordinator goals they had more to do and more to learn, so there would be more chances to bond and grow stronger.

Ash returned fresh as a daisy. The monsters would swear Ash packed on some muscle, his stomach was showing some amazing abs and his chest was beefier. His arms and legs were showing more signs of muscle to.

It seems Primeape’s cum took effect, stimulating his muscles in the best way. The monsters and Brock gazed at him. "What?" He blinked. 


Ash would have to say goodbye to his new bug monster friends but he had an idea. “I’d like to give you guys nicknames, if that’s okay?” The bug types were surprised.

It wasn’t something Ash did often, Scar being the one. He started with Scyther. “I’d like to call you Katana!” He was inspired by Shingo’s Blade.

A strong and sharp name, Scyther approved. He bowed his head before kissing Ash in agreement.

Next was Spinarak. “I’d like to call you Anansi!” He read a book once about a trickster spider called that, he felt it fit his spider monster. Anansi approved of the name and scurried around the room in delight.

Beedrill was excited for his nickname. “I’d like to call you Honey!” Beedrill anime fell. He buzzed in frustration. The bee monster swung an arm around Ash and tried to complain. Thinking something like Sting or Wasp would be more fitting. “I thought it was a sweet and cool name, plus your semen was really tasty like it!”

Honey blushed. He’d get used to it, it was hard to say no to Ash anyway. They got to enjoy a group cuddle before being sent back to Oak’s lab. Ash offered his other mons nicknames,  something to think about for now they were happy.

To be continued...Goldenrod Arc: Dairy Tale

Ash, Misty, and Brock get invited to Whitney’s ranch in Goldenrod for some training. A new Miltank is a bit wild and causing trouble Brock handles it well getting the Miltank with a heavy ball. As a thanks for helping the ranch Brock gets a fancy milking machine, which gives him ideas...

Ash: 5 inches (Massive Balls)
Balls: Love Ball, Heavy Ball, a Lure Ball, a Hex Ball, Moon Balls x 2, Friend Balls x 2, Slumber Ball, Level Ball, Fortune Ball, Fast Ball, Monster Balls X 6, Premier Ball, Park Ball, Great Ball X 6

Badges: 3 Ribbons: 1  
Key Items: Dexphone, Ribbon Case, Mini Berry Blender, Pokeblock Case

Pokemon: (On Hand) Pikachu, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Scar (Houndour), Totodile, Primeape, Ursaring, Noctowl *, Heracross, Girafarig *, Tauros, and Drowzee

(From Contest) Scyther (Metal Coat), Beedrill, Spinarak (Silver Powder)
(In Training) Charizard, Squirtle
(Oak’s Lab) Tauros x 29, Snorlax, Bulbasaur, Kingler, Muk, Houndour X 5, Psyduck

Brock: 9 Inches
Balls: Heavy Ball, Sun Ball, Friend Ball, Level Balls x 2, Park Ball,
Key Items: Flip Phone
Pokemon: Geodude, Onix, Vulpix, Pineco (Fast), Magby (Friend)

Misty: Hex Ball, Lure Balls x 2,    
Ribbons: 0
Key Items: Flip Phone, Ribbon Case, Mini Berry Blender, Pokeblock Case
Pokemon: Staryu, Goldeen, Togepi, Poliwhirl,

James: 8 inches
Badges: 1
Pokemon: Growlie (Growlithe), Weezing, Victreebel, Gastly,

Ribbons 0
Pokemon: Arbok, Wobbuffet, Diva (Azumarill), Misdreavus,

Shingo ? Inches
Badges 2
Pokemon: Blade (Scizor), Venomoth*, Butterfree

Badges 2
Pokemon: Bayleef, Paras, Weedle, Pineco, Rattata?, Pidgey?

Non Mated Mons
Kingler: Ability Shell Armor
Moves: Stomp, Bubble, Crabhammer, Hyper Beam

Tauros Herd x 29 Ability/Moves ???

Mated Mons + Stats
Pikachu: 6 Inches Ability Static
Moves: Quick Attack, Thunder Shock, Thunderbolt, Thunder

Charizard: 15 Inches Ability Blaze
Moves: Flamethrower, Dragon Rage, Seismic Toss, Fire Spin

Bulbasaur: 4 Inches Ability Overgrow
Moves: Vine Whip, Razor Leaf, Leech Seed, Solar Beam

Squirtle: 7 inches Ability Torrent
Moves: Water Gun, Bubblebeam, Withdraw, Hydro Pump

Muk:  !! inches Ability Stench
Moves: Poison Gas, Body Slam, Minimize, Sludge Bomb

Tauros: 10 Inches Ability Intimidate
Moves: Fissue, Horn Attack, Take Down, Headbutt

Snorlax 11 inches + Thick Ability: Thick Fat
Moves: Rest, Body Slam, Hyper Beam, Mega Punch

Heracross: 8 inches Ability: Guts
Moves: Horn Attack, Fury Attack, Mega Horn, Leer

Chikorita: 4 Inches Overgrow
Moves: Razor Leaf, Sweet Scent, Vine Whip, Tackle

Cyndaquil: 5 Inches Ability: Flash Fire
Flamethrower, Flame Wheel, Swift, Quick Attack

Scar (Houndour) : 6.5 Inches Ball: Moon Ball - Ability: Flash Fire
Moves: Odor Sleuth, Flamethrower, Fire Fang, Pursuit

Houndour Pack x 5: 4.5 Inches Abilities/Moves ??

Psyduck: 5 inches + Thick Ability: Swift Swim
Moves: Water Gun, Disable, Confusion, Psychic

Totodile: 5 Inches Ball: Lure Ball - Ability: Torrent
Moves: Water Gun, Scary Face, Bite, Scratch

Noctowl * : 9.5 Inches – Ability: Tinted Lenses
Moves: Hypnosis, Peck, Foresight, Tackle

Ursaring: 14 inches - Ball: Slumber Ball Ability Quick Feet
Moves: Feint Attack, Slash, Rest, Snore

Girafarig *: 13 Inches Ball: Sun Ball Ability: Sap Sipper
Moves: Future Sight, Psybeam, Stomp, Bite

Drowzee: 8 Inches Ball: Level Ball – Ability: Insomnia
Moves: Pound, Hypnosis, Teleport, Confusion

Primeape: ? Inches – Ability Vital Spirit Moves: Thunder Punch, Karate Chop, Low Kick, Thrash

Scyther: ? Inches –  Ball: Park, Ability: Technician  Moves: Pursuit, Fury Cutter, Slash, False Swipe

Beedrill: ? Inches – Ball: Park, Ability: Swarm Moves: Twinneedle, Bug Bite, Poison Sting, Venoshock

Spinarak: ? Inches – Ball: Park, Ability: Sniper  Moves: String Shot, Scary Face, Shadow Sneak, Leach Life


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