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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Bonds

Ash watched Pikachu grow aroused by the sight of his divine rod. His balls dropped and his 5-inch cock slipped from his sheath. “Pika~” He drooled a little at the sight.

“What do you say Pikachu, you up for some special bonding?” He rocked his hips, making the rod wiggle.

Pikachu gulped and licked his lips. Maybe giving this trainer a chance wasn’t a bad idea after all. Ash brought Pikachu to bed and spread his legs. The monster went to his crotch and marveled at his length.

His manly musk had an electric crackle to it. “Pi~” He agreed and began to lick the divine rod. Each lick created a spark between them. His eyes sparkled, his taste buds were sure happy.

“Mmm~!” Ash moaned, his aura flexed inviting Pikachu in.

The monster got into it and began to suckle on one of Ash’s barbs. “Ohh~” He moaned again. His partner moved from barb to barb, licking between each one, tenderly sucking on each barb for a bit before moving on to the next, slowly moving up to the tip.

His lips worked the head, his tongue swiping his slit. The pre-cum was licked and lapped away. It was wonderful! As it filled his belly Pikachu felt power rush through him. The electricity in his cheeks tingled.

Pikachu worked the shaft with his paws, the friction increased the musk which tickled his nose. Bonding with his trainer was pleasing to all his senses. Pumping his length helped coax more pre-cum out, which his tongue happily collected it so he could gulp it down. He hummed in delight.

Ash moaned in delight, his aura flaring. The electric mouse could feel his trainer’s pleasure. His penis twitched, oozing out his own pre-cum. Climax began to rise, his cock twitching and throbbing.

His partner felt it, so he doubled his efforts. The scales of pleasure tipped and Ketchum went over the edge. His balls lurched and his semen surged through his special rod. Pikachu swallowed the tasty helping of man milk.

Cheeks punched out, as he savored the thick essence. It was so good~

When he finally swallowed he came, blowing his load across the sheets. He drank every drop as he emptied his balls. His whole body felt energized and tingly. “Good job Pikachu!” Ash praised, making the monster’s heart skip a beat. “Want me to return the favor or would you like to mate?”

“Pika?” It was a tough choice, get his dick sucked or take this fantastic rod. His ass was throbbing and he wanted that cock. They had plenty of time together to play with each other, this was just the start of their journey. “Pika!”

Pikachu turned around, tail raised, shaking his ass. His entrance was twitching, the tight ring was opening and closing. “Alright buddy!” He lined up his cock.

“Chu!” The tip kissed his hole. His head nudged the opening and pre-cum poured inside. It made the monster shiver. Monster bodies were different than a human, prep was more for foreplay than a necessity.

Pikachu couldn’t help but push back at Ash’s rod. He wanted it inside him so badly. Ketchum’s tip finally breached him and he moaned. “Pika~!”

“So tight!” Ash purred, his length sinking into the tight vessel. Inch after glorious inch pushed in, the barbs being pressed and squeezed by his insides. “Mmm~!”

“Chu!” Pikachu drooled as he took his trainer’s cock. The special rod felt amazing inside him. “Ka~Chu!” Ash was fully seated inside him, his penis twitching in a dry orgasm.

His ass squeezed Ash’s length, riding an orgasmic high and he hadn’t even started moving yet. Ketchum didn’t move, just let Pikachu enjoy his rod. “Chu~Chu!” He wiggled his butt against Ash’s pelvis.

“Okay buddy, here I go!” Ash pulled back and holy cock! The barbs scratched at Pikachu’s insides in the best way, his back arched and tail curled in delight.

“Pikachu~!” His manhood twitched. He felt so sensitive, his channel felt so tender and then Ash thrust back in. “Chu~!”

The barbs scratching his insides were electrifying, cranking up his pleasure, giving him a high so good he didn’t even feel empty. Then Ash thrust back in creating powerful friction. His stomach bulged, oh he felt that! It rocked him to his core.

Thrusting in and pulling back, each gave a different kind of pleasure that stacked upon each other. Ash’s balls clapped against Pikachu’s sending an extra burst of sensation through his crotch. Just another layer of experience.

Pikachu was in heaven, he was so happy! “Pi Pi Pika~!” Ash responded in kind, picking up the pace. The sped-up thrusts ramped up the pleasure making both males moan.

He came hard, pelting Ash’s sheets with the best orgasm he had. “Ohh Pikachu!” His trainer followed suit, his rod pulsing as Ash’s aura charged through him and released in his climax.

Pikachu drooled as cum pelted his insides. He felt a surge of power through him. His inner strength was tapped into, one of his limiters having been lifted. He absorbed the seed and his baby fat melted away. The stuff was like a super potent protein shake. He felt stronger!

Ash’s rod returned to normal, and even the human rod felt nice inside him. Ketchum pulled out and cuddled with Pikachu. A strong bond formed between them. “You ready to start our journey Pikachu?”

“Pika~!” He nodded.

Ash made him some promises, he wouldn’t put Pikachu in his ball, they could travel together and enjoy the world. He swore he would do his best and he wanted to work to become a Pokemon master. Ketchum let Pikachu rest.

He checked Pikachu’s stats with his Pokedex.

Pikachu: Ability Static | Moves: Nuzzle, Quick Attack, Double Team, Thunder Shock*

His move Thunder Shock was mastered. ‘From what Arceus told me that through training and bonding limiters can be removed helping pokemon reach their ultimate potential.’ With his Pokedex, Ash was able to see Pikachu’s speed limiter was raised. ‘We’ll get even stronger together.’

Ash got a shower, he was feeling great, when he came out Pikachu was still resting so he decided to finish packing. Without any modesty, he moved around the room in the buff. He had his fishing rod, his camping set, a spare change of clothes, some pajamas, and some toiletries.

Pikachu woke up from his nap and he was rested and energized to go. He got dressed and off they went. Delia wished her boy luck, she had some lunches packed for them to enjoy. “Pikachu look after Ash for me!”

“Pika!” He smiled.

“Awe mom!” Ash blushed. They’d have each other’s backs.

-x-Route 1-x-

Ash and Pikachu entered the route. “Let’s see!” Ash checked the Pokedex, Route 1 had Rattata, Pidgey, and Spearow as Common, Oddish, and Bellsprout as Uncommon, Pidgeotto, Fearow, and Ratticate as Rare. “There’s also a river nearby we can do some fishing!”

The Pokedex said that Magikarp was Common, Poliwag was Uncommon, and Gyarados were Rare. “Pika!”

“Hm?” Ash looked. Pikachu had spotted a Pidgey in the grass. “Nicely spotted!” He wanted to catch his first Pokemon. He had Pikachu sneak around to cut off Pidgey’s escape.

He crept up and had a Monster Ball at the ready. The flying type noticed Ash and tried to run. “Pikachu use Thunder Shock!” Pikachu cut him off and zapped him with a strong electric attack.

“Monster Ball go!” He threw the ball and it hit Pidgey hard. It sucked him up and the ball began to jiggle.

Jiggle...Jiggle...Jiggle...Ping! The ball sealed and Ash caught his first Pokemon. His eyes sparkled. “We did it! Our first friend Pidgey!”

“Pika Pikachu!” He cheered. Ash hugged him.

They found some berries and called Pidgey out. “Welcome to the family Pidgey!” He recovered his strength and greeted his trainer warmly.

“Pid Pidgey!” The flying type felt a new connection with Ash, though it was small it would grow.

Ash checked him out with the Pokedex. Pidgey – Ability Keen Eye | Moves Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust

With his first new friend, he decided to do some fishing to try and get a Water Pokemon. Ash got out his old Fishing Rod and began to wait for a bite. Pidgey watched over Ash’s bag while Pikachu readied to fight. He didn’t have any bait so he just had to have patience and luck.

When he thought he had a bite he reeled it in, only to reveal he was caught on another line. “The heck?!”

“Well well, if it isn’t Ashy-boy!” Ash knew that voice.

“Oh no…” He groaned.

“I’m fishing here! I got here first!”

“There is plenty of areas to fish Gary!”

“Pika!” Pikachu added, planning to defend his trainer.

“Is that your starter?” He started laughing. “A Pikachu!”

Oh yeah, Pikachu didn’t like this guy. His cheeks sparked in annoyance. “Have you even caught a Pokemon yet?” Gary asked.

“Actually I have.” Ash whistled and Pidgey flew over. “This is my first Pokemon I caught!”

“Well, at least you caught something.” Gary showed he had four Pokemon; Rattata, Pidgey, Spearow, and Magikarp. “How about a battle, the winner gets the fishing spot?”

“I’m in!” They decided on a simple 1 v 1, Gary played it smart given if Ash chose Pikachu the majority of his team would be at a disadvantage. He picked Rattata, Ash chose Pidgey! This was both their first caught Pokemon.

Pidgey and Rattata battled, Ash had the edge as his monster could take to the air. Gary was betting on Ketchum not using that to his advantage. “Pidgey use Sand Attack!” He kicked up some sand and Rattata lost some accuracy.

“Rattata use Focus Energy!” He built up some power. “Now use Quick Attack!” Rattata charged at Pidgey.

“Dodge it and use Gust!” He flew into the air and unleashed a powerful Gust. Rattata was blown back, taking damage on top of it. “Nice work Pidgey!”

Pikachu was cheering on the sidelines. “Rattata jump and use Bite!” It had an impressive jump, surging up towards the flying type.

“Use Sand Attack!” Pidgey kicked up some sand. The normal type missed the Bite allowing Pidgey to follow up with a Tackle! Rattata got hit hard. “Let’s wrap this up with a Tackle!”

“Use Hyper Fang!” Rattata built up a powerful Hyper Fang and landed a hit. “Now follow it up with Bite!”

Rattata missed. “Pidgey use Gust!” The rat monster got blown away and he became unable to battle.

The intense battle drew the attention of a certain Water Type. Ash won the battle against Gary. “Heh, I guess luck plays a part in most battles. You can have the spot I got what I wanted from here anyway!” His confidence wasn’t for nothing, but his arrogance was annoying.

In school, they had battled often and Gary had a lot of wins under his belt. While they were rented Pokemon and he often had type advantage, a loss was a loss and a win was a win. He returned his Rattata. “I’m heading to Viridian City, good luck catching up, by the time you make it there my Pokemon will be even stronger,” Gary called his ride, and off he went. “Enjoy this win, you won’t be getting another one!”

Ash, Pikachu, and Pidgey shared the same thought. ‘Ugh, I don’t like him!’ He was just so arrogant. Even when he had skills to back it up, he played his losses as if they didn’t matter.

Ketchum got a berry for Pidgey so he could recover. “You did great Pidgey!” He went back to fishing and it wasn’t long before he felt a tug on the line.

From the water came a Poliwag! “A Poliwag!?” Ash gasped happily. This little guy had been taken in by the battle. He often battled the wild Pokemon in the area, if he wanted a trainer he wanted them to have a love of battle.

Pikachu stepped up to fight. The two went at it, a clash between Quick Attack and Pound. Even with type advantage, this Poliwag showed a surprise move Belly Drum. His power was raised to the max, he dodged Pikachu’s Quick Attack and hit him water a strong Water Gun. Even with the move not being super effective it hit hard.

The electric type hung on. “Pikachu hit ‘em with Thunder Shock!” Poliwag tried to dodge, but the control over the move allowed Pikachu to land the hit zapping him. Despite taking heavy damage and becoming paralyzed Poliwag wasn’t going down. “You are a really tough Pokemon!”

“Poli!” Ash smiled.

“I want you on my team Poliwag, Monster Ball go!” He threw the ball and it hit sucking the Water type up.


Ash caught Poliwag! He called his new friend out and gave him some berries. “Let’s have lunch!” It had been a productive day. They were gonna eat and Ash planned to reward Pikachu and bond with his new Pokemon.

To be continued...Swarm Trouble


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